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Created November 17, 2012 20:38
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function cpipe(filename)
The program:
program cpipe, renamed from cpipe.m
The function is not written very well, resembles the older Fortran/Matlab version
this program computes the flow rate or the required conduit
diameter. the international system of units is used.
the application of the program is limited to cases involving
a single pipe with constant diameter.
this program is based on solution of the bernoulli equation.
accordingly, certain data must be entered for each of two points
in a pipe system. however, both the velocity at point 1 and the
velocity at point 2 are not considered as known values initially.
if either value of velocity is essentially zero (such as at a
reservoir or tank surface) - enter 0 (zero) for that velocity or
for both velocities if both are essentially zero, otherwise - enter
1.0 for all other velocities.
import numpy as np
from numpy import pi,sqrt,log10
import sys
import os
# function "rough"
def rough(ed,rn):
''' rough(ed,rn) estimates the friction coefficient f
Inputs: ed = epsilon/D = relative roughness, dimensionless
rn = Reynolds number
Output: f = friction coefficient according to Colebrook-White equation
if rn<2000:
f = 64/rn
return f
# friction coefficient quess
f = 0.006
try1 = 1./np.sqrt(f)+2*np.log10(ed/3.7+2.51/rn/np.sqrt(f))
for i in np.arange(10000):
f = f + 0.00001
try2 = 1./sqrt(f)+2.*log10(ed/3.7+2.51/rn/sqrt(f))
if try1*try2>0:
try1 = try2
f = f - 0.000005
return f
factor = 1000 # factor to convert mm into m
# Input Data
# Defaults:
p1 = 0 # gauge pressure at point 1 in kilopascals
p2 = 0 # gauge pressure at point 2 in kilopascals
v1 = 0 # velocity = if essentially zero, otherwise 1.0
v2 = 1 # velocity = if essentially zero, otherwise 1.0
z1 =39 # elevation at point 1 in meters
z2 = 0 # elevation at point 2 in meters
ha = 0 # energy added between points 1 and 2 in kilowats
hr = 0 # energy removed between points 1 and 2 in kilowats
hm = 2 # minor losses between points 1 and 2 in meters
d = 100 # diameter of conduit in millimeters
l = 100 # length of conduit in meters
vis = 1.0e-6 # kinematic viscosity in m^2/s
e = 0.000045 # conduit material roughness in meters zero for smooth
sw = 9.8 # specific weight of fluid in kilonewtons per m^3
q = 0 # flow rate in m^3/s, =0 if unknown
# Try to read from the file, otherwise, use defaults:
data = np.loadtxt('input.dat',usecols = (0,))
p1,p2,v1,v2,z1,z2,ha,hr,hm,d,l,vis,e,sw,q = data
g = 9.807
p1sw = p1/sw
p2sw = p2/sw
# friction coefficient initial guess
ff = 0.02
# for i=1,11 #do 333
# d = 200 + (i-1)*50
# d is known, find q
if v1>0.0001:
v1 = 1/2/g
if v2>0.0001:
v2 = 1./2./g
for j in range(1,10000):
hf = ff*l/d*factor/2/g #105
hat = ha/sw
hrt = hr/sw
# flow rate q first guess
q = 0.001
vtry = (q/(pi*(d/factor)**2/4))**2
try1 = p1sw+vtry*v1+z1+hat/q-hrt/q-(p2sw+vtry*v2+z2+hf*vtry)
for n in range(1,10000):
q = q + 0.001
vtry = (q/(pi*(d/factor)**2/4))**2
try2 = p1sw+vtry*v1+z1+hat/q-hrt/q-(p2sw+vtry*v2+z2+hf*vtry)
if try1*try2>0:
try1 = try2
q = q - 0.0005
v = q/(pi*(d/factor)**2/4)
rn = d/factor*v/vis
ed = e/d*factor
# compute friction coefficient
f=rough(ed,rn) # call rough
diff = abs(f-ff)
if diff<0.0001: # goto 104
ff = f
continue #goto 105
# end
if v1>=0.0001: # 104
v1 = v
if v2>=0.0001:
v2 = v
# end
# writing input and output on screen
(' \n')
print(' sample analysis for a closed conduit carrying fluid \n')
print(' \n')
print(' input data: \n')
print(' \n')
print(' pressure at point 1 = %4f kPa \n' % p1)
print(' pressure at point 2 = %4f kPa \n' % p2)
print(' elevation at point 1 = %4f m \n' % z1)
print(' elevation at point 2 = %4f m \n' % z2)
print(' actual energy added between points 1 and 2 = %4f m \n',hat)
print(' actual energy removed between points 1 and 2 = %4f m \n',hrt)
print(' minor losses between points 1 and 2 = %4f m \n',hm)
print(' length of conduit = %4f m \n',l)
print(' conduit material roughness = %4f mm \n',e*factor)
print(' fluid viscosity = %4f m^2/s \n',vis)
print(' \n')
print(' computed data: \n')
print(' \n')
print(' flow rate will be %4f m^3/s \n' % q)
print(' velocity at point 1 = %4f m/s \n' % v1)
print(' velocity at point 2 = %4f m/s \n' % v2)
# writing output in a file: out.txt
fid = open('out.txt','w')
fid.write('computed data: \n')
fid.write('flow rate will be {:4f} m^3/s \n'.format(q))
fid.write('velocity at point 1 = {:4f} m/s \n'.format(v1))
fid.write('velocity at point 2 = {:4f} m/s \n'.format(v2))
0.0 p1 - gauge pressure at point 1 in kilopascals
0.0 p2 - gauge pressure at point 2 in kilopascals
0.0 v1 - velocity - 0 if essentially zero, otherwise 1.0
1.0 v2 - velocity - 0 if essentially zero, otherwise 1.0
39.0 z1 - elevation at point 1 in meters
0.0 z2 - elevation at point 2 in meters
67.0 ha - energy added between points 1 and 2 in kilowats
0.0 hr - energy removed between points 1 and 2 in kilowats
0.0 hm - minor losses between points 1 and 2 in meters
300. d - diameter of conduit in millimeters
110.0 l - length of conduit in meters
1.0e-6 vis - kinematic viscosity in m^2/s
0.000045 e - conduit material roughness in meters; zero for smooth
9.8 sw - specific weight of fluid in kilonewtons per m^3
0.0 q - flow rate in m^3/s, =0 if unknown
computed data:
flow rate will be 0.477500 m^3/s
velocity at point 1 = 0.000000 m/s
velocity at point 2 = 6.755243 m/s
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