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Created October 12, 2022 21:21
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SwiftUI View.task backwards compatibility
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
public extension View {
@available(iOS, obsoleted: 15.0, message: "SwiftUI.View.task is available on iOS 15.")
@inlinable func task(
priority: _Concurrency.TaskPriority = .userInitiated,
@_inheritActorContext _ action: @escaping @Sendable () async -> Swift.Void
) -> some SwiftUI.View {
modifier(MyTaskModifier(priority: priority, action: action))
public struct MyTaskModifier: ViewModifier {
private var priority: TaskPriority
private var action: @Sendable () async -> Void
public init(
priority: TaskPriority,
action: @escaping @Sendable () async -> Void
) {
self.priority = priority
self.action = action
self.task = nil
@State private var task: Task<Void, Never>?
public func body(content: Content) -> some View {
if #available(iOS 15.0, *) {
.task(priority: priority, action)
} else {
.onAppear {
self.task = Task {
await action()
.onDisappear {
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