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Last active May 12, 2024 22:53
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Firefly + Grafana Example
# This is part of the docker-compose I use to run Firefly on a Digital Ocean droplet.
version: '3.9'
container_name: firefly_postgresql
image: bitnami/postgresql:12.6.0
- 'firefly_postgresql_data:/bitnami/postgresql'
- './postgresql/'
- 5432:5432
# Standard bitnami/postgresql env vars.
# Env vars used by init scripts.
container_name: grafana
image: grafana/grafana:6.5.0
- 'grafana_data:/var/lib/grafana'
- './grafana/datasources.yaml:/etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources/custom.yaml'
- 3000:3000
# Set this when starting from scratch.
name: firefly_postgresql_data
driver: local
name: grafana_data
driver: local
# Postgres Init script that creates a limited-access user for Grafana to read from the database.
set -e
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres -d $POSTGRESQL_DATABASE -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 <<EOF
revoke all on schema public from public;
grant all on schema public to firefly;
-- user analysis can select from public schema and create tables in analysis schema.
create schema analysis;
create user analysis with password '$INIT_ANALYSIS_PASSWORD';
grant create on schema analysis to analysis;
grant all on schema analysis to analysis;
grant usage on schema public to analysis;
-- user firefly will create new tables in schema public; user analysis can select from them.
alter default privileges for role firefly in schema public grant select on tables to analysis;
# Datasources file used by grafana to read from Firefly Postgres container.
apiVersion: 1
- name: firefly-postgres
type: postgres
url: firefly_postgresql:5432
database: firefly
user: analysis
sslmode: "disable"
# Postgres views used in the Grafana dashboard.
# These are created by manually executing the queries... nothing fancy.
-- This view gives a single table of transactions which is more convenient to use in the dashboard.
create or replace view analysis.txs as (
select date(,, account, category,
case when in ('Income',
'Investment 401k',
'Investment Roth IRA',
'Investment Foo',
'Investment Bar',
'Investment Baz',
) then
when tt.type in ('Opening balance') then null
when is not null then 'Expense'::text
as meta_category,
tt.type transaction_type,
round(t.amount, 2) amount
from transactions t
join transaction_journals tj on t.transaction_journal_id =
join transaction_types tt on = tj.transaction_type_id
left join category_transaction_journal ctj on = ctj.transaction_journal_id
left join categories c on ctj.category_id =
join accounts a on = t.account_id
join account_types at on a.account_type_id =
join users u on a.user_id =
where = true
and a.deleted_at is null
and t.deleted_at is null
and at.type = 'Asset account'
order by desc
-- This view removes a couple category/account pairs which would otherwise cancel out to 0 due to double-entry accounting.
create or replace view analysis.cash_flow as (
select *
from txs
where not (meta_category in ('Investment Foo',
'Investment Bar',
'Investment Baz')
and account like 'INV%'
and transaction_type = 'Transfer')
# This is the grafana dashboard exported to JSON.
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