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Last active July 8, 2016 20:52
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Pandoc filter for parallel texts
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
-- Set parallel texts. Use a <div> for each pair of
-- paragraphs and a horizontal rule to divide them:
-- <div class="parallel">
-- Longtemps, je me suis couché de bonne heure.
-- * * * * *
-- For a long time, I used to go to bed early.
-- </div>
-- LaTeX output requires the parallel package:
-- <>
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter parallelTranslation
parallelTranslation :: Maybe Format -> Block -> Block
parallelTranslation (Just format) d@(Div (id,classes,namevals) pars) =
case ("parallel" `elem` classes) of
True | format `elem` fmap Format ["html", "html5", "epub", "epub3", "slidy", "slideous", "dzslides", "revealjs", "s5"] ->
Div (id,classes,("style","overflow:hidden;"):namevals)
[Div ("",["parallelLeft"], [("style","width:49%;float:left;")]) left
,Div ("",["parallelRight"],[("style","width:49%;float:right;")]) right]
| format `elem` fmap Format ["latex", "beamer"] ->
Div ("",["parallel"],[]) $
[RawBlock format "\\begin{Parallel}{0.49\\linewidth}{0.49\\linewidth}\\sloppy"] ++
[RawBlock format "\\ParallelLText{"] ++ left ++
[RawBlock format "}\\ParallelRText{"] ++ right ++
[RawBlock format "}\\end{Parallel}"]
| otherwise -> d
where left = takeWhile (/= HorizontalRule) pars
right = tail $ dropWhile (/= HorizontalRule) pars
_ -> d
parallelTranslation _ x = x
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