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Created October 29, 2016 08:31
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# Config options here.
# Please also remember to set an IAM role on the instance in question
# Sample policy for that role:
devicePoint="xvdz" # We start from the top down rather than bottom up to avoid conflicts
volumeType="gp2" # standard | io1 | gp2 | sc1 | st1
minSize="2" # Size in GiB - must be greater than 0
maxSize="5" # Size in GiB
fsType="ext4" # We assume the existence of mkfs.${fsType}
# Check the mountPoint to see whether anything's mounted there now. If there is, abort
grep ${mountPoint} /etc/mtab
if [[ ${?} -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "${mountPoint} already has something mounted. Please check and try again"
exit 0
# Make sure the mountPoint is a valid directory
mkdir -p ${mountPoint}
# Grab the region, AZ and Instance ID
availabilityZone=$(curl -s
instanceId=$(curl -s
# Calculate a size for the EBS volume - randomly between min/max
volumeSize=$(( ( RANDOM % ${maxSize} ) + ${minSize} ))
# Create the volume
# This assumes the instance has the rights to create an EBS volume
# Please always remember to use roles rather than hardcoded permissions
# Sample role policy available here:
volumeId=$(aws ec2 create-volume --region ${region} --availability-zone ${availabilityZone} \
--volume-type ${volumeType} --size ${volumeSize} --output text \
| awk '{print $7}') # Maybe we should have a better way of grabbing the vol ID
# Wait for it to come online
checkVolume () {
volumeState=$(aws ec2 describe-volumes --region ap-southeast-1 \
--volume ${volumeId} --output text | awk '{print $7}')
until [[ ${volumeState} == 'available' ]]; do
sleep 5
# And now attach
aws ec2 attach-volume --region ${region} --volume-id ${volumeId} \
--instance-id ${instanceId} --device ${devicePoint}
# Wait for it to be attached...
until [[ -b "/dev/${devicePoint}" ]]; do
sleep 5
# mkfs
mkfs.${fsType} /dev/${devicePoint}
# Mount
mount /dev/${devicePoint} ${mountPoint}
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