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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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for a multi-layer perceptron using softmax for output layer, transform output-layer vector to probability vector, then calculate cross-entropy error
these 2 functions assume this sort of MLP architecture:
(i) a classification problem modeled w/ softmax activation function
(ii) encode the output layer w/ 1-of-N
> so for raw data like this:
.3, .2, .6, .1, 'class I'
.6, .1, .8, .4, 'class II'
.5, .2, .7, .3, 'class III'
recode it for intput to a softmax MLP like so:
.3, .2, .6, .1, 1, 0, 0
.6, .1, .8, .4, 0, 1, 0
.5, .2, .7, .3, 0, 0, 1
softmax requires
> MLP network to have 3 neurons in the output layer, and
> the sum of the output layer equals 1.0;
> exception for 2-class problems, use 1-of-(N-1) encoding
(iii) testing error measured w/ cross-entropy error (see
import numpy as NP
from cmath import log10
def sm(v):
returns: vector (or scalar if v is scalar) of same len
as v, representing probabilities for respective class,
ie, a categorical probability distribution
pass in: v, MLP output layer as numpy array;
this the softmax fn, which transforms your output-layer
vector to a vector (of probabilities) whose values sum to 1
>>> # output from MLP:
>>> v = NP.array([2.0 -3.0, 0.0])
>>> res = sm(v)
>>> target = 1.0
>>> from numpy.testing import assert_almost_equal
>>> assert_almost_equal(res.sum(), target)
n = NP.exp(v)
d = n.sum()
return n/d
def cee(tv, pv):
pass in:
(i) tv, numpy 1D array, output
(ii) pv, numpy 1D array returned from sm above;
this fn calculates cross-entropy error which,
in this context, is the better error metric vs SSD
>>> tv = NP.array([1., 0, 0])
>>> pv = NP.array([ 0.876, 0.006, 0.118])
>>> res = cee(tv, pv)
>>> target = -0.057693951955
>>> assert_almost_equal(res, target)
cce_in = zip(tv, pv)
fnx = lambda a, b: a * log10(b)
return NP.sum(fnx(*itm) for itm in cce_in).real
if __name__ == '__main__':
running this script from the command line w/ the '-v' flag
will run the doctests & show the output in the terminal
import doctest
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