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Created November 11, 2010 16:59
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Simpler way to work with the SC store and records
App.ObjectsController = SC.ArrayController.extend({
* Pseudo-synchronous API to handle all objects of a given type.
* This API in intended to hide the asynchronous nature of retrieving
* records by providing a callback to be called when the data in available.
* Example usage:
* App.MyModel.objects().all(function(obj) {console.log(obj);));
all: function(onSuccess, onError) {
var records = this.get('content'),
_statusDidChange = function() {
if( this.status & SC.Record.READY_CLEAN && onSuccess) {
// Now that the records are in READ_CLEAN state, call
// the callback
// Now that we've handled the event, we no longer need
// to be listening for the status
records.removeObserver('status', statusDidChange);
// No records yet, launch the find() request for all objects of the
// parentType
if( !records ) {
var parentType = this.get('parent');
var store = this.get('store');
records = store.find(parentType);
this.set('content', records);
// If the records aren't ready yet, defer calling onSuccess
if( onSuccess ) {
if( records.status & SC.Record.READY_CLEAN )
records.addObserver('status', _statusDidChange);
return this;
* Delete all objects contained objects
del: function() {
var records = this.get('content'),
_del = function(records) {
records.forEach(function(record) {,
if( records.status & SC.Record.READY_CLEAN ) {
} else {
var _statusDidChange = function() {
if( records.status & SC.Record.READY_CLEAN ) {
console.log('deleting %@'.fmt(this));
this.removeObserver('status', statusDidChange);
records.addObserver('status', _statusDidChange);
runGet: function(queryConditions, onSuccess, onError) {
var parentType = this.get('parent'),
store = this.get('store'),
queryString = '',
andString = '',
query = null,
records = null,
_statusDidChange = function() {
console.log('status change: %@'.fmt(records.status));
if( records.status & SC.Record.READY_CLEAN ) {
if( records.length() === 1 && onSuccess ) {
if( records.length() != 1 && onError ){
// Now that the READY state is handled, the observer is
// no longer needed. So remove it.
records.removeObserver('status', _statusDidChange);
for( condition in queryConditions ) {
if (queryConditions.hasOwnProperty(condition)) {
queryString = '%@ %@ %@="%@"'.fmt(queryString, andString, condition, queryConditions[condition]);
andString = "and";
query = SC.Query.local(parentType, queryString);
records = store.find(query);
if( records.status & SC.Record.READY_CLEAN ) {
} else {
records.addObserver('status', _statusDidChange);
* Usage example:
* MyApp.MyModel.objects().getOrCreate(
* 'guid = 1',
* {quid: 1, foo, 'bar'},
* function(result, created) {
* console.log('got %@ created? %@'.fmt(result, created);
* });
getOrCreate: function(queryConditions, defaults, onSuccess, onError) {
var parentType = this.get('parent'),
store = this.get('store'),
queryString = '',
andString = '',
query = null,
records = null,
_createRecord = function() {
// If the conditions or defaults include the primary key,
// it will be extracted from the defaults and be used as the ID
// for the record.
var record = store.createRecord(parentType, defaults);
onSuccess(record, YES);
_statusDidChange = function() {
if( records.status & SC.Record.READY_CLEAN ) {
console.log('callback received records ready');
if( records.length() > 1) {
var handler = onError || console.log;
handler('getOrCreate returned %@ records'.fmt(records.length()));
if( records.length() === 0) {
if( records.length() === 1 && onSuccess ) {
onSuccess(records.objectAt(0), NO);
// Now that the READY state is handled, the observer is
// no longer needed. So remove it.
records.removeObserver('status', _statusDidChange);
for( condition in queryConditions ) {
if (queryConditions.hasOwnProperty(condition)) {
queryString = '%@ %@ %@="%@"'.fmt(queryString, andString, condition, queryConditions[condition]);
andString = "and";
defaults['%@'.fmt(condition)] = queryConditions[condition];
query = SC.Query.local(parentType, queryString);
records = store.find(query);
if( records.status & SC.Record.READY_CLEAN ) {
} else {
records.addObserver('status', _statusDidChange);
App.Record = SC.Record.extend({});
_objects: null,
objects: function() {
if( !this._objects ) {
this._objects = App.ObjectsController.create({parent: this, store:});
return this._objects;
App.Account = App.Record.extend( {
accountClass : SC.Record.attr(String, {defaultValue: 'email/gmail'}),
password : SC.Record.attr(String),
name : SC.Record.attr(String)
App.User = App.Record.extend( {
username : SC.Record.attr(String)
App.Message = App.Record.extend({
body : SC.Record.attr(String)
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