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Last active January 29, 2023 04:46
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Python script for the Firefly-III personal finance app. Finds and merges equivalent Withdrawal/Deposit pairs into a single Transfer. See also:
import os
import sys
import requests
from pprint import pprint
from datetime import datetime
from dataclasses import dataclass
from time import time
class Transaction:
transaction_id: int
amount: float
date: datetime
source_id: int
source_name: str
destination_id: int
destination_name: str
typ: str
category_id: int
description: str
def make_transaction_list(json_response):
transactions = []
for t in json_response['data']:
for z in t['attributes']['transactions']:
transaction_id = t['id'],
amount = z['amount'],
date = datetime.strptime(z['date'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+00:00'),
source_id = z['source_id'],
source_name = z['source_name'],
destination_id = z['destination_id'],
destination_name = z['destination_name'],
typ = z['type'],
category_id = z['category_id'],
description = z['description']
return transactions
def make_pairs(transactions):
ws = [t for t in transactions if t.typ == 'withdrawal']
ds = [t for t in transactions if t.typ == 'deposit']
pairs = []
for w in ws:
same_amount = [d for d in ds if w.amount == d.amount]
with_day_delta = [(d, ( - for d in same_amount]
within_10 = [(d, delta) for (d, delta) in with_day_delta if abs(delta) <= 10]
if len(within_10) > 0:
(closest, _) = min(within_10, key=lambda x: abs(x[1]))
pairs.append((w, closest))
print(f"warning: no pair for {w}")
return pairs
def make_transfer(w, d, tag):
return {
"type": "transfer",
"date": datetime.strftime(min(,, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'),
"amount": w.amount,
"description": f"Transfer from {w.source_name} to {d.destination_name}",
"currency_code": "USD",
"category_id": w.category_id,
"source_id": w.source_id,
"destination_id": d.destination_id,
"tags": ["fix-transfers", tag]
def main():
assert len(sys.argv) == 3, "usage: <script> <server URL> <category ID>"
url = sys.argv[1]
cat = sys.argv[2]
token = os.environ.get('FF3_TOKEN')
assert token is not None, "Must set tokean as environment variable FF3_TOKEN"
headers = {'Authorization': f"Bearer {token}"}
def get(path):
res = requests.get(f"{url}/{path}", headers=headers)
return res
def post(path, json):
res ="{url}/{path}", json=json, headers=headers)
return res
def delete(path):
res = requests.delete(f"{url}/{path}", headers=headers)
return res
print("Requesting info at /api/v1/about")
res = get(f"api/v1/about")
print(f"Requesting category {cat}")
res = get(f"api/v1/categories/{cat}")
cat_name = res.json()['data']['attributes']['name']
print(f"Category {cat} is: {cat_name}")
print(f"Requesting transactions for category {cat_name}")
res = get(f"api/v1/categories/{cat}/transactions")
transactions = make_transaction_list(res.json())
while res.json()['meta']['pagination']['current_page'] != res.json()['meta']['pagination']['total_pages']:
res = get(f"api/v1/categories/{cat}/transactions?page={res.json()['meta']['pagination']['current_page'] + 1}")
transactions += make_transaction_list(res.json())
print(f"Found {len(transactions)} transactions")
print("Finding pairs to reconcile")
pairs = make_pairs(transactions)
print(f"Found {len(pairs)} withdrawal/deposit pairs")
tag = f"fix-transfers-{int(time())}"
print(f"Merging pairs into transfers with tag {tag}")
for i, (w, d) in enumerate(pairs):
print(f"{i + 1} of {len(pairs)}\n{w}\n{d}")
body = {
"error_if_duplicate_hash": False,
"apply_rules": False,
"group_title": None,
"transactions": [ make_transfer(w, d, tag) ]
post("api/v1/transactions", body)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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