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Last active November 16, 2016 22:25
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#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
import Control.Applicative
import System.Environment
-- Usage: $ ./rowbalance.hs ./items
-- Writes file ./items-balanced.csv
main :: IO ()
main = do arg <- head <$> getArgs
file <- lines <$> readFile arg
items <- return $ case square $ length file of
Just s -> orderStrings file <$> s
Nothing -> [["Error: only works for even number of items!"]]
writeFile (arg ++ "-balanced.csv") $
(strings2csv . csvHeader $ length file) ++ "\n" ++ -- header row
(unlines $ strings2csv <$> prefixListNumbers items) -- rows of items
-- ["1","2","3",...]
numberStrings :: [String]
numberStrings = fmap show $ iterate (+1) 0
-- generate header row for n items
csvHeader :: Int -> [String]
csvHeader n = ["list"] ++ (take n . fmap ("item_" ++) $ numberStrings)
-- given list of rows, add list-number column to each
prefixListNumbers :: [[String]] -> [[String]]
prefixListNumbers = zipWith (:) numberStrings
-- like zip with tuples flattened
ziplist :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
ziplist a [] = a
ziplist [] b = b
ziplist (a:as) (b:bs) = a:b:(ziplist as bs)
-- turn list into csv-formatted columns
strings2csv :: [String] -> String
strings2csv [] = ""
strings2csv (s:ss) = "\"" ++ (escapeQuotes s) ++ "\"," ++ strings2csv ss
-- escape double-quote with another double-quote ("")
escapeQuotes :: String -> String
escapeQuotes [] = []
escapeQuotes (x:xs)
| x == '"' = "\"\"" ++ escapeQuotes xs
| otherwise = x:escapeQuotes xs
-- order a list of strings using a list of indices
orderStrings :: [String] -> [Int] -> [String]
orderStrings _ [] = []
orderStrings ss (n:ns) = (ss!!n):(orderStrings ss ns)
-- Implements a very simple algorithm, but any method can be used.
-- This one can only produce squares of even order.
-- Bradley, James V. 1958. "Complete Counterbalancing of
-- Immediate Sequential Effects in a Latin Square Design."
-- JASA 53(282):525-28. doi:10.1080/01621459.1958.10501456
square :: Int -> Maybe [[Int]]
square n
| n `mod` 2 == 0 = Just . take n . iterate increment -- build n rows...
. take n . ziplist [0..n-1] -- ...out of n columns
$ reverse [0..n-1]
| otherwise = Nothing
where increment = map (\x -> (x + 1) `mod` n)
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