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Created June 26, 2020 01:28
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import MonthLocator"alex")
# Read in & parse data
nyt = pd.read_csv("", parse_dates=["date"])
nyc = nyt[(nyt["state"] == "New York") & (nyt["county"] == "New York City")]
hou = nyt[(nyt["state"] == "Texas") & (nyt["county"] == "Harris")]
# Set plot parameters
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(8, 3))
colors = {"cases": "#081220", "deaths": "#CE2A07"}
titles = ["New York City", "Harris County, Texas"]
lockdowns = [
("2020-03-22", "2020-06-22"), # NY
("2020-04-02", "2020-04-30") # TX
leftmost = True
for ax, data, title, lockdown in zip(axs, [nyc, hou], titles, lockdowns):
for col in ["cases", "deaths"]:
ax.plot(data["date"], data[col] / 1000, color=colors[col])
data["date"].max() + pd.DateOffset(2),
data[col].max() / 1000 - 1
), color=colors[col])
ax.set_ylim(0, 250)
ax.set_yticks([100, 200] if leftmost else [])
ax.axvspan(*map(pd.to_datetime, lockdown), color="#e8e8e8")
leftmost = False
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