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Last active December 16, 2015 10:38
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Save alexkalderimis/5421258 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adding a new query action.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" />
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<h1 id="list-name"></h1>
<div id="table-display"></div>
jQuery(function() {
var list, // <-- need to somehow get an idea of which list you are interested in.
root = '',
flymine = new intermine.Service({root: root}),
ActionBar = intermine.query.actions.ActionBar, // We need to adjust the behaviour of ActionBar#actionClasses
_actionClasses = ActionBar.prototype.actionClasses; // Store a reference to the original implementation.
// Here we define the button that will go in along-side the other actions (code-generator,
// export, create-list). This constructor just needs to produce an object that conforms
// to the Backbone.View interface (#el: HTMLElemnt, #$el: jQuery, #render: () -> View).
function ListToQuery(history) {
this.el = document.createElement('li');
this.$el = jQuery(this.el);
// Don't show this option if there is no list to use.
this.disabled = list == null;
this.render = function() {
var $a = jQuery('<a>');
$a.text('Use this list in a query').addClass('btn').attr({
href: root + '/' + encodeURIComponent(
return this;
// Here we adapt the relevant method that gets the list of actions, adding our new one to the list,
// injecting it into the current method.
ActionBar.prototype.actionClasses = function() {
var classes =; // Get what would have orinally have been returned.
classes.push(ListToQuery); // add our new action.
return classes;
// This is just code specific to this demo. This does not need to be used.
var fetching = flymine.fetchLists();
fetching.done(function(lists) {
list = lists[0]; // just grab the first one.
var q = {
select: ['*'],
from: list.type,
where: [[list.type, 'IN',]]
jQuery('#list-name').text( + ': ' + list.description);
type: 'table',
service: flymine,
query: q,
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