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Google Script: Google Form > Google Sheets > Google Calendar
* Adds a custom menu to the active spreadsheet, containing a single menu item
* for invoking the exportEvents() function.
* The onOpen() function, when defined, is automatically invoked whenever the
* spreadsheet is opened.
* For more information on using the Spreadsheet API, see
function onOpen() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var entries = [{
name: "Export Events",
functionName: "exportEvents"
sheet.addMenu("Calendar Actions", entries);
function md5(str) {
return Utilities.computeDigest(Utilities.DigestAlgorithm.MD5, str).reduce(function(str,chr){
chr = (chr < 0 ? chr + 256 : chr).toString(16);
return str + (chr.length==1?'0':'') + chr;
function rowOf(containingValue, sheet, columnToLookInIndex) {
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
// Logger.log (md5(containingValue));
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (md5(data[i][columnToLookInIndex]) == md5(containingValue)) {
// Logger.log("Row {" + (i+1) + "} found: " + md5(data[i][columnToLookInIndex]));
return i+1;
} else {
// Logger.log("looked in: " + (i+1) + "; found: " +md5(data[i][columnToLookInIndex]));
return -1;
* Export events from spreadsheet to calendar
* Column Reference:
* Not all columns are for the script, some are for the form manager's reference
* 1 Program Title
* 2 Host Institution
* 5 Program Description
* 6 What does this program cost the participant?
* 7 Age range of participants
* 8 Location where program will be held
* 9 Street address
* 10 City
* 11 Zip Code
* 12 Contact Person
* 13 Email address of contact person
* 14 Phone number of contact person
* 15 Program Category
* 16 Repeating Program?
* 17 Event Date
* 18 Event Start
* 19 Event End
* 20 How often?
* 21 Day(s) of the week
* 22 End repeating after __ times
* 23 Repeat only on the _ week of the month
* 27 Row in the 'All Events' sheet
* 28 Event ID (The event ID column gets filled in by the script
* when new events are created, and is then used in later invocations
* to retrieve events from the calendar, thereby avoiding duplication.)
function exportEvents() {
Logger.log("Exporting events");
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Approved Events");
//var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var headerRows = 1; // Number of rows of header info (to skip)
var range = sheet.getDataRange();
var data = range.getValues();
var calId = "";
var cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calId);
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {
// Skip header row(s)
if (i < headerRows) {
var column = data[i]; // each column[i]
var updated_event = false;
if (column[0] == "Updated") {
Logger.log("Updating: " + i );
var cell = sheet.getRange(i+1,28);
var all_events_sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("All Events");
var cell_to_update = all_events_sheet.getRange(rowOf(column[25], all_events_sheet, 25),1);
column[0] = "Yes";
updated_event = true;
// Skip rows that aren't approved.
if (column[0] != "Yes") {
} else if ( Math.abs(i % 2) ) {
// add some wait-time so we don"t get dinged by API limits.
var title = column[1] + "(" + column[15] + ")";
var date = new Date(column[17]);
var start_time = new Date(column[18]);
var stop_time = new Date(column[19]);
var location = column[8] + ": " + column[9] + " " + column[10] + ", " + column[11];
var description = column[5] + "\n\nHosted by: " + column[2] + "\nFor ages: " + column[7] + "\nCost: " + column[6] +
"\n\nIf you have questions, contact: " + column[12] + " " + column[13] + " " + column[14] + "\nCategory: " + column[15];
var event_id = column[28];
// Check if event already exists, we could update it if it does
try {
var event = cal.getEventSeriesById(event_id);
Logger.log("Event exists:" + event_id);
} catch (e) {
// do nothing - we just want to avoid the exception when event doesn't exist
if (!event || updated_event == true) {
var options = {
description: description,
location: location
// repeating program
if (column[16] == "Yes" || column[16] == true) {
var repeat_times = column[22];
if (repeat_times == "")
repeat_times = 1;
var numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31];
var my_date = date.getDate();
var mod = date % 7 - 1;
var monthly_days = numbers.slice(my_date-mod, my_date-mod+7)
Logger.log (column[2] + ":" + repeat_times);
var recurrence;
switch (column[20]) {
case "Daily":
recurrence = CalendarApp.newRecurrence().addDailyRule().times(column[22]);
case "Weekly":
Logger.log ("weekly event");
var weekday = column[21].split(", ");
var my_weekdays = [];
for (var a = 0; a < weekday.length; a++) {
if (weekday[a] == "SU")
else if (weekday[a] == "MO")
else if (weekday[a] == "TU")
else if (weekday[a] == "WE")
else if (weekday[a] == "TR")
else if (weekday[a] == "FR")
else if (weekday[a] == "SA")
//Logger.log ("weekday#"+a + " ["+my_weekdays+"]");
Logger.log(weekday + "= " + my_weekdays + " {" + title + "} -- " + repeat_times);
recurrence = CalendarApp.newRecurrence().addWeeklyRule()
case "Monthly":
Logger.log ("monthly event");
if (column[21] != "" && column[21] != null) {
var weekday = column[21].split(", ");
var my_weekdays = [];
for (var a = 0; a < weekday.length; a++) {
if (weekday[a] == "SU")
else if (weekday[a] == "MO")
else if (weekday[a] == "TU")
else if (weekday[a] == "WE")
else if (weekday[a] == "TR")
else if (weekday[a] == "FR")
else if (weekday[a] == "SA")
//Logger.log ("weekday#"+a + " ["+my_weekdays+"]");
recurrence = CalendarApp.newRecurrence().addMonthlyRule().onlyOnWeekdays(my_weekdays).onlyOnMonthDays(monthly_days).times(repeat_times);
} else {
recurrence = CalendarApp.newRecurrence().addMonthlyRule().times(repeat_times);
//recurrence = CalendarApp.newRecurrence().addMonthlyRule().times(repeat_times);
recurrence = {};
var new_event_series = cal.createEventSeries(title, start_time, stop_time, recurrence, options).getId();
var cell = sheet.getRange(i+1,29);
// column[28] = new_event_series;
Logger.log("Created repeating event: " + new_event_series);
} else {
//cal.createEvent(title, new Date("March 3, 2010 08:00:00"), new Date("March 3, 2010 09:00:00"), {description:desc,location:loc});
var new_event = cal.createEvent(title, start_time, stop_time, options).getId();
// column[28] = new_event; // Update the data array with event ID
var cell = sheet.getRange(i+1,29);
} else {
// the event already exists, we"re going to do nothing. Could instead add a recurrence:
// event.setTitle(title);
// event.setDescription(desc);
// event.setLocation(loc);
// // event.setTime(tstart, tstop); // cannot setTime on eventSeries.
// // ... but we CAN set recurrence!
// var recurrence = CalendarApp.newRecurrence().addDailyRule().times(1);
// event.setRecurrence(recurrence, tstart, tstop);
// Record all event IDs to spreadsheet
// range.setValues(data);
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("Done adding events to calendar!");
// Add the approval date/time when an event is approved
// could make this onEdit, but that's too often.
function UpdateApprovalDate() {
// Logger.log("Starting.");
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("All Events");
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();
// Logger.log ("data" + data.length);
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i += 1) {
var column = data[i]; // each column[i]
// Logger.log ("Line" + i);
// approved?
if (column[0] == "Yes") {
// timestamp doesn't exist
if (!column[26] || column[26] == "") {
time = new Date();
column[26] = Utilities.formatDate(time, "US/Eastern", "YYY-MM-dd h:mm:ssa");
// Logger.log ("Added Timestamp");
} // if a timestamp exists, we leave it alone
// else
// Logger.log ("Yes, but timestamp already exists: " + i);
} else {
column[26] = "";
// Logger.log ("Removed timestamp");
// Logger.log ("Row: " + i);
// Logger.log ("Ending.");
//function onEdit() {
// var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// if( s.getName() == "All Events" ) { //checks that we're on the correct sheet
// var r = s.getActiveCell();
// if( r.getColumn() == 1 ) { //checks the column
// if (r.getValue().toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g,"") === 'yes') {
// var timestampCell = r.offset(0, 26); // use column 27 (first column + 26) for the timestamp
// var time = new Date();
// time = Utilities.formatDate(time, "US/Eastern", "YYY-MM-dd h:mm:ssa");
// timestampCell.setValue(time);
// } else {
// var timestampCell = r.offset(0, 26);
// timestampCell.setValue('');
// }
// };
// }
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