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Created April 4, 2013 09:33
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State of the wls-response prior to verification
{ msg: '',
id: '1365039030-16998-4',
principal: 'test0001',
auth: 'pwd',
params: '',
kid: '901',
ver: 2,
url: 'http://localhost:3001/',
status: 200,
issuedAt: {},
previousAuth: [ '' ],
life: 36000,
acceptable: [ 'pwd' ],
isAcceptable: true,
key: '-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIGJAoGBALhFi9tIZvjYQQRfOzP3cy5ujR91ZntQnQehldByHlchHRmXwA1ot/e1\nWlHPgIjYkFRWlSNcSDM5r7BkFu69zM66IHcF80NIopBp+3FYqi5uglEDlpzFrd+v\nYllzw7lBzUnpCrwTxyO5JBaWnFMZrQkSdspXv89VQUO4V4QjXV7/AgMBAAE=\n-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n',
sig: 'EJhXHSEuaj2T3U+f+8OMCIb2DSkFvx7jRUFY5EgGlLiyKlWcR7s1DI//FJLKGc6Otb9rKFK+haF7NvyzMMmOkbx1iKZSgUXW5B420+dW/7TPOB187xcHzQezPSw7rHxrq2byp+pRkT7G9TDWDrqAMblasSsN3s8Nanifp1gOcxA=',
signedData: '2!200!!20130404T013030Z!1365039030-16998-4!http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3001%2F!test0001!pwd!!36000!' }
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