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Last active December 21, 2015 00:09
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  • Save alexkolson/6217909 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alexkolson/6217909 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fun Javascript experiment I did over the weekend. It's a programming problem (finding the longest non-decreasing sequence in a grid) I came across and I wanted to give it a shot. This is my first iteration, so obviously it could do with some optimizations. My first inclination was to do this in C++ but I wanted to test Atwood's Law, that is, if …
(function($) {
"use strict";
var day_lookup = {
"0": "Sunday",
"1": "Monday",
"2": "Tuesday",
"3": "Wednesday",
"4": "Thursday",
"5": "Friday",
"6": "Saturday"
var today = day_lookup[new Date().getDay()];
var initial_number_data = {
value: null,
grid_location: {
row: null,
column: null
function valid_grid(grid) {
var this_row = [];
var next_row = [];
for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
this_row = grid[i];
// if there is another row
if (typeof(next_row = grid[i + 1]) !== "undefined") {
// make sure we have the same number of columns in each row
// there can be an arbitrary number of rows and columns but
// each row has to have the same number of columns, whatever
// that number is.
if (this_row.length !== next_row.length) {
return false;
// if we made it through the for loop all rows have been checked
// and the grid is valid.
return true;
function print_grid(grid) {
var grid_row_strings = [];
for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
grid_row_strings.push(grid[i].join(" -- "));
// checks to see if the row and column have already been added
// to the path
function is_already_indexed(indices, grid_location) {
for (var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
if (indices[i].row === grid_location.row && indices[i].column === grid_location.column) {
return true;
return false;
function is_equal(obj1, obj2) {
for (var prop in obj1) {
if (typeof obj1[prop] === "object" && typeof obj2[prop] === "object") {
if (!is_equal(obj1[prop], obj2[prop])) {
return false;
} else {
if (obj1[prop] !== obj2[prop]) {
return false;
return true;
function calc_smallest_number(grid) {
var smallest_number = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var current_value = 0;
var iterations = 0;
// loop through rows
for (var i = 0; i < grid.length; i++) {
console.log("examining row: " + i);
// loop through columns of a row
for (var j = 0; j < grid[i].length; j++) {
console.log("examining column: " + j);
current_value = grid[i][j];
// could use a ternary operator here, but it would be confusing and long
// and I like KISS. If the smallest number has not yet been set, or the current
// number is less than the stored smallest number, set the current number as
// the smallest number.
if (smallest_number.value === null || current_value < smallest_number.value) {
console.log("setting smallest_number.value to " + current_value);
smallest_number.value = current_value;
console.log("setting smallest_number.grid_location.row to: " + i);
// now store the location of this number so we can access it later
smallest_number.grid_location.row = i;
console.log("setting smallest_number.grid_location.column to: " + j);
smallest_number.grid_location.column = j;
console.log("It took "+ iterations +" iterations to determine the smallest number in the following grid:");
console.log("Time needed to determine the smallest number in the grid:");
console.log("Smallest number: " + smallest_number.value);
return smallest_number;
window.find_longest_sequence = function(grid) {
if (!valid_grid(grid)) {
console.log("The following grid is invalid:");
console.log("Please pass a valid grid to find_longest_sequence and enjoy your " + today +".");
return false;
// graph is valid...lets dig in...
// first lets get the smallest number in the grid.
var smallest_number = calc_smallest_number(grid);
// awesome, we have the smallest number and its location in the grid
// now lets start searching...
var current_num = $.extend(true, {}, smallest_number);
var next_num = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var row = null;
var column = null;
var backwards = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var below = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var forwards = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var above = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var bottom_right = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var bottom_left = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var top_right = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var top_left = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var needle = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
var found_next_num_candidate = false;
var found_next_num = false;
var done = false;
var indices = [];
var path = [];
var indices_to_add = [];
var iterations = 0;
// begin search algorithm....
// order of searching is...
// 1. look backwards
// 2. look below
// 3. look forward
// 4. look above
// 5. look down and to the right
// 6. look down and to the left
// 7. look up and to the right
// 8. look up and to the left
// determine next biggest number and keep going
while (!done) {
console.log("Pushing "+ current_num.value +" onto path.");
// push the current value onto the path.
row = current_num.grid_location.row;
column = current_num.grid_location.column;
// reset all searchers
backwards = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
forwards = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
above = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
bottom_right = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
bottom_left = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
top_right = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
top_left = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
// reset holder of indices that need to be added to the indices
// array but have not yet been added.
indices_to_add.length = 0;
// backwards.grid_location.row = row;
// backwards.grid_location.column = column - 1;
backwards.value = (grid[row] && grid[row][column - 1]) ? grid[row][column - 1] : false;
// console.log("backwards: " + backwards);
if (backwards.value) {
backwards.grid_location = {
row: row,
column: column - 1
if (!(backwards.value >= current_num.value)) {
// below.grid_location.row = row + 1;
// below.grid_location.column = column;
below.value = (grid[row + 1] && grid[row + 1][column]) ? grid[row + 1][column] : false;
// console.log("below: " + below);
if (below.value) {
below.grid_location = {
row: row + 1,
column: column
if (!(below.value >= current_num.value)) {
// forwards.grid_location.row = row;
// forwards.grid_location.column = column + 1;
forwards.value = (grid[row] && grid[row][column + 1]) ? grid[row][column + 1] : false;
// console.log("forwards: " + forwards);
if (forwards.value) {
forwards.grid_location = {
row: row,
column: column + 1
if (!(forwards.value >= current_num.value)) {
// above.grid_location.row = row - 1;
// above.grid_location.column = column;
above.value = (grid[row - 1] && grid[row - 1][column]) ? grid[row - 1][column] : false;
// console.log("above: " + above);
if (above.value) {
above.grid_location = {
row: row - 1,
column: column
if (!(above.value >= current_num.value)) {
// bottom_right.grid_location.row = row + 1;
// bottom_right.grid_location.column = column + 1;
bottom_right.value = (grid[row + 1] && grid[row + 1][column + 1]) ? grid[row + 1][column + 1] : false;
// console.log("bottom_right: " + bottom_right);
if (bottom_right.value) {
bottom_right.grid_location = {
row: row + 1,
column: column + 1
if (!(bottom_right.value >= current_num.value)) {
// bottom_left.grid_location.row = row + 1;
// bottom_left.grid_location.column = column - 1;
bottom_left.value = (grid[row + 1] && grid[row + 1][column - 1]) ? grid[row + 1][column - 1] : false;
// console.log("bottom_left: " + bottom_left);
if (bottom_left.value) {
bottom_left.grid_location = {
row: row + 1,
column: column - 1
if (!(bottom_left.value >= current_num.value)) {
// top_right.grid_location.row = row - 1;
// top_right.grid_location.column = column + 1;
top_right.value = (grid[row - 1] && grid[row - 1][column + 1]) ? grid[row - 1][column + 1] : false;
// console.log("top_right: " + top_right);
if (top_right.value) {
top_right.grid_location = {
row: row - 1,
column: column + 1
if (!(top_right.value >= current_num.value)) {
// top_left.grid_location.row = row - 1;
// top_left.grid_location.column = column - 1;
top_left.value = (grid[row - 1] && grid[row - 1][column - 1]) ? grid[row - 1][column - 1] : false;
// console.log("top_left: " + top_left);
if (top_left.value) {
top_left.grid_location = {
row: row - 1,
column: column - 1
if (!(top_left.value >= current_num.value)) {
found_next_num_candidate = false;
found_next_num = false;
if ((needle = $.extend(true, {}, backwards)) && needle.value && !is_already_indexed(indices, needle.grid_location) && needle.value >= current_num.value && (needle.value <= next_num.value || is_equal(next_num, initial_number_data))) {
next_num = $.extend(true, {}, needle);
found_next_num_candidate = true;
if ((needle = $.extend(true, {}, below)) && needle.value && !is_already_indexed(indices, needle.grid_location) && needle.value >= current_num.value && (needle.value <= next_num.value || is_equal(next_num, initial_number_data))) {
next_num = $.extend(true, {}, needle);
found_next_num_candidate = true;
if ((needle = $.extend(true, {}, forwards)) && needle.value && !is_already_indexed(indices, needle.grid_location) && needle.value >= current_num.value && (needle.value <= next_num.value || is_equal(next_num, initial_number_data))) {
next_num = $.extend(true, {}, needle);
found_next_num_candidate = true;
if ((needle = $.extend(true, {}, above)) && needle.value && !is_already_indexed(indices, needle.grid_location) && needle.value >= current_num.value && (needle.value <= next_num.value || is_equal(next_num, initial_number_data))) {
next_num = $.extend(true, {}, needle);
found_next_num_candidate = true;
if ((needle = $.extend(true, {}, bottom_right)) && needle.value && !is_already_indexed(indices, needle.grid_location) && needle.value >= current_num.value && (needle.value <= next_num.value || is_equal(next_num, initial_number_data))) {
next_num = $.extend(true, {}, needle);
found_next_num_candidate = true;
if ((needle = $.extend(true, {}, bottom_left)) && needle.value && !is_already_indexed(indices, needle.grid_location) && needle.value >= current_num.value && (needle.value <= next_num.value || is_equal(next_num, initial_number_data))) {
next_num = $.extend(true, {}, needle);
found_next_num_candidate = true;
if ((needle = $.extend(true, {}, top_right)) && needle.value && !is_already_indexed(indices, needle.grid_location) && needle.value >= current_num.value && (needle.value <= next_num.value || is_equal(next_num, initial_number_data))) {
next_num = $.extend(true, {}, needle);
found_next_num_candidate = true;
if ((needle = $.extend(true, {}, top_left)) && needle.value && !is_already_indexed(indices, needle.grid_location) && needle.value >= current_num.value && (needle.value <= next_num.value || is_equal(next_num, initial_number_data))) {
next_num = $.extend(true, {}, needle);
found_next_num_candidate = true;
if (found_next_num_candidate) {
current_num = $.extend(true, {}, next_num);
next_num = $.extend(true, {}, initial_number_data);
found_next_num = true;
// push all succesfully indexed positions in the grid
// onto the indicies array if they arent already there.
for (var i = 0; i < indices_to_add.length; i++) {
if (!is_already_indexed(indices, indices_to_add[i])) {
console.log("Pushing index:");
console.log(JSON.stringify(indices_to_add[i], null, 4));
console.log("onto indices array in loop iteration "+ iterations + ".");
if (!found_next_num) {
done = true;
console.log("It took "+ iterations +" iterations to determine the longest non-decreasing sequence for the following grid:");
console.log("Time needed to determine the longest non-decreasing sequence in the grid:");
console.log("Longest non-decreasing sequence: " + path.join("->"));
console.log("Enjoy your "+ today +"!");
(function() {
"use strict";
find_longest_sequence([[8, 2, 4],
[0, 7, 1],
[3, 7, 9]]); // this call produces the sequence: 0->2->4->7->7->9
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