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Last active November 13, 2015 04:31
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HSBC US .csv to YNAB
# A simple script to convert csv from Money Management Tools website to be readable by YNAB.
# YNAB wants: Date,Payee,Category,Memo,Outflow,Inflow
__author__ = "Alex Johnstone <>"
#Input file from HSBC US
import_csv = 'ExportData.csv'
#Drop any transaction prior to this date
cutoffdate = '2015-09-01'
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
#Load csv
df = pd.read_csv(import_csv, encoding = "ISO-8859-1", thousands=',')
#Rename Columns
df = df.rename(columns={'Original Description':'Payee','Amount':'Outflow',})
#Swap payee with simple description if present
df['Payee'] = df['Simple Description'].where(df['Simple Description'].notnull(), other=df['Payee'])
#Delete unneeded columns
df = df.drop(['Status',
'Split Type',
'User Description',
'Simple Description'], axis=1)
#Clean up payee
#TODO - make this smarter
df['Payee'] = df['Payee'].str.replace('PURCHASE - ','')
df['Payee'] = df['Payee'].str.replace('WAL-MART','Walmart')
df['Payee'] = df['Payee'].str.replace('BAKERSFIELD CA','')
# move positive values in outflow to inflow
df['Outflow'] = pd.to_numeric(df['Outflow'])
df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Date'], errors='coerce')
df['Inflow'] = df['Outflow'].where(df['Outflow']>0,other=np.nan)
#Remove corresponding outflow value
df.ix[df.Inflow==df.Outflow, 'Outflow'] = np.nan
# Multiply outflows by -1
df.Outflow = df.Outflow * -1
#Move column order
df = df[['Date',
'Account Name']]
#Filter Dates
df = df[df.Date > cutoffdate]
#Split dataframe by accounts
gb = df.groupby('Account Name')
#Save csv for each account
for name, group in gb:
group = group.drop(['Account Name'], axis=1).set_index('Date')
csvtosave = name + ".csv"
group.to_csv(csvtosave, encoding='utf-8')
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wengole commented Nov 6, 2015

Imports at the top

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wengole commented Nov 6, 2015

Looks good for a start. Good commenting

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