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Created September 20, 2018 14:06
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Tech Elevator .Net Week 1 Notes

Tech Elevator: Week 1 Notes

Command line in Windows is more common than it was

Drives > Folders/Directories > Files

Ways to navigate:

  • Absolute = Start from the top

  • Relative = start from current folder

  • home directory: ~

  • this folder: .

  • explorer: same as open on mac

  • pwd: print working directory

Git Terminology

  • Source control: system used to track all the ongoing changes that are made to a codebase
  • Git or TFS: (microsoft based version control)
  • Repository: houses all of the code and changes
  • Clone: downloads a copy of a remote repository to your computer
  • Origin: name given to the remote repository
  • Stage: identify which files will be committed
  • Push: copies changes from local to remote repository
  • Pull: fetches updates from a remote repository
  • Fork: create a copy of a remote repository
  • Upstream: the original (I don't have control over this)
    • My copy is called origin


  • C#: object oriented programming language
    • Similar to C, C++, Java, Javascript…
    • Compiled into machine level instructions
    • It runs on .Net… Using C# implies that you’re using .Net
  • .Net: a framework
    • Provides a way of building applications and includes over 6,000 classes
    • Helps us complete our tasks (e.g. databases, email, security, etc.)
    • I know the task - but I don’t know what class or function to use - so I look it up
    • .Net core & .Net Standard
      • Core works on many platforms - linux, mac. Only new programs - 3 years old.
      • Standard works only on windows and has many more classes
  • CLR: common language runtime - something that can process the application
  • IDE: Integrated Development Environment - we use Visual Studio
    • Includes ability to troubleshoot, organize, write and run code
    • Visual Studio Community 2017
      • Solution: .sln
        • C# Projects: .csproj
          • C# Files: .cs
            • C# Classes
              • Methods
      • A second project could be a test project - testing the other code we wrote
      • Keyboard Shortcuts
      • Run Program: CTRL + F5
      • Debug Program: F5
        • Step through code execution
    • Intilesense: Autocomplete
  • Methods: Functions
  • Statement: a unit of code that is executed - carries out an action. Ends in a semicolon ;
  • Block: one or more statements of code. Enclosed in curly braces { int x = 3; }
  • Scope: code within a block is inside a scope, you can't re-declare variable
    int x = 3;
    int x = 4; // error, already declared within this scope
    int x = 4; // this is fine, they're in different blocks


  • Expression - a statement of code that evaluates to a single result
  • Arithmetic expression:
int x = y + 3;
decimal x = 3M;
x += 3; // result: 6M
  • Arithmetic operators:
    • + add
    • - subtract
    • * multiply
    • / divide
    • % remainder or mod
32/2   // result: 16
32 % 2 // result: 0
32 % 3 // result: 2
  • For the integer operands, the result of a % b is the value produced by a - (a / b) * b
  • The sign of the non-zero remainder is the same as that of the first operand, as the following example shows:
Console.WriteLine(5 % 4);   // output: 1
Console.WriteLine(5 % -4);  // output: 1
Console.WriteLine(-5 % 4);  // output: -1
Console.WriteLine(-5 % -4); // output: -1
  • Boolean expression
    • true or false
    • x == y;
    • 3 == 4; → false;
  • Comparison operators:
    • == equality
    • > greater than (not inclusive)
    • < less than (not inclusive)
    • >= greater than or equal to
    • <= less than or equal to
    • != not equal
  • Double: numbers with a decimal point
  • Decimal: very precise decimal numbers that you’d use for keeping track of money
  • Method: a named block of code. It can accept input values and provides an output value
// `access modifier` `return type` `name`  (`parameters/arguments`)
public int AddTwo (int x, int y)
    int sum = x+y;
    return sum;

Logical Operators:

  • && AND
  • || OR
  • ! NOT
  • ^ XOR (eXclusive OR): a or b but not both


  • Arrays: A series of objects of which all items (referred to as elements) are the same type (integers, booleans, etc.)
    • Elements are accessed by Index (your current location)
    • Length: The size of an array. It is fixed and determined when the array is initialized.
// Declare & assign an array:
//  `name` = `type`[`# of elements in array in the correct type`];   
scores = new int[4];

Tells computer to assign space for 4 ints in memory.

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