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Last active September 18, 2022 22:30
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A script to send DMX packets using an Enttec DMXUSB PRO for use with the Tesla Works Light Show. Based off data from and implementation from
import serial
import time
import sys
# Create a new instance of the serial
ser = serial.Serial()
# Set the COM Port the DMX Pro is listening on
ser.port = '/dev/tty.usbserial-EN175330'
# Baud rate doesn't matter on FTDI chips
# ser.baudrate = 57600
# Make sure the port isn't open, and if it is, close it
if ser.isOpen():
# Let everyone know!
print ('Opening Enttec USB DMX Pro on', ser.port, 'at', ser.baudrate, 'baud')
# Open the serial connection
# Formulate the frame to send to the ENTTEC DMXUSB Pro
def sendmsg(label, message=[]):
# How many data points to send
l = len(message)
lm = l >> 8
ll = l - (lm << 8)
if l <= 600:
if ser.isOpen():
# Create the array to write to the serial port
arr = [0x7E, label, ll, lm] + message + [0xE7]
# Convert to byte array and write it
# Too long!
sys.stderr.write('TX_ERROR: Malformed message! The message to be send is too long!\n')
# Sending the DMX frame (entire thing)
def sendDMX(channels):
# Sends an array of up to 512 channels
data = [0] + channels
# Fill up the channels up to the minimum of 25
while len(data) < 25:
# Make all the extra channels 0
data += [0]
# Send all the data with label 6
sendmsg(6, data)
# The real useful code. This just tests the code above
toggle = False
# Endless demo loop
while True:
# 40 Hertz
#Flip every loop
if toggle:
# Turn the 3rd channel on to 200 (out of 255)
sendDMX([0, 0, 200])
# Turn off the 3rd channel
sendDMX([0, 0, 0])
#flip toggle
toggle = not toggle
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