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Created August 15, 2020 19:33
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Parse Wiktionary thesaurus entries into a vim-compatible format
from lxml import etree
import re
# Export thesaurus pages from <>
infile = "Wiktionary-20200814035046.xml"
outfile = "/home/alex/.vim/wikisaurus-2020-08-13.txt"
entries = []
def iterate_xml(xml_file):
"""Walk XML tree <>"""
doc = etree.iterparse(xml_file, events=('start', 'end'))
_, root = next(doc)
start_tag = None
for event, element in doc:
if event == 'start' and start_tag is None:
start_tag = element.tag
if event == 'end' and element.tag == start_tag:
yield element
start_tag = None
def parse_syns(text):
"""Retrieve bare list of synonyms from wiki markup"""
en = False
syn = False
words = []
for line in text.split("\n"):
if re.match("==[^=]", line):
en = bool(re.match("==English==", line))
if en and re.match("====", line):
syn = bool(re.match("=+Synonyms=+", line))
if en and syn:
word ="{{ws\|([^{}]+)}}", line)
except AttributeError:
return words
# Parse XML
for page in iterate_xml(infile):
for child in page:
if child.tag.endswith("revision"):
for gchild in child:
if gchild.tag.endswith("text"):
# Write out
with open(outfile, "w") as out:
print("\n".join([ # word groups
" ".join([ # words
word.split("|")[0].replace(" ", "_") # remove commentary
for word in entry])
for entry in entries if entry is not None
]), file=out)
abandon beleave bug_out desert forlet forgo forsake leave_behind relinquish
abandoned derelict deserted dropped forlorn forsaken left_behind orphaned
abase abash bring_low confuse confound debase degrade demean depress disconcert discomfit embarrass humble humiliate lower mortify put_to_shame shame
able-bodyism able-bodiedism ableism anapirism anapirophobia disablism handicapism
abode crib digs domicile dwelling flop habitation home homestead pad pied-à-terre place quarters residence woning
about anent apropos as_for as_regards as_respects as_to concerned_with connected_with concerning dealing_with in_relation_to in_respect_of in_terms_of on re referring_to regarding relating_to relative_to respecting with_regard_to with_respect_to WRT touching
above_all chiefly especially first_and_foremost namely particularly primarily
absurd cockamamie farcical foolish full_of_it irrational preposterous inconsistent incongruous laughable ludicrous nonsensical ridiculous skimble-skamble unreasonable
abundant abounding ample brimming copious generous lavish numerous overflowing lavish plenteous plentiful profuse prolific teeming bountiful exuberant liberal superabundant uberous largifluous plentevous largifical profluent
accede agree allow cave_in come_around come_round comply concede give_way grant soothe yield
accident befalling chance contingency casualty
accidental accidentary adventitious by_accident by_the_by casual causeless chanceable fortuitous incidental lippening occasional random serendipitous unforeseen unintended unintentional unplanned
accidentally unexpectedly casually fortuitously
accrue accumulate add_up amound gather garner heap_up mount_up stack_up
accommodate accustom adapt adjust compensate habituate inure season wont
achromatic colourless hueless
acquaintance kith
abide_by accept acquiesce go_along_with
assenting agreeable acquiescent consenting prepared ultroneous voluntary willing
accession acquirement acquisition acquist attainment gain gaining obtainment
acquit absolve disculpate exculpate exonerate pardon remit vindicate
act action acting deed doing
abuzz agile airy alive animated brisk busy busy_as_a_bee buzzing diligent driven driving dynamic eager energetic enthusiastic expeditious frisky gay glowing happy impetuous industrious keen kinetic lively merry mobile motivated moving nimble peppy perky restive snappy spirited sprightly sprunt spry vigorous vivacious vivid zealous zestful zippy
activity doings enterprise pursuance pursuit undertaking
actually all_things_considered as_a_matter_of_fact fact_is forsooth frankly honestly in_fact in_point_of_fact in_reality in_truth indeed literally really right simply soothfast soothly to_tell_the_truth truly truthfully verily wis
add annex append tack
addict abuser fiend slave wastoid
addition adding annexation inclusion
accessional accessive additional additionary adjunctive ascititious auxiliary complemental extra further subsidiary supplemental supplementary suppletory
addedly additionally also as_well besides in_addition further furthermore likewise moreover on_top_of_that too what_is_more yet
adequacy enoughness sufficience sufficiency
adhere attach bond cleave cling conglutinate glue hug stick stick_together stick_with
adherent adhesive agglutinative claggy clingsome clingy puggy stickable sticky tenacious
adjective adjective_noun adnoun describing_word description_word noun_adjective
accessory accompaniment addition add-on adjunct affix annex appendage appendix extra increase increment supplement
administration direction governance management supervision
adult grown_up growed-up postpubescent
adult adultlike adulty grown_up
advice counsel suggestion recommendation rede admonition exhortation
advise counsel recommend suggest prompt advocate exhort admonish warn advice
affectionate fond goodhearted good-natured kind loving warm warm-hearted tender
afeared alarmed anxious apprehensive fearful frightened frit horrified mortified panicked scared terrified timorous worried
afterlife by_and_by byembye hereafter other_side spirit_world spiritual_world
afternoon aft arvo undern undertime
afterword conclusion endsay endspeech epilogue postamble
adulterate aggravate alloy canker contaminate corrupt debase debauch defile deflower degrade deteriorate envenom exacerbate infect impair leaven pejorate set_back stain sophisticate vitiate weaken
aggregate entirety group totality
agonize lament bereave fret torture
agonized bereaved distraught tortured
agonizing hurtful painful terrible unpleasant excruciating
agony anguish bereavement living_death pang throe torment torture
agree accord coexist cohere coincide comport comprobate concur consent correspond harmonize tally
accordant agreeable agreeing concordant conformable congruent congruous consonant corresponding harmonious like-minded of_like_mind
accord accordance agreement compliance concert concord concurrence conformance conformity congeniality congruence congruency congruity harmony keeping uniformity unison
aircraft flying_machine
akin cognate connate kindred
alchemist fire_philosopher philosopher_by_fire philosopher_of_fire
alcoholic distilled fermented inebriate intoxicating spirituous
alcohol bevvy booze carouse drink grog libation liquor lush nightcap potation shot strong-water tiddly tipple
cold-hearted icy alexithymic emotionless impassive unemotional stony
above_ground alive alive_and_kicking alive_and_well animate animated extant kicking live lively living quick still_with_us surviving undeceased vital vitalic
alley alleyway bunnyrun chare close ennog entry gangway gennel ginnel gunnel gitty jennel jigger jitty lane laneway passage pend shut snickelway snicket tenfoot twitchel twitten wynd
advert allude hint imply indicate inkle insinuate intimate refer signify suggest
allure arrest attract becharm beguile bewitch captivate charm court delight draw enchant engage enthrall entrance enrapture fascinate hypnotize interest intrigue mesmerize pull pull_in seduce sirenize spellbind tempt
all_but almost as_good_as as_near_as_makes_no_difference close_to near near_as_damn_it nearly next_to nigh nigh_on not_quite practically well-nigh virtually
adapt alter amend change convert differentiate innovate metamorphose modify revamp rework transform transmogrify transume variate vary
alternate interchange
amass amound engross get_up hoard intreasure niggard packrat rathole squirrel_away uphoard
amaze astonish astound suprise wow
amid amidst among amongst in in_the_middle_of in_the_midst_of in_the_thick_of
amorphic amorphous formless shapeless unshaped unshapely
large hefty huge commodious voluminous wide rich roomy spacious broad great
amulet charm fetish juju lucky_charm madstone mascot mojo periapt phylactery protection talisman telesm token
anachronistic anachronistical anachronous antichronical dated
anal_sex assfuck buggery bumfuck bum_sex buttfuck butt-fucking butt_sex fifth_base fudge_packing Greek Hershey_highway paedicatio reaming sodomy taking_it_up_the_ass
analgesic painkiller anodyne
anaphrodisiac antaphrodisiac antiaphrodisiac anti-Viagra boner-killer lust-quencher passion_killer passion-queller turn-off
ancestor antecedent ascendant ascendent forebear forefather forerunner fore-elder progenitor
bile choler dander displeasure dudgeon fury gall grudge indignation ire rage red_mist resentment spleen vexation woodness wrath
angry annoyed apoplectic bad-tempered berserk cheesed_off choleric cross enraged furious glimflashy hopping_mad ill-natured incensed infuriated irate ired irritated livid mad pissed_off p'd_off pissed spitting_chips steaming up_on_one's_ear vexed waxy wode wrathful wroth zowerswopped
anilinction anilingus analingus arse-licking ass-licking reaming rimming salad_tossing
animal beast beastie creature critter deer
announce declare disclose herald impart make_known publish proclaim promulgate promulge
aggravate annoy antagonize badger bother bug exasperate get_up grotch hack_off harass hassle infuriate irritate irk jazz nark peeve pester piss_off provoke rile tick_off try_one's_patience vex wind_up chap_someone's_hide get_on_someone's_nerves get_on_someone's_wick get_someone's_back_up get_someone's_dander_up get_someone's_goat get_someone's_Irish_up give_someone_the_shits grind_one's_gears harsh_one's_mellow put_someone's_back_up raise_someone's_hackles rub_the_wrong_way ruffle_some_feathers ruffle_someone's_feathers
annoyance bother exasperation frustration irritation vexation
annoyed aggravated bothered irritated irked peeved pestered tired vexed
aggravating annoying bothersome irksome irritating obnoxious pesky troublesome vexatious
aberrant abnormality anomaly deviance deviant farlie freak irregularity odd_fish oddity outlier peculiarity queerness rarity rum strange_fish strangeness unusualness weirdness
antecedence antecedency anteriority precedence priority
a- an- anti- in- non- un-
antihistamine antihistaminic
antipsychotic neuroleptic
antithesis contrary converse inverse obverse opposite polar_opposite reverse witherward
anus a-hole arsehole asscunt asshole asspussy arse back_alley back_door back_passage balloon_knot bootyhole boy_cunt boy_pussy brown_eye bunghole bungus butthole cinnamon_ring chocolate_starfish clacker cornhole dock dookie_hole exit_hole farthole fundament Gary_Glitter gump_stump jacksy leather_cheerio man_cunt mangina man_pussy poop_chute pooper poophole ringpiece rectum rosebud shithole shitter smelly_freckle starfish turd_cutter vent wazoo where_the_sun_don't_shine anal_sphincter buttocks feces gluteal_cleft rectum
apathetic blasé callous cold-blooded comatose dispassionate dull frigid impassible impassive lotophagous inert indifferent insensible jaded languid languorous Laodicean lethargic listless lackadaisical passionless phlegmatic sluggish spiritless stoic adiaphroistic pococurante apathistical ineffervescible gallionic viscerotonic stoical stolid supine tame torpid torpedinous torporific unaroused unenthusiastic unflappable unimpressible unimpressionable uninterested uninvolved unmoved untouched unzealous world-weary
acedia accedie apathy boredom carefreeness carelessness coolness disinterest disregard doldrums ennui heedlessness indifference insouciance languor lassitude lethargy listlessness malaise melancholia melancholy unconcern unease weltschmerz
acme apex apotheosis capstone climax culmination fastigium noon summit
visible distinct plain obvious clear certain evident manifest indubitable notorious
appear come_forth emerge forthcome heave_in_sight heave_in_view heave_into_sight heave_into_view materialize see_the_light_of_day
applause plaudit clap clapping acclaim acclamation laudits
apprehension misgiving qualm
approbation approval assent assentment consent sanction
agree_with approbate approve back support think_much_of
-ish about almost around by_and_large circa close close_to essentially for_all_practical_purposes give_or_take imprecisely just_about loosely more_or_less nearly near nearabout odd or_so roundly roughly say some thereabout well-nigh ±
arcane enigmatic esoteric mystic obscure occult recondite
area arena bailiwick domain department discipline field jurisdiction lookout orbit province realm section sector sphere territory turf pale wheelhouse world
assertion basis claim contention proof
aroma bouquet essence fragrance musk nosegay odor perfume redolence scent smell waft
arrange array order organize set_up
authoritarianness bluster cockiness conceit disdain douchebaggery egotism grandiosity haughtiness hauteur hubris lordliness ostentation overbearance pomposity presumption pretention pride self-assumption self-importance self-love snobbery swagger vanity vainglory
arrogant airy authoritarian big-headed biggity blustery boastful bombastic cocky conceited domineering egotistical entitled flaunting full_of_oneself grandiose haughty high_and_mighty highfalutin hoity-toity holier-than-thou imperious inflated insolent la-di-da orotund ostentatious overbearing overweening pompous presumptuous pretentious priggish puffed_up sanctimonious self-important snobbish snotty snooty stuck_up supercilious thrasonic thrasonical toploftical toplofty tumid turgid uppish uppity uppy
artefact artifact
agley akilter antigoglin awry askew cattywampus cockeyed crooked lopsided off-kilter tipsy skewampus skew-whiff squiffy whomperjawed wry
asleep cold comatose dead_to_the_world dormant down_for_the_count nangry out_cold out_like_a_light sacked_out sleepbound sleeping somnambular unawakening unawaking unwaking
aggression assailment assault attack attempt offense offensive onrush onset onslaught strike
assemble begather collect congregate congress crowd fall_in_with flock forgather gather gather_up group herd league mass meet meet_up muster pack press team team_up thring throng thrutch
assent agree approve consent grant
assist chip_in help help_out muck_in pitch_in
adjunct associate business_partner cohort collaborator colleague compeer confrere consociate coworker fellow girl_Friday man_Friday partner right-hand_man right-hand_woman workmate
assorted confused conglomerate desultory deviating different disaccordant discordant discrepant disordered disparate dissimilar divers diverse diversified inaccordant incongruous inconsistent inconsonant indiscriminate inharmonious irregular jumbled manifold many-sided mingled miscellaneous mixed mixed_up mosaic motley multifarious multiform multifold multigenerous multiplex nonuniform odd omniform omnigenous omnifarious polymorphous protean sundry unmatched unrelated varied variegated variform various
amazed astonished astounded awed awe-struck bemused bowled_over deer_in_the_headlights dumbfounded flabagasted flabbergasted flambergasted floored flummoxed mystified overawed overwhelmed shocked slack-jawed speechless stunned stupefied surprised taken_aback thunderstruck unnerved wide-eyed
astrological_sign star_sign
apart asunder in_sunder piecemeal
competitor jock pro sportsman sportsperson sportswoman
atom uncleft
abegge abide aby acquit answer answer_for assoil atone expiate make_amends propitiate recover redeem repair reparate
abuse aggress assault attack beat beleaguer bepommel beset besiege bombard charge dust_up fall_on fall_upon hit impugn invade lay_into lay_siege let_someone_have_it light_into onfall onset overrun pommel pound rush set_the_dogs_upon set_upon storm strike strike_at wap whap
assistant attendant
advertence advertency attention consideration heed heedfulness mark note notice observance observation reflection regard
garret top_floor
allure attract draw
alluring appealing appetizing attracting attractive captivating charming coying desirable engaging enticing exciting fascinating heart-robbing illecebrous inviting prepossessing seducing seductive taking tempting winning winsome
audible clear hearable
audition hearing
add augment enhance embiggen enlarge enlargen increase increment largen raise strengthen up
accretion augmentation elevation enlargement expansion extension increase increment promotion
additional augmented enhanced
auspicious favorable fortunate fortuitous lucky propitious prosperous serendipitous
automobile car motor_car auto ride wheels
autonomic_nervous_system vegetative_nervous_system visceral_nervous_system
Autumn autumn autumntime back_end harvest fall
avast cut_it_out enough give_it_a_break halt have_done hold hold_fast knock_it_off leave_off not_so_fast soft stay stop whoa
avenge even_the_score retaliate settle_the_score take_revenge get_back_at get_one's_own_back
abjure avert avoid dodge duck elude escape eschew evade evitate get_away_from mithe sidestep shy_away_from skirt shun steer_clear waive
avertable avoidable dodgeable escapable evadable evitable fleeable nonmandatory nonobligatory optional preventable preventible resistible skippable
alert awake caffeinated conscious invigorated invigorating lively wakeful wakesome woke
arouse awake awaken bring_round cry knock_up rouse roust uprouse wake wake_up waken
amazing astounding awesome awesomesauce bewildering enchanting excellent extraordinary unbelievable goshwow horrific impressive inspiring grand grandiose great magnificent major majestic marvellous mystifying outstanding phenomenal powerful rad selcouth stupendous stupefying terrific unreal wonderful wondrous
bab babber babby babe babe_in_arms baby bairn bantling bub chit crotch_dropping crotchfruit fleshloaf infant nursling papoose poop_factory poop_machine suckling shit_factory
bachelor_party buck's_party buck's_night bull's_party stag_do stag_party stag_night
bachelorette_party doe_party hen_do hen_night hens'_night hen_party hen's_party kitchen_tea stagette
back_matter end_matter
back_to_front backwards in_reverse
backbone spine spinal_column vertebral_column
antedate backdate foredate predate
backseat tonneau
abysmal awful chronic coarse crap crummy dire disagreeable dismal dreadful foul hideous hopeless horrendous horrid horrible inadequate incompetent inelegant intolerable inferior loathsome lousy miserable naff negative odious pathetic peak rotten rubbish sloppy terrible unfavorable
emblem keycard
bad_manners badness delinquincy devilishness devilment devilry deviltry disobedience elfishness goings-on hanky-panky impishness impropriety misbehavior mischief mischievousness misconduct misdemeanor monkey_business naughtiness prankishness pranksomeness puckishness rascality roguery roguishness scampishness bad evil troublemaker
bah blech bleck faugh faw feh foh fough gaw harumph pfaugh pfui phht pho phoh pht piff pish poh pooh pshaw pssh pshh pshht psht pssht pugh puh tush
balance counterbalance equilibrate equilibrize equipoise poise
baldhead baldie Baldilocks baldpate chrome_dome cueball egghead slaphead
bandit bandito brigand latron outlaw rapparee
bang blam boom boom-boom clap crack kaboom kerboom pow report
bare-bones austere bare bargain basic cheap default discreet economy elemental elementary essential incomplex light modest no-frills plain pure restrained run-of-the-mill simple slimline spartan standard stripped_down stripped uncomplicated unembellished uninvolved unmodified unvarnished vanilla
agree bargain come_to_terms contract covenant deal do_business engage guarantee make_terms negotiate promise sell stipulate trade
barter chop dicker exchange truck scorse swap swop
baseless groundless unfounded ungrounded unjustified unproved unsubstantiated
bastard by-blow fruit_of_adultery love_child nullius_filius whoreson
bathroom bog bogger brasco can carsey cloaca closet closet_of_ease cludgie cottage crapper dike dunny facilities geography House_of_Lords jacks jacques jakes john karzy khazi kocay ladies_and_gentlemen latrine lats lav lavatory lavabo lavvy loo necessary necessary_place neddy netty office place potty privy purging_place restroom shitter small_room smallest_room teahouse tearoom toilet toilet_room throne-room urination_station usual_offices vault washroom water_closet WC withdraught
bat_for_both_sides go_both_ways swing_both_ways bisexual bisexual_person
be_bored stare_at_the_wall tire watch_grass_grow watch_paint_dry
as_good_as compeer correspond equal equate keep_pace match measure_up paragon parallel rival touch
carry eat_for_two expect go_with have_a_bun_in_the_oven
aunt_nell be_quiet can_it chut hush save_it shh shup shut_up silence soft tut voices_off whist
bear bruin ursid
ass_beating ass_kicking battering beatdown beating boom-boom clobbering drubbing dusting flogging hiding going_over kicking lacing lamming larruping leathering loundering licking pasting pummeling shellac shoeing smackdown thrashing thumping thwacking warming whaling whipping whopping whupping wiping
attractive beauteous beautiful beautimous bona_vardering bonnie breathtaking captivating comely cute esculent exquisite fair fetching good-looking good_enough_to_eat handsome knockout lovely lovesome lustrious nice nice-looking physically_attractive pretty prettiful pulchritudinous shapely sheen sightly stunning swanlike well-favoured winsome
beefcake bona_omi dimber_cove hunk spunk stud
beauty beaut bobby-dazzler crumpet eye_candy good_looker looker sex_on_a_stick sex_on_legs
angel babe beauty belle betty bit_of_crumpet bomb bombshell cookie cupcake cutie dimber_mort doll enchantress femme_fatale fox goddess golden_girl HB hottie houri jelly knockout looker lovely odalisque peng_ting piece_of_crumpet pretty stoater stunner stunna ten vixen
beauty attractiveness comeliness good-lookingness gorgeousness loveliness prettiness pulchritude
as as_long_as because being being_as being_that considering_that for for_that forasmuch_as forthy forwhy given_that in_regard in_that inasmuch_as now_that on_account_of seeing_that since sith sithence when ∵
on_account_of along_of because because_of as_a_consequence_of out_of_consideration_for by_dint_of due_to on_the_force_of on_the_grounds_of in_the_interest_of on owing_to for_the_purpose_of by_reason_of in_respect_of as_a_result_of for_sake_of for_the_sake_of thanks_to by_virtue_of in_virtue_of
bag catch fall_pregnant get_into_trouble greaten settle
becraze craze delirate dement dementate drive_someone_crazy madden
bed hay kip rack sack
bedewed dewy roric rorid rory roscid
beep bleep blip boop chirp meep peep pip ping queep tweep zap
ale amber_fluid amber_nectar beer bitter brew brewski brewsky cold_one coldie liquid_bread oat_soda reeb suds tinnie wobbly_pop
almsman almswoman beggar cadger caird clochard Lazarus mendicant mumper panhandler schnorrer spanger truant
begin commence go inchoate initiate open originate rock_and_roll start
abecedarian alphabetarian apprentice amateur beginner bun colt first-timer fledgling fresh_meat freshman greenhorn greenie greener homo_novus inceptor initiate Johnny-come-lately learner neophyte newbie newb newbro new_chum newcomer newling noob n00b novice novitiate nozzer nub nubcake puny pup probationer probationist probie recruit stranger rookie tenderfoot trainee tyro younker
beginning birth font fount inauguration commencement initiation launch source spring springtime start onset origin origination youth
beginningless unbeginning unbegun uncreated
behindhand belatedly late lateward tardily
assumption premise faith opinion tenet
believer devotee devotionalist pietist religioner religionist
abdomen belly midriff stomach tum tum-tum tummy
beloved favoured lief lovable loved lovely lovewende precious special
bend bow courb curb curl curve crook flex incurvate
almsdeed almsgiving benefaction donation oblation
ant's_pants bollocks business cat's_ass cat's_meow cat's_pajamas cat's_whiskers cat's_pyjamas crème_de_la_crème cream_of_the_crop da_bomb dog's_bollocks flea's_eyebrows fox's_socks greatest_thing_since_sliced_bread ne_plus_ultra the_bee's_knees the_bomb the_shit the_tits
accordance bestowal bestowment conferment conferral impartation giving presentation presentment supply
beverage drink libation potable potation
bicycle bike celeripede cycle push-bike pushbike velocipede
big great sizeable ample large jumbo massive
biased bigoted close-minded closed-minded illiberal intolerant jaundiced narrow-minded prejudiced sectarian
biology lifelore
avian bird birdie feathered_friend fowl
bird_of_prey raptor
bipartition bisect dichotomize dimidiate half halve
bisected dimidiate halved
bisection dichotomy halving
bisexual bi switch_hitter fence_sitter fence-straddler
acrid acerb acerbic bitter bittersome sharp
acerbity acridity acridness alkalinity astringency bitterness wormwood
atramental atramentous black black_as_a_dog's_guts black_as_coal black_as_Newgate's_knocker black_as_night black_as_the_ace_of_spades black_as_thunder coal_black ebon inky jetty obsidian pitch-dark pitch-black pitchy raven sable sabled
black coal_black ebony India jet jet-black midnight onyx pitch sable
blackish nigrescent
blame fault put_the_blame_on
air-headed blissed_out blissful cock-a-hoop delighted ecstatic elated exultant filled_with_happiness gay giddy glad gleeful greatly_pleased happy joyful joyous orgasmic on_cloud_nine over_the_moon overjoyed thrilled
ablood bleeding bleedy blooded bloodied bloodsoaked bloodsome bloodstained bloody cruentate cruentous ensanguined gory imbrued sanguinary sanguineous sanguinolent sanguinous
bluey bluish caesious cerulescent
man meeple piece token
boastful bragging crowing gasconade spread-eagle swaggering thrasonic thrasonical vaunting
bodily carnal corporal corporeal physical
bod body flesh quarrons soma
body_matter body_text
body_of_water water_body waterbody
bodyism lookism looksism
boodle booty fang haul hot_property loot pelf pickings pillage plunder prigging sack spoil spoils swag
bore banality snooze snoozer
banal beat blah bland boring colourless drab dull dull_as_dishwater flat ho-hum humdrum insipid lackluster lifeless longsome monotonous mundane plain plodding prosaic pedantic pedestrian static straightforward soporific tedious wooden uninteresting stodgy
borrow creance desume scunge
borrower leasee lendee loanee
administrator boss chief commander director governor jefe head head_man honcho leader manager master overseer suit superintendent superior supervisor
bossy domineering dictatorial authoritarian commanding tyrannical demanding
bhoy boy boykin boyo callant feely-omi knave lad little_boy man_child manling page pillicock son sonny stripling yob younker youth
boy_toy dolly-boy manstress toyboy
black blackball blacklist boycott cancel
blower blusterer boaster braggadocian braggadocio braggart bragger bully cacafogo cacafuego cracker gascon huffcap huffer poseur pseud vaunter
brain encephalon harns
adventurous aweless bad bold chivalrous courageous daredevil daring dauntless doughty fearless gallant gutsy heroic intrepid orped plucky stalwart stalworth stouthearted unafraid undaunted valiant valorous venturesome
asset balloons bap bazonga bazookas bazooms boobage boobs boober boobies boosies bosom breast breasticle bristols bubbies bubs bust cans charlie chesticles chichis coconuts cones diddies ding-dongs dirty_pillows funbags gazongas girls globes headlights honkers hooters jubblies jugs knockers lady_lumps love_pillows mammaries mammary_gland mammas megaboobs melons milk_jugs money_makers mountains norks paps pair puppies rack sweater_puppies tatas teat tiddies tits titters titties threepenny_bits top_bollocks torpedoes twins udder
breathe draw_breath inbreathe respire suspire
backhander bribe bung inducement kickback pay-off payola subornation sweetener douceur
fractured banjaxed broken burst busted divided ruptured shattered split
academy bawdy_house bawdy-house bawdyhouse bordello brothel cat_house cat-house cathouse common_house disorderly_house crib escort_agency house_of_accommodation house_of_ill_fame house_of_ill_repute knocking_shop leaping_house leaping-house lupanar nunnery pushing_school riding_academy sporting_house stew vaulting_school wapping_ken whore-house whorehouse
brownish browny brunneous brunnescent
artifice assemble betimber build build_up compile construct edify erect extruct fabricate fashion form knock_up make manufacture produce put_together put_up raise rear timber upbuild
building edifice
applesauce bender bollocks bosh bugger_off bullfuck bullshit chinny_reckon codswallop come_off_it come_on c'mon fiddledeedee fiddlesticks flummery fuck_off gertcha get_away get_out_of_here get_out_of_it get_out_of_town get_outta_here get_to_fuck gimme_a_break go_on harumph Hookey_Walker horsefeathers horse_hockey no no_way nonsense pshaw pshh pshht pssh pssht pull_the_other_leg pull_the_other_one pull_the_other_one,_it's_got_bells_on pull_the_other_one,_it's_got_brass_bells_on rubbish stroll_on tell_it_to_Sweeney tell_it_to_the_judge tell_it_to_the_marines tell_me_another_one Walker yeah,_right you're_having_me_on you're_pulling_my_leg
bogan boor bumpkin chawbacon chuff churl clenchpoop clown cornball jay kern lamb lubber lout rube Tony_Lumpkin tyke peasant unsophisticate yahoo yokel
arduous backbreaking burdenous burdensome cumbersome cumbrous demanding exacting gruelling laborious operose oppressive onerous strenuous taxing wearing
administrator bureaucrat clerk mandarin paper-pusher pen-pusher pencil_pusher
burglar burglarizer cracksman drawlatch housebreaker sneck_lifter
buss kiss lip_clap osculation smooch sugar Yankee_dime
bathykolpian big big-breasted breasty bosomy busty buxom chesty curvy full-bosomed full-throated macromastic stacked top-heavy well-stacked isorintainen
'tocks arse arse_cheeks ass ass_cheeks backside batty behind booty botties bottom bum bum_cheeks buns butt butt_cheeks buttocks caboose cheeks derriere fanny gluteus_maximus gooseberry-grinder heinie hiney hurdies jacksie keester keister moon nates nether_cheeks patootie poop_chute pooper posterior rear rear_end rump seat tail toches tush tushie wazoo
aby buy cheap procure purchase snap_up
by by_dint_of by_means_of through via by_way_of
alone by_oneself by_one's_lonesome on_one's_lonesome on_one's_own single-handed single-handedly singly unaidedly unassisted unassistedly
absonant cacophonic cacophonical cacophonious cacophonous discordant disharmonious dissonant honeyed horrisonant horrisonous immelodious inharmonious insonorous nonsonorous raucous scabrous tuneless uneuphonious unmusical unharmonious unlistenable unmellifluous unmelodic unmelodious unmusical untunable unsonorous
cacophony caterwauling discord discordance discordancy dyscrasy disharmony dissonance dissonancy ear_rape inharmony
cadaverous corpse-like unburied
calculate cipher compute reckon supputate suppute work_out
calculation calculus ciphering computation computing reckoning supputation
bootylicious bumtastic callipygian callipygous rumpalicious steatopygous
collected composed cool-headed detached dispassionate equanimous even-minded grounded imperturbable laidback level-headed phlegmatic placid poised quiescent quiet relaxed sanguine sedate serene still tranquil unemotional unexcited unruffled untumultuous
calmness calm even-mindedness inner_peace peace peace_of_mind peacefulness tranquillity equanimity composure repose restfulness roo self-possession serenity stillness
cameltoe frontal_wedgie pussy_print
apprehend begripe capture fang grasp gripe lay_hold_of seize take_hold
carb carbohydrate saccharide
card_game cards
bother care concern_oneself mind reck trouble_oneself worry
airy at_ease carefree cool debonair easy-breezy easy-going feel-good happy-go-lucky insouciant laid-back lighthearted lightsome loose mellow nonchalant pococurante relaxed stoic unanxious unbothered unconcerned unworried
careless heedless irregardless irrespective negligent regardless slapdash sloppy slovenly slipshod
cart convey drag haul hitch hoise hoist lift lug schlep shift shoulder tote transport
cat grimalkin housecat kitten kitty kitty-cat malkin mog moggy mouser puss pussy pussy-cat queen tabby tom tomcat
basis cause genesis germ origin principle reason root source
bend_someone's_ear bore depress ennui hold_by_the_button talk_someone_under_the_table tire weary
caution cautiousness caginess care carefulness circumspection heed heedfulness prudence reckfulness wariness
alert attentive careful cautelous cautious canny chary circumspect conservative deliberate discreet guarded heedful heedy hesitant meticulous mindful prudent reckful safe sensible slow tentative timid timorous well-advised wary
cannily carefully charily chary conservatively discreetly gingerly prudently safely tentatively warily
celebration entertainment feast festival festivity function gathering
celestial_body heavenly_body
celestial_sphere Celestial_Sphere
celibate celibatist cel abstinent
cell cyte
boneyard Boot_Hill burial_ground catacomb cemetery churchyard crypt God's_acre gravestead graveyard kirkyard lichyard marble_orchard memorial_park
cerebral_cortex pallium
assured certain clear confident definite doubtless positive sicker sure unambiguous unequivocal univocal wis
assuredly certainly categorically decisively definitely doubtless doubtlessly ex_facie fo_shizzle for_a_fact for_certain for_sure indisputably indubitably positively questionlessly self-evidently sure surely unarguably undeniably unconditionally undoubtably undoubtedly unquestionably univocally without_a_doubt without_doubt without_question
bedpan can chamber chamber_pot chemical_toilet commode Cousin_John crapper honey_bucket honeypot Jerry jerry john johnny jordan latrine mingo necessary_stool pan pee_pot pisspot piss_pot po pot potty potty-chair slop_bucket shitcan shitpot stool stool_of_easement throne thunder_mug toilet urinal
alteration change deviation modification mutation permutation transfiguration transformation transition variation
changeable changeful everchanging fickle fluid labile unstable variable
constant changeless nonchanging unaltering unchanging unvarying
characteristic feature trait property attribute quality parameter whatness
babble bavardage bibble-babble blab blabber blabbing blather blathering chatter chinwag chit-chat claver clepe gabble hot_air janglery mardle natter palaver prate prattle small_talk tattle twaddle waffle yackety-yak yatter
airbag babbler bag_of_wind blab blabberer blatherer blabbermouth blatherskite bloviator chatterbox chatterer jabberer jangler gabbler gasbag motormouth patterer prater prattler rattle tongue-pad twaddler windbag yapper yakker
bam Barry_boy bazza benny bogan bopper brush charva charver chav dobber dresser dumbo gazza gippo herbert hood_rat kev knacker mev ned nob pikey pleb poor_white_trash prole puffy radgie redneck rudeboy rudie scally scanger schemie scobe scoundrel scrote scrub scrubber scuffer scumbag scunner scutter sham skanger skeet smackhead smick snoopy spide steek stig sweeper thug thugette townie trailer_trash trev trev vic Westie white_trash wigger yarco yob yobbo
audacious bold bold-faced bold_as_brass brassy brazen brazen-faced cheeky chutzpadik cocket cute dicacious facey familiar flippant flip forward fresh impudent impertinent insolent irreverent malapert pert petulant sassy saucy
cheerless comfortless bleak dark depressing desolate disconsolate dismal doleful dolesome drear dreary forlorn gray gloomy joyless lack-laughter lugubrious melancholy miserable saturnine somber spiritless sunless uncheerful unhappy wintry woeful
bottoms_up cheers chin-chin down_the_hatch here's_looking_at_you here's_mud_in_your_eye here's_to prosit skoal
chemical_bond bond
chemical_compound compound
chessman chess_piece chesspiece
bairn brat child chit crumb_cruncher crumb_crusher crumb_grinder juvenile kid kiddie little_one minor moppet munchkin nipper slip small_fry sprog sprout youngling youngster young'un crib_lizard crotch_critter crotch_dropping crotch_fruit crotchling cunt_dropping fucklet fuck_trophy hump_dumpling sperm_blossom
boy_wonder golden_boy phenom quiz_kid whiz_kid wonderboy wonderchild wonderkid wunderkind
babyish childish dootsie hissy lactifluous infantile infantine immature kiddish juvenile milky puerile
bairnlike childlike childly juvenile juvey kiddish
bine blem bogie cancerette cancer_stick cig cigaret cigarette ciggy coffin_nail darb dart death_stick durben durrie fag gaf gasper gwaai neen oily_rag paper_cigar rig rolly quirly scag skyf smoke square stick stinky_stick stoge stogie straight straighter tab vogue zig-zag
circumcised circed clipped cut flayed foreskinless snipped unbonneted unforeskinned
circumstance position posture setup
accidental circumstantial contingent incidental secondary
category class division family genre ilk kind likes rubric set sort type
brand categorize classify compartmentalise distribute divide estimate evaluate gauge judge label measure peg pigeonhole sort subdivide winnow
clatter clattering clacking crackling crepitation knocking patter pitter-patter pit-a-pat rapping ratatat rattle rattling roll rubadub tapping
clean clean_as_a_whistle immaculate pristine spick-and-span spotless squeaky_clean unsoiled
bean butter_bean boy_in_the_boat button clit clitoris devil's_doorbell happy_button jewel kernel knob little_man_in_the_boat lovebud love_button nub panic_button pearl skittle sugar_plum sweet_spot
as_tight_as_Dick's_hatband body-hugging bodycon clingsome clingy close-fitting figure-hugging form-fitting skintight slinky snug tight tight-fitting
accouter address apparel array attire beclothe clothe dight don dress enrobe equip invest put_on robe slip_on
aguised beclad clad clothed dressed habilimented nonnude raimented sarkit togged vested yclothed naked anoraked bathrobed becardiganed becorseted beshirted besilked besweatered betighted boilersuited breeched burkaed burnoosed cashmered cassocked catsuited chasubled chemised costumed denimed drysuited dungareed frockcoated frocked fursuited ginghamed gymslipped habited jeaned jerseyed jumpsuited kaftaned loinclothed muslined nightclothed nightgowned nightshirted pantaletted pantalooned parkaed ragged sackclothed saried sealskinned shagged shawled shellsuited shirted shirtsleeved shod snowsuited surcoated suspendered tailcoated tartaned tighted tissued tracksuited trousered tutued tuxedoed vestmented underweared uniformed wetsuited woolly barbed barded cladly_dressed overclothed overdressed semiclad seminaked seminude scantily_clad underdressed daggy dapper dressed_to_kill dressed_to_the_nines dowdy frumpish gaybeseen well-dressed decent plainclothed accoutred adorned furnished
clothing clothes garment apparel habiliment attire raiment wardrobe
agglomerate aggregate amalgamate blend coalesce conflate embody integrate mass meld merge unite fuse
blow Bolivian_marching_powder boots charlie ching coke girl nose_candy nose_powder party_powder powder slim snow toot white white_lady yay yayo
coffee java joe
coherent cohesive consociated corporate tenacious unified united
algid arctic benumbed bitter bleak bone-chilling boreal brass_monkeys brisk brumal cold cold_as_a_well-digger's_arse cold_as_a_witch's_kiss cold_as_a_witch's_teat cold_as_a_witch's_tit cold_as_charity cold_as_ice chill chilly crisp drafty freezing frigid frosty frore frozen gelid glacial hiemal icy inclement nesh nippy parky polar shivering sleety snowy wintry
blee color colour hue shade tincture tint
colored hued
aggressive antagonistic bellicose belligerent combative martial militaristic philopolemic philopolemical pugnacious quarrelsome truculent warlike
appear arise come_into_being emerge form get_up inform materialize originate pop_up spring spring_to_life spring_up surface take_form take_shape upspring
all_right c'mon carn come_along come_on go_on heigh hon howay nice_one zindabad
come_short fall_short play_second_fiddle suck sux0r take_a_back_seat undermatch want
behest bidding command commandment decree demand dictate diktat directive direction edict fiat hest injunction instruction mandate order precept ruling
average banal bog_standard common common_as_muck commonplace common-or-garden conventional dime_a_dozen everyday familiar garden_variety general normal par_for_the_course pedestrian plain regular routinary routine standard ten_a_penny two_a_penny typical usual run-of-the-mill workaday
canaille commonality commonalty crowd demos everyone general_public great_unwashed herd hoi_polloi lower_class many masses mob multitude odds_and_sods peasantry populace proletariat rabble rank_and_file riffraff third_estate trash unwashed unwashed_masses working_class
commoner meanling peasant peon pleb plebeian prole proletary roturier vulgar
commonness frequency generality oftenness
ado bangarang bobbery brouhaha bunfight bustle bust-up chaos clamour clatter commotion disruption disturbance flap fracas furor fuss hobbleshaw hoo-ha hubbub hullabaloo hurly-burly kerfuffle mayhem merry_hell outcry palaver pandemonium pother quarrel riot rowdydow ruckus rumpus shemozzle shindy splatterdash stir stooshie three-ring_circus to-do trouble tumult turmoil uproar
close compact crowded dense solid thick tight
compensate compense dispense indemnify make_good make_up recompense redress restore
beef bellyache bemoan bitch bleat carp chunter complain crab croak dump_on frine girn give_out grumble grotch grouse grouch grump gruntle gripe harp inveigh kvetch make_a_stink murmur moan nag nark piss_and_moan rail repine ride snivel whine whinge
bellyacher carper castigator caviler censurer complainer critic criticizer faultfinder findfault grouch grumbler hafter kvetcher nitpicker pettifogger pick-fault quibbler scolder smellfungus sourpuss squeaky_wheel troublemaker vituperator whiner whinger
absolutely abundantly altogether at_large at_length but_good completely comprehensively detailly entirely exhaustively extremely finally fully hook,_line,_and_sinker in_detail in_full in_spades lock,_stock,_and_barrel one_hundred_percent particularly outright perfectly purely quite root_and_branch soundly thoroughly through_and_through totally totes utterly whole whole_cloth wholly
accomplishment completement completeness completion conclusion consummation doneness execution finishedness fulfillment fulfillness realization
complex complexed complicate complicated convoluted Gordian intricate involutional involved labyrinthal labyrinthine manifold
complexity complexness complicacy complicate complicatedness complication complicity intricacy involution sophistication
complex complexify complicate complify confuscate elaborate involve jazz make_a_meal_of perplex
complication entanglement intricacy snarl wheel_within_a_wheel
compose compound comprise constitute form make_up represent upmake
arrangement composition configuration constitution fabric form makeup structure
apprehensible clear comprehensible explainable explicable explicatable fathomable graspable illuminable intelligible lucid perspicuous straightforward tangible understandable
across-the-board all_around all-embracing all-encompassing blanket broad comprehensive exhaustive overall sweeping thorough
astringe compact compactify condense densitize pack press mash scrunch smush squoosh squash squish squeeze thring thrutch
binding compulsatory compulsory decretory imperative involuntary mandatory nonoptional obligatory required unbewised unvoluntary
brief concise crisp laconic short-winded succinct tight to_the_point taut terse
conditional conditioned contingent qualified
balloon boots cock_sock condom contraceptive cum_catcher dinger franger French_letter Frenchie glove jimmy jimmy_cap jimmy_hat johnny johnny_bag love_glove prophylactic protection raincoat rubber rubber_johnny safe santa_sock scumbag sheath
bare bareback BB condomless naked natural raw raw_dog
abear abearance bearing behavior carriage comportment conduct deportment demeanor guise haviour manner mien
acknowledge admit assent avow beknow come_clean concede confess fess fess_up front_up make_a_clean_breast own own_up shrive sing spill_one's_guts spill_the_beans step_forward talk tell_all unbosom
bristler bunco_artist bunco-steerer chiseler con_artist confidence_artist confidence_trickster conman flimflammer grifter lugger magsman mountebank sharpster sharker shark-gull slicker smooth_operator spiv
blow_with_the_wind comply conform fall_in_line fall_in_with float_with_the_stream follow_the_crowd go_along_to_get_along go_with_the_flow knuckle_under submit
accordantly accordingly agreeably compliantly conformably consistently pursuantly suitably
compatible compliant conformant congruent congruous consistent in_line in_step
abidance accordance acquiescence adherence complacence complaisance compliance compliancy conformance conformity keeping sufferance
baffle befuddle bewilder complicate confuddle confuse confuzzle dazzle discombobulate disconcert dumbfound flabagast flabbergast flabbergaster flummox jumble knot perplex puzzle
addle-pated addled addlepated at_a_loss at_sea at_sixes_and_sevens baffled befuddled bewildered confused confuzzled dazed dazzled discombobulated disconcerted dumbfounded flabagasted flabbergasted flabbergastered flummoxed flustered jumbled misled mixed_up muddled muzzy mystified not_with_it out_of_it out_to_lunch perplexed punch-drunk puzzled spaced_out stumped stymied thrown up_a_tree
baffling bemusing befuddling bewildering cattywampus clear_as_mud confusing confuzzling complicated disordered flabbergasting incomprehensible inexplicable insensible jumbled mystifying perplexing puzzling unintelligible uninterpretable vague
bafflement bemusement bewilderment confusion flabbergast flabbergastation flabbergastment misunderstanding muddle mix-up
conic_section conic
affiliated allied apposite associated comparative connected important related relative
bond connection connective connexive link vinculum
akin cognate consanguine consanguineous consanguineal natural same-blooded
blood_relationship cognation consanguinity homogeneity same-bloodedness
behallow consecrate dedicate hallow sacralize sanctify
container receptacle
adulterated contaminated corrupted mixed polluted sophisticated tainted
attentive cogitabund contemplative deliberative intelligent introspective meditative museful musing pensive reflective speculative studious thinking thoughty thoughtful wistful
coetaneous coeval contemporaneous contemporary cotemporal cotemporaneous
contempt despect despiciency despisal despisement disdain scorn
continence continuity continuousness flow ongoingness uninterruptedness
amaranthine ceaseless constant continual continuate continuous endless eternal everlasting extended incessant infinite never-ending nonstop ongoing perpetual persistent relentless steady still termless unbroken unceasing unending unintermitted uninterrupted unremitting
ceaselessly constantly continually continuously endlessly eternally everlastingly extendedly incessantly infinitely neverendingly nonstop ongoingly perpetually persistently steadily unbrokenly unceasingly unendingly unintermittedly uninterruptedly unremittingly
arse_about_face backwards contra contrarily contrariwise counter gainwise in_contrast reversedly
against_the_grain at_cross_purposes contradictory contrariant contrarious contrary counter cross disagreeable opposed opposing refractory
add assist bestow bring chip_in donate do_one's_bit endow fund gift grant impart invest join kick_in lend participate pitch_in pledge provide put_up set_forward sweeten_the_kitty supply support
cook do
cohabit company copulate couple engage_in_sex exchange_flesh get_physical have_marital_relations have_sex have_sexual_relations intercourse make_love share_a_bed sleep_together bang bauf beat bone boff boink bonk bop bounce breed bump_nasties bump_uglies catch_a_dick dance discuss_Uganda dip_one's_pen_in_someone's_inkwell do_it do_the_deed do_the_nasty eff engender expletive_deleted feck frack frak frig fuck get_busy get_freaky get_it get_it_on get_jiggy get_laid get_one's_dick_wet get_one's_end_away get_one's_freak_on get_one's_groove_on get_one's_leg_over get_one's_oats get_some get_the_dirty_water_off_one's_chest graft_the_forked_tree go_all_the_way haul_one's_ashes have_it_off hide_the_salami hide_the_sausage hook_up hump jig-jig knock_boots lay_pipe lay_the_pipe make_it make_out make_the_beast_with_two_backs make_whoopee meddle ming Netflix_and_chill play play_hide_the_sausage ride rock_and_roll roger roll_around root see_someone's_etchings sex shag shelve show_someone_one's_etchings slap_bellies stick tumble wango_tango
bed coit coitize dight enjoy enter feague go_in_unto go_to_bed_with have know lie_by lie_with love mount occupy penetrate season seduce sleep_with take ball bang bauf beep be_with bone boff boink bonk boom-boom dick diddle dig_out do doink drill eff expletive_deleted feck fill frack frak frig fuck get_into_someone's_pants get_over_on get_up_in give_someone_one go_with have_one's_way_with have_one's_wicked_way_with hit hump jape jump jump_someone's_bones knob knock_off know_someone_in_the_biblical_sense lay love_up make nail plough plug poke pork pound prig pump ream rock roger root rut sard schlong screw service shaft shag shelve slay slip_it_to smash smush stallionize swive tap tup wap
aphrodisia carnal_knowledge coitus coition commerce commixtion compression congress conjunction connection consummation conversation copulation coupling intimacy intimate_relations intromission joining lovemaking lustmaking marital_embrace mating mounting pareunia penetration relations sexual_congress sexual_intercourse sexual_relation sexual_union swiving union the_beast_with_two_backs the_birds_and_the_bees boom-boom chesterfield_rugby horizontal_dancing horizontal_hula horizontal_jogging horizontal_mambo horizontal_refreshments how's_your_father Netflix_and_chill love roll_in_the_hay Ugandan_discussions action ass bang barney-mugging beef_injection bonking cuntfuck fucking frig hot_beef_injection hump humpa_humpa jig-jig lay nookie old_hat pipe plow plough poon poontang punani pussy ride root rumpy-pumpy seeing-to sexy_time sexy_times screw screwing shag skin snu_snu tang trim
bedder consummator copulator fucker humper intercourser lovemaker shagger
clone copy facsimile replicate reproduce
abundance choice cornucopia gold_mine horn_of_Amalthea horn_of_plenty plethora profusion treasure_trove wealth
anatomy body cadaver carcass carrion corpse corse DB dog_meat dust lich offal relics reliquiae remains stiff worm_food
correlation interdependence interrelation mutuality reciprocalness reciprocity reciprocation
correspondent equivalent indistinguishable tantamount
cosmic universal
count enumerate numerate tally tell tell_off
boat complexion countenance Chevy_Chase dial ecaf eek George_Best face favor kisser look map mug mush pan physiognomy phiz phizog punim visage
counteract countervail counterwork remedy
counterpart ditto
counting enumeration numbering numeration telling
bucolic country_bumpkin clodhopper joskin hayseed hillbilly hick hobnail lob rustic woolly_back yokel
audacity balls bield boldhead boldness bravehood braveness bravery courage courageousness daring fearlessness grit guts heart mood nerve pecker pluck spunk steel valour
courtship dating loveship suit wooing
abstruse behind_the_scenes catlike clandestine cloak-and-dagger concealed confidential covert dern disguised furtive huggermugger hush-hush inconspicuous incognito low_profile lurksome lurky obfuscated off-the-books on_the_down-low on_the_sly secret secretive slinky sly sneaky stealthy sub_rosa surreptitious under-the-table under_the_radar under_wraps undercover underground
caitiff candy-ass coistril coward chicken chicken_liver chickenshit cocktail cowardy_custard dog fraidy_cat funker gutless_wonder invertebrate Jessie lizard niddering nidering nidget niding nithing piece_of_crap piece_of_shit pisspants pullet punk pussy pussyhole quakebreech quakebuttock recreant scaredy_cat scaredy_pants shithouse slag sluggard snool sook weak_sister wheyface yellow_belly yellow_back
cowardice fearfulness pusillanimity cowardliness poltroonery chicken-heartedness hen-heartedness
chicken chicken-hearted cowardly dastardly fainthearted fearful hen-hearted kiasi lily-livered milky mousy niddering nidering niding nithing pusillanimous timid weak-kneed yellow yellow-bellied
ache appetency appetite craving hankering hunger impulse itch jones letch lickerish longing lust pining thirst urge yearning yen
cdesign_proponentsist creo creatard creotard IDiot neo-creo
creature being
crepuscular crepusculine twilightish
criminal crook culprit delinquent desperado double-dealer felon hoodlum lawbreaker malefactor malfeasant offender outlaw perpetrator public_enemy scofflaw
Aaron crime_lord ganglord Mr._Big
admonish bash bawl_out berate berisp castigate censure chastise chew_out chide condemn criticize denounce denunciate drag eat_someone_alive excoriate fulminate get_up give_somebody_a_piece_of_one's_mind give_somebody_what-for inveigh lecture lace_into lambaste light_into objurgate read_somebody_the_riot_act rebuke reprehend reprimand reproach reprove rip_into scold tear_into tell_off threap tick_off tosh upbraid vilify
crude primitive rough rude rudimental rudimentary undeveloped unrefined
anti-language argot cant cryptolect
Acteon cornuto cuck cuckold skimmington hoddy-peak dayouth
cornutor cuckolder cuckold-maker
behorn cuckold cuckoldize cuck horn hornify put_horns_on
cot-quean cuckquean cucquean
cue_sport billiards
art beguilement craft craftiness cunning dodge foxiness foxship guile list subtlety wile
behedge bind chasten check contain cork curb curtail dampen hamshackle limit repress restrain restrict shackle stay stifle stop straiten suppress throttle withhold withstrain
anymore at_present at_the_minute at_the_moment at_this_moment_in_time atm currently just_now now nowadays presently right_now these_days
bespoke custom custom-built custom-made made-to-measure made-to-order tailor-made tailored
cut incise snithe
cutlery silverware flatware feastware
ay,_chihuahua blast bugger bummer byrlady consarn_it crap curses dammit damn dagnabbit dang darn dash dizamn d'oh drat fark feck fook frak frick fuck fudge goddamn goddammit gosh_freaking_darnit good_grief gorblimey hang_it_all hell hell's_bells hell's_bloody_bells hell's_bloody_bells_and_damnation kell phooey poo raasclaat rats shit shoot
accursed bally blasted bleeding blessed blimming blinking bloody blooming confounded consarn cotton-picking cursed dadburn dadgum damn damned damnable darn darned dashed deuced doggone effing ever-loving fecking flaming flipping freaking fricking frigging fucking furshlugginer infernal jiggered goddam goddamn goddamned godforsaken goshdarn goshdarned living motherfucking pissing plain raasclaat ruddy sodding stinking
beau blade blood buck carpet_knight cockscomb dandy dude dudelet exquisite fast_man fine_gentleman fop foretop fribble gallant go jack-a-dandy Jemmy-Jessamy jetter macaroni masher metrosexual peacock popinjay pretty_boy prig smart spark swell toff
adventure danger harm's_way peril plight wathe jeopardy risk threat menace hazard
hazardous jeopardous parlous perilous precarious risky unsafe
blear caliginous cimmerian crepuscular dark darksome darkling dim dimpsy dingy dull dusky fuliginous gloomy leaden lightless mirksome murky murksome obscure shady somber sombrous stygian sunless swarthy tenebrous twilightish umbrageous unilluminated
dark deep dull dusky full fuscous inky intense saturated somber swarthy
date go_out go_with hang_together have_a_thing see step_out
ass_crack_of_dawn break break_of_dawn break_of_day butt_crack_of_dawn cockcrow crack_of_dawn daybreak daylight dayspring first_light lauds solrise sparrow-fart sunlight sunrise sunrising sunup
day daylight daylength daytime photoperiod upsun
asleep cadaverous deceased defunct departed expired extinct gone inanimate inert kaput late lifeless living_impaired no_more perished reposing stiff wasted
deadhere debond deglutinate detach uncling unglue unpaste unstick
death celestial_transfer decease defunction demise dirt_nap doom exit expiration fatality mortality quietus repose the_big_sleep crash demise downfall fall
debris detritus remains rubble wreckage
blighted cankered decayed dotterel forworn moldering rotten putrefacient putrefactive putrescent putrid
counterfeit deceive dissemble dissimulate feign overreach put_on sham
bamboozler bouncer cheat cheater cogger cony-catcher crammer deceiver deceptor fabulist falser gabber guiler liar losenger mocker pseudologist shammer swindler swike treacher trickster trucker wernard
Abraham_work deception deceit jugglery list Punic_faith subterfuge swack trickery
beguiling deceitful deceptious deceptive deceptory fallacious fraudful fraudulent
blanched bleached decoloured
adorn apparel array beautify bedeck decorate decore deck deck_out do_up dress_up dub embellish garnish grace ornament prettify pretty_up
body_double decoy red_herring
decrease diminish drop fall lessen go_down reduce shrink sink
cut decrement deduction dip drop extract extraction fall lowering reduction shrinkage
account consider deem dub find interpret judge look_upon regard think_of view
deep profound
defamatory slanderous libelous calumnious injurious
assassinate asperse backbite badmouth belibel belittle besmirch blaze blemish blot calumniate calumny cloud cut_down defame demonize denigrate derogate detract discredit disgrace disparage diss forgab infamize lampoon libel malign monster reproach scandal shit-talk slander spatter speak_ill_of talk_shit talk_shite talk_trash traduce trash-talk vilify vilipend vituperate
cack choke_a_darkie crap defecate do_one's_ease ease_oneself do_a_number_two do_one's_easement drite drop_a_bomb drop_a_chalupa drop_a_deuce drop_anchor drop_the_kids_off_at_the_pool dung move_one's_bowels pinch_a_loaf pooh poop poo shart shit shite stool take_a_dump take_a_shit take_the_Browns_to_the_Super_Bowl void_one's_bowels
bowel_movement cack call_of_nature crap crapping defecating defecation doing_one's_ease doing_one's_easement dump dumping easement hod motion number_two poo pooh poop purging shit shitting spraying taking_a_shit
defect fault flaw imperfection shortcoming drawback deficiency inadequacy peccadillo
beshield beward brood cape_for defend fend guard preserve protect safeguard secure shelter shield ward
defense guard preservation protection safeguard shield ward
adjournment deferral deferment demurral procrastination prolongation protraction
finite definite limited
definition meaning
compass degree extent grade level magnitude scale scope
cunctation deferment delay dilation hesitation hold-up holdoff postponement prorogation
adjourned bogged_down deferred delayed imprompt in_nubibus interrupted lated logjammed suspended stalled stifled on_hold on_ice paused postponed retarded tardy
erase clear strike terminate remove rub_out strike_out obliterate cancel cross_out score scrub scrap scratch expunge eliminate blue-pencil exclude squelch
ambrosial appetizing delectable delicious delish exquisite gustful finger-lickin'_good flavorful flavorous flavorsome lekker lickerish lip-smacking luscious moreish mouthwatering nummy ono out_of_this_world palatable sapid savory scrummy scrumptious tasteful tasty to_die_for toothful toothsome yummy
barghest bogie bogeyman boggard bogle cacodemon daeva devil evil_genius fiend flibbertigibbet ghoul goblin imp kobold nis spook troll
bename call clepe denominate designate dub entitle name nominate style term
contingent dependent reliant
consumed depleted done_up effete exhausted expended finished forworn spent used_up worn-out
agent delegate deputy lieutenant proxy representative secondary surrogate
badger bam barrack brock bullyrag chiack deride fleer fligger flite geck heckle hound jeer nip outlaugh poke_borack ridicule scoff sneer taunt
articulable describable enunciable expressible pronounceable sayable speakable utterable verbalizable
betell delineate depict describe chronicle explain narrate portray recount relate report represent set_forth state
defile desacralize desanctify desecrate profane unconsecrate unhallow
brook deserve earn garner merit reap win be_worthy_of
design plan plot project proposal scheme
ambition appetition aspiration desire dream hope idea lust mind wanna want want-to wish
absist belay blin break_off cease cess cheese_it come_to_an_end desist discontinue forbear halt have_done_with hold leave_off let_up rest stanch staunch stay stop surcease terminate
abject base beggarly blameworthy cheap contemptible cringing discreditable dedecorous degraded despicable dirty disgraceful dishonorable disreputable execrable groveling ignoble ignominious inglorious low mean mean-spirited miserable obscene outrageous pitiable pitiful plebeian putid reprehensible reptile reptilian reptitious roynish scald scornworthy scummy scurvy shabby shameful sleazy slavish slimy sordid sorry trashy ugly uncommendable unmentionable unwashed unsophisticated unworthy vile vulgar worthless wretched
contemn despect disrespect despise disdain scorn spurn
despite irrespective_of maugre notwithstanding regardless_of in_spite_of without_considering without_regard_for
destroy annihilate benothing bewreck blot_out blotto demolish devastate eliminate eradicate erase exterminate extinguish extirpate fuck jazz liquidate nuke obliterate pull_down raze ravage remove ruin total uproot waste wipe_out wipe_off wreck
annihilation demolition destruction elimination eradication extermination extinguishment extirpation obliteration razing uprooting wiping_out
beagle bloodhound detective dick DT gumshoe hawkshaw investigator Sherlock sleuth sleuthhound 'tec
damaged defective deteriorated effete faulty munted outworn passé raddled ravaged unimproved wasted weakened wrecked wrecksome worn worn-out worsened
backbiter belittler calumniator defamer depreciator derogator detractor disparager knocker muckraker mudslinger traducer vilifier
chart design diagram map graph graphic plan plot schematic scheme
craps diarrhea Hershey_squirts runs shits skitters squirts squits trots
diatribe impugnation j'accuse jeremiad philippic slanging_match tirade
dictionary lexicon thesaurus wordbook
auger_in be_called_home be_gathered_to_one's_fathers be_no_more bite_the_big_one bite_the_biscuit bite_the_dust buy_the_farm buy_it cark_it cash_in cash_in_one's_chips check_out conk_out croak cross_the_Great_Divide cross_the_Styx decease depart disincarnate draw_one's_last_breath exit expire flatline forfare give_one's_all give_up_the_ghost go_for_a_burton go_gentle_into_that_good_night go_the_way_of_all_flesh go_the_way_of_the_dinosaurs go_the_way_of_the_dodo go_to_glory go_to_one's_reward hand_in_one's_dinner_pail hop_the_twig join_the_choir_invisible keel_over kick_the_bucket knock_off lose_one's_life lose_the_number_of_one's_mess meet_one's_doom meet_one's_end meet_one's_maker pass pass_away pass_in_one's_marble pass_on pass_over pass_the_river pay_the_debt_of_nature peg_out perish pop_off pop_one's_clogs shuffle_off_this_mortal_coil sleep_with_one's_fathers slip_away snuff_it succumb take_a_dirt_nap turn_up_one's_toes yield_up_the_ghost
dance_upon_nothing dangle hang ride_a_horse_foaled_by_an_acorn string_up swing take_a_ride_to_Tyburn trine
ablude differ dissent mismatch vary
difference diversity
different differing dissimilar diverse other unalike unlike
differentiate differentialize distinguish individualize particularize severalize
differently elsewise othergates otherly otherways otherwhence otherwise serely
difficult effortful get_blood_out_of_a_stone pull_teeth tough uneath unsimple
cross_to_bear ass_in_a_sling dilemma bind dire_straits fix jam kettle_of_fish pickle predicament quandary quagmire situation spot spot_of_bother sticky_wicket tight_spot trouble
diffuse dispersed incompact loose noncompact scattered spaced_out sparse spread_out thin uncompact
digestive_system digestive_tract gastrointestinal_tract
dilemma Morton's_fork
dim_sum yum_cha
abate cut decrease decrement diminish foreshorten lessen lower reduce
diminished lessened reduced
abatement declension decline decrease decrement diminishment diminution lessening reduction shrinking
ballyhoo blast bobbery bombilation charivari clangour clash clatter crash din durdum hubbub hurly noise outcry racket ruckus uproar vociferance vociferation
delegation legation mission representative
assoil beclart bedaub bedirty bedizen befile befoul begrime beray besmear besmirch besully bewray blacken blot blur contaminate darken defile denigrate dirty drag_through_the_mud dull foil foul gunk gunk_up inquinate pollute sling_mud slotter slur smirch smudge smutch soil soss sowl spoil spot stain sullow sully taint tarnish uggle
disable disenable cripple incapacitate unable
disaster catastrophe calamity adversity apocalypse
apocalyptic calamitous cataclysmal cataclysmic catastrophic deadly destructive devastating disastrous eradicative extirpative fatal harmful lethal pernicious ruinous
apocalyptically calamitously cataclysmically catastrophically destructively devastatingly disastrously perniciously ruinously
discolored blemished blotched blotchy maculate mottled smeared smeary smudged stained spotted spotty tarnished
decouple detach disconnect disengage rip_off tear_off unconnect uncouple unfasten unhitch
discontinuity noncontinuity unevenness
broken fitful discontinuous intermissive intermittent patchy spasmodic stop-start
fitfully discontinuously in_fits_and_starts intermittently patchily spasmodically sporadically
belittling contemptuous deprecative derogative despising disdainful dismissive disrespectful scornful slight slighting sneerful sniffy
coath disease egritude illness sickness malady ailment disorder affliction indisposition
diseased disease-ridden infect infected morbid morbific morbose
crushing demoralising demoralizing disappointing discouraging disheartening dispiriting disspiriting gutting
disjoin disunite separate unjoin
disconnected fragmented discontiguous disunited divided split unconnected scattered
dislike disrelish mind mislike misrelish stomach
balk decline disregard disobey ignore refuse unmind
bedlam car_crash chaos confusion disarray disorder disorganization dog's_breakfast dog's_dinner free-for-all fuddle hash hot_mess imbroglio mash maze mess mommick muddle mullock muss shambles shemozzle snarl tangle topsy-turviness upfuckery
chaotic cluttered disorderly messy tumultuous untidy
besprenge desparple discuss disgregate disparkle disparple dispel disperple disperse distribute dwindle flurr insperse instrew litter overshake resperse scatter squander sparble sparkle sparse sperse spread springe strew strinkle todrive togo torat whiffle
argument argy-bargy barney bawl_out blue bobbery brawl conflict controversy debate difference ding-dong disputation dispute disagreement dustup face-off falling_out fight flite hassle quarrel quibble row spat squabble tangle tiff
discredit disesteem disfavour disgrace dishonour disrepute ill_fame ill_repute infamy notoriety
disparity dissemblance dissimilarity dissimilitude unalikeness unlikeness
contrastingly dissimilarly elsewise nonsimilarly otherways otherwise
distant far far-flung far-off faraway outlying remote
acute distinct keen obvious sharp vivid
administer allocate allot apportion deal deal_out dispart dispend dispense disperse distribute divide dole_out issue give_out mete_out parcel_out piecemeal portion_out share share_out sunder_out
daily daytime diurnal
diversely manywise sundrily variously
diversify enwiden variegate varify vary
becut discerp disintegrate dispart dissever divide divorce part partition piecemeal rescind section sever split split_up sunder
divisible discerpible partible scissile separable splittable
bewray bring_to_light disclose divulge expose let_the_cat_out_of_the_bag let_on let_out make_known out reveal spill_one's_guts spill_the_beans tell
abuse aggrieve bruise buffet damage do_evil do_harm harm hurt ill-treat ill-use injure make_mischief maul molest oppress outrage overburden pain persecute pierce put_upon run_down scratch smite stab trample_upon tread_upon victimize weigh_down weigh_heavy_on
amenable biddable compliant docile meek passive pliant tractable yielding
agent doer dynamo gunner self-starter
dog doggo doggy flea_bag hound man's_best_friend pooch pupper pupperino woofer
accursed condemned confounded cursed cussed damnable damned dead_meat doomed done finished ill-fated lost sentenced undone wrecked
dork flabbergast flabagast flabaghast gink nerd
dobby dodipole dotard dote dotel doter dottle mimmerkin
double redouble
drama play
drink hydrate imbibe wet_one's_whistle wet_one's_beak
chuggable downable drinkable drinkworthy potable potulent quaffable
chores drudgery drudgework fatigue razzmatazz scut scutwork swink toil
Adrian_Quist arseholed a_sheet_in_the_wind bedrunken befuddled besotted besotten bibacious bibulous bingoed bladdered blasted blind_drunk blitzed blocked blootered blottoed bollocksed bombed boozy bottled Brahms Brahms_and_Liszt bungfu burlin' canned clobbered corned cocked cockeyed crapulous crocked cunted cup-shot cup-shotten cut dead_drunk destroyed disguised drunk drunked_up drunken ebriated ebriose elephant's elephant's_trunk elevated faced fap flooey floored flush flushed flustered fluted feeling_no_pain fou four_sheets_in_the_wind fresh fried frosted fuckered_up fuddled full gassed gattered gesuip ginned gished glorious groggified groggy half_polluted half_cut half_lit half_seas_over hammered hazed high_as_a_kite high hooched_up hosed impaired in_liquor in_one's_altitudes in_one's_cups in_the_bag in_the_drink inebriate inebriated inebrious insober insobrietous inter_pocula jaked juiced kaylied lamped langered langers larruped lash legless liquored_up liquory lit loaded looped loopy loose lubricated maggot maggoted mashed maudlin medicated messed_up monged muddled mullered munted nappy obfuscated obliviated off_one's_box off_one's_head off_one's_tits oiled Oliver Oliver_Twist ossified out_of_it out_of_one's_box out_of_one's_head out_of_sight overcome overrefreshed overtaken pickled pie-eyed pixilated plastered plowed polluted potted pounded primed puggled raddled rat-arsed ratted razzled retarded ripe ripped rolling rubbered sauced schnockered screwed scuttered sewed_up shedded shicker shickered shitty skunked slammed slarmied sloppy_drunk smashed snockered snookered snozzled sodden sotted sottish souped-up soused sozzly spanceled splashed spongy sprung squiffed stewed stinking stinko stoned stonkered stotious swacked tanked tanked_up temulent temulentive three_sheets_in_the_wind three_sheets_to_the_wind throwed tight_as_a_tick tight tilted tippled tired_and_emotional toasted top-heavy_with_drink toping trashed tuned twatfaced twisted wastey wazzed well-oiled wet whittled withered wobbly woozy worse_for_liquor worse_for_wear wrecked zoned zonked zooted zorched zotzed
alcoholic alkie bacchanal bacchant barfly bibber booze_artist boozehound boozer borachio bouser carouser cupster dipso dipsomaniac drinker drunk drunkard fuddlecap fuddler grog_artist guzzler inebriate lick-wimble lush lusher maltworm pisshead pisspot plonko reel-pot rinse-pitcher rumpot shicker slubberdegullion soak soaker sot souse sponge squeeze-grape sucker suck-pint swill-belly swill-bowl swill-flagon swill-pot swill-tub swillking tippler toper tosspot tun winebibber winesop wino
alecy brick_in_one's_hat buzz drunkenness inebriacy inebriation inebriety insobriety intoxication pissedness staggers_and_jags
anhydrous arid bone_dry droughty dry dry_as_a_bone exsuccous parched sare sear sere waterless
drywall gyprock gypsum_board plasterboard sheetrock wallboard
binary double dual twin twofold
brace couple doublet duad duet duo duplet dyad pair twosome twinsome
chump chumpion cull cully dupe dotterel easy_mark fall_guy fish gudgeon gull juggins live_one mark mug muggins pigeon rube sap saphead schlemiel sheep simp Simple_Simon soft_touch steamer stiff stooge sucker
double dupe duplicate facsimilize
doubling duplation duplication
cockshut crepusculum dark dimmity duckish dusk evenfall mirkning night nightfall sundown sunset vespers
ear King_Lear listener lug shell-like
earliness prematureness prematurity
early early_doors
dark_thirty oh_dark_hundred oh_dark_thirty prime small_hours stupid_o'clock wee_hours wee_small_hours zero_dark_thirty
earth_science geoscience
breeze cakewalk duck_soup easy easy_as_ABC easy_as_pie easy_peasy easy_peasy_lemon_squeezy eath facile light like_falling_off_a_log like_shelling_peas like_shooting_fish_in_a_barrel like_taking_candy_from_a_baby piece_of_cake simple soft undemanding walk_in_the_park
breeze cakewalk child's_play cinch doddle duck_soup easy_pickings gimme layup no-brainer open_and_shut_case picnic piece_of_cake slam_dunk snap walk_in_the_park walkover piece_of_piss
eat fret
crackpot cranky eccentric eccentrical erratic excentrical far-out heteroclite idiocentric idiosyncratic kookish kooky nutbar odd oddballish outré pixilated quirky quizzy spacy squirrelly wacky whimsical wifty Wodehousian Wonkaesque
economics dismal_science
comestible consumable eatable eatworthy edible esculent stomachable palatable
badling big_girl's_blouse cockney cot-quean cupcake dudelet fakaleiti gentleman ginch girlyman Jessie nancy nancyboy nancy_pants pansy poofter posy_sniffer puss-gentleman quiche-eater sissy softling soy_boy twink
abubble bubblesome bubbly ebullient effervescent fizzy foamy frothy gassy sparkling sparkly spumescent
economical efficacious efficient potent
blow_one's_load blow_one's_wad blow_a_nut breed bust bust_a_nut come cream cum ejaculate explode get_off go_off jizz juice nut pop shoot_off shoot_one's_load shoot_one's_wad skeet sprog spoof splooge spooge spurt
blowing_a_load busting busting_a_nut creaming cumming ejaculation exploding jizzing nutting skeet spewing splooge unloading
elapse go_by pass pass_by roll_on
elder elderly geriatric long_in_the_tooth matured of_a_certain_age old_as_Methuselah on_in_years over_the_hill senior superannuated ivy-covered moss-covered preserved
elementary_particle fundamental_particle
elephant oliphaunt
abashed ashamed discombobulated embarrassed mortified shamed shamefaced scundered
accoll amplect beclip clip coll complect comply cwtch embrace enfold enhalse fall_on_someone's_neck fathom glomp halse hug infold oxter press squeeze umbeclap
ascending emergent emerging forthcoming inchoate incipient infant immature nascent new newly-formed promising raw up-and-coming
effuse emit give_off give_out output outsend put_forth send_forth shed
affect emotion feeling sensation sentiment
employer company owner proprietor firm business establishment organization outfit
complete conclude consummate discontinue do end finalize finish fullcome get_through round_off stay stop terminate
endanger fraise imperil jeopardise threaten
endless eternal infinite neverending termless unending unendly unlimited
ceaselessness deathlessness endlessness eternality eternalness everness perpetuity unendingness
endocrine_gland ductless_gland
adversary antagonist backfriend bane bête_noire corrival enemy fiend foe foeman unfriend nemesis opponent opposer rival
catalogue enlist enroll enscroll put_down put_on register tabulate
animate arouse awaken beghast brighten energize enliven enthuse exalt excite ginger ginger_up invigorate inspire inspirit jazz liven liven_up perk_up quicken spice spice_up stimulate vitalise
affront aggravate anger antagonize awrath cheese_off cross embitter envenom gall get get_to honk_off incense inflame infuriate madden make_angry nark offend outrage provoke put_out rankle rile piss_off roil steam tick_off get_one's_back_up get_someone's_dander_up get_someone's_goat get_someone's_Irish_up make_someone_see_red make_someone's_blood_boil put_someone's_back_up raise_someone's_hackles raise_someone's_shag rattle_someone's_cage rub_the_wrong_way ruffle_some_feathers
ardor alacrity celerity energy enthusiasm fanaticism fervor gusto purpose verve vigor vim zeal zealousness
ablaze agitated animated ardent big bubbly delirious eager earnest ebullient energetic enthusiastic excited exhilarated fanatic fanatical febrile fervent fervid feverish gassed geeked gung_ho high-spirited impassioned impetuous juiced lit_up lively mad motivated passionate perfervid raring rip-roaring souped-up stimulated thrilled torrid vehement vibrant vivacious wild worked_up wrought-up zealous zestful
complete entire one overall total whole
entireness entirety fullness totality totalness whole wholeness
entity thing
entrance_hall entry entryway foyer hall ingang lobby porch vestibule
aeon age ages blue_moon coon's_age crow's_age dog's_age donkey's_years eld eon eternity forever forever_and_a_day interim interlude interval lifetime long_haul long_run meantime minute month_of_Sundays spell years yonks
ephemeral brief deciduous evanescent fleeting flying fugacious fugitive instant momentary passing perishable quick seasonable short short-lived temporary transient transitive transitory volatile whilend
coordinate equal even identical level on_a_par
egality equality equation equivalence evenness par parity sameness
equally equivalently evenly mutually
counterbalance counterpoise counterpose counterweigh equibalance equiponderate poise
age cycle day epoch era generation Great_Year interval period Platonic_year time
babymaker boner bone bonk-on bonny chubby erection fatty hard-on pocket_rocket stiffy surgation wood woody
ED erectile_dysfunction impotence impotency limp_dick limp-dickedness
erection tentigo tumescence
erogenous_zone hot_spot sweet_spot
blooper blunder boo-boo clanger error fault faux_pas fluff fuck_up gaffe goof howler lapse lapsus mess-up misstep mistake screwup slip stumble thinko wrength solecism erroneity
essence nature ousia quiddity quintessence whatness
estral estrous in_heat oestral ruttish rutty
ageful agelong amaranthine endless eternal eterne everduring evergreen everlasting eviternal imperishable indesinent neverending perennial permanent perpetual sempiternal timeless unending undeadly undying
eternalize eternize immortalize perpetuate
all_time eternality eternity foreverhood perpetuity
ariose birdsweet canorous concentual dulcet euphonic euphonical euphonious euphonous harmonious harmonical listenable mellifluent mellifluous melodic melodious musical soundful symphonious tunable tuneful
concord consonance euphonism euphony harmony unisonance
albeit although as as_much_as despite_that even_though howbeit much_as though while
een eve even evening eventide evetime forenight undern
at_last at_length at_long_last by_and_by eventually in_due_course in_due_time in_time in_the_fullness_of_time in_the_long_run in_the_long_term sooner_or_later yet
all everybody_and_his_brother everybody_and_their_brother everybody_and_his_cousin everybody_and_their_cousin everybody_and_his_dog everybody_and_their_dog everybody_and_his_grandma everybody_and_their_grandma everybody_and_his_mother everybody_and_their_mother everyone everyone_and_his_brother everyone_and_their_brother everyone_and_his_cousin everyone_and_their_cousin everyone_and_his_dog everyone_and_their_dog everyone_and_his_grandma everyone_and_their_grandma everyone_and_his_mother everyone_and_their_mother the_whole_world the_whole_world_and_his_dog the_world_and_his_wife
abandoned bad bad_apple bad_seed baleful baneful base dark deleterious depraved despicable detrimental devilish diabolical evil harmful ill-intentioned ill-natured immoral incorrigible iniquitous injurious knavish malefic malevolent malicious malign malignant nefarious niddering nidering niding nithing no-good pernicious reprehensible reprobate satanic scathful sinful sinister ungodly unholy vicious vile villainous wicked wrong
accurately correctly dead-nuts definitely directly even exact exactly fully incisively just jump on_target on_the_button on_the_dot on_the_mark on_the_money on_the_nose perfectly precisely punctually right sharp slap slap_bang
analyze examine inspect look_over overlook probe scrutinize study
bear_away_the_bell better dwarf eclipse exceed excel hold_the_cards outclass outdo outmatch outperform outrival outrun outshadow outshine outstrip outvie overmatch overshadow pass prevail put_to_shame run_away_with surpass transcend upstage
ace admirable awesome bang_on bang-up beneship bitching brilliant bully cher chronic chur cock_on cool copacetic crackerjack cushty excellent exceptional fab fabulous fantabulosa fantastic first-rate frabjous gnarly great grouse kicking lash lautitious lit marvelous nang outstanding out_of_sight peng phenomenal pukka quality rad radical rum slap-up slick spiffing splendid sterling super superb superior sweet swell terrific tight top-drawer top-notch top-of-the-range top-shelf wicked wicked_pissah wonderful
amazingly awesomely beneshiply brilliantly excellently exceptionally fantastically brilliantly fabulously marvelously splendidly superbly well wickedly wonderfully
apart apart_from bar barring besides but except except_for excepting excluding forby modulo other_than outtake save save_for with_the_exception_of
abundance excess excessiveness exuberance copiousness fecundity fertileness fertility fruitfulness fulth glut nimiety overabundance overage overflow overplus oversum plenteousness plentifulness plenty plethora productiveness profusion superabundance superfluity superfluousness superplus surcrew surfeit surplus surplusage uberty ug
excessive exorbitant extravagant extreme immoderate inordinate intemperate
absorbing alacrifying awesome banging bracing compelling distracting dramatic edge-of-the-seat engrossing electric electrifying enlivening enthralling exciteful exciting exhilarating exhilarative explosive fascinating hair-curling hair-raising heady heart-pounding heartstopping heartswelling intoxicating gripping impressive inspiring invigorating jiggy kicky mind-blowing moving off_the_chain pulse-pounding rip-roaring riveting rousing sensational shocking sizzling slam-bang spine-tingling startling stimulating stirring stonking thrilling thrilly warm
byspel case case_in_point embodiment epitome exemplar exemplification example Exhibit_A illustration incarnation instance prototype representative sample specimen ur-type
be be_a_thing consist exist
being beinghood beingness dasein existence hereness subsistence
essential existent existing extant
exocrine_gland duct_gland
big-ticket costly dear expensive lickpenny high-priced out_of_sight plush pricey steep
practiced seasoned versed qualified veteran accomplished adept old hardened knowing_the_ropes
clear direct explicit express manifest monosemic monosemous patent plain specific unambiguous unequivocal univocal
clearly directly downrightly explicitly expressis_verbis expressly patently plainly specifically unambiguously unequivocally univocally
asplode blast blow blow_up burst detonate displode dynamite explode fulminate go_off let_off nuke rive set_off
alien extraterrestrial ET little_green_man LGM xenomorph
accidental adscititious external extraneous extrinsic
extraneousness extrinsicality extrinsicness extrinsicity inessentialness irrelevantness
eye eyeball glim globe lurk mince_pie ogle optic orb peeper silm
fabric cloth textile
expression face facial_expression look mien
ability attribute capability capacity endowment faculty gift potential potentiality power propensity property talent virtue wherewithal
ignore misheed misregard miss overlook overpass
artificial bad bogus concocted counterfeit ersatz false falsified fake faux feigned forged fraudulent illegitimate ingenuine mock phoney phony-baloney phony phony_as_a_three-dollar_bill pseudo put-up sham spurious unauthentic unreal trumped-up
crash_out doze_off drift_off drop_off fall_asleep get_off go_to_sleep nod_off nod_out sack_out zone
artificial concocted counterfactual deceitful deceptive erroneous fabricated fallacious falsified faux fictitious inaccurate incorrect invented made_up nonfactual prevaricated spurious unfaithful untrue wrong
falsehood falsity falseness leasing untruth
dishonestly false falsefully falsely insincerely truthlessly underhand underhanded underhandedly untruly untruthfully
accustomed acquainted familiar habitual known predictable routine wonted wontish
bait fabled famed famous famoused irrecondite known legendary mere noted noteworthy proverbial renowned storied well-known
admirer aficionado enthusiast devotee maniac fan fanatic fancier fancy fiend freak geek junkie partisan rooter zealot
scientifictionist science_fictioneer science_fictionist sfnist stefnist stfan stfnist slan
fanfic fan_fiction fanfiction fic
absurd crazy foolish nonsensical unreal preposterous insane fanciful bizarre wild
a_la_mode all_the_rage chic cool done fashionable groovy happening hep hip in in_fashion modish on_fleek on_trend styleworthy stylish tasteful trendy voguish up-to-the-minute with-it
anal-retentive choosy dainty exacting fastidious finical finicking finickity finicky finikin fussy hypercritical niggly nitpickish nit-picky nitty overcritical overscrupulous particular pedantic pernickety persnickety picky
adipose_tissue blubber fat flab lard speck weight
butterball chubster chunker chunky_monkey fat fatfuck fatso fattie fatty fat-ass fatass fatshit gorbelly hambeast landwhale lardass lardo oinker obeast pig podge porker pudge roly-poly salad_dodger swagbelly thunder_thighs tubbo tub_of_guts tub_of_lard
da dad dada daddio daddy father Father fatherling old_man pa pap papa papaw pappaw pappy Pappy pater patriarch paw pawpaw peepaw pepaw pop poppa poppy pops sire
fatigue tiredness exhaustedness exhaustion weariness
beleaguered exhausted fatigued forlagen forworn jaded languid tired weary worn_out
draining exhausting exhaustive fatiguing tiresome tiring weariful wearing wearisome weary
fear afraidness
fearmonger scaremonger alarmist
boom-boom caca cack crap crud danna dirt do_do doo-doo doody dook dookie dooky droppings dumplings dung Eartha_Kitt excrement faeces fecal_matter feces flop gong guano jobby log make merd muck night_soil number_two ordure poo pooh poop poopie poopy pure purging scat shit shite soil stool thost tom_tit turd waste
feel grope handle touch
feel_around fumble glaum grabble grope grubble poke
feline cat felid
muff prat
carpet_muncher dyke gayelle gynecophile lesbian lesbo muff_diver palone-omi sapphist scissor_sister tribade tribadist tribady vagitarian
fingering rolling_the_pill bean_flicking schlicking
masturbatrix wankette fingerer diddler bean_flicker
femme girlish girly ladyish ladylike womanish womanly camp effeminate epicene swish
fewness paucity scantiness
canon conworld paracosm paracosmos secondary_world 'verse
fight affray dust-up fisticuffs fracas kerfuffle punch-up ruckus scuffle set_to set-to tussle
figure_of_speech turn_of_phrase
filling_station fuel_provider fuel_station fuel_supplier fueling_station fuelling_station garage gas_bar gas_station gasoline_stand gasoline_station motor_station petrol_filling_station petrol_pump petrol_garage petrol_station service_station servo vehicle_station
final conclusive decisive definitive endly endsome hindermost hindmost last terminal ultimate
eventually finally in_conclusion in_fine in_the_end lastly ultimately
finger lupper
cessation close conclusion end ending endpoint final finale finis finish final_curtain halt omega termination terminus
concluded complete completed done ended finished in_the_books
boundedness enclosedness finiteness finitude finity limitedness
1stly first firstly first_of_all first_off first_up in_the_first_place
fiveness quinity
breastless chestless flat flat-chested
flatfish flatty pleuronectiform
flattery adulation ass-kissing ass-licking gloze hoomalimali blandishment soft_sawder sycophancy
badger blow_off break_ass break_wind crepitate curmur cut_one_loose cut_the_cheese drop_a_bomb fart flatulate grunt guff let_fluffy_off_the_chain let_one_go let_one_rip pass_gas pass_wind poop poot rip_ass rip_one spill_the_beans step_on_a_duck step_on_a_frog toot trump
flatulent windy gassy breezy curmurring
air_biscuit barking_spider biological_warfare bottom_burp botty_burp butt_burp curmurring emission fart feist flatulence flatus guff poot raspberry_tart SBD toot trouser_cough whooper wind windy flatulate
aromatize flavorize flavour
flavour sapor smack smake smatch taste
flawless faultless ideal impeccable infallible perfect
absquatulate amscray beat_a_retreat beat_it beat_feet blow_this_popsicle_stand bolt book_it do_a_bunk flee fly_the_coop jump get_lost get_out gnash head_for_the_hills hightail hightail_it hit_the_road kick_rocks leg_it make_a_break_for_it make_a_run_for_it make_tracks namous peg_it rabbit run_a_mile run_away run_for_the_hills run_off scamper scat scarper shemozzle scram skedaddle take_a_powder take_flight take_off take_to_one's_heels take_to_the_hills tear_off turn_tail vamoose
bendable bendsome bendy flexible flexile limber lithe
charm come_on_to coquet dally flirt fool_around gallivant get_fresh hit_on make_eyes_at play_the_field put_the_make_on tease
floor flooring ground
bloom blossom flower
flowing fluent fluid fluminous fluxive free-flowing onrushing quick streaming
fluent fluid fluidal fluidic fluidical liquid liquidlike moist
centered concentrated focused inspissated intensive telic
canoodle caress chuckle coax cosset dally dandle dawt faddle feel_up fond fondle grabble grope nantle pet pettle shift smuggle tiddle touch_up
aliment bait belly-timber chow comestibles cuisine eatables eats edibles feed fodder foodstuffs food grub kai meals meat munchable nibbles nosebag nosh nourishment om_nom_nom provender provisions rations scran sustenance tiffin tucker tuck victuals vittles
asshat arsehole asshole bayard berk birdbrain bobchin bonehead bozo brickhead Charlie chucklehead chowderhead chump clart dill_pickle dim_bulb dingleberry dipshit dipstick div divvo divvy dolt donk doodle doofus dope dork dote dotterel dullard dumbass dumbbell dumb_fuck dummy dunce dunderhead dupe fathead fenderhead fuckwit geck gink goober gooseberry gubbins ha'p'orth imbecile jerk jerkoff jolterhead jolthead juggins jughead knucklehead lamebrain maroon meathead mong moron mug muggins mushhead nimrod nincompoop nit nitwit not_the_sharpest_knife_in_the_drawer numskull pinhead plonker prat retard shit_for_brains shithead schmo schmuck snapperhead softhead sot sucker thickhead tool tosser tosspot twat twerp twit wally wantwit yampy
bedaft daft derpy dopey dumb duncical fatuous gauvison idiotic naive silly slight softheaded soft_in_the_head sottish stupid thick unwise
dandiacal dandy dandyish dudish beauish buckish foppish Jemmy-Jessamy lily-handed Woosterian
adult grown_up mature R-rated
e._g. for_example for_instance including such_as
acquired additional adventitious alien ascititious extraneous foreign fremd intrusive outlandish supplemental
alien barbarian firangi foreign foreigner fremd furriner gaijin metœcus nonlocal noninhabitant nonnational nonresident outcomeling outener outlander outsider Paradesi peregrine strangeling stranger uitlander
foreskin prepuce blinds burrito cap curtains drapes goatskin gobbler gooch hood lace_curtains schmuck sheath snapper toque
forest woods woodland
ad_infinitum all_the_time always aye continually endlessly eternally ever ever_after evermore for_good forever forevermore for_evermore for_ever_and_ever for_ever_more in_perpetuity in_saecula_saeculorum incessantly lastingly neverendingly permanently perpetually sempiternally until_hell_freezes_over until_Kingdom_come
exordium forespeech foretale foretalk foreword introduction isagoge lead-in preamble preface proem proemium prologue
disremember forget obliviate
beshape forshape form mold shape transmogrify turn
antecedent anterior earlier erstwhile foregone former old olden past preceding precedent previous prior quondam sometime used-to-be whilom
afore aforehand already antecedently at_one_time before beforehand beforetime ere erenow erewhile erstwhile erstwhiles foretime formerly in_advance in_the_past late once precedently previously sometime sometimes therebefore whilom yestertide yestertime yet
bent forte gift knack long_suit métier speciality strength strong_suit talent
fourfold fourice frice quadruply
fourness quaternity
fowl gamefowl poultry wildfowl
breakable delicate flimsy fragile frail frangible tenuous
fractional fragmentary
ambrosial aromatic aromatique balmy fragrant redolent sweet-smelling
bunco-steerer charlatan cheat cheater chiseler cozener defrauder finagler fleecer fraud fraudster humbug goldbrick gull gyp landshark pickpenny rook scammer scamp schemester sharper slicker spieler swindler
babber billy bredrin bruv bud buddy butty china chuck chum cock cocker cobber compadre comrade companion cove crony dawg dude duck fam fettler friend geez geezer gink good_old_boy homeskillet homie kith lover marrow mate matey mucker old_bean pal pardner peeps shag sport surry tovarish wantok
affability amiability amicability approachability bonhomie cordiality friendliness geniality pleasantness
affectionate amiable amicable chummy companionable congenial cordial facile familiar friendly genial hospitable matey personable simpatico welcoming
alarm affright appall dismay fray frighten harrow horrify make_someone's_blood_run_cold petrify scare scare_straight scare_the_bejeebers_out_of scare_the_pants_off_of terrorize terrify
alarming appalling awful fearful formidable frightening frightful ghastly grisly horrible horrid horrific horrifying horripilating pulse-pounding scaring scary shocking terrible terrifying
front_matter prelims
canny chary cheap economical frugal husbandly huswifely prudent sparing thrifty
arse_bandit batty_boy bugger butt_pirate enculader fudge_packer sodomist sodomite poo_pirate
adult big developed full-grown grown grown-ass grown_up mature
functional functioning in_working_order operational working
at_bottom at_heart au_fond basically by_definition deep_down essentially factually fundamentally in_effect in_essence in_the_end in_the_final_analysis substantially ultimately
funny amusing comedic comic comical droll thalian hilarious humorous hysterical laughable rib-tickling risible side-splitting uproarious wacky zany
aureation bombard_phrase bombast fustian grandiloquence highfalutin purple_prose
futile ineffectual unavailing vain idle fruitless bootless
coming future hereafter toward unborn
advantageous gainful gainsome lucrative lucriferous lucrific paying profitable remunerative
galaxy island_universe
crook gallows gibbet nubbing_cheat Tyburn_tree
crack-hemp crack-rope gallows gallows_bird hang_dog hangdog hempie scapegallows slip-halter wag-halter
aeriform aereous aerial airy ethereal gaseous pneumatic vaporlike vaporous wafty
blatant brash catchpenny chichi chintzy crude flashy flaunting florid flossy froufrou garish gay glaring gross gussied_up jazzy kitschy loud meretricious obtrusive ostentatious pretentious ritzy raffish showy snazzy splendiferous tasteless tawdry tinselly too_much whorish
gelatinous jellylike tremellose
gemstone gem jewel
abstraction despecification generalization genericization universalization
generalize genericize
all_things_considered altogether at_large as_a_whole broadly catholicly in_general generally generically overall universally
catholic ecumenical general generic nonsingular nonspecific universal unparticular unsingular unspecific
catholicity generality genericity genericness universality
charitable fouthy free frolic generous giving goodwilly handsome jannock liberal munificent open-handed
danger_zone down_there genitalia genitals intimate_parts junk nethers no-no_spot pee-pee private_parts privates pudenda sweet_spot undercarriage underparts wee-wee
brain brain_surgeon brainbox brainiac deep_thinker egghead genius intellectual mind rocket_scientist superbrain thinker
genuine real authentic true lubish sterling true bona_fide non-fake
get_hitched get_married marry tie_the_knot wed
apparition barghest duppy eidolon ghost haint jumbie phantom poltergeist revenant shade specter spirit spook visitant wraith
apparitional ghastly ghostish ghostlike ghostly phantomic phantomlike phantasmal phantasmic spectral spooky wraithlike wraithy
giant behemoth Brobdingnagian colossus ettin hulk leviathan mammoth monster thurse titan whale
benefaction boon concession donative fairing gift grant present tithing
astronomic behemothic big_fat Brobdingnagian bulky colossal cyclopean Daniel_Lambertish elephantine elephantic enormous gargantuan giant gigantic gigantesque ginormous great great_big honkin' huge hulking humongous humungous hunormous immense jumbo large mammoth massive mastodonic mega- monstrous monumental mountainous outsized oversize oversized pantagruelian sizable sizeable stupendous super- supersized titanic tremendous vast whopping
behemoth hulk hunk bulk Goliath giant jumbo mammoth mastodon monster mountain whopper
bint chick colleen damoiselle damsel elrig frail gal gel girl girlie girly grill lass lassie little_girl maggie maid maid_child maiden miss missy moggy poppet pucelle puss quean wan wench woman_child
brass_tacks core crux deets details essence gist heart heart_and_soul inwardness kernel marrow meat nitty-gritty nub nuts_and_bolts pith punctum_saliens quintessence salient_point soul spirit stuff substance tenor
arsehole ass assface asshole asswipe bastard bitch blackguard blaggard buttlicker buttmunch carrion cockhead cocklicker cocksucker crud cunt dick dickhead dickwad dickweed dipshit douche douchebag douchecanoe douchewagon earthworm fribble fucker fuckface fuckhead fuckstain fucktard git heel hilding insect jackass jerk loser louse mongrel motherfucker paskudnyak pigwidgeon pigfucker prick queef raasclaat ratfink schmuck scrub scut sewer_rat sheep-biter shit shitbird shitehawk shitface shithead skate son_of_a_bitch son_of_a_gun son of_a_whore stinker swine turdball twattock wankpuffin worm yutz
accord add assign award bestow bequeath confer contribute deliver do donate furnish give give_away grant hand hand_in hand_over make_over minister pass present provide render supply turn_in turn_over
give_head go_down_on
Christian_name first_name forename front_name given_name prename
accorder assigner bestower bequeather deliverer furnisher giver granter presenter renderer supplier
glance gleg glimpse shufti
bell-end cockhead cue_ball dickhead dome head helmet knob knobhead little_head mushroom_tip other_head plum purple_helmet skull tip warhead glans clitoral_glans penis clitoris
coruscate flash gleam glitter glisten luster sheen shimmer shine sparkle
glacé glassy glossy lacquerlike satiny sheeny sleek slickered vitreous
anal_cleft ass_crack buttcrack crack gluteal_cleft intergluteal_cleft natal_cleft
belly-god buzgut cormorant gannet glutton gorger gourmand gormandizer helluo pig slow_belly trencherman
amscray be_off_with_you beat_it begone bog_off bug_off bugger_off buzz_off clear_off do_one fuck_off gertcha get_bent get_fucked get_knotted get_lost get_out_of_here get_outta_here get_out_of_my_face get_screwed get_stuffed get_squeezed git go_and_boil_your_head go_and_eat_coke go_away go_chase_yourself go_climb_a_tree go_fly_a_kite go_fuck_yourself go_jump_in_the_lake go_play_in_the_traffic go_to_hell go_to_Halifax go_to_the_devil hadaway_and_shite hence hit_the_road hop_it jog_on leave make_like_a_banana_and_split make_like_a_tree_and_leave make_yourself_scarce naff_off nick_off on_yer_bike on_your_bike piss_off pound_sand push_off rack_off scram screw_off screw_you shoo shove_off sling_one's_hook sod_off split spread_out take_a_hike take_a_long_walk_on_a_short_pier
flip_one's_wig freak_out get_one's_freak_on go_bananas go_bonkers go_crazy go_mad go_nuts go_potty lose_it lose_one's_marbles lose_one's_mind take_leave_of_one's_senses
couch_a_hogshead go_to_bed go_to_sleep hit_the_hay hit_the_sack retire turn_in turn_into_a_pumpkin
aim ambition aspiration end goal intention object objective purpose success target
bugbear bog bogey boggard bogle bug-a-boo gnome goblin hobgoblin imp kobold ogre orc puck
cosmocrat cosmocrator god godship deity divinity sky_daddy sky_fairy
gleet gloop glop goo gook goop gunge gunk gum ick muck ooze paste slop sludge slime
acceptable agreeable all_right as_fine_as_Dick's_hatband awesome bene bona commendable decent enjoyable excellent exceptional fantastic fine gratifying great magnificent marvelous nice not_bad outstanding perfect phenomenal pleasant pleasing positive satisfying satisfactory splendid stellar stupendous super superb terrific wonderful wondrous
aloha au_revoir adieu adios arrivederci BCNU bye bye-bye catch_you_later cheerio cheers cheery-bye ciao chur farewell good_day Godspeed hasta_la_vista hasta_la_vista,_baby have_a_nice_day hooroo keep_it_real later laters peace_out sayonara shalom see_ya see_you see_you_after see_you_in_the_funny_papers see_you_later see_you_later_alligator smell_ya_later smell_you_later so_long ta-ta tatty_bye take_care toodle-oo toodle_pip toodles TTFN ttyl
beneficence dogoodery good heroism virtue virtuousness
chaffer commodity goods merch merchandise product stock swag ware
blab chelp clepe dish dish_the_dirt gossip jaunder labrish shoot_the_shit talk talk_out_of_turn tattle tell_tales_out_of_school tittle-tattle
carrytale blab blabbermouth blabtale blabtongue busybody buzzer gossip gossiper gossipmonger meddler mumblenews newsmonger rumormonger rumourmonger scandalmonger sleazemonger tabby talebearer tattletale telltale telltale_tit titivil tittle-tattle town_crier whisperer
incremental gradual piecemeal slow stepwise
bit_by_bit by_degrees by_inches continually footmeal inch_by_inch incrementally gradatim gradually little_by_little momentarily momently one_step_at_a_time progressively step_by_step stepmeal unsuddenly
grammatical_case case
grammatical_gender gender
mode mood grammatical_mood
grammatical_number number
grammatical_person person
ayle eldfather elderfather goodsire gramp grampa gramps grampop gran granda grandad grandaddy granddad granddaddy grandfather grandpa grandpap grandpapa grandpappy Grandpappy grandpaw grandpop grandsire granfer granpappy granther pa pap papa papaw pappaw pappy Pappy pawpaw peepaw pepaw pop-pop poppy zayde
baba beldame gammy gram gramma gran grandam grandma Grandma grandma'am grandmamma grandmammy grandmaw grandmom grandmommy grandmother grandmum grandmummy Grandmummy grannam granny Granny mimi nan nana Nana nanna nanny mamaw mammaw meemaw memaw
corpuscular globular grainy granular granulary granuliform granulose granulous particulate
belock begrasp begrip clasp clench clinch cling clutch enclasp fang fondle glaum grab grabble grasp grip hang_on hold_on hold_tight hold nim seize stranglehold take
complimentary costless chargeless free free_of_charge gratis gratuitous
grayish greyish grisescent
avarice covetise covetousness cupidity greed greediness rapacity
acquisitive avaricious covetous edacious esurient grasping greedy miserable piggish rapacious sordid sharp-set voracious
greenish greeny verdurous virescent viridescent
accost address greeting hail salutation
air appearance aspect bearing demeanor deportment garb guise hue likeness look manner mien
gullible credulous green naive fleeceable naif born_yesterday fresh_off_the_boat wide-eyed
flavoury gustable saporific saporous tastable tasteable
gust gustation taste
hackneyed banal bromidic clichéd commonplace cookie-cutter corny everyday meh overdone prosaic shopworn stale stock threadbare timeworn tired trite unoriginal vapid warmed-over well-worn
biscuit_hooks hand mauler meat_hook mound paw
handwrite set_down write
gallows-ripe hangworthy hempie rigwoodie rope-ripe rope-worthy widdiful
arse_about_face at_random chaotically disorderedly disorganizedly haphazardly nonscientifically randomly uncoordinatedly unevenly unmethodically unscientifically unsystematically untidily willy-nilly
bechance befall belimp betide betime chance come_about come_to_pass crop_up evene eventuate go_on hap happen hold occur pass take_place transpire
blissful cheerly cheerful chuffed cock-a-hoop content contented convivial delighted ebullient ecstatic elated excited exultant gassed gay glad gleeful gleesome happy jovial joyful merry merry_as_a_cricket merry_as_a_grig on_cloud_nine over_the_moon overjoyed overjoyous pacific perky placated pleased satisfied thrilled tickled_pink triumphant vivacious wealful happy_as_a_clam happy_as_a_clam_at_high_water happy_as_a_lark happy_as_a_pig_in_mud happy_as_a_pig_in_shit happy_as_a_prince happy_as_Larry happy_as_the_day_is_long
adamantine concrete firm granitic hard inflexible lithic resistant rigid robust solid stiff stout sturdy stony unbending unyielding
anneal harden indurate obdurate sclerotise solidify steel stiffen temper
callosity durity firmness hardness induration inflexibility rigidity renitence renitency stiffness temper
blissom chamber colt gill harlot harlotize minx rake rig slut trollop wanton wantonize
damage do_ill harm hurt injure wound
harmful damaging deleterious detrimental hurtful inimical injurious mischievous nocent nocuous noxious noisome prejudicial scathand scathel
abhor abominate can't_stand can't_stand_the_sight_of despise detest disrelish execrate hate loathe resent
accept_as_true be_of_the_opinion conceive opine reckon think
exhale evolve reek resent scent smell transpire
savour smack taste
bean beaner belfry block bonce dome head loaf lolly noodle noddle noggin nut pate scalp sconce skull
premier prime_minister chancellor taoiseach chief_executive chief_minister first_minister deputy_first_minister minister-president
headgear headwear headdress headpiece
avast beware blackfriars cave cheese_it heads_up hey_up hist look_lively look_out look_sharp mind_out namous take_care ware watch_it watch_out
all_oak_and_iron_bound buxom fit hail hale hale_and_hearty healthy in_the_pink_of_health lusty sound sound_as_a_barrel sound_as_a_bell well whole
ciao good_morning good_day good_evening good_morrow greetings heaveno hello hello_there heyday hi hi_there hiya heyo how how_are_you salaam salaam_alaikum salutations shalom shalom_aleichem sup wassup well_met what's_doing what's_going_on what's_new what's_up yello yo g'day hey howdy cheerio how's_it_going top_of_the_morning namaste wagwan ayubowan privet howzit alright alright_me_babber alright_me_lover ay_up_me_duck ey_up hallo hey howdy hullo wotcher aloha ayo hallo hey howdy
abet aid assist befriend bestead come_to_someone's_aid give_someone_a_hand grip help help_out lend_a_hand lend_a_helping_hand mend stead succor succour support sustain relieve
anymore as_of_now from_now_on going_forward hereafter henceforth henceforward henceforwards in_future in_the_future moving_forward
bully daredevil goodie Hector hero lion lionheart tiger worthy
heroin diacetylmorphine diamorphine Big_H boy brown bujj dope junk horse ron scag smack sugar whiteboy yam_yam
boggle deliberate demur dither falter hesitate hover mammer scruple stand_shilly-shally stick swither waver
Kinsey_1 bi-curious heteroflexible open-minded bisexual_person
catholic diverse diversified eclectic heterogeneous liberal manifold miscellaneous mixed motley multifarious multifold sundry variable various
heterosexual straight hetero breeder
heterosexual het hetero breeder Kinsey_0 Kinsey_1 other-sexer straight vanilla
ahem ahoy cooee hey heyo hoo_man oi oi_oi yo yoohoo
covered concealed dark dern hidden invisible latent private obfuscated obfuscatory obscure obscured occluded occulted recondite unapparent secluded secret secreted silent snug tect underground undisclosed veiled
highpad highwayman highwaywoman road_agent scampsman Saint_Nicholas'_clerk Knight_of_Saint_Nicholas Saint_Nicholas'_clergyman
behedge delay difficult forestay forslow frustrate get_in_the_way hamper handicap hinder hold_up impede incommode let obstruct overslaugh prevene prevent restrict retard slow_down stay thwart thwarten umbeset undermine
barrier bone_in_the_throat bump_in_the_road hindrance impediment obstruction obstacle encumbrance hurdle roadblock stumbling_block
hairy hirsute
bang baste batter beat belabor blow boom-boom buffet butt calcitrate dab dash dowse fetch_one_a_blow flap give_toco kick knock hammer hit lunge patter pat pelt pink poke pummel punch pound tap thrash thump thwack rap slam slap strike swap whack whip yerk
as_yet erenow herebefore hereto heretofore hereunto hereuntofore hitherto hithertofore so_far thus_far to_date up_to_now yet
amusement avocation diversion fancy hobby kill-time pastime pursuit sport
bouillabaisse congeries crazyquilt farrago gallimaufry hodgepodge horse_and_rabbit_stew hotchpotch job_lot jumble macedoine medley melange mingle-mangle mishmash mixed_bag mixture motley oddments olio olla_podrida omnium-gatherum pastiche patchwork_quilt potpourri ragbag salmagundi slurry smorgasbord Whitman's_sampler
homogeneous invariable of_a_piece onefold samely uniform uniformal unmixed unvaried unvarying
blend fuse homogenize inosculate uniformize
homosexual queer same-sex
homo homosexual gay queer
fair_dinkum foursquare frank genuine honest on_the_level on_the_up-and-up square straight straight_dinkum straightforward true truthful trustworthy up_front veracious veridical
candidly earnestly for_real for_realsies forthcomingly frankly genuinely honestly openly simply sincerely singly straight_up truly truthfully
equine horse
adverse antagonistic conflicting contentious counteracting hostile incompatible inharmonious inimical irreconcilable opposed repugnant unfriendly unharmonious
hot blistering boiling burning heated hissing_hot hotter_than_a_pistol hot_as_hell hot_as_fire incandescent molten piping_hot red-hot scorching toasted toasty scalding searing white-hot piquant pungent spicy tangy zesty fit gorgeous lush sexy tasty yummy
dog footlong frank frankfurt frankfurter glizzy sausage wiener wienie
how_are_you how_bist how_do_you_do how_are_you_doing how's_it_going how's_tricks what's_up how's_it_hanging
bombinate buzz drone hum thrum whirr whizz
humankind mankind peoplekind personkind human_race humanity Homo_sapiens
abased demure diffident humble meek mild modest resigned self-effacing unpretentious verecund
bombination buzz buzzing drone droning hum humming thrum thrumming whirr whirring whizz whizzing
hummer hummingbird
famished hungerful hungry hungry_as_a_hog hungry_like_the_wolf starved starving
afflict dere excruciate hurt pang pine rack throe torment torture
husband his_lordship hubby lord_and_master old_man
cross cross-breed hybrid melding mixling mongrel
hyper hyperactive overactive
hyperlink link
he-man macho macho_man manimal
identical self selfsame
clock ID identify ken notice recognize twig
addle-brain addlehead addle_pate airhead baboon beanbrain beetlebrain beetlehead berk bimbo birdbrain blockhead blubberbrain bonehead Boeotian boob brickhead bubblehead bubble_brain bufflehead buffoon buttbreath Charlie chowderhead chucklehead chump cittern-head clod clot clown crackhead cretin deadhead dimbo dim_bulb dimbus dimwit dingbat ding_dong dingleberry dingwad dip dipstick doldrum dolt donut doodle doof doofoid doofus dope dork drivel drongo drool_bucket dullard dumb_bunny dumbbell dumb_cluck dumbhead dumble dumbling dumbnut dumbo dummkopf dummy dunce dunderhead dunderpate eejit farthead fathead featherbrain fenderhead fleabrain fool fopdoodle fuck-knuckle galoot gomer gonk goober goose goosecap gorbuson halfwit ha'porth hammerhead idiot ignoramus imbecile inbred jackass jerk juggins jughead knothead knucklehead lackwit lamebrain log loggerhead lummox lunk lunkhead maroon meatball meathead mental_midget mome mongoloid mongtard moron mouth_breather muggins mushhead muttonhead nimrod nincompoop ninny ninnyhammer nit nitwit noddy noodlehead numbskull oaf oligophrenic peabrain pillock pigwidgeon pinhead plank plonker prat put putz retard sap saphead schmo simp simpleton snapperhead sot space_cadet stupe stupid stupid-head tard thickhead thickskull thicko tomfool toolbox tosspot twit wally wantwit wazzer wazzock witless_wonder yo-yo ass assclown asshat asshead asstard asswipe dildo dipshit donkey_dick dumbarse dumbfuck dumbfucker dumbshit fucktard fuckwit peckerhead shitbrain shithead shitneck shitwit twat
bum couch_potato dawdler deadbeat do-naught do-nothing dosser idler idleton faineant flaneur footler get-nothing goldbricker goof-off lallygag laggard layabout lazy_ass lazybones lidderon lie-abed loafer loiter-sack lounge_lizard lounger morepork poop ragabash shirker slacker slow_belly slugabed sluggard sofa_spud tarrier
dicey dodgy dubious fishy iffy questionable shonky sketchy
dunce ignoramus jay know-nothing lack-latin mumpsimus nescient numskull rube wild-ass
benighted cimmerian clueless foolish ignorant lack-learning loreless nescient oblivious unaware uneducated unenlightened uninformed unknowing unknowledgeable unlearned unlearnt unmindful untaught untrained unwitting
disregard dissemble ignore misheed misregard neglect pass pass_by put_aside shrug_off take_no_notice_of tune_out unmind unheed
ailing bad crank crook green_about_the_gills icky ill indisposed infirm like_death_warmed_over maladive mawkish off_one's_feed on_the_Pat_and_Mick out_of_sorts Pat_and_Mick poorly queer sick sickish sickly sick_as_a_dog sick_as_a_parrot under_the_weather unhealthy unwell valetudinarian valetudinary
illegitimate base baseborn base_born bastardly extramarital misbegotten nameless natural spurious unwanted
belight beshine enlighten illume illuminate illumine illustrate irradiate light_up light lighten shed_light_on
alight illuminated inlighted lighted lighty lit lit_up luminous
copiable imitable
ape imitate mimic simulate copy ditto echo emulate parallel match mime mirror mock reproduce
copying imitation replication
copycat derivative emulative imitative mimical unoriginal
ASAP at_once by_and_by directly forthwith forthwithal instanter instantly no_sooner_said_than_done now on_the_nail on_the_spot on_the_spur_of_the_moment pronto right_away right_now soon stat straightaway this_instant toot_sweet tout_de_suite yesterday
fixed immobile immovable rigid stationary stuck unmovable
arrest draw_up freeze halt immobilize stop
aberrant corrupt depraved errant indecent indecorous immodest immoral improper incontinent iniquitous unduteous undutiful unethical ungodly unjust unprincipled unrighteous unseemly unscrupulous unworthy wrong
athanasy deathlessness eternal_life immortality undeadliness
bateless immutable inalterable invariable permanent perpetual unabateable unalterable unchangeable undeviating
empierce fix impale pierce prick puncture run_through stake stick transfix transpierce
around_the_corner at_hand forthcoming imminent impendent impending in_the_offing in_the_wind instant on_the_boil pending proximate to_come toward
imperceivable imperceptible insensible undetectable undistinguishable unperceivable
aweless bad-mannered barbaric bold bumptious crude churlish discourteous gauche ill-bred ill-mannered impolite incivil insolent lack-grace mismannered rough rude uncivil uncourteous uncouth uncultured underbred unmannerly unpolished unpolite unrefined
big central consequential critical crucial essential extraordinary heavy historic innegligible meaningful necessary noted noticeable observable outstanding paramount pertinent relevant remarkable salient significant unignorable valuable vital weighty
big_cheese big_enchilada big_gun big_kahuna big_man big_noise big_shot bigwig big_wheel boss grand_poobah head_honcho heavy_hitter heavyweight high-muck-a-muck king_of_all_one_surveys king_of_the_castle king_of_the_hill kingpin Master_of_the_Universe muckamuck muckety_muck numero_uno poobah rooster somebody top_banana top_dog top_gun very_important_person VIP wheel
castle_in_the_air impossibility pie_in_the_sky pipe_dream
almsless arm badly_off bankrupt beggared beggarly boracic broke broken broker_than_the_Ten_Commandments dead_broke destitute dirt_poor down_and_out down_on_one's_luck empty-handed flat flat_broke hard_up impecunious impoverished in_need indigent insolvent lower-class necessitous needy oofless pauperized penniless penurious pinched poor poor_as_a_church_mouse poor_as_a_rat poor_as_Job possessionless poverty-ridden poverty-stricken shillingless skint stone-broke stony-broke strapped wealthless
get_with_child impregnate inseminate inwomb knock_up settle
bang_up confine gaol incarcerate imprison jail lock_up put_away roof send_down
ad_lib extemporal extemporary extemporaneous extempore extemporized impromptu improvised improviso off-the-cuff offhand spur-of-the-moment
ameliorate amend batten better enhance improve meliorate get_better look_up repair empower
ameliorated bettered enhanced improved meliorated potentiated
audacity audaciousness brashness brazenness cheek cheekiness chutzpah crust disrespect effrontery gall outdaciousness immortal_rind impudence insolence irreverence impertinence pertness rind sauciness temerity
imperfect impure tainted
active alive extant functioning in_action ongoing operating stirring working
as_well_as beside besides beyond in_addition_to forby on on_top_of over_and_above with
besotted besotten bitten charmed enamored head_over_heels in_love infatuated limerent love-struck loved-up lovesick smitten sweet_on taken twitterpated
i.e. in_other_words put_differently that_is that_is_to_say to_put_it_another_way
at_the_end_of_the_day ATEOTD basically essentially in_a_nutshell in_summary in_the_end in_short ultimately when_all_is_said_and_done
buggered cactused dicked fucked hooped in_a_bind in_a_fix in_a_mess in_a_pickle in_a_pinch in_deep_shit in_Dickie's_meadow in_for_it in_the_lurch in_the_soup in_trouble knee-deep_in_the_Big_Muddy rooted screwed shagged souped stuffed up_a_gum_tree up_against_it up_shit_creek up_the_creek up_the_creek_without_a_paddle up_the_proverbial waist_deep_in_the_Big_Muddy
abeyant at_rest cessant dormant fallow inactive inert latent nonactive quiescent silent sedentary slow suspended torpid unactive
awanting deficient dismal exiguous geason inadequate insufficient lank lean meager measly paltry raunchy scant scanty scarce skimpy sleazy slender spare sparse unsufficient wanting wanty
countless incalculable incomputable noncalculable uncalculable uncomputable
AFC blue-baller incel incelibate involuntary_celibate love-shy permavirgin
love-shyness fuckstration AFCdom AFCness lovelessness thirstiness sexlessness unfuckability blue_balls
actuate bring_about drive encourage egg_on engender evoke excite foment goad grill impel incite induce instigate invoke motivate move prompt provoke rouse set_off spur stimulate stir stir_up tempt urge whip_up
apt disposed fain forward inclined liable minded ready predisposed prone propense wont
incompleteness incompletion noncompleteness noncompletion uncompletedness uncompletion unfinish unfinishedness
abstruse dense enigmatic fathomless inapprehensible incognizable incomprehensible ineffable inenubilable inexplicable impenetrable inscrutable insoluble insolvable mysterious nonunderstandable obscure thick undecipherable undiscoverable unexplainable unfathomable ungraspable unintelligible unknowable ununderstandable
augment grow increase propagate rise
additively bit_by_bit incrementally footmeal little_by_little piecemeal step_by_step stepwise
indescribable undescribable indicible inexpressible ineffable inenarrable inutterable termless unsayable unspeakable unutterable
arrow-finger demonstrator forefinger index index_finger insignitor lickpot pointer pointer_finger pointling showing_finger teacher trigger_finger
demonstration evidence mark proof sign signal token patteran
fuzzy hazy ill-defined ill-marked indefinite indistinct indistinguishable muzzy obscure undefined vague
absolutely abstractedly abstractly apart discretely independently individually separately serely severally singly sunderling sunderly uniquely
immovable impregnable indomitable inextinguishable inexpugnable insuperable insuppressible insurmountable invincible inviolate never-say-die unbeatable unconquerable unquenchable unsinkable unsubduable unsurmountable unsuppressible unvanquishable unyielding
baby cocker coddle cosset featherbed indulge mollycoddle mother namby-pamby nanny pamper posset spoil
industrious assiduous diligent sedulous notable painstaking hard-working worksome
incomestible indigestible inedible inesculent nonedible uncomsumable uneatable
difference disparity imparity inequality inequation nonequivilence unevenness
avoidless certain foregone impreventable ineluctable inescapable inevitable irresistible necessary predictable unavoidable unescapable unpreventable
certainly ineluctably inescapably inevitably inexorably necessarily relentlessly unavoidably unrelentingly
absence existlessness inexistence mu nihility nonbeing nonexistence nothingness notness unbeing unexistence
extinct inessential inexistent nonexistent null zilch
callow experienceless inexperienced unexperienced fresh green new pup raw unpracticed unseasoned unversed
deteriority inferiority netherness raunch suckage suckiness worseness
bottomless boundless endless infinite limitless unbottomed unbounded unlimited universal
boundlessness infiniteness infinitude infinity limitlessness unlimitedness
acquaint advise apprise enlighten impart inform notify tell
abaddon accuser beefer bewrayer bigmouth blabber blabtale blabtongue canary CI finger fink fizgig gossip grass informant informer jurat leak mole narc nark outer peacher rat rooster sneak snitch snout squealer squealer state's_evidence stooge stoolie sycophant tattler tattletale telltale_tit telltale tout whistleblower
consume get_outside ingest partake put_away touch
incopiable inimitable uncopiable unimitable
beginning commencing earliest first incipient initial maiden nascent opening original primary prime primeval primordial starting
at_first initially in_the_first_place originally to_begin_with to_start_with
injury wound scath scathe lesion dere
connate connatural congenital congenite genetous inborn inbred indigenous ingenite innate native natural to_the_manner_born unlearned unlearnt
blameless clean clean-handed clean_as_a_hound's_tooth clean_as_a_whistle dovelike guiltless innocent innocent_as_the_babe_unborn innocent_as_the_child_unborn irreprehensible offenseless pure sackless sinless unblameable uncalculating unguilty
blamelessly cleanly guiltlessly innocently irreprehensibly purely sinlessly unblameably unblamefully
boldly_go_where_no_man_has_gone_before break_new_ground innovate novelize pioneer
innovative innovatory avant-garde ahead_of_the_curve ahead_of_one's_time hip pioneering cutting_edge leading_edge forefront foremost advanced advancing above_the_curve ahead_of_the_game anticipating on_the_ball on_top_of state_of_the_art beforehand in_advance_of preceding
countless innumerable numberless uncountable unnumbered untold
insane apeshit bananas barking barking_mad barmy batcrap batpoop bats batshit batty bonkers bread_baskets cracked crackers cray cray-cray crazed crazy cuckoo daft demented disturbed doolally dotty eccentric fruit_loops fucked_up gaga hatstand harebrained kooky loony loony_tunes loopy lunatic mad mental mentally_ill meshigener meshugge non_compos_mentis nucking_futs nutballs nuts nutso nutty off_the_beam potty psycho psychoceramic psychotic ripshit screwy squirrelly starkers unbalanced wackadoodle weird whacko wode yampy
brainsickness craze craziness derangement insanity lunacy lune madness mental_disorder mental_illness unreason
inside_out outside_in wrong_side_out
base frivolous inconsequential inconsiderable insignificant ignorable like_a_fart_in_a_windstorm meager mean minor negligible paltry petty picayune picayunish piddly pitiful silly slight trifling trivial unimportant unweighty worthless wretched
bland cardboard flaggy flavorless ingustible intastable savorless insipid gustless sapidless savorless mawkish smackless tasteless unsavory untasteable wallowish watery waugh wearish wersh
instantaneity instantaneousness immediacy immediateness
flash immediate instant instantaneous present
instruction advice counsel education indoctrination information teaching
implement instrument machine tool utensil
airy ethereal immaterial insubstantial tenuous unreal unsubstantial
intact uncut undivided unsevered whole
intactness unbrokenness
absorb add_on assimilate co-opt corporate incorporate incorpse integrate subsume swallow
cerebral intellectual logical mental rational
brain cleverness head brightness intellect intelligence mind nous psyche reason smartness wit
astute brainy bright brilliant clever educated genius gifted ingenious intellectual intelligent keen knowledgeable piquant quick quick-witted rational sagacious savvy sharp smart talented whip-smart wise
boffin brain brainiac bright_spark egghead geek nerd propeller_head shrewd_article smart_cookie supernerd
brainily brilliantly cleverly ingeniously intelligently quick-wittedly sagaciously savvily smartly
aim intent intention mind plan purpose
advertent conscious deliberate intentional on_purpose purposeful purposive volitional voluntary wilful
between-time gap interim interlapse lapse meantime meanwhile
exogamy extramarriage heterogamy intermarriage mixed_marriage outmarriage
average intermediate middle middling mild medium moderate
burial deposition inhumation deep_six
break gap interlapse interspace interstice opening separation space
bulldoze bully browbeat cow dastardize daunt dishearten do_down domineer hector intimidate menace strong-arm
built-in essential immanent inbuilt infused ingrained inherent instilled integral intrinsic inwrought radical
inbeing indwelling inexistence inherence inhesion intrinsicality intrinsicity intrinsicness
essentially in_and_of_itself inherently innately intrinsically naturally per_se
disutility inutility unusability uselessness
invert reverse up-end
bred-in-the-bone deep-rooted deep-seated dyed-in-the-wool ingrained inveterate long-standing radicated
inarguable incontestable incontrovertible indeniable indisputable indubitable irrebuttable irrecusable irrefragable nondeniable unanswerable unassailable unattackable unchallengeable uncontrovertible undebatable undeniable undiscutable undisputable undoubtable unimpeachable unquestionable unrebuttable unrecusable unshakable
impertinence inapplicability independence irrelation irrelationship irrelevancy
beside_the_mark beside_the_point immaterial impertinent irrelative irrelevant moot nongermane nonpertinent off-topic orthogonal tangential unapt ungermane
atrabilious bad-tempered bilious bitchy cantankerous carnaptious crabby cranky dyspeptic edgy fretful grumpy grotchy grouchy hissy hot-livered huffy humpy ill-natured ill-tempered irascible irritable out_of_sorts peevish petulant prickly querulous raspy ratty snappish snappy snippety snippish snippy snitchy stressy testy tetchy tetty thin-skinned thorny touchy twitchy umbrageous
big_house borstal bridewell brig calaboose clink correctional_facility crowbar_hotel detention_centre dungeon gaol glasshouse graybar_hotel guardhouse gulag hole honor_farm hoosegow jail jailhouse juvenile_hall juvie lockup pen penal_colony penitentiary pokey prison prison_camp prison_farm prison_hulk prison_ship remand_center roundhouse slammer slam stalag stockade up_the_river workhouse Abu_Ghraib Alcatraz Attica Bastille Dartmoor Devil's_Island Folsom Hanoi_Hilton Leavenworth Lefortovo Maze Pelican_Bay San_Quentin Sing_Sing Tower
argot intalk jargon language lingo parlance phraseology sublanguage terminology
asshat asshole asswipe bag_of_dicks chunk-blower cunt cuntbiscuit dick dickhead dickweasel douche douchebag doucheburger douchecanoe douche_nozzle douchewad douchewagon fag fuckoid git jackass jagweed jerk jerkoff jerkwad jerkweed meanie piece_of_shit piece_of_work pig prick schmuck scum scumbag shitass shit_bird shithead shitlord squib vonce
joke jest
buffoon clown fool jester jestress joculator joculatrix joker merryman motley_fool railleur
accouple affix associate attach bewed bind clasp clinch combine conglomerate conglutinate conjoin connect couple entwine fay fix graft hitch hook inosculate interlink join joint knit knot link marry pinion put_together splice unite wed yoke
collective common corporate joint mutual shared united
aggregately collaboratively collectively conjointly en_masse generally jointly mutually together
buffoon clown comedian comic cutup funnyman gagman gagster giber humorist jackpudding joker jokester wag wit
fare journey sith trip
award choice conclusion corollary criticism decision deduction determination ergotism estimate idea illation inference judgement mind opinion porism result upshot valuation view
combination conjunction fusion junction merger unification union
junk 86 bin can cast_away chuck chuck_away chuck_out discard dispose_of ditch dump get_rid_of jettison scrap shift throw_away throw_out toss trash
at_the_eleventh_hour in_the_nick_of_time just_in_time last-minute not_a_minute_too_soon under_the_wire
boot_out chase_off discharge dismiss drive_out eject evict exclude expel force_out hand_someone_his_hat kick_out oust put_out send_about_one's_business send_someone_packing shoo throw_out toss turf_out
annihilate bag bereave_of_life blight bring_down bury cack croak crush dash deactivate dead demolish destroy dispatch dispose_of do do_in dust eliminate end eradicate exterminate finish finish_off flatten lay_waste_to make_a_way_with mortify neutralize obliterate off pay_off pick_off polish_off punch_someone's_ticket put_an_end_to put_down put_out_of_one's_misery put_six_feet_under put_to_sleep ravage rub_out ruin scotch scupper scuttle send_to_eternity send_to_hell send_to_the_grave send_to_the_great_beyond send_to_the_next_life slay slaughter smash smite snuff squash stiff take terminate terminate_with_extreme_prejudice top_off top torpedo take_care_of take_down take_out waste wipe_out wreck
hang scrag string_up
homicider killer
conflagrate fire ignite inflame kindle light set_ablaze set_afire set_aflame set_alight set_fire set_on_fire
compassionate benignant good-hearted kind kindhearted humane softhearted sympathetic tender tenderhearted warmhearted attentive considerate thoughtful affable benign cordial friendly gentle good good-natured good-tempered gracious mild nice pleasant clement forbearing forgiving lenient merciful soft patient pitying tolerant understanding altruistic brotherly generous charitable greathearted humanitarian magnanimous noble openhearted philanthropic unselfish unsparing
buss goozer kiss lallygag lock_lips make_out osculate pash play_tonsil_hockey smooch snog suck_face swap_spit
bodge cludge cobble_together jury-rig kludge kluge knock_together knock_up MacGyver make-do patch patch-up
clever_clogs clever_dick know-all know-it-all smart_aleck smart_ass smarty smarty_pants wiseacre wisenheimer
beef_curtains beef_flaps cunt_lips fanny_flaps labes lips meat_curtains meat_flaps mud_flaps petals piss_flaps pussy_lips vertical_lips wizard_sleeve
dearth deficiency deficit inadequacy infrequency insufficiency meagerness nonsufficiency lack paucity penury rareness rarity scantiness scarcity shortage shortcoming unsufficiency want
absent awanting bereft deficient destitute lacking leer deprived_of robbed_of shorn_of stripped_of wanting
emulsive milken milky lacteal lactean lacteous lactescent lactiferous
lake loch
atrabiliary atrabilious deplorable elegiac grievous miserable lamentable lachrymable pathetic pitiable pitiful pitisome regrettable rueful sad saddening sorrowful unhappy woebegone woeful
landscape outlook panorama perspective prospect scene scenery terrain view
language leid lingo speech tongue
ample behemothic big big_fat bodacious Brobdingnagian colossal considerable cyclopean elephantine enormous expansive full gargantuan generous giant gigantesque ginormous grand hench huge immense jumbo large largifical leviathan long massive mega- overlarge oversized pantagruelian prodigious pyramidal rotund spacious stupendous tall titanic tremendous vast voluminous humongous larger_than_life
abiding chronic continuate diuturnal durative enduring extending lasting long-drawn-out long-lasting longevous longsome perdurable prolonged protracted
abidingly at_length duratively enduringly lastingly lengthily longevously longsomely prolongedly protractedly
abidingness durativeness enduringness lastingness lengthiness longness longsomeness protractedness
at_last at_length endly finally last lastly ultimately
behindhandness belatedness lateness tardiness tardity
ass asshole bad_choice butt clown dead_horse dumbass dummy figure_of_fun fool idiot jerk joke laughingstock make-sport makegame misfit standing_joke white_elephant
laugh laughter
act canon code convention constitution corpus decree dictate directive doctrine edict enactment guideline legislation mandate maxim order ordinance pandect prescription prohibition regulation rule standard statute tenet
axe can decruit dehire discard discharge dismiss downsize fire give_the_axe give_someone_the_boot give_someone_their_cards give_the_chop give_the_elbow give_someone_the_heave-ho give_someone_the_old_heave-ho lay_off let_go make_redundant pink_slip retrench sack serve_notice shit-can term terminate throw_out unhire
lazy bone-idle idle indolent slothful work-shy sluggish torpid
clueful cultivated educated erudite in_the_know knowledgeable knowledgeful knowsome learned savvy scholarly smart sussed switched_on up_on well-informed
beat_it bug_off bugger_off book bounce buzz_off cut_one's_stick dash depart duck_out exit get_away get_out go go_away go_out leave make_tracks move_on namous part piss_off pull_up_stakes start start_out set_forth set_off set_out remove run_along sling_one's_hook split take_off take_leave take_one's_leave take_wing quit
gam leg
lease lend let loan
borrowee leaser letter lender loaner
length lengthiness longitude longness
elongate extend lengthen produce prolong protract stretch
befree deliver disentangle extricate free let_go let_loose liberate loose release set_free turn_loose unleash
adulterer bed-hopper debauchee debaucher fornicator lecher lewdster libertine hood_rat philanderer rantipole roué player seducer voluptuary
donjuanist erotomaniac freak fuckster hornball horn_dog hypersexual ramp sex_addict
anti-fact canard chin cram fabrication falsehood fib flam hoax hummer inveracity inverity lie mendacity mistruth nontruth pork_pie porker porky prevarication swack-up tale untruism untruth whopper wisker yanker yed
afterlife eternal_life eternity hereafter life_after_death life_eternal
furacious light-fingered sticky-fingered theftuous thievish
linguistics speechlore
band bond connection link nexus tie vinculum
liquid fluid
dramshop bottle_shop bottle-o bottle_store bottlo grogshop liquor_store off-licence offy package_store packie pony_keg
attend be_all_ears behear give_ear hark harken heed lend_an_ear list listen_close mind note
auricular ear_finger fourth_finger little_finger mercurial_finger pinkie pinkie_finger
behold ecce lo look lookee lookie lookit looky see voilà
arse_about arse_around bludge bum_around cabbage clown_around dawdle dick_about dick_around diddle dilly-dally drumble faff faff_about faff_around fanny_about fanny_around fart_about fart_around fiddle_about fiddle_around fool_about fool_around footle forslow goof_around goof_off hang_about hang_around hang_out horse_around idle jerk_off lallygag lamp laze laze_about laze_around linger loaf loaf_about loaf_around loiter lollygag mess_around mill_about mill_around muck_about muck_around piddle stand_by tarry waste_time while
biddy filly gaolbait gamine jailbait jail_bait jail-bait loli lolita nymph nymphe nymphet nymphette prostitot prosti-tot PYT sweet_young_thing
lengthful lengthsome lengthy long longsome prolix
anciently backcast lang_syne long_ago long_since of_old of_yore once_upon_a_time stalely way_back yore
behold clock look geek kool regard squizz take_a_butcher's take_a_dekko take_a_gander vada view
free loose unfastened unsecured unstapled
baggy full loose loose-fitting pouchy saggy slack
loosen relax slacken untighten
forlese leave_behind lose
deperdition forlesing loss
abundance arseload assload boatload bucketful bucketload buttload cartload crapload deal fuckload fuckton hantle heap horseload load lot mampus many mass metric_shitload mountain multiplicity multitude pile ream shedload shitful shitload shit-ton shitton sum ton trainload tun vaultful wagonload
adore care_for cling_to cherish dote fancy love
autohotel fast_sheet love_hotel maison_de_passe no-tell_hotel no-tell_motel
admirer adorer beloved courter crush darling flame follower leman loteby love love_interest lover paramour sparker sweetheart truelove wooer
bad base below_par broken bum cheap chintzy crappy craptastic crapperific craptabulous craptacular crummy flimsy inferior lousy low low-grade pitiful poor rubbish schlocky shoddy slight slim subpar substandard unacceptable unfit unsatisfactory unsound unsuitable
acolyte adjutant aide bootlicker disciple flunkey footman follower henchman hireling inferior lackey lap_dog lickspittle man_Friday minion myrmidon retainer right-hand_man right-hand_woman servant stooge subordinate sycophant toady underling vassal yes_man
adventure accident casualty chance chance-medley fortune hap hazard joss luck serendipity weird
fortuitous fortunate freak happy lucky providential serendipitous sonsy
aphrodisia carnality colt's_tooth concupiscence lech love lust pride urge_to_merge
horniness lascivity lasciviousness lechery lewdness libido libidinosity libidinousness licentiousness lustfulness randiness sexual_appetite wantonness
machine engine
donkey_cock donkey_dick horse_cock horse_dick monster_cock monsterdick supercock superdick superpenis third_leg
big-dicked horse-hung hung_like_a_horse hung_like_a_donkey macrophallic megalophallic three-legged well-endowed well-hung
basket_case basket_weaver crackpot crazy dingbat eccentric fruit_and_nut_case fruit_cake fruit_loop fruitloop head_case kook loony loony_tune lunatic madcap mental_case nut nut_ball nutbar nutburger nutcase nutjob nutter psycho psychoceramic schizo screwball space_cadet space_pilot unconventional wackadoo wackadoodle wacko whackjob whacko weirdo wingnut space_case
archmage charmer conjurer illusionist mage magic_user magus shaman spellbinder spellcaster spellmaker thaumaturge theurgist whizz whiz witch_doctor wiz wonderworker
bourgeois L7 mainstreamer mainstreamist muggle mundane normal normalfag normie square straight
make_a_mistake blow_it bobble boob crap_up drop_a_bollock drop_the_ball err foul_up fuck_up goof goof_up mess_up misstep put_a_foot_wrong screw_up slip_up stuff_up stumble trip_over_the_wire trip_up
clean cleanse
age antiquate eld mature obsolete
bequiet bestill damp dampen dull gag hush hush_down hush_up muffle mute muzzle quiet quiet_down quieten quieten_down silence stifle still
brazenface cheeky_chappie cheeky_chops cheeky_monkey jackanapes malapert minx saucebox
basket bulge crotch_tent cockbulge crotchbulge dick_print lunchbox manbulge mooseknuckle package packet pocket_rocket tent trouser_tent
area basket Big_Jim_and_the_twins crown_jewels family_jewels junk lunchbox meat_and_two_veg package wedding_tackle
batty_boy batty_man bum_chum bumder bummer chi_chi_man finocchio friend_of_Dorothy gayboy gaylord homo homosexual invert mary omi-palone punk shirtlifter queer Uranian uranist
bad fetid foul-smelling funky graveolent malodorous niffy noisome nonaromatic nonfragrant olid pongy putredinous reeking reeky ripe smelly stank stenchy stinking stinksome stinky unaromatic unfragrant whiffy
malware badware malicious_software
mammal mammalian
bloke boy bro cat chap chappy cove covey dog dude fella fellow geezer gink guy homeboy homey nigga ninja pillicock punk wallah rooster
feelefold manifold many manyfold morefold multiple multiplied numbersome numerous several
manifoldness manyhood manyness morefold multeity multipleness multiplicity nonunity numerousness
boo bud buddha cannabis cheeba choof daccha dank devil's_lettuce djamba doobage dope endo gage ganja ganj grass green hash hashish hemp herb Mary_Jane MJ marihoochie marijuana muggle mull pot puff reefer sensimillia sensimilla shit tea Texas_tea trees twig wacky_baccy wacky_tabaccy wacky_tobaccy whacky_tabaccy whacky_tobaccy weed yarndie zombie
bifta bifter blunt bomber bone bun Camberwell_carrot doink doob doober doobie exotic_cheroot fatty hogger hooter J jay jimmy joint juju left-handed_cigarette muggle number phattie reefer roach spiff spliff toke_tube torpedo zol zoot
distinct marked patterned
bewed conjoin couple espouse handfast hitch join marry splice wed
boggish boggy fennish fenny hoggy marish marshy miry moorish moory morassy paludal palustral poachy quaggy queachy sloughy slumpy spewy swaly swampish swampy syrtic uliginous wiery
marsupial marsupian marsupiate
butch macho manly mannish masc virile
massotherapeutist massager massage_therapist massagist massotherapist
chef_d'œuvre magnum_opus masterwork masterpiece pièce_de_résistance work_of_art
mammiform mastoid mastoidal mammillariform mammillary mammose breasts
beat_off fap frig jack_off jerk_off play_pocket_pool play_with_oneself pleasure_oneself masturbate mastuprate service_oneself skeet stroke_it toss toss_off wank wank_off whack_off
ham_shank hand_shandy Hand_Solo jacking_off jerking_off manustupration mastupration masturbation onanism pocket_pool self-abuse self-defilement self-love self-pleasure self-pollution tossing_off wank
fapper masturbationist onanist self-abuser self-pleasurer self-polluter wanker
mathematics math maths
adultish grown_up mature
eccentric free_spirit heteroclite individualist maverick misfit nonconformist offbeat
meal mese repast
inconsiderate insensitive mean merciless petty pitiless ruthless thoughtless tight uncaring ungrateful unkind unkindly unthinking
measuring_device measuring_instrument
meat flesh
brothy meaty savory
average indifferent lackluster meh mediocre middling no_great_shakes nothing_to_write_home_about not_worth_writing_home_about okayish ordinary pedestrian unexceptional uninspiring so-so
memorable memorious nameable rememberable remembersome unforgettable
elephantlike memorious retentive tenacious unforgetful
memory recall recollection rememoration reminiscence
Aunt_Flo catamenia crimson_tide curse have_the_painters_in menstruation menstrual_period menstruation_period monthly_friend monthly_visitor moontime on_the_blob period ride_the_cotton_pony shark_week time_of_the_month
bedlam booby-hatch booby_house bughouse crazy_house cuckoo's_nest funny_farm happy_hotel insane_asylum laughing_academy loony_bin lunatic_asylum madhouse mental_asylum mental_home mental_health_center mental_health_hospital mental_hospital mental_institution nutfarm nuthouse psychiatric_hospital psychopathic_hospital psychiatric_ward psych_ward special_hospital
bring_up mention reference toss_up touch touch_on
adventurer bravo condottiere filibuster freebooter freelance free_companion hired_gun hireling hit_man merc mercenary private_military_contractor sellsword soldier_of_fortune
chandler chapman dealer huckster haggler hawker merchant monger peddler retailer salesperson seller shopkeeper trader vendor
but just literally merely no_more_than nothing_but only simply
meteorology weatherlore
crank crystal_meth crystal glass gogo ice meth methamphetamine methylamphetamine shabu speed tina tweak
codified methodical orderly regular scientific systematic systemative
methodically orderly procedurally scientifically systematically systemwise
accurate comprehensive conscientious exhaustive groundly in-depth intensive letter-perfect meticulous minute particular plenitudinary polished precise painstaking punctilious rigorous root_and_branch scrupulous scrutinous sedulous strict thorough tight
microorganism microbe
high_noon meridian midday nones noon noonday noontime noontide sext twelve undern undermeal undertide
long_finger middle_finger mid-finger midsfinger tall_man fuck_finger
dead_of_night midnight noon noon_of_night
center middle midpoint midway
big_girl's_blouse candy-ass fondling milksop milquetoast namby-pamby nestle-cock pansy pantywaist poon pushover pussy sissy softy tenderling weakling weenie wimp wuss wussy
androphobe antimasculinist manhater misandrist
badness delinquincy devilishness devilment devilry deviltry elfishness goings-on hanky-panky impishness impropriety knavery misbehavior mischief mischievousness misconduct misdemeanor monkey_business naughtiness prankishness pranksomeness puckishness rascality roguery roguishness scampishness
cheapass cheapie cheapskate cheapo churl clutchfist el_cheapo Jew last_of_the_big_spenders miser moneygrubber muckerer muckworm nickel_nurser nig niggard nigon nipcheese nipfarthing penny-father penny_pincher pickpenny piker pinch-commons pinch-gut pincher pinchfist pinchpenny scrimp scrooge skinflint snudge tight-arse tightwad
deformed malformed misproportioned misshapen unfashionable
bit_on_the_side concubine doxy dulcinea goomah leman loon mistress side_bitch side_chick side_piece side_ting sprunk strumpet wench wifelet
admix amalgamate bemingle blend combine commingle intermingle intermix mang meddle ming mingle mix mix_up
admixture alloy amalgam blend bouillabaisse cocktail combination combo composite composition compound medley melange ming mix mixture muddle
befool gibe gird gleek jape jeer jive josh kid lampoon mimic mock needle niggle razz rib roast satirize scoff scorn tease twit wind_up bust_on clown_around make_a_fool_of make_fun_of make_sport_of poke_fun_at pull_one's_leg take_the_mickey
archetype epitome example exemplar icon model paradigm paragon pattern quintessence template
abstemious abstentious abstinent cool gentle lenient measured mellow mild moderate proper reasonable reasonous sober temperate tempered
adequately averagely fairly halfway mackly moderately middlesome middling middlingly passably quite reasonably sufficiently tolerably
ace atom bit crumb dab damn dash diddly dot drop grain hint inch iota jot lick mite modicum molecule morceau morsel mote ounce particle pinch scantling scintilla scrap scruple shred skosh smattering smidge smidgen soupçon speck tad tidbit tidge tittle touch trace trifle tuppence_worth whit
ductility extendibility extensibility malleability moldability plasticity pliancy pliability pliableness sequacity suppleness
ductile fictile formable moldable plastic sequacious shapeable
bit blink_of_an_eye crack flash half_a_mo instant jiffy minute mo moment New_York_minute in_nothing_flat overnight sec second span spurt stound tick trice twinkle twinkling
ackers band bees_and_honey benjamins brass bread bucks cabbage cake cheddar cheese ching clams coin currency dead_presidents dinero dosh dough ducats feds fedi finances flow folding_stuff funding funds green greenbacks gwop jack lettuce lolly long_green loot lucre mazuma money moolah mozzarella oof ooftish paper pelf rack readies rhino scratch scrilla sheets simoleons spondulicks stack swag wad wampum wonga yenom
affluent capitalist fat_cat moneybags
moon satellite
foreday forenoon matin morn morning morrow prime sparrow-fart undertime
morning_glory morning_tent nocturnal_penile_tumescence piss_proud
all_in_all all_things_considered altogether as_a_rule basically by_and_large chiefly feckly for_the_most_part generally in_the_main largely mainly mostly on_the_whole overall predominantly primarily principally
dam mater matriarch mother Mother ma mam mama mamaw mamma mammaw mammy mamsie mamsy meemaw memaw mom Mom moms momma mommy Mommy momsy motherling mum Mum mummy Mummy mumsy mutha old_lady
motion_picture film movie flick
alp crest eminence fell height highland hill mound mount pinnacle prominence ridge rock tor
bazoo cakehole chops gob kisser laughing_gear maw mouth mush ned north_and_south oral_cavity os piehole puss sucker trap yap
belt chug draft draught drink gulp mouthful nip shot sip slug swig
budge interchange move rearrange redistribute relocate shift stir transfer travel
close heavy muggy oppressive steamy sticky sultry sweltering tropic tropical
aurora-colored colorful colorific discolored motley multichromatic multicolor multicolored multicolorous multihued particolored polychromate polychromatic polychromed polyhued prismatic rainbow rainbow-colored tissued variegated
multiform pluriform polymorphic polymorphous protean
banausic mundane
murmur murmuration susurration susurrus
composition musical_composition musical_piece piece piece_of_music work work_of_music
musician musitian player
abateable alterable changeable dynamic editable inconstant modifiable mutable variable
aphonic aphonous dumb dumb_as_a_post mumchance mute tongueless unspeaking voiceless
fumfer mutter mumble murmur
arcane cryptic enigmatic ill-defined inenubilable mysterial mysterioso mysterious mystic runish sibylline systerious uncertain undefined undetermined
artless childlike clueless credulous dewy-eyed cute fleeceable green guileless ingenuous innocent jejune Panglossian quaint simple simple-minded starry-eyed unaffected undesigning unpretentious unsophisticated unworldly wide-eyed immature born_yesterday wet_behind_the_ears virgin
au_naturel bare bare-ass bare-assed bare-bottomed bare-bum bare-butt bare_naked bareskin bare-skinned bollock_naked bollocky buck_ass_naked buck_naked butt-ass_naked butt-naked clothesless clothingless denuded exposed in_all_one's_glory in_a_state_of_nature in_one's_birthday_suit in_the_buff in_the_altogether in_the_nuddy in_the_nude in_the_pink in_the_raw in_the_scud kaalgat mother-naked naked naked_as_the_day_one_was_born naked_as_a_jaybird nakers nakie nakes nakey nekkid nip nude scud scuddy skin_sweater skyclad stark_bollock_naked starkers unclad unclothed undressed wearing_one's_birthday_suit without_a_stitch_on clothed decent dressed bare-breasted barechested bottomless half-naked semi-naked semi-nude shirtless topless topfree
name proper_name
close filamentous fine narrow slender slim strait thin tight
closely narrowly
aboriginal autochthonal autochthonous endemic indigenous native
naturist nudist
barfy nauseated nauseatic pukey pukish queasy sick sick_to_one's_stomach vomity
belly_button navel umbilicus
around_the_corner citerior close close_by immediate near nearby nigh present proximate
cloudish cloudlike cloudly cloudy foggy foglike fumid hazed hazy infumated mistlike misty nebulose nebulous roky smokelike smoky turbid vaporous
neologist neologizer protologist coiner
angstful apprehensive anxious careful concerned distraught disturbed edgy freaked_out hagridden high-strung jittery jumpy leery nervous nervy on_edge restless skittish spookish squeamish twitchy uneasy unquiet verklempt worried
at_no_time ne'er never on_the_second_Tuesday_of_the_week sine_die when_Hell_freezes_over when_pigs_fly
all_the_same be_it_as_it_may be_that_as_it_may but even_so having_said_that howbeit however just_the_same maugre natheless nevertheless nonetheless notwithstanding still still_and_all that_being_said that_said though withal yet
new brand_new brand_spanking_new cherry fresh freshly_made green hot mint nascent newish new-laid novel pristine red-hot unused verdurous virgin virginal youthful
blow-in come-here comeling entrant FOB fresh_meat freshie greener incomer new_chum newcomer newling offcomer outcomeling stranger
night nightertale nighttide nighttime scotoperiod
nipples blinkers braille bullets bumps chichis circuit_breakers cookies daggers diamond_cutters dinner_plates glass_cutters high_beams headlights horns nertz nips nubbins pancakes paps pimentos pointers points raisins silver_dollars teats tits thermometers
no I'm_good ixnay nay nah naw nope negatory
aristocrat noble nobleman
lucifugous nightish nightly nighttime nocturnal
blaring blasting booming cacophonous clangorous clamorous clattering deafening dinsome earsplitting loud noisy obstreperous piercing rackety raucous resounding roisterous rowdy strepitous strident thundering tumultuous uproarious vociferous
cheechako city_slicker emmet farang firangi flatlander foreigner genny greenie gringo grockle haole hillbilly holidayer holidaymaker immigrant kimberlin mainlander minga out-of-towner overner shoobie snowbird statesider sunbird tourist vacationer weekender
distillation quintessence simple
dance_to_a_different_tune make_waves march_to_the_beat_of_a_different_drum nonconform rock_the_boat
ineffervescent noneffervescent nonsparkling still uneffervescent ungassy unfizzy
absolute_zero chopped_liver cipher crumb Joe_Nobody nebbish nobody no_one nothing nothingburger nonentity pip-squeak quidam shrimp zero zilch
absurdity all_my_eye all_my_eye_and_Betty_Martin applesauce bafflegab balderdash balls baloney Bandini baragouin batcrap batshit bilgewater blah blather blatherskite bollocks bosh BS bull bullcrap bulldust bullshit bullspeak bunk bunkum bushwah claptrap cobblers codswallop crap crock crock_of_shit double_Dutch double_talk doublespeak drivel eyewash fiddle-faddle flapdoodle flim-flam flummery folderol foolishness footle framis fudge garbage garble gibber gibberish gobbledygook Greek gup hoax hocus-pocus hogwash hokum hooey horsefeathers horse_hockey horse_piss horse_puckey horseshit humbug jabber jargon jibber-jabber junk lallation malarkey manure meaninglessness moonshine mumbo_jumbo nertz nonsense pie_in_the_sky piffle pigswill poppycock prattle put-on rhubarb rhubarb_rhubarb rot rubbish ruse santorum shit shite skimble-skamble squit stuff stuff_and_nonsense tosh tush trash tripe twaddle whiff-whaff word_salad
nonsteroidal_anti-inflammatory_drug NSAID
disuniformity diversity heterogeneity irregularity multiformity nonconformity nonhomogeneity nonregularity nonuniformity unconformity variety
average banal basic bog-standard common commonplace common-or-garden congruent consistent conventional customary everyday expected garden_variety mundane natural normal ordinary plain regular routine run-of-the-mill standard true typical uniform unexceptional unremarkable unstrange usual vulgar
everydayness mundanity normalcy normaldom normalism normality normalness ordinariness plainness sameishness unremarkableness usuality usualness
as_a_matter_of_course as_a_rule customarily generally in_general normally ordinarily regularly routinely typically unexceptionally usually wontedly wontly
nonfetishist non-kinkster nonparaphiliac non-perv nonpervert normophile normophiliac orthosexual vanilla
kinkless nonparaphilic nonvanilla nonperverted nonkinky
nose beak beezer boko conk honker hooter neb pecker proboscis schnozz schnozzle schnozzola schnoz smeller sneck sniffer snitch snoot snotbox snout trunk
distinguished eminent forestanding markworthy mentionable nameable nameworthy notable noteworthy noticeable observable outstanding ponderable prominent remarkable signal
dentate dented dentilated erose gimped indented jagged jaggy nicked notched notchy saw-toothed serrate serrated serriform toothed
aught blank bugger_all bupkis cipher dick_all diddly diddly_squat diddly-squat doodley-squat doodly-squat Fanny_Adams fig fuck_all FA jack jack-all jackshit jack_shit nada naught nix nowt nil nothing nought null nuttin' shit sod_all squadoosh squat sweet_bugger_all sweet_FA sweet_Fanny_Adams sweet_fuck_all zero zilch zip zipola
nucleobase base
annoyance bother faff hassle inconvenience irritation nuisance palaver peeve plague trouble vexation
numeral numeric numerical
foster feed grow nurture promote raise
bowsome compliant hearsome obedient obsequious
big_as_a_house big-boned bloated bulbous corpulent curvy eurysome famine_resistant fat_as_a_cow fat_as_a_pig gravitationally_challenged horizontally_challenged obese poddy porcine rotund round spherical blubbery gross lardy porky tubby
accede assent acquiesce obey comply conform submit yield
adult bawdy blue cheeky dirty indecent filthy gross harlot ithyphallic lewd mucky naughty near_the_knuckle obscene off-colour racy raunchy ribald ribaudred ribaudrous risqué rorty salacious saucy shocking smutty spicy vulgar
anachronistic antediluvial antediluvian antiquated antique archaic backward backwards behind_the_times cobwebbed cobwebby dated defunct discontinued disused dootsie elderly extinct expired fossilized obsolete old old-fashioned oldfangled out_of_date outdated outmoded outworn parachronistic passé superannuated superseded venerable
obstinacy doggedness conviction insistence pertinacity recalcitrance resolve stubbornness temerity tenacity vehemence intransigence pigheadedness
adamant ardent bent_on bloody-minded bullheaded certain chronic confirmed determined diehard dogged hard-hearted hard-nosed hardheaded headstrong immovable incalcitrant inflexible insistent intractable intransigent intrepid inveterate mulish obdurate obstinate obstreperous peremptory persistent pertinacious pigheaded recalcitrant refractory resolute resolved self-willed stalwart staunch steadfast steady stubborn stubborn_as_a_mule tenacious terminal thwart truculent uncompromising unyielding vehement wilful
apparent bait blatant clear_cut cut_and_dried evident eyely intuitive manifest notable noticeable obvious open-and-shut ostensible palpable plain prima_facie res_ipsa_loquitur straightforward
apparently blatantly clearly evidently eyely glaringly manifestly noticeably obvi obviously openly plainly visibly
at_times every_now_and_then every_so_often from_time_to_time infrequently irregularly now_and_again now_and_then occasionally on_occasion once_in_a_blue_moon once_in_a_while rarely scarcely seld seldom seldomly seldsome sometimes sporadically uncommonly
work job occupation employment
affair befalling episode event eventuality experience goings-on happening hap incident juncture occurrence proceeding
odorant odorament
aromatize odorize scent
abuse affront burn carry cut_down disrespect dis diss give_stick heckle hurt_someone's_feelings insult lapidate misbid misrespect misuse offend sledge slight sneap wound
offense affront barb dis diss insult insultation pejorative put-down slam slight slur
official approved recognized sanctioned decreed
counterbalance countervail equivalence offlay offset offstand set_off
a_lot feelefold frequently manifold manyfold oft often oftenly oftentimes ofttimes repeatedly unseldom
ancient aged auld cobwebbed cobwebby decrepit eld eldern hoary moss-grown old old_as_the_hills olden older_than_dirt venerable
age chair_days codgerhood eld elderliness fogeydom geezerdom golden_years old_age oldhood senescence senectitude twilight_years sunset_years vetustity
antiquity codger gadgie gaffer geezer gramps greybeard old_codger old_fart old_man whitebeard
ager antique badge-cove cheeser coffin_dodger crinkly eld elder geriatric genarian grayhead hoarhead mzee no_spring_chicken old_timer older_adult oldster senior senior_citizen silver_top twirly weazen wrinkly
old_woman babushka bag bat beldame biddy bluehair bubbe carline carlin crone gammer geezer gogo grandam granny grimalkin hag maum old_lady old_maid prune spinster tabby trot trout witch
anciently agedly hoarily oldly venerably
ancientness age agedness cobwebbiness datedness decrepitness decrepitude hoar hoariness oldhood oldness venerableness venerability vetustity
besmell olfact resent scent smell snift
odiferous odorant odoriferous odorous olent olfactible scented smellable smelling
flair olfaction olfactories smell
omen augury auspice harbinger portent presage prognostic
exclude leave_off leave_out miss_off miss_out omit skip
once oncet yance wunst
byembye hereafter in_the_future later later_on one_day one_of_these_days someday sooner_or_later
onehead oneness oneship singleness unitude unity
adiaphanous nontransparent opacous opacular opaque thick
antipodean antithetical contradictory contrariwise contrary contrasted converse counter cross inverse inverted oppugnant opposed opposite reverse witherward
option choice alternative possibility contingency
discretionary elective facultative free noncompulsory nonobligatory optional optionary volitional voluntary
diviner foreteller fortuneteller oracle precognitive prognosticator prophet seer soothsayer
eat_out French gobby head mouth_congress oral_sex
orangey orangish
in_order neat neat_and_tidy neat_as_a_new_pin neat_as_a_pin nice_as_ninepence orderly prest regular ruly shipshape tidy tight tosh trig trim well-kept
organization federation group association league confederation alliance society
climax come cum get_off get_the_dirty_water_off_one's_chest orgasm
apparently at_first_blush at_first_glance at_first_sight on_the_face_of_it on_the_surface ostensibly outwardly prima_facie seemingly superficially to_all_appearances
bad borked broken broken-down bung busted cactused crocked Donald_Ducked down faulty flaky FUBAR fucked fuckered_up inoperative janky jiggered kaput knackered malfunctioning nonfunctional nonoperational offline on_the_blink on_the_fritz out_of_commission out_of_kilter out_of_order out_of_service out_of_whack screwed_up tits_up toes_up tore_up unfunctional
abject castaway deviant exile fremd leper misfit offscouring outcast outsider overcast pariah reject untouchable
backhouse backside bog boggard boghouse carsey chamber_foreign common_house commons Cousin_John craphouse danna draught draught-house dunnekin dunny earth_closet foreign gang gingerbread_office gong gonghouse House_of_Commons house_of_ease house_of_easement house_of_office issue jacques jakes jakeshouse johnny_house karzy khazi kocay little_house long_drop longhouse necessary_house necessary_place necessary_vault neddy netty outhouse passage_house petty petty-house privy privy_house purging_place retreat shield shithouse shouse siege siegehouse thunderbox usual_offices vault wardrobe withdraught
overdate postdate
backward behindhand belated late lated overdue tardy
ample beer-bellied big chubby chunky embonpoint fat flabby fleshy full-figured fulsome gorbellied gorrel-bellied love-handled meaty overnourished paunchy pleasantly_plump plump plus-size portly potbellied podgy pudgy roly-poly rotund Rubenesque sonsy swagbellied thick tubby well-covered well-padded well-rounded well-upholstered wide
owndom ownership possession proprietorship
binky piece bo-bo nookie dummy comforter soother
allay ameliorate appease assuage becalm bestill calm calm_down cool_off delay hose_down lull mollify pacify placate put_at_ease quell relax soothe still temper
accord agreement bond compact concord convention covenant pact paction stipulation
ashen ashen-faced ashy blake blanched bleak bloodless chalky exsanguious ghastly grey livid pale pallid pasty sallow wan white whitefaced wheyfaced
chuckle cocker coddle cosset dandle make_much nustle pamper pettle posset tidder
apropos beside_the_point btdubs by_the_by by_the_way en_passant impertinently in_passing incidentally irrelevantly parenthetically
feckly in_part imperfectly incompletely partly partially partwise somedeal somewhat to_an_extent to_some_extent unfully
partially_ordered_set poset
bash blowout do gala get-together knees-up partay party shindig shivoo
breeze_past brush_past go_by fly_by forpass forthglide overgo pass pass_by roll_on slip_by transpass
passerine perching_bird
backward bygone foregone forepassed forepast historic historical long_ago olden past preterite
macaroni noodle pasta paste
bay_window beer_baby beer_belly beer_gut beer_muscles Buddha_belly corporation German_goitre gorbelly Milwaukee_goiter Molson_muscle paunch pot potbelly spare_tire swagbelly tummy
bankrupt beggar indigent insolvent have_not lack-all Lazarus pauper penny-father
break breather cessation demurral gap hiatus halt halting interregnum interruption lapse moratorium pause recess respite resting stoppage stopping suspension
cough_up defray do_the_needful expend foot_the_bill fork_out fork_over lay_out pay pay_the_freight pay_up pony_up quit shell_out spend stump_up
attend clock consider give_heed heed let_in_on mark mind notice pass pay_attention pay_heed pick_up_what_someone_is_putting_down privy regard take_heed take_note take_notice
nitpicker pedant pettifogger priss smart_aleck smartass wiseass wise_guy
bemoaning carping complaining fretful gripeful gripey grotchy grouchy grumbling grumpy knappish kvetchy mardy moaning noodgy peevish pettish plaintful querulous sooky spleeny sulky whingy whining whiny
biro pen
anaconda baloney_pony birdie bobby boonga cack choad choda chode chopper cigar cock crank custard_launcher dick dicklet diddly dingaling ding-a-ling ding-dong dinger dingle dingus dingy dink dinkle dipstick dirk disco_stick dog_bone dong donger Donkey_Kong doodle dork down fire_hose fuckpole gherkin hairy_canary hammer hot_rod hooter jade_stalk jamoke jigger jimmy jock johnson John_Thomas joystick kielbasa knob lad langer lingam love_muscle love_stick love_truncheon machine magnum Master_John_Goodfellow male_member manhood maypole meat meat_puppet meat_rod meatstick meat_stick member membrum_virile nature's_scythe nob old_chap one-eyed_trouser_snake organ package pecker peen pee-pee pee-wee pego penis peter phallus pickle piece piece_of_pork pike pingas pink_cigar pintle pipe pisser piston pizzle plonker pork_sword prick pud putz p-word python ramrod rape_tool rod root rutter salami sausage schlong schmuck sex_tool shaft shlong shmekl skin_flute snake snausage spitstick stem stretcher sucker swipe tadger tagger tail tallywhacker tarse thing thingy third_leg tic_tac todger tool trouser_monkey trouser_snake truncheon tube_steak unit virile_member wang weapon wee-wee weenie weeny whang wick widgie widdler wiener willie willy wingwang winkle winky yard ying-yang
discern make_out perceive sense
conspicuous detectable discernable noticeable observable perceivable perceptible sensible
perceptibly sensibly
bonch choad chode geish gooch grundle guiche nifkin notcher perineum taint
duration interval period period_of_time tide time time_interval time_period timespan space span stound
cyclic cyclical periodic periodical regular
continuance perdurance permanence permanency permansion remanence remanency
perseverance persistence sticktoitiveness steadfastness
abide astand bear_up carry_on continue endure follow_up hang_in_there hold_on hold_out hold_the_line hold_up keep_a_stiff_upper_lip keep_trying keep_up persevere persist plod plug plug_away resist soldier_on stay stay_the_course stay_the_distance stick_it_out stick_to stick_by_one's_guns stick_to_one's_guns stick_with stick_with_it
abide aby astand endure go_on hold_on last live persist remain stick stick_it_out stick_out
agent being bloke body buddy cunt fellow finger gink guy human human_being individual man pal person soul wight
colored_person minority nonwhite person_of_color
affect bear_upon bear_on concern impact involve pertain refer regard relate touch
applicable apposite apt felicitous germane in_point material on_point on-topic pertinent relevant salient to_the_point
appositely aptly apropos fitly pertinently relevantly
contrary cross froward intractable petulant stubborn ungovernable untoward vexatious vexing wayward
black_gold dino_juice dino_oil dinosaur_juice dinosaur_oil gas gasoline juice oil petrol petroleum Texas_tea
pharmaceutical drug medication medicine medicament pharmaceutical_drug
phone telephone blower farspeaker Ameche dog_and_bone
phrase locution expression figure_of_speech
doctor doc leech physician medic medician
anatomy build constitution figure frame habitus physique proportions shape
cutpurse dip dipper foist gonoph nip nipper pickpocket pickpocketer pickpurse prig
bit chip chunk cutting fragment hunk lump ort piece piecemeal portion scrap slice snead steck
hog oinker pig piggy porker squealer swine
accumulate agglomerate amass build_up cumulate heap heap_up mound pile pile_up stack stack_up upheap
abbot bludger bully cock-bawd dalaal fishmonger flashman fleshmonger hoon hustler mackerel mack mack_daddy muttonmonger nookie-bookie pandar pimp purveyor pussymonger ruffian souteneur whoreman whoremaster whoremonger
dog_out hustle mack pander pimp pimp_out ponce prostitute punk whore whore_out
buccaneer corsair freebooter picaroon pirate raider reaver sea_rat sea_rover
advised calculated contrived designed planned staged thought-out
cook jam play put_on
beak bob bug_out bump_off bunk bunk_off cut_class dip ditch dob dog go_on_the_hop go_on_the_lang go_on_the_mitch jig kid mitch pip play_hooky play_truant sag_off scull skip skive skive_off sluff wag
card playing_card
acceptable agreeable amiable charming nice pleasant pleasing welcome
agreeableness agreement amenity pleasantness niceness
bliss delectation delight ecstasy lust nirvana pleasure rapture
depredator despoiler marauder pickeerer pilferer pillager plunderer raper rapist ransacker raptor sacker spoiler
multiple plural
5-O Babylon bacon Big_Blue_Machine boydem constabulary dibble donut_patrol ducks_and_geese ecilop esclop feds filth fuzz gendarmerie heat monarch Old_Bill piglice plod po-po police police_department police_force police_service polis thin_blue_line
barney beatsman bizzie bluecoat blue_heeler blue_meanie bobby body_snatcher boy_in_blue bull bullyman buttons charpering_omi chazzer cobbler cop copper cozzer cracker crusher dibble fed finest finger flatfoot flatty fuzz garda gendarme harman harman-beck jake John_Law John_Q._Law Johnny_Hopper Johnny_Fun-Spoiler lawman mee-maw monarch Mr_Plod namecslop nuthook oinker Officer_Friendly Old_Bill PC_Plod pig piggy peeler plod police_officer policeperson polis rozzer slop swine tyre_biter walloper wooden-top
civil civilized courteous cultivated mannerly polite politic reasonable refined urbane well-mannered well-bred
afterthink call_to_mind chew chew_over chew_the_cud cogitate contemplate mull mull_over muse ponder meditate reflect rethink reconsider ruminate second-guess think think_over
porch portico cloister colonnade entrance entrance_hall loggia porte-cochère stoa veranda
adult blue graphic mucky pornographic pornographical rude X-rated XXX XXXX
loose mobile movable portable shiftable transportable
have hold own possess
haver holder owner possessor proprietary proprietor
contingency eventuality possibility potentiality feasibility
futurable possible
posteriority subsequence succession
armth beggary destitution impecuniosity impecuniousness indigence mendicancy mendicity misery neediness pauperism penury poverty privation reduced_circumstances slender_means straitened_circumstances
authority disposition might potence potency power strength virtue
accolade approbation approval attaboy compliment commendation congratulation douceur encomium encouragement laudation laudits praise props
caper capriccio curvet gag gambade high_jinks lark marlock monkeyshine practical_joke prank prat reak rag shenanigan trick windup
babble bat_the_breeze blab blabber blather chat chatter chew_the_fat chew_the_rag chinwag chit-chat chunner clack claver clepe drivel jabber gabble gibber go_on maunder natter palaver piffle prate prattle rabbit rabbit_on ramble shoot_the_breeze shoot_the_bull shoot_the_shit smatter tattle twaddle waffle wibble witter yabber yack yatter yap
antecede come_before forego precede
foreknowledge foresight precognition prescience
augural clairvoyant oracular precognitive prognostic prophetic
antecedent beforemath foremath precedent precursor progenitor
introductory preambulatory precursive prodromous preliminary precursory
antedate precede predate
ancient antecessor elder foreganger forerunner precessor predecessor
anticipate augur call divine foresee foreshadow foretell predict presage prophesy
foretale foretelling halseny prediction prognostication weird
affinity bag bent cup_of_coffee cup_of_joe cup_of_tea fancy liking partiality penchant predilection predisposition preference proclivity propension propensity taste thing
big carrying child-great delicate eating_for_two enceinte expectant expecting fertilized full gestating gravid great have_a_bun_in_the_oven heavy hormonal in_a_family_way in_the_club in_the_pudding_club knocked_up preg pregs preggers preggo pregnant quick up_the_duff up_the_kyte up_the_stump up_the_spout pupped with_child
bigotry bias chauvinism clannishness discrimination inequality inequity intolerance jaundiced_eye narrow-mindedness one-sidedness partisanship prejudice
anticipatory early forward hasty precipitate precocious premature prevenient previous unseasonable untimely
betimes early early_doors oversoon prematurely unripely untimely
advised aforethought forebegotten foreconceived preconceived predesigned premeditated prepense preplanned
contemporary current hodiern modern present present-day
all_right as_good_as_new cherry in_good_repair like_new mint preserved sound_as_a_pound spick-and-span thrifty uncorrupted unbroken undamaged unhurt unimpaired uninjured unmarred unsinged unspoiled unspoilt unsullied untainted untouched virgin well-kept well-preserved
preadolescent preteen preteenager pubescent tween tweenager tweenie
alibi canard excuse plea pretense pretension pretext
amour_propre dignity manship pride self-belief self-confidence self-esteem self-love self-pride self-regard self-respect self-worth
big_house calaboose can chokey clink correctional_facility correctional_institution hock joint jug nick pen penitentiary porridge prison queer_ken slammer stir
inmate prisoner
carry_on continue go_on keep_on proceed roll_on
adjourn avert defer delay draw_out extend forslow forestall forestay postpone procrastinate prolong prorogue prorogate protract put_off retard stay suspend tarry
beget breed procreate
improvident imprudent lavish prodigal profligate reckless spendthrift squandering uneconomical unthrifty wasteful
spendthrift extravagance imprudence prodigality profligacy profusion recklessness
cause impress emit excite produce render
productive prolific batful fertile fruitful thriving yielding yieldly abundant
prohibit ban banish bar criminalize debar disallow enjoin estop forbid interdict outlaw proscribe taboo veto forfend
abandoned fast lascivious lewd libidinous licentious loose lustful lusty promiscuous riggish slack unchaste wanton wappened
benedick cad drabber fuck_boy fuck-boy fuckboy gallant goat he-bitch himbo homme_fatal horndog loverboy loverman man_ho man_whore man-whore manslut manwhore muttonmonger philanderer pimp playboy player rakehell rake rip rolling_stone salty_dog satyriasist satyromaniac satyr shag_bandit sleaze smell-smock striker stringer stud swordsman tart whoremonger
alley_cat alleycat amorette amoret amorosa article Athanasian_wench blowsabella chippy cocotte crumpet cum_dumpster cumguzzler cumhole cumslut cumwhore Cyprian demimondaine doxy drab eager_beaver Essex_girl flirt-gill floogy floosie floosy floozie floozy fornicator fornicatour fornicatress fornicatrix fuckstress Fulham_virgin geebag giglot gillian gill good-time_girl grisette harlot ho_bag ho-bag hoe_bag hoe-bag hoe hoochie_mama hoochie hood_rat ho hussy jade jay jillflirt lady_of_light_virtue LBFM light-o'-love light-of-love lightskirt little_brown_fucking_machine loose_woman lorette mab manizer minx moll mort_wap-apace nymphomaniac painted_Jezebel puta puzzel quean quicumque_vult quiff rig scag scrubber skank skettle sket skit slag slapper slattern sloven slutbag slut stale streel strumpet sweet_cheeks tartlet tart thotty thot town_bicycle town_bike tramp treddle trollop trull village_bicycle village_bike wagon waistcoateer wanton wench whore
prompt fast hasty quick quick_as_a_wink rapid rash speedy
property possession belongings owndom aught
advantages_and_disadvantages assets_and_liabilities fors_and_againsts for_and_against gains_and_losses opportunities_and_obstacles strengths_and_weaknesses positives_and_negatives benefits_and_disbenefits benefits_and_detriments
prosper do_well gain grow thrive flourish succeed
bustling flourishing fortunate lucky privileged prosperous roaring successful thriving wealful welsome
abandons alley_cat almah bangtail Bankside_lady bargirl bat beotch blouze blowen blowess blowsabella bottom_bitch brass_nail brasser brass broad business_girl call_girl callet cat chippy chromo coaster cockatrice cocotte comfort_girl comfort_woman commoner courtesan Covent_Garden_nun creature_of_the_night croshabell daughter_of_joy dollymop doxy drab Dutch_widow escort flap floozie fornicatrix frail_sister Fulham_virgin gamester gay_lady geebag gillian gill girl_rented_overnight good-time_girl GRO hackney harlot Haymarket_ware hireling 'ho hoer hoe hooker hustler Japayuki-san jay karayuki-san KTV_girl laced_mutton lady_of_leisure lady_of_light_virtue lady_of_pleasure lady_of_the_night lightskirt loose_woman lot_lizard meat_puppet meretrix mermaid mob moll mort_wap-apace mot mud_kicker mud-kicker mudkicker musk_cat mutton nun nymph_of_darkness nymph_of_the_pavé nymph_of_the_pavement painted_lady Paphian party_girl pavement_princess perdita pretty_horsebreaker pro_skirt prossie prossy pross prostie prostitute prostitutor prosty prozzie prozzy pro public_woman pucelle puella_publica pug punk pussygirl puta put quail quean quene quiff rannel ribibe scrubber sex_labourer sex_worker skainsmate skivvy slag slapper slit slut sodomitess stem_siren stew street_taco streetwalker streetworker strumpet succubus Suzi_Wong Suzie_Wong Suzy_Wong tart tawaif thotty thot tib tom treddle trollop trug trull tweak vice_girl wanton wapping_dell wapping_moll wapping_mort wench whore woman_of_easy_virtue woman_of_ill_fame woman_of_ill_repute woman_of_the_night woman_of_the_street woman_of_the_town working_girl
gill hustle jazz prostitute sell_one's_body sell_oneself turn_a_trick turn_tricks whore
protozoan protozoon
alehouse boozer boozing_ken bousing_ken drinker drinkery gargle-factory gin_joint groggery local nineteenth_hole pot-house pub public_house rummery saloon tavern watering_hole
nuptial pubescent
bush carpet floss fluff forest fur fuzz grass growth grove lettuce maidenhair mound muffin nest netherhair pubes rug snatch short_and_curlies shrubs stuff thatch
curdy grumous mushlike mushy paplike pappy pobby porridgelike puddingish puddinglike puddingy pulplike pulpous pulpy pultaceous
in_time on_time prompt punctual seasonable timely
timeliness promptness punctuality
in_time on_schedule on_time promptly punctually timely
emption purchase
buyer customer client emptor patron procurer punter purchaser sellee vendee
cherry clean flawless halal ideal immaculate kosher natural perfect pristine pure simon-pure unadulterated uncontaminated undefiled unpolluted unsullied untainted untouched virgin
immaculately perfectly pristinely purely unadulteratedly undilutedly untaintedly untouchedly virginly
purplish purply
burst_someone's_bubble piss_in_someone's_cornflakes piss_on_someone's_bonfire put_a_damper_on rain_on_someone's_parade upset_the_applecart
quadrilateral quadrangle tetract tetragon
admeasure bemete benchmark enumerate measure mete numericalize quantify quantitate
amount magnitude quantity quantum
agonistic argumentative bangsome bellicose belligerent contentious debateful disputatious factious fractious fratchety fratchy litigious logomachic pettifogging quarrelous quarrelsome rantankerous squabbly strifeful unpacific
foursome quadruplicity quadrad quaternion quaternity quartet tetrad tetraplet
queeb fanny_fart cunt_fart vaginal_flatulence pussy_fart queef vart flatulate
line queue
apace expeditiously fast hastily hurriedly posthaste rapidly speedily soon swiftly with_dispatch
faint hushed muffled quiet quiet_as_a_grave quiet_as_a_mouse still stifled tranquil
fivesome pentad quinity quintad quintet
call_it_quits conclude finish quit
ethnicism racialism racism
fume foam_at_the_mouth frenzy froth_at_the_mouth let_rip lose_it rampage rant rage rampage rave see_red seethe storm
beat beat_up beaten_up bedraggled broken-down crumbling derelict dilapidated draggled neglected ramshackle ruinous rundown seedy tatterdemalion timeworn tumbledown
ablaze amorous aroused concupiscent desirous DTF excited frisky fuckish gagging_for_it hard horny hot hot_and_bothered hot_to_trot in_heat lascivious lewd libidinous lickerish lustful lusty prurient randy ravenous rock_hard ruttish rutty sexed_up stimulated toey toey_as_a_Roman_sandal turned_on unchaste venereal venereous wanton
rapt enthralled entranced hypnotized mesmerized transfixed
few_and_far_between geason infrequent rare raresome scant scarce selcouth seld seldom seldsome selly uncommon unfrequent
infrequency rareness rarity seldomness scarcity uncommonness
hen's_tooth one_in_a_million rarity rocking_horse_shit
bewray blow_the_whistle clepe denounce dime dob drop_a_dime drop_a_dime_on_someone finger fink fizgig inform inform_on grass_up name_names nark peach rat_on rat_out roll_on sing snitch squeak squeal tattle tell tell_all tell_on tip_off turn_in
craze have_a_few_kangaroos_loose_in_the_top_paddock have_a_screw_loose have_bats_in_one's_belfry have_bats_in_the_belfry have_squirrels_in_one's_attic have_toys_in_the_attic rave
raw crude natural pure pristine unprocessed unrefined untouched untreated
abjure disavow disown eat_one's_words recall recant retract revoke swallow take_back unsay unspeak withcall withdraw
abridge abstract capsule concise docket encapsulate epitomize gist nutshell outline recapitulate recap redact run_over summarize sum_up sum synopsize wrap_up
acquire accept attain come_by cop enlist fang gain garner get get_hold_of get_one's_hands_on land lay_hands_on lay_hold_of obtain procure receive secure score snag take win
acquisition receiving reception
as_of_late freshly just_now just_then late lately newly of_late recently
accepter accipient acquirer getter obtainer procurer receiver recipient securer
commutual correlative corresponding interrelated mutual reciprocal reciprocative two-way
gainwise in_kind mutually reciprocally
give_as_good_as_one_gets reciprocate
daring headstrong heedless impetuous impulsive precipitant precipitate precipitous quick-and-dirty reckless sudden
recluse hermit solitary shut-in eremite anchoret anchorite monk Miller_of_Dee
recreational_drug drug dope gear horse stuff substance
lying_down recumbent
erubescent florid reddish reddy rubicund rubiform rubricate rufous rufulous ruddy russet
ginger ginge redhead carrot_top ging bloodnut Bluey ranga carrots
funk honk hum niff pong reek smell stink stink_to_high_heaven whiff
asylum bield haven refuge sanctuary shelter zoar
after_all algate always any_road_up anyhoo anyhow anyroad anyway anyways anywise anywho at_all_events at_any_rate be_it_what_it_would come_what_may hab_or_nab however in_any_case in_any_event regardless
regretful repining sorrowful sorry rueful
bait barf be_sick blow_chunks boak boke boot cast_up_one's_accounts chunder disgorge drive_the_porcelain_bus erupt gag heave honk hurl launch_one's_lunch pray_to_the_porcelain_god puke puke_up purge ralph regurge regurgitate retch sick_up spew throw_up toss_one's_cookies upchuck vomit worship_the_porcelain_god yak
compensate guerdon imburse recompense reimburse reprise
reincarnation rebirth
iterate reiterate repeat reprise
kin related
association bearing concern connection link pertinence reference relation relationship relevance
relative relation sib
bateless incontestable inexorable invincible irresistible overpowering overwhelming potent puissant persistent relentless unrelenting unremitting unstoppable unyielding
faith religion
religionism religism
depend hang hinge lean rely rest stay turn
bank_on count_on hang_one's_hat_on lean_on rely_on
abide beleave belive continue dwell keep linger remain rest stay
lave leavings ort relic remainder remains remanent remnant residue residuum rest
bear_in_mind bethink keep_in_mind mind recall recollect remember retrieve think_back umbethink
remorse rue compunction contrition penitence repentance self-reproach
remorseful penitent repentant apologetic contrite guilt-ridden
bump_in_the_road jerkwater jerk-water jerkwater_town one-horse_town wide_spot_in_the_road arse_end_of_nowhere back_of_beyond back_forty backcountry backwater backwoods beyond_the_black_stump boondock boondocks boonies bumfuck_nowhere hinterland middle_of_nowhere off_the_beaten_track one-horse_town out_of_the_way sticks the_sticks back_o'_Bourke Timbuktu BFE Bumblefuck Bumfuck Bumfuck,_Egypt Bumfuck,_Idaho Bumfuck,_Iowa Bumfuck,_Ohio Bumfuck,_Nowhere East_Bumfuck East_Jesus Hicksville Nowheresville Podunk wop-wops Woop_Woop
ablation deduction removal subduction sublation subtraction
abate bate deduct knock_off remove subduct subtract take take_away take_off
iteration recurrence recurring reiteration reoccurrence repeat repeating repetition
amend correct fix kludge make_whole mend patch put_to_rights rectify reform remediate remedy renew renovate restore revamp
recrudesce recourse recur rehappen reoccur repeat
iterate reiterate repeated
again_and_again once_and_again over_and_over over_and_over_again repeatedly time_after_time time_and_again time_and_time_again
reiteration repetition
monotonous perennial recurrent recurring repeating repetitional repetitionary repetitious repetitive
answer comeback response retort return account rejoinder rebuttal riposte reaction
abjure deny disavow disclaim disown forsay forswear renounce repudiate
essential indispensable necessary needed prerequisite required requisite
look_like resemble smack_of
abide bedwell belive dwell haunt inhabit live occupy reside stay
left left_behind left_over odd remaining residual residuary
resinlike resiny resinaceous resinous
respond answer retort answer_back react rejoin counter return reply
automat beanery buffet cafeteria canteen cookhouse cookshack diner dining_hall eatery hashery luncheonette lunchroom noshery restaurant
reddition render rendition restitution restoration return surrender
store shop retail_store retail_outlet
back_away back_down balk beat_a_retreat bug_out crawfish decline fall_back draw_back pull_out recede regrade retire retreat retrograde revert shrink sound_a_retreat turn_tail withdraw
give_back reinstate render restore return revest surrender
bare bewray expose lay_bare nake open reveal show uncloak uncover unfold unveil cover cover_up hide divulge undress
avenge payback reprisal requital retaliation retribution revenge vengeance wrack wreak
esteem exalt honor idolize prize rate regard respect revere value venerate worthy
bockety bone-shaking craichy cranky creaky creaking drooping flimsy precarious unsteady rickety rottletrap shackly shaky shoogly tottering tottersome unsafe unstable wobbly wonky
ridicule derision scoff mockery
fourth_finger gold-finger leech-finger marriage_finger medical_finger medicinable_finger medicinal_finger nameless_finger physic_finger physical_finger physician_finger ring_finger ring-man third_finger
anarchy breach_of_the_peace chaos discord disorder disorderliness disturbance instability lawlessness mayhem rioting riot rowdiness strife turbulence upheaval
frog_and_toad road street
bot robot
rotgut bug_juice corn_liquor firewater hooch moonshine mountain_dew poteen white_lightning
bad carious gone_bad gone_off maggoted rotten spoiled
abrasive asperous coarse gimped harsh irregular jagged jaggy rough rugged rugose salebrous scabrous scraggy shagged squarrose uneven unsmooth
aggregate aggroup bring_together collect confer congregate gather gather_up group herd mass round_up team team_up togetherize
overling provost ruler
beating drumming grumbling rataplan rubadub rumble rumbling
bruit buzz fame hearsay moot on_dit rumor sough muttering noise tale word word_on_the_street word_on_the_wire whisper whispering
gallop run
flowy fluent fluid fluxive free-flowing liquid runny thin watery
bucolic churl clown country_cousin countryman fieldling harlot hob rube ruricolist rustic swain peasant whopstraw
blitz fly get_a_move_on hasten haul haul_ass haul_one's_ashes hie hump_it hurry hustle make_haste make_tracks move_it race rush scream scurry shift skedaddle swap speed zip zoom vamoose quickly reckless speed_up speedy
abactor duffer rustler
atrabiliary atrabilious blue bummed_out chapfallen cheerless chopfallen crestfallen cut_up damp dejected depressed despondent disconsolate dismal doleful dolesome down down_in_the_dumps down_in_the_mouth downcast downhearted downsome elegiac elegious forlorn gloomy glum grief-stricken grieving heavyhearted inconsolable infelicitous jawfallen joyless lachrymose lamentful low low-spirited lugubrious melancholic melancholy miserable moody mopey morose mournful plaintive querulous sad saddened saturnine solemn somber sorrowful sorrow-ridden sorrowsome spiritless sullen threnetic triste tristful uncheerful uncheery unconsolable unhappy unlively wamble-cropped wistful woebegone woeful
guarded invulnerable OK out_of_harm's_way protected safe_and_sound secure
loremaster oracle philosopher sage savant
sailboat sailing_boat sailing_ship sailing_vessel
jack jacktar lobscouser mariner matelot Neptunian Neptunist sailor salt seafarer seaman shipman squid swab swabby tar waterman
sale vend vent
salineness salinity saltiness
haline saline salt salty
identicalness identity sameliness sameness uniformity
ban boycott estoppel injunction interdiction embargo penalties proscription sanction taboo
butty piece sambo sammich sammie sammo sanger sango sarmie sarnie
sane balanced compos_mentis in_one's_right_mind in_possession_of_one's_faculties lucid rational reasonable sane sound-minded
lucidity lucidness mind rationality right_mind saneness sanity sound_mind
acceptable adequate all_right average close_enough_for_government_work decent favoursome fair fine jake good_enough hunky_dory kosher not_bad not_half_bad OK okayish passable tolerable up_to_par up_to_scratch up_to_snuff reasonable respectable satisfactory snug sufficient suitable tickety-boo
brothiness meatiness savoriness umami umaminess
come_again excuse_me huh I_beg_your_pardon I'm_sorry pardon pardon_me please say_again say_what sorry what
saying adage saw proverb maxim apothegm apophthegm dictum gnome gnomic_saying mantra paroemia
reef roynish scabby scabrate scabrid scabrous scald scalled scurvy
scaled scaly scarious squamate squamated squamiferous squamoid squamous squamulose squarrose
escapegoat fall_guy folk_devil goat Joe_Soap patsy scapegoat whipping_boy
crow_scarer crowkeeper frayboggard gallicrow gallybagger malkin mammet potato-bogle scare-beggar scare-the-birds scarecrow
aromaless inodorate inodorous odourless onodorate scentless
science_fiction scientific_romance scientifiction sci-fi skiffy SF stf
scientific sciential
angular anorexic emaciated gangling gangly gaunt haggard macilent lank lanky leptosome pencil-necked puny rangy rawboned reedy scraggy scrawny skin_and_bones skinny starved thin_as_a_rake undernourished underweight wasted weedy
BFD big_deal big_woop bleh eh I_don't_care FIGMO frig_it fug_it fuck_all fuck_it fuck_this meh no_matter screw_it screw_this so_what whatever what_boots_it what_matter what_of_it what_signifies_it what_the_hay what_the_heck what_the_hell what_the_hey what_the_fuck what's_the_difference where's_the_beef who_cares whoop-de-doo
bag ball_bag ballsac ballsack ballpark bawbag bean_bag bollock_sack coin_purse codlings duffle_bag dulap footbag knapsack mud_flap nutsack sack scrot scrote sporran tea_bag treasure_chest
bloodsucker bummer freeloader free_rider gadfly leech mooch moocher parasite scrounge scrounger scunge smell-feast sponge sponger sucker trencher_mate
administrator assistant administrative_assistant amanuensis clerk scribe scrivener seneschal
arrondissement borough capitoulate district neighborhood quarter ward
behold decern pipe see
insulate isolate segregate separate sequester set_apart sunder_out
intelligent sentient self-aware sapient
beinghood identity individuality ipseity personality personhood personness selfdom selfhood selfness selfship
cheap hawk monger peddle retail sell vend
baby_batter baby_gravy balljuice boy_juice cock_juice cock_snot come cream creme cum cumload cumwad dick_juice dick_milk dick_snot ejaculate fuckjuice jizz jism jissom load love_juice man_juice man_milk milk seed seminal_fluid skeet sperm spoof splooge spooge sprog spunk spurt wad white_pee ass_juice butt_juice Cowper's_fluid cumhole cunt_juice ejaculate penis precum pre-cum pre-ejaculate pussy_juice shot_spot
feeling sensation perception
sensely sensible sensory sensual sensuous
epicure epicurean hedonist pleasure_seeker sensualist softling sybarite voluptuary
intelligence sentient sapient sophont
detached discrete distinct disparate loose separate sundry unattached unannexed unassociated unconnected
detachment departition disassociation disconnection discontinuity disengagement disjunction disseverance dissociation disunion disunity division inconnection parting rupture separation severance split sunderance
chain consecution sequence series succession
by_degrees continually in_order in_turn gradatim sequentially seriatim step_by_step stepwise successively
serious grave earnest lack-laughter thoughtful sage solemn sober somber staid
aid attend attend_to await bestand bestead dance_attendance do do_for minister serve service stay tend wait wait_on wait_upon
abject servile slavish submissive subservient
allocate appropriate assign dedicate detach designate earmark separate sepose set_apart set_aside
eros libido mojo sex_drive
fuckbot sexbot lovebot pleasurebot sexdroid
bedfellow bedmate fuck hookup lover paramour mate root sex_partner sexual_partner
blue-balling fuckstrated incel love-shy
arouse turn_on sex_up
alluring arousing attractive bangable beautiful beddable bedworthy blazing bonable bonerific buff doable effable fanciable fappable fapworthy fit fuckable gorgeous hittable horny hot humpable luscious lush peng provocative raunchy rootable salacious screwable seductive sensual sexable sexalicious sexy shaggable swoonsome tasty toothsome yiffable
jiggle quake shag shake tremble vibrate wiggle
shallow superficial
abasement disgrace dishonour embarrassment humiliation ignominy mortification obloquy opprobrium shame unhonour
shape form Gestalt
lycanthrope shape-shifter shapeshifter shifter
shapely well_set
Ovis sheep
diaphanous filmy gauzy gossamer see-through sheer
chafiye cemedanî ghutra hattah headcloth headdress keffiyeh kufiya mashadah rezza scarf shawl
beam beshine gleam glow illuminate illumine shine
aglow beamful beamsome beamy effulgent glowing illuminating lambent lighted lit lucent luciferous lucific luminant luminiferous luminous lustrous orient profulgent radiant refulgent resplendent sheeny shining shiny
gleamy mirrorlike mirrory relucent shining shiny zazzy
blow_off dog doss duck goldbrick goof_off lollygag malinger procrastinate shirk slack_off soldier swing_the_lead
shoe footwear
shorebird wader
low scrimp short shortsome stubbed stubby stumpy
abbreviate abridge chop_down chop_off compress condense curt curtail lop_off make_shorter pare prune reduce_in_length shorten trim truncate saw_off
call cry holler roar roop scream shout yell
battle_axe bitch cat dragon faggot fishwife harpy harridan hellcat jade nag nudnik scold she-devil shrew termagant virago vixen witch
cark rest sleep shut-eye
bar debar drive_away exclude fend_off forbar repel shut shut_out turn_away ward_off
abashed bashful bookish coy distant embarrassed hesitant introverted mousy passive quiet reclusive retiring shamefast sheep-faced sheepish shy submissive uncommunicative
introvert mouse recluse wallflower shrinking_violet
bashfulness demureness diffidence reluctance introversion quietness reservation reticence shyness sheepishness timidity
hissing hissy_ sibilatory sibilant sibilous
hissingly sibilantly
hiss hizz sibilate
groove_fricative hiss sibilating sibilation siss
askance askant askile broadside laterally sideling sidelong sidely sideward sideways sidewise sideyways
black_noise crickets hush noiselessness quiet quietness roo silence stillness soundlessness
dumb silent still mute noiseless soundless quiet
akin alike comparable homologous identical same similar twin
likeness resemblance semblance similitude similarity
equivalently in_kind likewise otherways reciprocally similarly
coincident coincidental concomitant concurrent homochronous isochronous simultaneous synchronal synchronical synchronous
at_a_time at_one_time at_the_same_time concurrently simultaneously together then therewhile
coincidence concurrentness simultaneousness simultaneity synchroneity synchronicity synchronism synchronization synchronousness
since sithen sithence
size bigness bulk largeness
antigodlin askew over-thwartly sideling skew skewly
ability aptitude capacity capability competency competence cunning dexterity knack list moxie potential proficiency skill talent tekkers
able accomplished adept adroit apt capable competent conversant crack crafty deft dexterous expert facile fluent gain handy masterful masterly professional proficient qualified quick ready skilled skillful thoroughbred tight practiced versed
adept ace artist crackerjack dab dab_hand dabster deftster expert Jedi_Master master maven old_hand old_soldier old_stager past_master proficient top_gun whiz wiz wizard veteran
brain_bucket brainbox brainpan cranium harnpan skull
aspersion defamation detraction disparagement calumniousness calumny libel obloquy slander traducement vilification
gound eye_booger bed-booger eye-snot doze repose rest saw_logs catch_some_z's sleep slumber snooze
dormitive soporific anesthetic analgesic dope downer gas pain-killer sleeping_pill
beat beleaguered bushed dragging_one's_tail drained drowsy exhausted eyelids_at_half-mast fatigued lightheaded nodding_off out_of_gas out_of_steam pooped pooped_out sleepy snoozy slumberous tired tuckered tuckered_out unconscious weary woozy yawning zonked
gracile lank lean leansome lithe lithesome lissome rangy sleek slender slight slim slinky svelte swack willowy
a_bit a_little barely closely faintly hardly imperceptibly just marginally nearly only_just scarcely slightly somewhat
glibbery glidder gliddery greasy lubric lubricious lubricous slabbery slape slick slidder sliddery slidey slidy slimy slithery slippery slippery_as_an_eel slippy
cant elevation grade gradient slope
crawling creeping gastropodous glacial heavy-footed inching labored leaden lead-footed lethargic low-speed lumbering plodding pokey ponderous slothlike slow slow_as_a_snail slow_as_molasses slow_as_molasses_in_January slowfooted sluggish stately steady tardigrade tedious testudineous torpid
cumber decelerate foreslow put_the_brakes_on rein_in retard slow slowen slow_down slow_up
gradually ponderously slowly sluggishly tardily with_leaden_wings
barrio bad_part_of_town estate favela ghetto Hell's_Kitchen jects projects scheme shantytown sink_estate slum
compact insignificant little modest mini miniature minute petty pocket-size slim slight small small-scale undersized wurly
loose_change pennies red_cent shrapnel small_change spare_change
flair smell odor odour
downy even flat frictionless lanate level silken silklike silky sleek slick slight smooth velutinous velvety
snake serpent
clack click clunk crack snap pop
creep hake sneak shug skulk slink slive steal tiptoe
clearheaded on_the_wagon sober sober_as_a_judge stone-cold_sober undrunken unintoxicated
clubbable extroverted gregarious outgoing sociable social
cushiony flabby flaccid flexible soft spongy mellow malleable moldable pliable tender yielding zate
emolliate mollify soften tenderize
flaccidity mollitude softness
program software app
fill_one's_pants piss_oneself piss_one's_pants soil_oneself shit_oneself soil_one's_pants shit_one's_pants touch_cloth
keep lodge quarter sleep_over sojourn stay stay_over stop stop_off stop_over tarry
digger dogface doughboy GI ground_pounder jarhead jawan lobster old_sweat regular serviceman serviceperson servicewoman soldier squaddie sweat tirailleur Tommy Tommy_Atkins trooper warrior
individual lone one one_and_only only single singular sole solitary unitary
alone entirely exclusively only singly solely wholly
alone by_one's_lonesome by_oneself isolatedly lonelily on_one's_bill on_one's_lonesome on_one's_tod singlely singly solitarily solo
aloneness isolation loneliness onehead oneship seclusion solitariness solitude
at_some_point drekly sometime somewhen somewhere_along_the_line whenevs
boy lad
booming boom-boom canorous orotund remugient resonant resounding reverberant rotund sonorous tympanic vibrant
anon betimes by_and_by directly dreckley early eftsoons hastily imminently just_now momentarily presently promptly pronto quickly rear shortly soon tidely
dormitive soporific hypnotic somniferous somnolent tranquilizing vapid
breathe moan murmur purl rustle sigh susurrate sough swish swough whisper whoosh
noise sound
acetose acetous acid acidulent sour tart
acerbitude acerbity acetosity acidity acidness austereness austerity sharpness sourness tartness
state country
articulate babble blab chat chatter converse discuss jabber quethe say speak talk verbalize yak yap yammer
concretization individualization particularization singularization specialization
concrete discrete individual particular peculiar singular specific
especially in_especial in_particular namely particularly peculiarly specially specifically to_wit
individuality particularity peculiarity singularity specialty specificity specificness
call_out clarify clear_up explicitize get_something_straight narrow_down particularize singularize specialize specificate specify
imaginative_fiction non-mimetic_fiction SF SF/F/H speculative_fiction
locution parlance speech
accelerate chop-chop get_a_move_on get_a_wiggle_on get_it_on get_one's_ass_in_gear get_one's_skates_on get_the_lead_out hasten hurry_up mend_one's_pace pick_up_speed put_on quicken speed_up step_up surge
express fast feverish fleet fleeting greased_lightning hasty hectic hyperactive immediate lightning_fast nimble post_haste quick quick_as_a_flash rapid speedful speedy spit-spot swift zippy
big_spender dingthrift neve overspender prodigal profligate saprophage scattergood slipstring slipthrift sparkler spendthrift splurge squanderer unthrift waster wastethrift wastrel
bite piquance piquancy pungency spiciness tang
hot piquant pungent spicy tangy zesty
spirit liqueur liquor apparition specter vision
cleft cloven divided split sundered
bugger_up dirty disrupt disturb fuck_up jack_up mar mess_up pollute put_a_crimp_in queer ruin screw_up sour spoil stain upset turn_upside_down upset_the_applecart
bad_orb buzzkill cold_fish dampener downer fun_sponge grinch joy_killer killjoy miserabilist party_pooper spoilsport stick_in_the_mud wet_blanket wet_rag
canvers creps dap gutties gym_shoes jogger kicks plimsoll pump rubber_shoes runner running_shoes sandshoe sand_shoe sneak sneaker takkie tennies tennis_shoe trainer
catch_sight_of clock decern descry espy goam ken make_out spot spy
spouse better_half consort helpmate helpmeet mate other_half partner wedder
Spring spring springtime
hundreds_and_thousands jimmies nonpareils spreckles sprinkles sugar_strands
ghost intelligencer secret_agent spook spy undie
squabble barney bicker quarrel wrangle argue tiff quibble pettifog
chef chib ching chive enthrill foin gore gride jab job juke kebab knifecrime lancinate pigstick pink poach run_through shank shiv spear speet splash stab stick stob stog thrust yerk
outstand stand_out stick_out stick_out_like_a_sore_thumb
gaw gloar glom stare
condition position scenario set_up shape situation state state_of_affairs status
declaration expression remark statement
fixed immobile inanimate inert motionless sedentary stationary still stock-still torpid unmoving
remain stay_back stay_behind stay_put
equable even monotonous regular samely stable steady uncheckered uniform unvaried unvarying
steal abduct abstract appropriate bag bandit boost burgle burglarize borrow cheat convert cop cozen crib embezzle filch fleece flog gaffle gilravage half-inch heave heist jack kidnap knock_off kype kyper liberate lift loot make_off_with mill misappropriate moonlight_requisition nick nip own peculate pickpocket pilfer pinch pillage pirate plunder poach pocket prig purloin raid rape ransack reave rip rip_off rob run_off_with snag snatch snitch swindle swipe thieve walk_off_with
fetor funk malodor niff nosesore pong reek stench stink
infertile sterile
callous cold forbidding grim hard hard-boiled hardened heartless heavy-handed harsh humorless indifferent insensitive intense rigorous severe stern strict tough unfeeling unsentimental unsympathetic
as_tight_as_Dick's_hatband cheap cheese-paring chintzy close close_as_wax close-fisted illiberal mean miserable miserly niggardly parsimonious peddling penny-wise penny-pinching penurious scrooge-like scrubby shabby stingy tight tight-fisted tight_as_a_tick tighter_than_Dick's_hatband ungenerous
big-boned buirdly cobby dumpy eurysome fubsy nuggety squat stocky stuggy thick thickset
hot lifted nicked stolen
blitzed chemically_impaired chopped cut drugged drugged-out fuckered_up fried gassed geeked high high_as_a_kite hepped_up hopped_up monged munted lifted lit off_one's_box out_of_one's_box reefed spaced-out stoned up_there wasted whacked zorched
anchor astand blin brake cease draw_up grind_to_a_halt halt hold immobilize rest stall stay stop
belt_up button_it button_one's_lip can_it clam_up cork_it dummy_up hush_down hush_one's_mouth pipe_down put_a_lid_on_it put_a_sock_in_it shaddap shut_it shut_one's_face shut_one's_gob shut_one's_mouth shut_one's_pie_hole shut_one's_trap shut_up stick_a_sock_in_it stuff_a_sock_in_it swie wind_one's_neck_in zip_it zip_one's_lip
contract narrow straiten
aberrant abnormal anomalous as_queer_as_Dick's_hatband bizarre curious deviant eerie eldritch errant exceptional extraordinary fey forby freak freakish fremd funny heteroclite hinky incongruous incongruitous irregular kooky monstrous nonstandard odd outlandish out_of_the_ordinary peculiar quaint queer queer_as_a_clockwork_orange queer_as_a_nine_bob_note queer_as_a_three_dollar_bill queer_as_a_coot queer_as_Dick's_hatband rare rum rummy selcouth seld singular strange trippy uncanny uncommon unconventional unearthly unexpected unreasonable unusual unwonted weird weirdsome yampy
bizarro crackpot crank eccentric freak glaik hard_case kook live_one nutbag nutbar nutcase nutter oddball oddity odd_bod odd_duck odd_fish queerdo queer_fish rum strange_bird strange_fish strangeling wack wacko weirdie weirdling weirdo wild_man wingnut
alienly curiously eccentrically enigmatically oddly peculiarly quaintly queerly singly singularly strangely unconventionally unfamiliarly
abnormalcy abnormalism abnormality abnormity anomalousness atypicality deviancy enormity extraordinariness freakishness nonnormality oddity oddness peculiarness queerhood queerness rumness strangeness unusuality unusualness weirdness
able-bodied athletic Atlantean beefy beefed_out brawny broad-shouldered buff built built_like_a_brick_shithouse built_like_a_tank buirdly burly Cyclopean deep-rooted dench gigantic Herculean hale hearty hench husky lusty like_a_giant_refreshed made_of_iron muscular muscled muscleful rugged sinewy stalwart strapping strong_as_a_lion strong_as_a_horse strong_as_an_ox strong_as_brandy virile well-built well-fed well-knit wiry
anneal brace build_up confirm enstrengthen fortify harden intend indurate invigorate munite nerve reinforce roborate steel strength strengthen thicken
donkey bulldog mule
study inquiry investigation exploration
addlebrained addlepated airheaded beef-witted birdbrained blockheaded Boeotian boneheaded brainless chowderheaded crackbrained cretinous dense dim dim-bulb dim-headed dim-witted doltish dopey dull dull-headed dull-minded dull-witted dumb dunderheaded fatheaded feeble-minded flea-brained foolish half-witted idiotic imbecilic knuckleheaded lamebrained lowbrow lunkheaded mentally_challenged mentally_retarded mindless moronic muttonheaded numbskulled oafish obtuse peabrained retarded rockheaded simple slow slow-witted stupid thick thickheaded thickwitted unclever unintelligent unsmart witless dumb_as_a_bag_of_hammers dumb_as_a_box_of_rocks dumb_as_a_doorknob dumb_as_an_ox dumb_as_a_post dumb_as_a_sack_of_hammers dumb_as_dirt dumber_than_a_rock not_the_sharpest_knife_in_the_drawer not_the_sharpest_tool_in_the_shed shit-for-brains thick_as_a_brick thick_as_a_plank thick_as_champ thick_as_mince thick_as_pig_shit thick_as_two_short_planks
subaquatic subaqueous underwater
following next subsequent succeeding ulterior
after afterhand afterward afterwards followingly hereafter later sithence subsequently yet
corporeity body mass material matter stuff substance
actual bodily corporeal concrete material meaty physical real substantial substantive tangible
fill-in ghost proxy replacement stand-in substitute surrogate
belowground chthonian chthonic subterranean subterraneous subterrene underground
subtle tricky nice delicate knotty
subtract take take_away
come_after ensue follow follow_on succeed
aftercomer heir succeeder successor successour
brevity briefness conciseness concision laconicalness laconicism laconism succinctness terseness
apple-polish bootlick bow_and_scrape brownnose butter_up dickride fawn fellate flannel kiss_someone's_ass kiss_someone's_ring kiss_up kowtow lick_someone's_ass lick_someone's_balls suck_up toady
abrupt precipitant precipitate precipitous spontaneous subitaneous sudden
abruptness precipitantness precipitateness precipitousness spontaneity spontaneousness subitaneousness suddenness
ache agonize anguish passion suffer thole wark
appropriate apt correct felicitous fit fit_for_purpose fitting gainand idoneous likely meet opportune proper right sensible sortable suitable tidy up_to_standard
glum gloomy grouchy gruff ill-tempered ill-humored moody morose sulky sullen
abridgment abstract bottom_line compendium conspectus digest epitome outline overview précis résumé summary synopsis the_long_and_short upshot
add add_together add_up cast count_up foot_up reckon_up sum_up summate tally tally_up tot tot_up total tote tote_up
subtle tricky nice delicate knotty
apex apogee crest crown fastigium height peak pinnacle roof summit top zenith
crowning foremost greater higher major paramount preeminent superior supreme utmost vaulting
advantage altitude ascendance ascendancy betterhood betterness dominion elderdom excellence forehand greatness leetness mastery overhand precedency precellence precellency predominance preeminence superiority superiorness supremacy
grandly preeminently supereminently superiorly supremely
backing base basis bearing brace footing foundation fulcrum ground hold purchase reinforcement support
arread assume conject conjecture daresay dope go_out_on_a_limb guess guesstimate hunch hypothesize imagine infer overhope posit postulate presume reckon speculate suppose surmise suspect take_a_stab_at take_for_granted take_something_as_read ween
assumption conjecture foreguess given guess halseny hypothesis possibility speculation supposition theory working_hypothesis
family_name last_name surname to-name
amazement astonishment awe bewilderment flabbergast flabbergastation flabbergastment shock stupefaction surprise
astounding astonishing random shocking spontaneous sudden surprise surprising unexpected
abandon bend capitulate cave_in cede fall_in_line give_over give_in give_up give_way knuckle_under relinquish submit surrender strike_one's_flag strike_the_colors strike_the_flag throw_in_the_towel throw_up_one's_hands turn_in wave_the_white_flag yield
rock sway waver
swear bad_mouth blaspheme curse cuss execrate imprecate swear_like_a_trooper vilify
curse curse_word cuss cussword expletive malediction oath obscenity profanity vulgarity dirty_word foul_word four-letter_word swear
billingsgate blasphemy curse cuss cussword expletive imprecation invective malediction oath obscenity profanity swear swear_word vituperation vulgarity French dirty_word foul_language four_letter_word industrial_language
dulcet nectareal nectarean nectarine nectarous saccharine sugary sweet sweetsome
babber babe bae baby babycakes bubba bully buttercup cabbage chickabiddy chickadee chuck cupcake cutie dag darling dear dear_heart dearest dearie dearling doll doodlebug dove duck ducky dumpling fam heart heartface heartling heartmate hinny hon honey honey_bun honeybunch honeybug honeybunny honeycakes honeypie jewel jo kidder lambchop lambkin liefling little_one love lovebug loveling lovie luvvy m'dear miting moppet mopsy mouse muffin muss old_bean old_sport pally pet petal poppet pug pumpkin pussums pussy sausage schnookums snicklefritz snookums snuggums squishy sug sugar sugar_baby sugar-plum sugarpie sweet_pea sweetcheeks sweetheart sweetie sweets sweetling treasure woobie
dulceness dulciness dulcitude saccharinity sugariness sweetness
banana_hammock budgie_smugglers cock_jocks competition_briefs dick_pointers dick_togs nut_huggers posing_briefs sluggos racer_bathers racing_briefs Speedo speedo Speedos speedos swim_briefs
commute counterchange exchange interchange replace shift substitute swap switch transpose
adulator arse-kisser arse-licker ass-kisser ass-licker bootlicker buttkisser buttlicker brown_noser clawback flatterer flunkey hanger-on kiss-ass lackey lickspittle lick-platter lickpot minion people_pleaser pickthank suck_up sycophant toadeater toady
asslicky fawning groveling ingratiating obsequious oily oleaginous schmoozy self-abasing soapy slimy sycophantic toadyish toadying truckling unctuous
taciturn reticent unloquacious untalkative quiet reserved silent silentious
palpable tactile tangible touchable
tact tactility taction tactition touch
appropriate bag catch expropriate grab grasp grip help_oneself hook impropriate make_free_with nab nim pocket sack seize take
appropriator taker
acquisition taking
blabber blather conversation discussion gossip prattle speech talk
talkative talksome talky chatty chatterbox chattering chattery effusive gabby garrulous gobby logorrheic long-winded loquacious motormouth nattersome nattery prolix outspoken verbose voluble wordy yappy
garrulity garrulousness logorrhea logorrhoea loquaciousness loquacity multiloquence talkativeness verbal_diarrhea verbal_diarrhoea
elevated eminent exalted high lofty tall
tantrum catfit conniption conniption_fit dummy_spit headfit hissy hissy_fit meltdown paddy shit_fit snit_fit wobbler wobbly
clap knock pat ping plip plonk plop rap slam slap smack spank tap
African_time black_people's_time Caribbean_time Colored_People's_Time Fiji_time Filipino_time Hawaiian_time Indian_time island_time Jamaican_time Jewish_Standard_time Kenyan_time Micronesian_time Nigerian_time Palauan_time Puerto_Rican_time Samoan_time Tongan_time
abide eld linger retard stay tarry wait
gust smack smake smatch taste
clatfart goss gossip gossipry janglery labrish scuttlebutt skeet tale tattle tidbit tittle-tattle twittle-twattle
nonslack strained stretched taut tense tensioned tight
cha char tay tea
acedia boredom monotony sameness tediousness tiresomeness tedium wearisomeness
adolescent teen teenager young_adult youth
abstainer abstinent aquabib hydropot teetotaler teetotalist nondrinker water-drinker
telencephalon endbrain cerebrum
telephone call call_up drop_a_line phone ring ring_up
decern discern differentiate differentialize discriminate distinguish set_apart tell_apart
calm collected composed cool dispassionate inexcitable imperturbable regular sedate sober steady staid temperate undisturbed unexcitable unexcited unimpassioned unpassionate unperturbed unruffled unstirred unsusceptible
fane house_of_worship temple shrine
awhile briefly ephemerally fleetingly flickeringly for_a_minute momentarily momently summarily temporarily transiently transitorily
term_of_endearment endearment
horror terror
all_one's_life's_worth challenge mountain test trial
testicles testes acorns agates apples apricots bags ballocks balls bangers bannocks baws beans bean_bags berries bollocks bolls boys cherries chicken_nuggets chuckles clockweights cobblers cods coin_purse cojones crown_jewels cubes cullions eggs family_jewels giggle_berries gonads goolies gooseberries huevos Jacobs jawbreakers klackers knackers loins love_spuds marbles nadgers nads nards nuts pebbles plums potatoes pods profiteroles rocks spuds stepchildren stones store sweetmeats swingers taters teabags tests twins watermelons yams yarbles
beauty cheers chur gracias gramercy many_thanks merci mercy_buckets mercy_bucket much_obliged sankyu spank_you spank_you_very_much shot shotties shucks tanks thank_you thank_you_so_much thank_you_very_much thank_you_kindly thank'ee thankee thanks thanks_a_heap thanks_a_lot thanks_a_bunch thanks_a_million thanks_a_ton thanks_heaps thanks_very_much todah_rabah ta ta_everso ta_muchly obliged much_obliged 10q 10x kthx thnk thx tnx ty tyvm tia TIA TQ txs
ever dafuq in_damnation in_God's_name in_heaven in_heavens in_heaven's_name in_hell in_tarnation in_the_hell in_the_world the_blazes the_Christ the_devil the_dick the_dickens the_fuck the_heck the_hell on_earth
aftertime future futurity hereafter to-be to-come
days_of_yore foreday foretime old_days past yestertide yestertime yesteryear yore
as-is here_and_now present now
bargain burglary heist give-away pinching robbery steal stealing theft thievery five-finger_discount midnight_requisition moonlight_requisition manifest_destiny
ensuingly followed_by followingly hereafter subsequently syne then
theosoph theosophe theosopher theosophist
therapy treatment
accordingly as_a_result as_such consequently ergo hence in_that_case so subsequently then thence therefore thus whence wherefore ∴
condense engross incrassate inspissate reduce thick thicken
abstractor appropriator bagger booster borrower cribber faker filcher flogger heister larcener larcenist liberator lifter misappropriator nicker pincher purloiner snitch stealer tea_leaf thief thiever
widget hickey gizmo thingy gimmick thingie jigger gismo gubbins whatsit thingamajig doodad whatchamacallit doohickey thingo thingamabob thingummy whatsis thingumajig thingumabob whatchacallit affair bazinga dealie dealy dinglehopper dingus dohickey dohickey dojigger doodad doodah doofer doohickey doo-hickey doojigger doovalacky foo foobar frammis frobnitz gadget gewgaw geegaw gimmick gismo gizmo gubbins hickey hodad jigger jobby jobber junk kajigger kludge MacGuffin oojamaflip stuff thingamabob thingamajigger thingamajiggy thingamajig thingie thingmabob thingmajig thingmy thingo thingum thingumabob thingumajig thingummabob thingummajig thingummyjig thingummy thingymabob thingymajig thingy thing ting whachacallit whachamacallit whaddayacallit whatchacallit whatchamacallit whatchamahoozie whatdoyoucallit whatnot whatsaname whatshumacallit whatsis whatsitsname whatsit whiff-whaff whosiewhatsit whosit widget wossname wotsit yoke
adry athirst drouthy droughty dry parched thirstful thirsty unslaked
intimidation warning menace threat
triple triplicate threefold thrissome
threeness triality trinity
thrice thricely threefold treble trebly triply
animate awaken call_up electrify encourage enflame enkindle enliven enthrill exagitate excite exhilarate exsuscitate fillip fire fire_the_blood foment galvanise gin_up incense inflame inspirit intoxicate invigorate kindle liven liven_up pique provoke quicken rouse sharpen stimulate stir stir_the_blood stir_up stoke suscitate thrill vitalize wake warm_the_blood whet work_up
cast chuck feck fling hurl launch lob pitch shy skew sling throw toss
as_such like_so like_this so therefore this_way thus thusly
catalogue enumerate list recite tabulate tick_off
fast firm tight trig secure
bind brace cinch clench constrict squeeze tighten taughten tauten tense
achronic atemporal eternal extratemporal timeless
atemporally eternally timelessly
atemporality eternal_now eternity extratemporality timelessness untime
tempestivity timeliness opportuneness seasonability seasonableness
well-timed tempestive opportune seasonable tidy timeful timely timeous timesome
opportunely seasonably tempestively tidily timely timeously
chronograph chronometer metronome timepiece timekeeper time-keeper timer
tinct tinged tinted
bitty diminutive dinky lilliputian little micro microscopic mini miniature minuscule minute nano slight small tiny undersized puny petty infinitesimal negligible
exhaust fatigue fordo jade knock_up poop run_someone_ragged tire tire_out wear wear_down wear_out weary
inexhaustible indefatigable tireless unflagging untiring unweariable unwearying
honour title
age eld elden date get_on grow_up mature obsolesce olden season senesce superannuate upgrow
crack_a_smile smile
ankle-biter preschooler rugrat sproglet squirt toddler tot tyke
bog can commode crapper crapper_trapper devil's_back_roads dunny head highway_to_hell jacks jakes john khazi latrine lav pisser pooper porcelain_god porcelain_goddess pot potty privy Quincy shitcan shitpot shitter stool throne toilet toot
abear abide aby accept allow bear bide brook dree endure forbear go_along_with live_with pass put_up_with stand stick stomach suffer swallow take_sitting_down thole tolerate undergang undergo
topographic topographical
torture torment agony agonize
absolute categoric categorical complete consummate downright mere outright out-and-out perfect proper pure regular sheer thorough total unadulterated unalloyed unconditional unfettered unmitigated unqualified unreserved unrestricted utter wholesale
plaything toy
exchange merchandise trade traffic truck wrixle
exceed excel forpass go_beyond outcompass outstep outstrip overgo overpass overreach overstep overstride surpass transgress transcend trespass
abalienate alien alienate assign change_hands consign convey grant transfer
alienation assignment conveyance transference
brevity briefness caducity ephemerality ephemeralness fleetingness fugacity impermanence temporariness transience transiency transientness transitoriness
semitransparent semipellucid semiopaque through-shine tralucent translucent
clear clear_as_crystal crystalline glassy hyaline hyaloid limpid lucid pellucid see-through serene transparent transpicuous vitreous
cissexism transphobia transprejudice
cross-dresser gender-bender tranny trannie trans transvestist TV gender_illusionist she-male transvestite
trash cultch crap debris dreck drek garbage junk litter rubbish refuse service_item shit stuff waste
bird_of_passage gadabout itinerant peregrinator rambler rover traveller voyager wanderer wayfarer
treble triple triplicate
triangle trigon
bagatelle bag_of_shells bric-a-brac dicky dicky-bird fico fig flyspeck niff-naff picayune sop toy trick trifle whiffle
chirl chirr quaver trill warble wobble
bauble bric-a-brac fandangle fangle fizgig folderol gewgaw kickshaw knick-knack tat tchotchke trangam trinket whim-wham
tern ternary ternion threeness threesome triad trine trinity trio triplet troika
tern ternary threefold treble triadic trinary trine triple
treble triplicate
bad_boy bad_news bear bhoy blackguard booger boot_boy bovver_boy brat breedbate buffoon bugger bully charva cutup devil elf enfant_terrible firebrand gadfly hell-raiser hood hoodlum hooligan hothead imp inciter initiator instigator jackanapes joker jokester kindle-coal kindle-fire knave lout makebate minx mischief mischief-maker miscreant ne'er-do-well pixie pot_stirrer practical_joker prankster puck rabble_rouser rakeshame rapscallion rascal rogue rowdy ruffian scamp scapegrace scoundrel shit-stirrer tearaway thug titivil tough troublemaker vandal wag wagpastie yob yobbo
breeches breeks britches cacks gaskins hose hosen kecks lally-drags pants strides trews trousers
beaking bunking bobbing cutting_class dipping ditching dogging going_on_the_hop going_on_the_lang going_on_the_mitch jigging kidding mitching pawning pipping playing_hooky poning sculling self-motivated_field_trip skipping skiving skidgin sluffing truancy tula wagging shirk
truth straight_goods verity
ahem bollocks_to_it boo dear_me dearie_me deary_me fie mew my_eye no now,_now och oh_dear shame shame_on_you tsk tsk_tsk tut tut_tut
bis double doubly twice twicet twofold
blue_hour crepuscule gloaming glooming tweenlight twilight
dual double duple duplicate twissel twofold twosome
doubleness duality twoness
ugliness repulsiveness homeliness
bad beat butt-ugly coyote_ugly fuckfaced fugly hideous homely like_the_back_end_of_a_bus plug-ugly repulsive ugly ugly_as_sin unattractive uncomely unsightly unpretty
choad frump minger schlub stinka troll uggo
battle-ax beldame boot brown-bagger dog gorgon hag harridan moose munter skank Sybil two-bagger
bay baying caterwaul caterwauling howl keen keening kyoodle ululation wail wailing yowl yowling
unafraid unruffled unterrified
boner-shrinker bonerkiller fugly lack-looks minger munter monkeyface pukeface trollface ugly_duckling
space spell throw while
foreskinned intact uncirced un-circed uncircumcised unclipped uncut unsnipped
befouled besmirched clarty cruddy dirty foul grotty grubby icky manky nasty seamy soiled squalid sullied unclean unwashed yucky
discompliance disconformity enormity inconformity noncompliance nonconformance nonconformity transgression uncompliance unconformity unconventionality violation
arbitrary betwixt_and_between incoherent independent irrelative irrespective neither_here_nor_there selfstanding separate unallied unconnected unimportant unrelated
adipose butyraceous fatty greasy lardaceous oily oleaginous pinguid saponaceous sebaceous soapy unctuous unguinous waxy
lingerie shreddies skivvies smalls smallclothes underclothes underclothing undergarment underwear undies unmentionables
denude despoil dismantle disrobe divest doff peel put_off strip strip_down strip_off unclothe undress
between_jobs employmentally_challenged jobless nonemployed occupationless on_the_wallaby on_the_wallaby_track out_of_work resting unbusied unemployed workless
disparate unequal uneven
inequivalently nonequally unequally unevenly
dated démodé fossilized inelegant old-fashioned old-hat oldfangled out out_of_date out_of_fashion outdated outmoded passé unchic unfashionable unhip unstylish untrendy
conformity homogeneity regularity uniformity
always consistently constantly immutably invariably invariously still unalterably unchangeably unchangingly uniformly unvaryingly
accidental designless inadvertent involuntary undesigned unintended unintentional unplanned unpurposed unwitting
alone azygous matchless nonpareil peerless singular sui_generis unequaled unique unparalleled unmatched unrivalled
universe Universe cosmos
bedraggled blowsy dishevelled dowdy dowdyish down_at_heel downgone draggle-tailed draggled frowsy frumpy grotty grufty grungy hashy mangy mean out_at_the_heels piggy ragtag ribby schleppy schlumpy scratty scrofulous scroungy scruffy scrungy seedy shabby slammocky slatternly slobbish slobby sloppy slovenlike slovenly slummocky sluttish tacky tore_up trampish unfine unkemmed unkempt unshaven
ignote obscure unascertained unapprehended undiscovered unexplained unfamiliar uninvestigated unknown unrecognized unrevealed
down_on_one's_luck fortuneless ill-fated ill-starred inauspicious infelicitous infortunate hapless luckless misadventurous mischanceful misfortuned peak snakebit thwart unchancy unfortunate unpropitious unlucky wanchancy
affine demix fine purify refine separate sift winnow unmix
distasteful ill-flavored uneatable unpalatable unsavory unstomachable yucky
bad disgusting distasteful foul fulsome gro grody grotty harsh loathsome munted nasty nauseous repulsive revolting scabrous sickening strident obnoxious offensive unpleasant
amateurish backwards bad bungling clumsy inapt incapable incompetent inept inexpert maladroit miserable unable unprofessional unqualified unskillful
botcher bumbler bungler blunderer blunderhead butterfingers clodhopper dauber duffer dumbshit fuckup fumblefingers fumbler galoot gawk trapes klutz looby lubber lummox maladroit muff palooka pisher sad_sack schlemiel screwup shit_bird spaz stumblebum turkey yutz
chaotic instable irregular unstable unsteady variable varying
bad improper inappropriate inapt inept inopportune out_of_line out_of_order unapt unfit unsuitable
clatty dag dirtbag dirtball feague frump grotbag meff oinker pig schlep schlump scruff scruffbag scruffball scunge shabaroon slob slummock mudlark
'til till until unto while
impunctuality intempestivity unpunctuality unseasonability unseasonableness untimeliness
ill-timed intempestive inopportune mistimed timeless unseasonable untime untimely untimeous
inopportunely intempestively unseasonably untimeously
abnormally atypically exceptionally extraordinarily irregularly uncommonly untypically unusually unwontedly
downside_up reverse topsy-turvy up_so_down upside_down upsidown upsy-down
burgess burgher cit citizen metropolitan oppidan townling townsperson urbanite
acute bad clamant crying dire exigent imperious instant rash severe pressing pressive urgent
break_the_seal do_number_one do_a_number_one do_business do_it go_number_one have_a_leak have_a_pee have_a_slash have_a_wee make_water micturate pass_water pee piddle piss splash_one's_boots take_a_leak take_a_pee take_a_piss take_a_wee take_a_whiz take_a_wicked_yes take_care_of_business tinkle urinate wee wee-wee wet_one's_boots widdle whiz wring_out_one's_sock
call_of_nature emiction leak making_water micturition pee piss pissing tinkle uresis urination wazz wee wee-wee wiz wizz whiz whizz
urine land piss pee peepee water wazz wee wee-wee zigg
as_a_rule as_often_as_not commonly customarily in_general generally habitually more_often_than_not most_of_the_time nine_times_out_of_ten normally oftest ordinarily predominantly principally typically usually
utility usefulness
say utter vocalize
annual_leave break day_off getaway holiday leave leave_of_absence pause recess time_off vacation vaca vacay
bum derelict dero down-and-out down-and-outer drifter gadling hobo Jack_out_of_doors knight_of_the_road nomad ranger rolling_stone rough_sleeper scatterling skell stumblebum swagman swaggie tramp vagabond vagrant wanderer
axe_wound bearded_clam beaver box bun bush cavern clunge coin_slot cooch coochie cookie cooter cooze cunny cunt engine fanny foo-foo front_bottom front_bum front_hole gash ginch Grand_Canyon honeypot hoo-ha innie kebab kitty la-la life_force love_box love_tunnel minge minnie monosyllable muff nonny pee-pee poontang pump pussy quim sheath slit snapper snatch squish_mitten stench_trench sugar_walls tuppence twat twinkle vagina vaginer va-jay-jay vertical_smile vulva wee-wee
ambiguous equivocal fuzzy generic imperspicuous imprecise indeterminate indefinite indistinct turbid uncertain unclear undefined undefinable vague
conceited narcissistic self-adoring self-admiring self-obsessed vain vainglorious
valley combe dale dell slade vale
enchantress femme_fatale man-eater mantrap seductress siren temptress vamp vixen
vehicle conveyance
pluckcrow revengeful vengeful vindictive
candor frankness honesty sincereness sincerity truthfulness veracity
verb action_word
circumlocutory diffuse periphrastic palaverous pleonastic prolix sesquipedalian verbose wordy
ambages circumlocution logorrhea long-windedness overwordiness periphrase periphrasis perissology prolixity verboseness verbosity wordiness
absolutely abundantly all_too but_good completely ever_so exceedingly excessively extremely greatly in_spades main mightily passing positively pretty quite right simply sore specially strongly swith truly very very_much way_too
conversely inversely the_other_way_round reverse vice_versa vicey_versey wrong_side_out
twentysomething quarterlifer vicenarian
alert aware heedful hip observant on_guard on_the_lookout on_the_qui_vive on_the_watch on_watch vigilant wakeful wakesome wary watchful woke
coistril bad_guy bastard blackguard bounder cad evildoer fustilarian harlot heavy knave lidderon makeshift miscreant ne'er-do-well niding nithing rapscallion rascal rogue scab scamp scapegrace scoundrel scum scumbag thug varlet villain
atrociousness awfulness badness corruption corruptness criminality dacoity depravity enormity evil evilness immorality knavery nefariousness rascality scoundrelry turpitude vileness villainhood villainousness villainry villainy wickedness
maid unicorn_bait virgin
chaste cherry undeflowered unfucked unsullied vestal virgin virginal
chaste continent correct delicate decent decorous desertful deserving dutiful duteous good honest innocent meritorious modest moral noble right right-minded righteous straight virtuous well-intentioned whole-souled worthy
lentous glutinous slabby syrupy thickflowing viscid viscose viscous
apparent eyely seeable spottable viewable visible
eyesight ken sight perception vision
built buxom chubby curvaceous curvesome curvy embonpoint full-figured juicy luscious pneumatic red-hot Rubenesque sonsy thicc thick toothsome voluptuous well-endowed well-proportioned zaftig
barf bait boke boot chunder honk pavement_pizza puke purging ralph sick spew sprog throw_up upchuck botulism yak liquid_laugh multicolour_yawn Technicolor_yawn
voracious ravenous edacious esurient gutfoundered hungry_as_a_hog insatiable pantagruelian
axe_wound badly_packed_kebab bearded_clam beaver beef_curtains burger clam cooch coochie coochy cookie coot cooter crack cunt fanny foo-foo front_bottom fur_burger gash gee honey_hole kebab kitty ladybits minge minnie muff muffin na-na nonny nooky noonie old_hat pee-pee poontang prat pudendum_muliebre pussy quiff quim roast_beef slit slot snatch tuppence twat twinkle punani vadge vagina va-jay-jay vulva wee-wee
abide bide bide_one's_time expect defer hang_on hold_on hold_one's_breath hold_one's_horses hold_one's_water hold_out stand_by stay twiddle_one's_thumbs wait
abide attend await bide expect hold_up keep remain stay tarry tend wait wait_on wait_for
arise arouse awake awaken get_up rise rouse stir wake wake_up waken
wakefulness consciousness energy invigoration pep verve vigor get-up-and-go
ambulate pedestrianize raik
ambler flaneur gadling nomad peregrinator rambler rover saunterer straggler stroller walke-street wanderer
anarchic anarchical chaotic irrepressible rampant stanchless unchecked uncontrolled uncontrollable undisciplined ungovernable unrestrained unruly unvanquished out_of_control wanton
warm tepid mild balmy
warship warcraft
basin handbasin sink washbasin washbowl
waste_bin wastebin
water Adam's_ale Adam's_wine aqua dihydrogen_monoxide hydric_acid hydrogen_hydroxide hydrogen_oxide hydrohydroxic_acid hydroxic_acid hydroxilic_acid hydroxylic_acid oxidane μ-oxido_dihydrogen corporation_pop
watercraft vessel
anemic breakable broken-down damaged debilitated decrepit delicate effete enervated enfeebled exhausted faint feeble flimsy fragile frail harmed hurt impaired impotent infirm injured languid low powerless prostrated prostrate puny raddled resistless sapped slightsoft softened susceptible tender tired torpid unresistant vincible vulnerable wasted weakened weary weedy wimpy worn_out yielding
Achilles_heel chink_in_the_armor kryptonite soft_spot soft_underbelly vulnerability weakness weak_spot
abundance affluence cheese fortune opulence richdom riches wealth
filthy_rich loaded moneybags of_means oofy rich rich_as_Croesus rolling_in_dough upper_crust wealthy well-endowed well-heeled well_off well-to-do
weapon arm armament
arms munitions ordnance weaponry
dull drudgerous irksome longsome monotonous repetitious slow tedious tiresome wearisome
webpage web-page web_page page WWW_page
web_site website web-site site Internet_site
misyar wedlease
burst_into_tears cry cry_one's_eyes_out shed_a_tear shed_tears weep
bravissimo bravo bully cock_on congrats congratulations encore full_marks get_you good_for_someone good_for_you good_going good_job good_on_you good_show good_work hon hoorah hooray hurrah hurray huzza huzzah jolly_good_show kudos mazal_tov mazel_tov nice_one proper_job right_on shabash there_you_go way_to_go well_done well_said
damp drenched dripping drunk humid irriguous madid moist moisty plashy saturated soaked sodden soggy spewy spongy squidgy thone undried waterlogged watery wet wiery
thingamabob thingum thingummy whatsisname whatshisname whasisname whatshername whatshisface so-and-so you-know-who
as when while whilom whilst
boutade caprice capriccio conceit crotchet delirament fancy fangle figary flisk freak lark maggot megrim spleen toy vagary whim whim-wham whimsy
cut feague flagellate flog knout lash lather quirt scourge scutch slash strap stripe thresh whip whoop yark
white_blood_cell leukocyte
ang_moh Angrez balanda Caucasian cumskin farang firangi gringo gussuk gweilo haole honky ice_monkey ivory joganosh laowai melanin-challenged mzungu mlungu ofay paddy pakeha paleface pigskin pukeskin roundeye toubab umlungu vomitskin white white_bread white_devil whiteface white_man whitey wigger wonderbread
albescent whitish whity
broad thick wide
extensively far_and_wide spreadly widely
breadthen broaden enwiden thicken widen widthen
common disseminated epidemic far-flung extensive pervasive pandemic predominant prevailing prevalent rife spread_out systemic ubiquitous universal widespread
breadth broadness thickness wideness width
ball_and_chain better_half bride dutch 'er_indoors frow geezer her_indoors lady little_woman little_lady memsahib missus old_lady old_woman trouble trouble_and_strife wife wifey
bushland wild wilderness wildland
astute artful cautelous crafty cunning foxlike foxy frood guileful shrewd slim sly subtle tricky vulpine wily
wine vino
Winter winter wintertide wintertime
discernment discrimination gumption insight nous perspicacity penetration prudence sagaciousness sagacity sapience savvy understanding wisdom wit
frood deep judicious oracular politic profound prudent quick-witted reasonable sagacious sage sapient sensible wise witful
witty amusing bright diverting droll entertaining humorous jocose jocular piquant quick quick_on_the_draw quick-witted sharp tongue-in-cheek
ah_me alack alas hey_ho oh_dear oh_well pity shame too_bad what_a_pity what_a_shame woe_is_me
babe baggage bim bint bird bitch broad chick covess dame donna feme femme femoid frau frow gal gentlelady ginch hen ho lady mort placket pussy queen she sheila skirt thot tía twist vaginoid wife woman wommon womon womxn womyn wimmin
awesome beat bewildering enchanting extraordinary fabulous fantabulosa fantabulous fascinating frabjous grandeur grandiose grand great impressive inspiring magnificent majestic major mystifying selly splendid stupefying stupendous supercalifragilisticexpialidocious unbelievable wild luxurious
address bedear chase_after court endear make_love pitch_woo put_the_moves_on romance solicit spark woo
armadillo_bug butcher_boy carpenter cheeselog cheslip doodlebug lockchester lugdor oniscid oniscidean pill_bug potato_bug roly-poly rolly_polly slater sowbug woodlouse crustacean isopod arthropod Oniscidea Ligiamorpha Armadillidium armadillidiid porcellionid sea_slater
word lexeme lexical_item lexical_unit lexie
phrasing talk terminology wording
work effort
band-aid band-aid_solution bodge cludge hack hack_job jugaad kludge kluge lash-up make-do makeshift patch patch-up put-together quick-and-dirty quick_fix stopgap workaround
proletarian worker
human_resources liveware manpower personnel staff workforce
bag_of_nerves bundle_of_nerves jitterbug nervous_Nellie nervous_wreck neurotic tightass wiener worrier worryguts worrywart
break_down crack decline deteriorate degenerate devolve fade fall_off go_bad go_downhill go_off go_to_hell go_to_pot go_to_seed go_to_the_dogs lapse molder retrograde suffer sweal shrivel wither wane worsen
asswipe badling bugger carrion cockstain crumb custron dandiprat doink fritlag geek hoon lidderon losel loser louse maggot nonce nowmun ne'er-do-well pig_dog pile_of_shit punk quat ramp scullion slubberdegullion sparrow-fart streak_of_piss toerag twerp waste_of_space underperson unworthy
banged_up crocked fucked_up gimped hurt imbrued injured jacked_up messed_up tore_up vulnerated wounded
adzooks alamak amazing ay,_caramba ay,_chihuahua begorra bless_my_heart bless_us blige blimey blipity_blam bloody_hell blow_me blow_me_backwards blow_me_down blow_me_over blow_me_pink blow_me_tight blow_my_buttons butter_my_butt_and_call_me_a_biscuit by_all_that_is_holy by_Allah by_cracky by_George by_God by_golly by_gum by_gummy by_jingo by_Jove by_Jupiter byrlady caramba Christ Christ_alive Christ_on_a_bike Christ_on_a_cracker cor cor_blimey cor_lummy cowabunga crikey criminy cripes crivvens chuffing_hell dear_God dear_me dearie_me deary_me dear_Lord diggety eep egad egads ermahgerd fancy_that fuck_me fucking_hell gad_so gadsbud gadzooks gaw gee gee_whiz gee_willikers geeminy geez geez_Louise get_out_of_town God_Almighty God_in_heaven good_golly golly golly_gee_willikers golly_gosh good_God good_golly good_gracious good_gravy good_grief good_heavens good_Lord goodness_gracious goodness_gracious_me goodness_me googly-moogly gorblimey Gordon_Bennett gosh gracious gramercy great_balls_of_fire great_Caesar great_Caesar's_ghost great_googly_moogly great_Scott hallo hello heavens heavens_above heavens_to_Betsy heavens_to_Murgatroyd hell's_bells hey heyday holy_cow holy_crap holy_crap_on_a_cracker holy_cricket holy_crickets holy_dignity holy_doodle holy_fuck holy_fuck_knuckles holy_guacamole holy_Hannah holy_hell holy_kamoley holy_kamoly holy_macaroni holy_mackerel holy_magnum holy_moley holy_moly holy_man holy_Moses Holy_Mother_of_God holy_shit holy_smoke holy_Toledo hooly_dooly‎ hot_damn I'll_be I'll_be_a_dirty_bird! I'll_be_a_monkey's_uncle I'll_be_a_son_of_a_bitch I'll_be_a_son_of_a_gun I'll_be_blowed I'll_be_bound I'll_be_buggered I'll_be_damned I'll_be_danged I'll_be_darned I'll_be_dashed I'll_be_dipped_in_shit I'll_be_hanged I'll_be_jiggered I'll_be_shot I'm_blowed I_say Jaysus Jeebus jeepers jeepers_creepers jeez jeez_Louise Jesum_Crow Jesus Jesus_Christ Jesus_fucking_Christ Jesus_H._Christ Jiminy_Cricket jinkies Judas_Priest jumping_Jehoshaphat jumping_Jesus knock_me_over_with_a_feather land_sakes lauks lawks lawks_a-mercy lawl leapin'_lizards Lord Lord_be_praised Lord_love_a_duck lordy mama_mia mamma_mia man_alive my_conscience my_giddy_aunt my_God my_goodness my_gosh my_Lord my_word O_gemini ods_bodikin odzookens oh oh_em_gee ohmigod oh_my oh_my_days oh_my_God oh_my_Goddess oh_my_goodness oh_my_goodness_gracious oh_my_gosh oh_my_hell oh_my_heck oh_my_life oh_my_Lord oh_my_stars oh_my_word oi OMG omigod omigosh peas_and_rice praise_the_Lord rah sacré_bleu sakes_alive 'sblood 'sdeath shart 'sheart shit_fire_and_save_matches shiver_my_timbers shut_my_mouth shut_the_front_door snakes_alive sodding_hell son_of_a_gun stone_me stone_the_crows strewth strike_me_pink 'struth suffering_Sappho suffering_succotash sweet_Grandma_on_stilts sweet_Jesus sweet_mother_of_God sweet_mother_of_Jesus well well,_I_never well,_well well,_well,_well what what_do_you_know whoa whoah wow wowee wowzers ye_gods yikes yikes_bikes you_don't_say yowzah zoiks zoinks ZOMG ZOMFG zooterkins zound zounds zowie
bewrinkled creased crinkly purfly pruny rimpled rouched ruckly rugate rugose rugous rumpled wrinkled wrinklesome wrinkly writhled wurlie
pen write
author penman writer
achillea milfoil yarrow bloodwort common_yarrow devil's_nettle milfoil nosebleed_plant old_man's_pepper sanguinary soldier's_woundwort thousand-leaf yarrow link= hewhole hickwall green_woodpecker yaffingale yaffle yaffler yarrow yockel
aah alright 'ave_it aww_yeah boo-ya booyah cowabunga get_in hoo hoorah hooray hurrah hurray huzzah oh_yeah OMG result w00t wahoo whee woo_hoo whoo whoop-de-doo whoopee woohoo yahoo yay yeah yes yippee you_beauty wacko zip-a-dee-doo-dah
twelvemonth orb year
flavescent icterine luteous lutescent yellowish xanthic yellowy
affirmative ahuh ar arr ay aye da indeed indeedy ja mhm oui uh-huh ya yah yass yassuh yea yeah yeh yep yepperoni yeppers yeppity yer yes yesh yessiree yessum yiss yup yuppers yuppity yus
baby-faced juvenile hebetic young youngling youngly youngsome youngthly youthful youthly youthsome
juvenilely spruntly youngly youthfully
ack agh argh bah barf bleah blech bleck bleh eugh eurgh ew eww faugh feh foh gah gack ick no pah pew phew poo pooh uck ugh urgh yech yeurgh yeugh ych_a_fi yuck
babillion bajillion bazillion billion bizillion dillion fafillion gabillion gadzillion gagillion gajillion gatrillion gazillion gillion godzillion googillion gorillion grillion hojillion infillion jajillion jazillion jillion kabillion kajillion katrillion kazillion killion majillion nonillion quadrillion quintillion Sagan scrillion skillion squillion umpteen umptillion wazillion zabillion zillion zilliard
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