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Last active December 16, 2015 09:58
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  • Save alexkravets/5416594 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alexkravets/5416594 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is a Sencha Touch component to support Youtube videos and have no issues with scrolling. It also supports youtube thumbs if `thumb` config paramer is missing.
// This is a Sencha Touch component to support Youtube videos
// and have no issues with scrolling. It also supports youtube
// thumbs if `thumb` config paramer is missing.
/* Include this in index.html to load YT Api library:
var tag = document.createElement('script');
tag.src = "";
var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);
window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () {
console.log('youtube api loaded');
window.youtube_iframe_api_ready = true;
// To add callback reference this:
/* Usage Example:
xtype: 'youtube',
thumb: 'resources/images/intro-thumb@2x.png',
youtube_id: 'KIMCR0BQndM',
width: 304,
height: 190,
margin: '0 auto'
// Alex Kravets @ Slate [], April 2013
// Details:
Ext.define('HelloHartoApp.component.Youtube', {
extend: 'Ext.Img',
xtype: ['youtube'],
config: {
thumb: null,
youtube_id: null,
overlay: false,
* @cfg
* @inheritdoc
baseCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'youtube',
* @cfg {String} imageCls The CSS class to be used when {@link #mode} is not set to 'background'
* @accessor
imageCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'youtube-image',
* @cfg {String} backgroundCls The CSS class to be used when {@link #mode} is set to 'background'
* @accessor
backgroundCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'youtube-background'
initialize: function() {
var me = this;
var thumb = me.getThumb();
this.yt_thumb = false;
if (!thumb) {
var thumb = "" + this.getYoutube_id() + "/0.jpg";
this.yt_thumb = true;
} else {
// Retina image switch
// if (window.devicePixelRatio >= 2) thumb = thumb.replace('.png', '@2x.png');
me.on('tap', this.playerTapped, this);
me.on('load', this.afterLoad, this);
getImageWidth: function() {
return ($) ? $(this.element.dom).width() : this.element.dom.offsetWidth;
getImageHeight: function() {
return ($) ? $(this.element.dom).height() : this.element.dom.offsetHeight;
afterLoad: function (argument) {
if (this.getOverlay()) {
var width = this.getImageWidth(),
height = this.getImageHeight();
if(this.yt_thumb) { = 'cover'; = 'center center';
} else { = width + 'px ' + height + 'px';
playerTapped: function() {
if (window.youtube_iframe_api_ready) {
if (this.player) {
Side Note:
There is a iPhone player bug, when hit play via api or tap
the iframe play button, fullscreen player brings up, but do
not start playing. User should double tap, the play button
then video starts to play.
} else {
} else {
console.log('Youtube api is not ready.')
initVideo: function() {
me = this;
// Create component to be replaced with iframe ====
youtube_div = me.element.createChild({ tag: 'div' }); = 'absolute';
// Youtube iframe initialization ==================
me.player = new YT.Player(, {
width: me.getImageWidth(),
height: me.getImageHeight(),
videoId: me.getYoutube_id(),
events: {
'onReady': function (event) {
me.youtube_iframe = $(me.element.dom).find('iframe');;
'onStateChange': function(event) {
onStateChange: function(e) {
if ( == YT.PlayerState.STOPED || == YT.PlayerState.PAUSED) {
// Hiding iframe so it doesn't break the scrolling
width: '10px',
height: '10px',
'margin-left': me.getImageWidth() /2 - 5,
'margin-top': me.getImageHeight() /2 - 5,
position: 'absolute'
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