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Created January 31, 2018 04:15
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#![feature(asm, lang_items, unwind_attributes, abi_avr_interrupt)]
extern crate arduino;
use arduino::*;
use core::ptr::write_volatile;
use core::ptr::read_volatile;
pub extern fn main() {
unsafe {
unsafe { write_volatile(PORTB, read_volatile(PORTB) ^ PORTB5) }
unsafe { write_volatile(PORTB, read_volatile(PORTB) ^ PORTB5) }
unsafe { write_volatile(PORTB, read_volatile(PORTB) ^ PORTB5) }
loop {
fn init_timer() {
const CPU_FREQUENCY_HZ: u64 = 16_000_000;
const DESIRED_HZ_TIM1: f64 = 2.0;
const TIM1_PRESCALER: u64 = 1024;
((CPU_FREQUENCY_HZ as f64 / (DESIRED_HZ_TIM1 * TIM1_PRESCALER as f64)) as u64 - 1) as u16;
/// A small busy loop.
fn small_delay(val: u16) {
for _ in 0..val {
unsafe { asm!("" :::: "volatile")}
pub unsafe extern "avr-interrupt" fn _ivr_timer1_compare_a() {
let prev_value = read_volatile(PORTB);
write_volatile(PORTB, prev_value ^ PINB5);
pub mod std {
#[lang = "eh_personality"]
pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_eh_personality(_state: (), _exception_object: *mut (), _context: *mut ()) -> () {
#[lang = "panic_fmt"]
pub extern fn rust_begin_panic(_msg: (), _file: &'static str, _line: u32) -> ! {
loop { }
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