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Created September 19, 2019 04:57
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Gooden tweets from deleted office account

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For my first tweet I want to throw it back to last Thursday, when I took my official Oath of Office. It is such an honor to represent TX-05!

Timestamp: 12:12:02 PM


In case you missed it: I spoke on the House floor in support H.R. 624 and it passed with over 400 votes! This bill will require the SEC to improve their regulations to prevent illegal insider trading.

Timestamp: 4:51:04 PM


House Democrats want you to think their bill is all about security and election integrity. But what it really does is A) allows voter fraud to increase, B) uses taxpayer dollars to fund their candidates and C) entrenches bureaucrats and the DC swamp.

Timestamp: 12:31:03 PM

Democrats are pushing H.R. 790 through the House today - this is nothing but a political stunt. They voted three times last week NOT to pay federal workers during the shutdown.

Timestamp: 9:47:44 AM

Today I offered an amendment to the Democrats' rules for my committee requiring that the rules be made publicly available. Transparency is critical to good governance - unfortunately @FSCDems don't agree! They voted against my amendment and against government transparency today.

Timestamp: 3:19:14 PM


Reminder that we have two weeks left to fund the wall and solve the crisis at our border! Let's work together and create a lasting solution BEFORE the funding deadline. QT @AP BREAKING: US Customs and Border Protection reports its largest fentanyl bust ever, seizing nearly 254 pounds of the opioid in Arizona.

Timestamp: 2:31:44 PM


Top Democrats all said, “re-open the government, and then we’ll talk about the border”. Dozens of Democrats have said they support a physical barrier. The government is back open and it’s time to solve the problem.

Timestamp: 4:10:23 PM

Great to see yet another STRONG jobs report!

Timestamp: 11:29:22 AM

Today we begin #BlackHistoryMonth . I encourage all of us to appreciate the impact that countless African Americans have had on our nation. The story of America cannot be told without their contributions and their sacrifices.

Timestamp: 12:49:11 PM


RT @GOPLeader VA Governor Ralph Northam’s past racist behavior caps a week where he displayed an egregious lack of respect for human dignity and the American values that we fight every day to uphold. Staying in office only poisons efforts to grow together as one nation. He should resign.

Timestamp: 1:32:02 PM


Over the last two years, conservative policies have created millions of opportunities for Americans thanks to President Trump’s leadership. I look forward to seeing the president highlight the ways we'll continue to foster economic growth and higher wages. #SOTU

Timestamp: 4:01:53 PM

Among those to acknowledge the need for a physical structure to secure the border: law enforcement and border security agents, national security experts and over 60 Democrat elected officials. It’s time we come together to solve the problem.

Timestamp: 5:14:10 PM

Tomorrow night, President Trump will deliver his State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress in the House of Representatives. His speech will be broadcast at 8:00 p.m. in Texas - click the link below to watch:

Timestamp: 8:14:58 PM


If we are willing to work together, extraordinary bipartisan achievements are possible. Political discord can not be allowed to stop us from improving the lives of Americans. #SOTU

Timestamp: 5:59:03 PM

No one wants to see the government shutdown again next Friday. It’s time for Democrats to show they are willing to find a solution that works for everyone. #SOTU

Timestamp: 9:33:28 PM

Tune in to @NBCDFW this afternoon to hear my expectations for tonight. #SOTU QT @JulieFineNBC5 .@RepLanceGooden on what he wants to hear in the state of the union. Coming up tonight at 4. @NBCDFW

Timestamp: 3:27:19 PM

Tonight, @POTUS will outline his plan to move America forward. The country needs Democrats to reject the politics of resistance and find common ground with the president - it is the only way forward. #SOTU

Timestamp: 11:34:41 AM

With only 10 days left before another funding deadline, it’s time to find a compromise on border security. Resistance accomplishes nothing when the well-being of Americans is on the line. #SOTU

Timestamp: 8:02:53 PM

President Trump has dramatically improved the state of our national security. Using the right combination of diplomacy and military action, he’s shown himself to be more than capable of leading us into a more stable future. #SOTU

Timestamp: 6:51:15 PM


Had a great meeting with the folks from @TexasRuralWater today. We discussed the many opportunities to improve water quality, supply and infrastructure in our area. #TXWater

Timestamp: 3:10:14 PM


What’s on the Floor today: We’ll vote on five bills that you can view here —->

Timestamp: 10:49:27 AM


The entire charade around the “Green New Deal” is a complete fraud on the American people - it’s barely formulated and deeply misguided policy.

Timestamp: 12:05:28 PM


I've signed on as a co-sponsor to this legislation. The Mexican cartels have caused irreparable harm to our nation - let's use these seized funds and make them pay for the wall.

Timestamp: 2:39:23 PM

I can’t imagine feeling such apathy toward great news. The realities behind these figures are LIFE CHANGING for so many Americans. We should celebrate these results - not dismiss them.

Timestamp: 11:52:38 AM

This deal doesn't come close to meeting our needs at the border. I'll be voting against it. See my statement below:

Timestamp: 9:53:07 AM


Democrats showing again that they only care about resistance. The President has the authority to determine and declare national emergencies, and was given that authority by Congress.

Stunts like these do nothing to make our country safer - we must secure our border. #HJRes46

Timestamp: 7:22:53 PM

The anti-gun bills Democrats have put on the House floor this week would place undue burden on law-abiding citizens and fail to reduce violent crime.

Timestamp: 11:22:12 AM


I voted NO on #HR8 today. This bill would make criminals out of law-abiding citizens while failing to prevent gun violence.

Timestamp: 7:17:42 PM

WATCH TO THE END -- Democrats spent this hearing harassing execs from the credit report industry - one even bullied their staff for their race & gender.

I called them out for their behavior and the Ds didn’t approve. Hearings should be serious - not partisan nonsense hours.

Timestamp: 7:47:00 AM


The House agreed to notify ICE whenever an illegal immigrant buys a firearm.

Democrats responded by taking aim at the rules that allowed us to do so. Read more below: QT @politico Democratic leaders are considering changing House rules to make it harder for Republicans to spring surprise procedural votes on the majority

Timestamp: 11:35:57 AM


✅ Making stuff

✅ Inreasing wages

✅ Expanding opportunity

It’s working. QT @WSJ "We still make a lot of stuff." U.S. manufacturing employment has risen for 18 straight months, the longest stretch of gains since the mid-1990s.

Timestamp: 4:12:38 PM


HR 1 will allow countless illegal votes to be cast in 2020 if it passes. Texas can’t afford more voter fraud, neither can the rest of America.

Timestamp: 3:05:05 PM

Industry leaders in TX develop innovative solutions to complex problems. DC bureaucrats concoct radical programs to put the federal gov't in control of solving issues it's not equipped to address #SocialismTakesCapitalismCreates

I say let Texans create.

Timestamp: 1:44:58 PM

Democrats have made their agenda clear: a $90 trillion socialist takeover of our economy & a $30 trillion plan to eliminate private health insurance. Socialism takes, while capitalism creates. Texans can spend their money better than DC bureaucrats. #GreenNewDeal #RepealObamacare

Timestamp: 12:29:40 PM


@NYTimes reporting on another story that shows how badly we need the State of Emergency declaration to solve the crisis on our southern border. #SecuretheBorder

Timestamp: 7:08:52 PM

@nytimes reporting on another story that shows how badly we need the State of Emergency declaration to solve the crisis on our southern border. #SecuretheBorder

Timestamp: 5:54:04 PM

Our Armed Forces keep us safe using @thef35. I co-sponsored this resolution by @RepDLesko to double-down on our commitment to air superiority.

Timestamp: 4:28:13 PM

Democrats continue burning through taxpayer dollars on an endless, desperate smear campaign against the President & his family.

Real problems like crumbling infrastructure and the need for border security affect real people everyday, and these are the issues we should focus on.

Timestamp: 10:10:38 AM

This anti-free speech bill would hamstring the ability of pro-life Texans and gun owners to make their voice heard. Democrats have found themselves in the majority and want to set the rules so they never lose it. #HR1 #DemocratProtectionAct

Timestamp: 2:13:37 PM

The Democrat Protection Act, otherwise known as #HR1, will divert billions of taxpayer dollars to fund Democrat attack ads. This bill was created by a Democrat majority to protect the swamp. It’s bad policy. It’s bad politics.

Timestamp: 11:35:45 AM


Some excellent examples from my colleague @RepKevinBrady on why #USMCA is great for Texans! QT @RepKevinBrady TEXAS BIG WINNER IN #USMCA

- We sell $120 billion a year in "Made in Texas" products to Mexico/Canada.

- Supports 870k jobs in TX

- Computers, petroleum, transp equipment, chemicals, appliances, machinery, oil/gas, manufacturing products & TX ag products (best in world).

Timestamp: 10:47:40 AM

Why would #HR1 allow voter fraud to increase?

The bill MANDATES EVERY STATE allow same-day registration.

ANYBODY can walk in, register & vote. We could go back to find some that were registered illegally, but the votes would already count... #DemocratProtectionAct

Timestamp: 12:19:43 PM


Want to know one of the most dishonest things about #HR1?

Democrats know it will NEVER become law. In fact, the bill would send President Trump’s campaign over $140 million in the closing weeks of the 2020 campaign.

Do you think Democrats actually want to do that? #PurePolitics

Timestamp: 10:36:31 AM

This morning I’ll hear from Director Kathy Kraninger in a Semi-Annual Review of the @CFPB. Excited to hear what the Bureau has (or hasn’t) accomplished with the taxpayer dollars we provide them each year.

Timestamp: 9:26:30 AM

Ralph led a life of service to his country and was a true American hero. He was a friend and mentor, and Alexa and I are keeping the Hall family in our prayers. He will be dearly missed.

Timestamp: 4:12:31 PM

Can you afford an unexpected $65,000 bill next year? #GreenNewDeal QT @HouseGOP The radical #GreenNewDeal is unrealistic, unworkable, and simply unaffordable. It’s bad news for all Americans with a pricetag of $93 trillion dollars – that’s $65,000 per houseold, per year!

Timestamp: 2:17:04 PM


More from my interview with @Varneyco: the radical wing of the Democratic Party continues to test the limits of their leadership

Timestamp: 3:29:25 PM

I joined @Varneyco this morning to discuss the emergency at the border.

Timestamp: 10:38:00 AM

I’ll be joining @Varneyco this morning to discuss border security, Texas' booming economy and more. Tune in at 8:15 AM (CT) on @FoxBusiness

Timestamp: 8:50:51 AM

I just voted NO on #HR1 the #DemocratProtectionAct. Read my statement below:

Timestamp: 11:53:26 AM


Whether it’s controlling what kind of car you drive or where you purchase your health care, House Democrats believe they know better than you do.

Texans know how to run our own lives. We don’t need bureaucrats in Washington deciding those things for us. #ControlvsChoice

Timestamp: 9:28:01 AM

In his 2020 budget request, President Trump is asking for $2.7 TRILLION in spending cuts.

It’s time to start cutting our deficit and this is a strong first step. #TrumpBudget

Timestamp: 3:55:55 PM


RT @RepBost For the16th time House Democrats have blocked consideration of the #BornAliveAct. It’s crucial that every American knows where their representative stands on an issue of, quite literally, life and death. #twill #ProLife

Timestamp: 10:08:57 AM


If you aren't willing to work - you shouldn't be eligible for welfare benefits. Glad to see Acting OMB Director @RussVought45 doing what it takes to get these requirements in place.

Timestamp: 11:25:06 AM

Democrats want to impeach the President at any cost - evidence is optional.

Timestamp: 2:14:12 PM

H.Res. 206 is a step in the right direction to address the threat posed to our financial system by terrorist organizations and international drug cartels.

Timestamp: 2:25:09 PM

Republicans have tried over two-dozen times to protect infants from grotesque, life-ending procedures, but have been blocked by Democrat leadership in each attempt.

House Democrats refused to take a vote on the Born Alive Survivors Act for the 18th time on Wednesday, March 13.

Timestamp: 4:33:50 PM

After days of hand wringing, House Democrats couldn't agree to condemn anti-Semitism. We should reject bigotry wherever its found, most of all in the United States' Congress.

Timestamp: 4:29:14 PM

The right to free speech is the most sacred guiding principle in our democracy. House Democrats took steps to strip us of that right with the passage of the Democrat Protection Act #HR1.

Timestamp: 4:34:17 PM

This elaborate scam against hardworking and deserving applicants was unbelievably shocking and has no place @UTAustin or any institution in our country. I join @GovAbbott in calling for a re-evaluation of admissions processes across all state universities. QT @TexasTribune Gov. Greg Abbott is urging Texas universities to re-evaluate their admissions processes.

Timestamp: 5:08:23 PM

We’re only 2.5 months into a Pelosi speakership, and what have Democrats done so far?

❗️Enabled anti-Semitism

❗️Embraced socialism

❗️Stood by Infanticide

❗️Violated the First Amendment

❗️Infringed on the Second Amendment

❗️Defended Illegal Immigration

Timestamp: 9:50:49 AM

The Democrats' attempt to dramatically restrict the rights of gun owners and customers made their stance clear. They don't care if you follow the law - they don't want you to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights.

Timestamp: 4:34:45 PM

The Democratic Party continues to embrace Socialism with each week. At this rate, there is zero question that they’re the new party of Socialism.

Timestamp: 4:32:43 PM


I'll be joining @Varneyco at 9 AM (CT) today - make sure you tune in on @FoxBusiness!

Timestamp: 9:36:26 AM


Are you interested in a congressional internship in my office? Submit an application for review here:

Timestamp: 3:32:54 PM

Let’s call the #GreenNewDeal exactly what it is: a thinly veiled attempt at complete government control of our economy. Texans know they’re better off managing their own money. #ControlvsChoice QT @housebudgetGOP Environmental policy makes up only 15% of the #GreenNewDeal. Learn more in #BudgetBuster ⤵️

Timestamp: 1:57:22 PM

We owe a tremendous debt to all Veterans of our Armed Forces. As a nation, we can never fall short of meeting our obligation to them. I’m proud to have taken these steps to support our Veterans.

Timestamp: 12:20:10 PM


Texans are seeing the benefits of our strong economy - I know we see it across District 5! It is on us to keep it going! #CapitalismCreates QT @CNN Americans give the US economy glowing reviews in a new CNN Poll — and Trump may reap the benefits.

Overall, 71% say the US economy is in good shape, the highest share to say so since February 2001, and the best rating during Trump's presidency by 2 points

Timestamp: 4:42:23 PM

✅ Align Education to Work

✅ Increase Innovation in the Market

✅ Simplify Student Aid

Check out the principles outlined by the @WhiteHouse to modernize our colleges & universities.

Timestamp: 12:44:27 PM

On Friday, the @ulalaunch successfully launched another satellite that will provide critical communications capabilities to our military. It’s always great to see American ingenuity at work! #CapatlismCreates QT @ulalaunch MISSION SUCCESS! United Launch Alliance's #DeltaIV has deployed #WGS10 for the U.S. Air Force. Success #133 for ULA

Timestamp: 9:51:43 AM


I was pleased to welcome friends from the City Councils of Mesquite and Dallas, where we discussed issues in Washington that affect all of us in our local communities back home.

Timestamp: 12:13:37 PM

Thank you @DonaldJTrumpJr for shedding light on an important issue. We need to keep a close eye on how Silicon Valley uses its power and whether they continue shutting down conservative voices.

Timestamp: 3:12:35 PM

RT @GOPChairwoman 2020 Democrats want to:

*Abolish the Electoral College.

*Add new SCOTUS seats for liberal judges.

*Lower the voting age to 16.

*Let illegal immigrants vote.

They lost in 2016 and know they can’t beat @realDonaldTrump in 2020.

Their answer? Change the rules!

Timestamp: 1:49:09 PM


RT @HouseGOP The Democrats’ radical agenda to expand government control just keeps adding up:

Medicare for All

+ “Green New Deal”

+ “Free” Tuition

+ Minimum Wage Hike

+ Universal Income

= $100,000,000,000,000+

Timestamp: 3:19:53 PM

The great economic news just keeps rolling in - great new jobs are available in Texas!

Timestamp: 9:27:48 AM

I commend @realDonaldTrump for recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, a territory that is crucial to both Israeli security and regional stability. Well done, Mr. President!

Timestamp: 2:43:48 PM


Alarming news at the border - thanks to @SecNielsen for her hard work. We are going to do everything within our power to #SecureOurBorder until the situation on the ground is under control.

Timestamp: 2:44:40 PM

An excellent choice to serve on the Fed Board - Stephen Moore will bring conservative, pro-growth values to an institution in need of them. QT @NBCPolitics BREAKING: President Trump says he will nominate Stephen Moore, a prominent conservative economist, Trump campaign adviser, Heritage Foundation visiting fellow and Fed critic, to fill a vacancy on the Fed’s 7-member board.

Timestamp: 4:42:57 PM


MARCH SADNESS FOR DEMOCRATS - imagined scandal just didn’t pan out. Let’s close this sad, partisan chapter and get back to work for the American people. Proud to STAND WITH @realDonaldTrump

Timestamp: 4:27:50 PM


Today I spoke with @NBCDFW on the Mueller investigation finding NO COLLUSION from President Trump. With this investigation behind us, let’s move forward and focus on the issues that matter to District 5.

Tune in at 5:00PM (CT) to watch!

Timestamp: 3:37:17 PM

Republicans have tried 19 separate times to bring up legislation that protects infants who have been born alive. This is not about abortion. This is about saving innocent human lives.

Democrats have said no 19 times - shameful and wrong!

Timestamp: 10:26:22 AM

Support for Israel and the Jewish people shouldn’t be a partisan issue. Unfortunately, Democrats continue enabling anti-Semitism and radical attempts to delegitimize the state of Israel.

Timestamp: 1:08:40 PM

RT @RepKevinBrady To his credit, @realDonaldTrump is first president to take China head-on.

Much of the world is secretly pulling for him.

For U.S. this could herald a new era of fairer trade w/China.

That’s good news for American farmers, workers & local businesses.

Timestamp: 12:04:17 PM


After 2,800 subpoenas, 2 years and $25 million spent, we should release the report which found NO COLLUSION. It's time for Congress to move on from this mess and get back to working for the people!

Timestamp: 11:47:07 AM

Today some friends from @AIPAC stopped by my office. Had a great discussion on the alliance between America & Israel and how we can work together to fight anti-Semitism. Thanks y’all!

Timestamp: 1:45:00 PM

I just voted AGAIN to support President Trump's national emergency and BUILD THE WALL. We have got to #EndTheCrisis at our border.

Timestamp: 3:10:30 PM

I just voted with 180 of my @HouseGOP colleagues to sustain President Trump's National Emergency - this tweet from @SpeakerPelosi is #FakeNews

Timestamp: 3:50:01 PM


Today, I asked the House to consider a bill from @RepAnnWagner to protect the lives of newborn infants who survive late-term abortions. Why in the world would House Democrats be opposed to preventing infanticide and giving these babies the medical care they deserve?

Timestamp: 2:37:01 PM

Democrats must realize their party is moving to the wrong side of this debate and resolve to join @HouseGOP in our steadfast support of Israel.

Timestamp: 1:29:43 PM

Our alliance with Israel is absolutely critical to stability and diplomacy in the Middle East. As Americans, we must be a unified voice in support of the Jewish people.

Timestamp: 1:28:44 PM

Dr. Catherine Raver from the Baylor Medical Center paid me and Alexa a visit today to discuss the positive impact Hospitals have on our community.

Thanks to @SHMLive for keeping us all informed of the advancements in patient care being made across Texas!

Timestamp: 12:23:20 PM


The @WSJ reports March has been ANOTHER month of economic growth and jobs! Two years of Republican pro-growth policies under @realDonaldTrump are paying off

Timestamp: 10:10:47 AM

There's nothing partisan about making sure @TxDOT receives its fair share of the deal with the Federal Highway Administration. Very happy to work in a bipartisan way with the rest of the Texas delegation on this issue.

Timestamp: 11:57:03 AM

RT @RepSeanDuffy ZERO Democrats voted in favor of my amendment to add "Green New Deal" language to housing legislation. If the world was going to end in 12 years, wouldn't they support it? 🤔

Timestamp: 10:43:32 AM


Democrats spent two years telling the public there was rock-solid evidence of collusion. They were wrong. When will they be held accountable for their blatantly misleading statements?

Timestamp: 11:08:22 AM
Timestamp: 1:43:51 PM

RT @RepublicanStudy We don’t have to destroy the economy to save the planet – we need innovation, not regulation.

We are pushing back against the costly and overreaching #GND. Read more here:

Timestamp: 4:27:31 PM

Our financial institutions critically depend on the trust of their customers - I hope to see a leader of @WellsFargo who can instill that trust in all of us. QT @FinancialCmte .@PatrickMcHenry: The bottom line is that we’ve not seen the type of cultural or institutional change needed at @WellsFargo. The bank needs a change agent. I will be watching closely to ensure the next leader shows commitment to rebuilding trust.

Timestamp: 3:45:51 PM


This week, will Democrats choose to stand up against infanticide, or will they continue to march in lockstep with the far-left and not allow the most innocent among us to receive medical care?

Timestamp: 12:59:42 PM

The crisis at our border is becoming more severe with each passing week - yet Democrats still refuse to work with @realDonaldTrump to find a solution. QT @realDonaldTrump The Democrats are allowing a ridiculous asylum system and major loopholes to remain as a mainstay of our immigration system. Mexico is likewise doing NOTHING, a very bad combination for our Country. Homeland Security is being sooo very nice, but not for long!

Timestamp: 10:47:02 AM


I’m sitting down with @CuomoPrimeTime tonight to talk about the crisis at the border. Tune in on @CNN!

Timestamp: 9:13:31 PM

Even Obama’s Homeland Security Secretary admits there is a BORDER CRISIS. Why are Democrats refusing to address this?

Timestamp: 11:17:34 AM

RT @CuomoPrimeTime "We've got to send the message to members of Congress and other countries... that what we are doing is not working."

Texas Republican @RepLanceGooden makes the case to @ChrisCuomo on why believes it could make sense for President Trump to close the border.

Timestamp: 9:56:48 PM

I just signed onto the discharge petition filed by @SteveScalise to #LetUsVote on a bill @RepAnnWagner to #EndInfanticide. This isn't about abortion - it's about saving lives of newborn infants.

Timestamp: 2:01:53 PM

The time to #SecureOurBorder is now. I'm not worried about the cost of avocados when we're talking about ending years of unchecked illegal immigration.

Timestamp: 12:25:33 PM

I’m joining @Varneyco live in a few minutes. Tune in on @FoxBusiness!

Timestamp: 9:02:54 AM

RT @ChadPergram Discharge petition to force debate on “born alive” bill needs a hard 218 signatures, even though House is only at 432 mbrs. If all 197 Hse GOPers sign, they need 21 Dems to go around Hse Dem leadership & force debate

Timestamp: 2:00:58 PM


Democrats have spent the past three months pushing radical policies that would bankrupt the country. Now, they’re working to undermine our electoral system.

Timestamp: 11:42:05 AM

RT @SteveScalise How can Democrats continue to pretend the crisis at our southern border is fake when even Obama's former Secretary of Homeland Security says it's a real crisis? @realDonaldTrump should do whatever it takes to secure our border and protect the American people.

Timestamp: 5:29:04 PM
Timestamp: 12:22:38 AM

Thanks for stopping by y'all! QT @txcattlefeeders Thanks for the visit on issues affecting the cattle feeding industry @RepLanceGooden. Hope you enjoy the beef sticks! @snackpak4kids #BootsOnTheHill

Timestamp: 5:29:45 PM



Timestamp: 7:14:10 PM

This headline says it all --->

Timestamp: 10:30:59 AM

Democrats are coming up on 100 days of holding the House Majority. What have they accomplished so far?

A couple of glorified press releases, mostly.

Timestamp: 12:10:20 PM

EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN deserves to know where their representative stands on this issue. #LetUsVote QT @HouseGOP This week House Republicans signed a discharge petition to protect babies born-alive and ensure that they receive life-saving medical care. Fighting to #EndInfanticide should not be a partisan issue.

Timestamp: 11:29:57 AM


This is an important step towards stopping the opioid crisis by shutting down the production of drugs like Fentanyl at their source.

I applaud @realDonaldTrump for putting the pressure on China to make this happen.

Timestamp: 6:00:00 PM

More great economic news this morning -->

@tictoc: "average hourly earnings increase 3.2%"

@WSJ: "employers have added jobs for 102 straight months - longest stretch on record."

@washingtonpost: "lower income workers have seen the biggest pay hikes"

Timestamp: 10:53:58 AM

RT @DeptofDefense Today is Gold Star Spouses Day, a time to honor the husbands and wives of fallen service members who keep their loved ones’ memories alive. We thank them for their service and sacrifice on this #GoldStarSpousesDay. #HonorTheFallen.

Timestamp: 3:31:20 PM


Enjoy your @FinalFour weekend everybody! Though my @UTAustin Longhorns aren’t it this year - excited to see the #RedRaiders of Texas Tech represent the Lone Star state.

Timestamp: 1:48:08 PM

We’re now well into the Democrat majority in the House. Take a moment to ask yourself - what have they accomplished? What promises did they make to you on the campaign trail?

If I were a Democratic voter. I wouldn’t be impressed.

Timestamp: 5:48:03 PM


29 times we’ve asked to vote on #BornAlive protections on the House floor. @SteveScalise has led an effort to force a vote through his discharge petitition. When will Democrats #LetUsVote?

We won’t stop asking.

Timestamp: 10:20:43 AM


(1/3) House Democrats intend to bring another partisan bill to the floor this week. This time, their phony campaign for "Net Neutrality" is back.

Timestamp: 4:26:21 PM

I want to thank @SecNielsen for her tireless work in the constant mission of ensuring American security. It's my hope that Kevin McAleenan will bring his expertise in border security to the entirety of @DHSgov and do what it takes to address the crisis at our border. QT @WSJ Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen resigns two days after visiting the U.S. southern border with Trump

Timestamp: 11:19:42 AM

What a grossly political stunt from Ways & Means Democrats. The President's personal financial information is protected by law - just as that of any citizen would be!

Timestamp: 12:45:00 PM

(2/3) Regardless of what they tell you: Republicans want free and open Internet. Americans want room for innovation and 5G networks. I want to increase access to broadband internet for rural communities. This bill would fail to achieve any of those goals.

Timestamp: 4:26:44 PM

(3/3) Democrats should go back to the drawing board and work with their Republican colleagues to draft a bill that actually works for the future of the Internet.

Timestamp: 4:27:38 PM

Massive increases in illegal border crossings are pushing our system to the breaking point. House Democrats need to acknowledge this as a humanitarian and national security crisis.

Timestamp: 3:00:01 PM


(1/2) With new technology revolutionizing everything from how we receive our news to how we pay bills, it's critical that our laws stay up-to-date with innovation.

Timestamp: 1:30:00 PM

While Democrats have spent 96 days pushing their open-border agenda in Congress, House Republicans are fighting to end the ongoing humanitarian and national security crisis. #100DaysOfDems

Timestamp: 11:21:19 AM

RT @MilitaryOfficer Thank you, @RepLanceGooden, for helping to end the widows tax and supporting HR553. We can win this fight and stop penalizing our military widows. Read more: /widowstax2019/ #MOAAStorms

Timestamp: 6:05:38 PM

(2/2) I hope to see less partisan investigations at our Financial Services cmte hearings and more attention on developments like these. There's important work to be done here.

Timestamp: 1:42:36 PM
Timestamp: 5:59:18 PM


We're 100 days into the Democrat-held House. They just canceled votes early because they couldn't agree on how much borrowed money to spend next year.

This is a bigger mess than I ever thought it would be when I first got here.

Timestamp: 10:30:00 AM

I just voted NO on H.R. 1644 - the phony "Save the Internet" bill forced thru by House Dems. This bill wouldn't have saved the Internet, but it certainly would have decreased rural broadband access and increased costs to consumers.

Timestamp: 11:15:00 AM

Congratulations to @swish41 on an historic career with the @dallasmavs. Always a leader on the court and in the community - thank you for everything! #DirkForever

Timestamp: 1:15:00 PM

RT @SteveScalise When Dems say "save the internet," they really mean they want the government to control yet another part of your life. Here's the reality: the internet is spurring job growth & innovation that makes us the envy of the world. We don't need Washington's heavy hand getting involved.

Timestamp: 9:47:09 AM

.@CBP reports nearly 100,000 apprehensions at the border in March. It’s time for everyone in government to recognize the humanitarian and national security crisis at the border. QT @CBP #USBP agents apprehended 92,607 individuals along the Southwest border in March—averaging nearly 3,000 apprehensions a day. 76% of those apprehended were from 3 countries: El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Timestamp: 2:00:01 PM

Agree with my colleague @RepTomReed - it's a slippery slope to use the House Ways & Means Committee as a political weapon. QT @NewDay GOP @RepTomReed says he believes the release of President Trump's tax returns "is going to have to be litigated."

"The Democratic Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee is going down a political path of weaponizing the tax code for political purposes."

Timestamp: 4:13:00 PM


Come out to the Ben E Keith Distrution Center in Palestine next Wednesday (Apr-17) for my first Town Hall! RSVP here:

Timestamp: 12:45:00 PM

If there is one issue that we most need to put aside partisanship - THIS is it. Avoiding the reality of this emergency is not an option.

Timestamp: 11:01:33 AM

RT @GOPChairwoman Beto O’Rourke called Bibi Netanyahu – the newly reelected prime minister of Israel – a “racist.”

It's shameful.

From boycotting AIPAC to defending anti-Semite Ilhan Omar, the 2020 Democrats continue to show they are no friends of Israel or the Jewish people.

Timestamp: 10:16:01 AM

It's crucial we get this issue right. Crypto currencies have the potential to make massive impacts to our financial systems. We need to be sure regulators are well-equipped to address any issues, but we also need to prevent missteps that stifle innovation. QT @ceidotorg Our latest report by @jberlau warns that government regulation of cryptocurrency as a “security” threatens innovation in financial transactions and other consumer products. Read the report here

Timestamp: 5:15:00 PM

It takes real leadership to reach across the aisle and solve problems. I hope to see my Democrat colleagues do more with their majority going forward. QT @RepMikeJohnson ✅ Infringing on Americans’ constitutional rights

✅ Proposing trillions in new spending while ignoring our debt

✅ Pushing government control at the expense of individual freedoms #100DaysofDems

Timestamp: 3:45:00 PM

RT @GOPLeader Do-Nothing Democrats 👇

THEN: “Show me your budget, show me your values” – @SpeakerPelosi

Timestamp: 11:54:44 AM

With the rise of anti-Semitism we're seeing in America and across the World, movements like the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign should be condemned on a bipartisan basis.

Timestamp: 2:15:00 PM


Glad to see the administration taking important steps like this. 5G networks have the potential to revolutionize the way we engage with technology - America must lead the way in developing these networks.

Excited to hear more about the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund as well. QT @axios President Trump and his top telecom regulator will announce plans today to help wireless companies keep pace with global rivals — specifically China — in the 5G race.

Timestamp: 3:31:52 PM

Another big win for workers across Texas and the rest of the country! Jobless claims register an even better week than anticipated.

Timestamp: 11:35:00 AM

Come out to the Ben E Keith Distribution Center in Palestine next Wednesday (Apr-17) for my first Town Hall! RSVP here:

Timestamp: 10:00:00 AM

What's in store for the next #100DaysofDems? Hopefully a lot less non-binding resolutions, and a lot more bipartisan work to get results for the American people.

Timestamp: 1:00:00 PM

Glad to see the administration taking important steps like this. 5G networks have the potential to revolutionize the way we engage with technology - America must lead the way in developing these networks.

Excited to hear more about the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund as well.

Timestamp: 2:45:00 PM

RT @RepGallagher Examples like these illustrate how PLA-affiliated researchers are taking advantage of both elite universities and tech giants to lay the groundwork for future Chinese defense capabilities. It’s time for Congress to act.

Timestamp: 4:34:02 PM


Come out to Jacksonville City Hall next Wednesday (Apr-17) for my Town Hall! RSVP here:

Timestamp: 11:30:00 AM

@nytimes: "450,000 gov't-subsidized households located within flood zones". This is why we need to reform NFIP & HUD housing programs to keep people out of harm's way.

The federal government can't just throw money at this problem and hope it goes away.

Timestamp: 4:30:00 PM


RT @RepKevinBrady How you were horribly misled about @GOPTaxCuts. @GOPHouse #FoxNews

Timestamp: 12:58:54 PM

Alexa and I have devoted our thoughts and prayers to the Cherokee County community in the wake of this devastating tornado. My priority now is to ensure we do our part so that anyone affected by this severe weather has access to the resources they need.

Timestamp: 10:50:41 AM


Reminder to everyone that more severe weather is expected across Texas tomorrow! Visit the link below to read up on tornado safety - stay home and stay safe.

Timestamp: 3:15:01 PM

Ignoring a crisis does not make it go away. Congressional Democrats are putting lives at risk by refusing to acknowledge this problem.

Timestamp: 5:00:00 PM

#TaxReform and Republican pro-growth policies have had tremendous impacts on our economy. Get the facts here! QT @WhiteHouse Congressional Democrats have had a rough year in making predictions, to say the least.

Fortunately, when it comes to tax cuts, there’s plenty of real evidence to counter the political spin and deception being thrown at President Trump.

Timestamp: 2:56:41 PM

Millions visit the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris every year. What an absolute tragedy for the people of France and the Catholic community. #rebuild

Timestamp: 12:44:10 PM


RT @HouseGOP In the first 100 days of their majority, House Democrats:

➡️ failed to deliver a budget

➡️ failed to secure our border and address the humanitarian crisis

➡️ failed to #EndInfanticide

Read more from @GOPLeader on #100DaysOfDems.

Timestamp: 12:49:35 PM


Thank you @GovAbbott for taking the necessary steps to help the people affected by these storms - I will be in Alto later today to survey the damage with local leaders. My office is standing by if you determine federal assistance is needed.

Timestamp: 9:39:24 AM

Enough with the endless partisan investigations. It's time to move on to legislating, which is what we were all sent here to do.

Timestamp: 3:00:00 PM

Looking back on the last #100DaysofDems, what have Democrats done with their majority? The noise and hysteria around their style of governance might make for headlines, but it doesn’t yield results for the American people.

Timestamp: 7:00:00 PM

RT @GOP “I do not know what's in the report, we will all see it when everybody else sees it… but in those 400 pages, we know what does NOT exist and it's collusion.” -@KellyannePolls

Timestamp: 9:23:22 AM

The rate of suicide among veterans is one of the worst tragedies facing us today. If you know a former serviceman or woman who is struggling with addiction, suicidal thoughts or depression, be the first to offer them a helping hand.

Timestamp: 1:25:00 PM


Consumers don’t want the higher prices that come with a carbon tax.

Timestamp: 4:30:00 PM

@realDonaldTrump is doing what it takes to make sure rural areas receive the same economic and technological benefits the Federal gov’t provides to urban areas - RT if you think rural communities deserve employment opportunities just as much as urban ones.

Timestamp: 7:25:00 PM

Jay Sekulow puts it well: “If they had an obstruction case, they would have made it.”

Timestamp: 6:00:00 PM

After two years of partisan innuendo and hysterical speculation, it’s time for our nation to find solace in the facts: President Trump did not collude with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election, nor did anyone associated with his campaign. #MuellerReport

Timestamp: 11:00:01 AM

Republicans are taking important steps to equip our servicemen and women during their missions – and to ensure they have access to all the resources they need when they return.

Timestamp: 1:48:50 PM


Terrell, my hometown, is a certified opportunity zone. Conservative economic policies are improving lives right here in our community. QT @WhiteHouse Lifting up poor communities—the conservative way. Today, President Trump brought State and local leaders from both parties together at the White House for a conference on investing in low-income communities through “Opportunity Zones.”

Timestamp: 10:30:00 AM


Happy Easter Sunday everyone! Hope you’re spending the day with your loved ones.

Timestamp: 10:30:00 AM

This past week, I joined @SteveScalise and a group of colleagues on a tour of the Gulf energy facilities that provide critical natural resources to help power our economy.

Timestamp: 3:00:00 PM

Terrorist bombings in Sri Lanka targeted innocent Christians and many others today. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families on this High Holiday.

Justice will be had for these hateful and cowardly attacks. #SriLanka

Timestamp: 5:36:19 PM


(2/2) This should serve as a timely reminder to those responsible for the attacks in Sri Lanka and many more attacks around the world. We will not rest until those who bring violence to the innocent are made to pay for their crimes.

Timestamp: 6:01:00 PM

@cvpayne this morning: “What we are seeing in wages this year is shared prosperity”. As America’s economy continues to grow - prosperity reaches more and more of us.

Timestamp: 4:00:00 PM

RT @WhiteHouseCEA Under President Trump, people are finding jobs across the country. Since he took office, the unemployment rate in 21 states has either hit a new low or matched its lowest rate since at least 1976 when the series began.

Timestamp: 10:39:09 AM

We are all stewards of the planet - Happy Earth Day everyone!

Timestamp: 1:04:46 PM

(1/2) David Pearl, an American journalist with the @WSJ, was brutally murdered years ago while reporting in Pakistan. Finally, the terrorists responsible for his death have been brought to justice.

Timestamp: 6:00:01 PM

Having accomplished NOTHING with their majority in the first 100 days - I’m not surprised Democrats would turn to impeachment. If you can’t legislate, investigate!

Timestamp: 1:00:00 PM


A foreign gov’t provided phony intelligence on a Presidential candidate to the opposition party - that intelligence was the basis of an investigation that dominated headlines for two years.

Timestamp: 3:15:00 PM

If this isn’t infringement, what is?

Timestamp: 5:00:00 PM

Happy 111th to the @USArmyReserve! Thank you to all those who serve with bravery and integrity. #USARBirthday111

Timestamp: 1:08:27 PM


@WSJ: “With the U.S. econ­omy strong and stocks near record lev­els, re­tirees’ and work­ers’ con­fi­dence in hav­ing enough money for re­tire­ment rose over the past year to new highs”

Timestamp: 2:44:54 PM

House Democrats are moving forward with a radical agenda of government-controlled health care. Socialized Medicine would take 155 MILLION off their employer-provided health insurance.

Timestamp: 12:15:07 PM

RT @RepKevinBrady .@stevenmnuchin1 letter demolishes @WaysMeansCmte politically motivated demand for @realDonaldTrump tax returns.

Exposes, through own statements, why #Democrats abuse law & violate Constitution. No legitimate legislative purpose.


Timestamp: 11:39:01 AM

My statement on the passing of Missy Shorey:

Timestamp: 1:21:27 PM


.@stevenmnuchin1 is taking strong steps with these sanctions targeting the money behind international terrorist organizations

Timestamp: 3:01:05 PM

I’m proud to work with @ONEinAmerica to #StepUpTheFight by supporting the Global Fund, which is leading the international fight against Malaria. #WorldMalariaDay

Timestamp: 1:34:05 PM

RT @AjitPaiFCC Happy @DNAday! On this date in 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick proposed the “radically different structure” of a double helix for DNA—the genetic instructions for all living organisms—in a landmark paper published in @nature. 🧬 #DNADay19

Timestamp: 11:23:32 AM

Congress is back in session on Monday. We won't stop asking. QT @LiveAction Mar 13-April 10th - these Reps had their requests to forward a bill protecting newborns blocked.













Timestamp: 4:44:28 PM


Proof that our pro-growth policies lead to a strong economy. So many thought the economy would grow slow in Q1 - incredible news!

Timestamp: 2:00:01 PM

Americans want to keep their private insurance - not end up on gov't waiting lists when they need life-saving procedures.

Timestamp: 7:00:00 PM

If House Dems continue ignoring the crisis at our border, Texas has to bear the burden. That's not right - Congress should work with the President to secure our border NOW. @VarneyCo @FoxBusiness

Timestamp: 10:06:53 AM

Joining @Varneyco this morning at 9:00 AM to kick off the show. Tune in!

Timestamp: 8:00:00 AM

The economy in Texas is booming right now thanks to years conservative economic policies and millions of hard working Texans. The last the we need to do is reverse all of that progress by adopting the Socialist ideas of Bernie Sanders. @VarneyCo @FoxBusiness

Timestamp: 1:07:18 PM

More news breaks each week to remind us that the crisis at our border is real and that we are unequipped to handle it. We must change the asylum laws as soon as possible in order to slow the flow of migrants.

Timestamp: 5:00:00 PM


RT @HouseGOP The situation on the U.S.-Mexico border is a humanitarian & national security disaster. @RepAndyBiggsAZ, @RepSeanDuffy, @RepJohnJoyce, @RepMattGaetz & @Rep_Hunter detail the crisis they saw during a recent trip to the border in this @FoxNews op-ed. ⬇️

Timestamp: 7:50:12 AM


America is the world leader in energy innovation - thanks to the hard work of Texas energy workers. It makes no sense to commit to a climate accord that holds us to standards different than the rest of world.

Timestamp: 1:07:16 PM

Tomorrow, House Democrats will hold a hearing to give the federal government total control of the health care industry. Their actions make it clear that they stand for failed socialist policies.

Timestamp: 4:30:00 PM

So glad to see @TheTexanNews taking on media bias by offering people an alternative: an honest, trustworthy news source.

Timestamp: 2:45:00 PM

From @WSJ: “Chinese spies are increasingly recruiting U.S. intelligence officers as part of a widening, sustained campaign to shake loose government secrets.”

Timestamp: 6:45:00 PM

An interesting read: how will trends like this, automation, and self-driving cars impact automobile sales industry? Or the auto-insurance industry? These are questions we hope to answer in our work on the @FinancialCmte.

Timestamp: 5:45:46 PM


I take this issue seriously, but this kind of alarmist rhetoric doesn't get us closer to a solution. There is not a scientific consensus that the sky will collapse in the next decade and its irresponsible to tell people there is.

Timestamp: 6:30:00 PM

With more of their own hard-earned money staying in their pockets, consumers are spending at the highest levels we've seen in years.

Timestamp: 12:35:00 PM

RT @NWSSPC Severe thunderstorms will occur across parts of the southern Plains northeastward into Illinois/Indiana today and tonight. This includes a risk for tornadoes, large hail, and locally damaging gusts. The greatest risk is from north Texas through Oklahoma into southwest Missouri

Timestamp: 3:25:19 PM

House Dems have called for a $32 trillion health care takeover, a $93 trillion plan to flip the economy on its head & infrastructure deal calling for trillions more of federal funding.

Even if they double or triple your taxes they still won’t be able to pay for these programs.

Timestamp: 3:00:00 PM

RT @GOPLeader Let's call #MedicareForAll what it is → government-controlled health care. It would:

🔘 Force 153 million off of their insurance

🔘 Increase health care costs

🔘 Limit health care options

Timestamp: 10:58:07 AM

Today I received a visit from Kaufman Mayor Jeff Jordan. Jeff is one of my oldest friends and he’s doing a great job for the community!

Timestamp: 8:49:06 PM


@realDonaldTrump is working tirelessly to secure our border. It's time for Congress to close the loopholes that continue to overwhelm our Border agents.

Timestamp: 2:45:00 PM

A timely reminder from @EnriquePadron01 - thank you for sharing your story!

Timestamp: 1:00:00 PM

@CNBC: "Overall, medium-sized businesses, those that employ 50 to 499 people, led the way in jobs creation last month by adding 145,000 jobs. Small business jobs increased by 77,000 while large companies hired 53,000."

Timestamp: 11:15:00 AM

"The GND would be economically catastrophic for American families while also failing in its supposedly primary mission: to significantly reduce the earth’s temperature."

Timestamp: 5:15:00 PM

The men and women of our Armed Forces sacrifice so much to keep the rest of us safe. Make sure you find time to show your appreciation this month. #SupportOurTroops

Timestamp: 9:37:40 AM


This kind of language is unacceptable. No elected official at any level should express such dismissive views toward the significance of life.

I hope to see the Democratic Party rebuke this disturbing position. QT @RealSaavedra Alabama State Rep. John Rogers (D) on abortion: “Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later”

Timestamp: 12:30:01 PM

RT @dcexaminer .@RepJerryNadler: "We will defend the prerogatives of congress. We'll defend the rights of the American people to know what's going on"

@mattgaetz: "There is not going to be a recognition of members who seek legitimate inquiry as to the procedures?!"

Timestamp: 1:28:04 PM

The good news keeps on rolling in!

Increased productivity = higher output = more economic growth

Timestamp: 11:21:36 AM

On this #nationaldayofprayer I hope that you all join me in praying for the men and women who risk their lives for our freedom.

Timestamp: 2:30:00 PM


My Democrat colleagues have no right to demand an unredacted report. These attacks on Attorney General Barr are out of line and overtly partisan.

Timestamp: 7:15:00 PM

The lowest unemployment rate in 50 years - great news for the people of Texas and all over the country! QT @CNBC 263,000 non-farm jobs were created last month, beating expectations. The unemployment rate also dropped to 3.6%, the lowest rate since December 1969.

Timestamp: 9:27:33 AM

RT @RepSeanDuffy Remember when President Obama said that "some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back"

Timestamp: 5:21:17 PM

Glad to see @POTUS recognizes the importance of conquering the final frontier.

American leadership in aeronautics today is a critical building block for the future. #NationalSpaceDay QT @WhiteHouse Happy National Space Day! 🚀

America is the best in space, and President @realDonaldTrump is making sure no other country can compete with our leadership.

Timestamp: 12:15:00 PM

More Americans have good-paying jobs than we've seen in a generation! They've told us they feel confident in the economy.

Democrats don't want to acknowledge it, but sooner or later they'll have to.

Timestamp: 4:15:00 PM

House Democrats are embracing socialism while we watch it collapse in Venezuela in real time. The American people deserve better. #MaduraStepDown

Timestamp: 2:45:00 PM


Timestamp: 10:10:29 AM


Now, more than ever, we must stand united behind Israel and denounce these attacks by Palestinian terrorists.

Timestamp: 4:46:29 PM


The hypocrisy of this behavior is easily explained: Democrats didn't receive the result they wanted from the Mueller investigation. They needed someone else to cast as a villain and have chosen Attorney General Barr.

Timestamp: 11:30:00 AM

The only occupation of Gaza is by Hamas terrorist forces - either Congresswoman Omar should acknowledge that or she should be removed from the Foreign Affairs committee.

Timestamp: 4:28:09 PM

.@dcexaminer: "Americans without bachelor’s degrees (a standard definition of the working class) have just recorded their lowest unemployment rate in almost two decades."

"Manufacturing wages were up 2.9% year over year, the greatest rise since 2003."

Timestamp: 1:52:57 PM

As the socialist Maduro regime continues to deprive the Venezuelan people of their God-given rights, we stand with those calling for a new government led by @jguaido. They deserve the freedom that they strive for.

Timestamp: 10:45:00 AM

RT @housebudgetGOP Democrats continue to introduce massive new spending proposals in the face of our $22 trillion national debt, including a proposal for "free college." Read more in @sfc_opinions:

Timestamp: 3:12:25 PM

Using the House committees for this kind of harassment can't be tolerated. After an investigation that bring the news they were hoping for, Democrats have turned to shameful political maneuvers. This is not what we were sent here to do.

Timestamp: 9:51:42 AM


RT @RepColinAllred I thank @AJCGlobal Dallas for having me at this bipartisan discussion with @RepVanTaylor and @RepLanceGooden.

There is so much that unites us as a nation, and I’m dedicated to working together to represent everyone in #TX32 and put North Texas first.

Timestamp: 2:14:16 PM

Americans do NOT want to live in a Socialist country. I am proud to support @realDonaldTrump in the fight for America’s future.

Timestamp: 2:23:01 PM

House Democrats’ plan for climate change would steal freedom from millions and devastate our economy. What’s worse? The #GreenNewDeal is that it wouldn’t even make a significant impact on CO2 levels by 2050.

Timestamp: 11:49:00 AM

The conservative pro-growth policies of this administration have put our economy into high gear. Growth in wages means more money in your pocket - good news for everybody!

Timestamp: 11:23:03 AM


Finding the capital you need to start and maintain a small business can be a tough get. That's especially true in rural areas of Texas - this bill makes it easier to access the financing needed to thrive and grow.

Timestamp: 7:00:00 PM

RT @HeidiKnowles17 @RepLanceGooden Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with Texas Emergency Medicine Physicians as we fight for the best care for our patients! We appreciate what you do! @ACEPNow @ACEPAdvocacy @TexACEP

Timestamp: 3:11:12 PM

The circus going on in the House Judiciary Cmte is an embarrassment. This attempt to hold Attorney General Barr in contempt shows Democrats’ obsession with the Russia hoax. It’s time to move on.

Timestamp: 10:24:26 AM

RT @RepLeeZeldin Hamas Twitter acct still active->TERRORIST ORG

Muslim Brotherhood Twitter acct still active->TERRORIST ORG

Louis Farrakhan Twitter acct still active->BIGGEST ANTI-SEMITE IN US

Conservative Jewish activist David Horowitz Twitter acct has been suspended.

Explanation @Jack?

Timestamp: 10:53:28 AM

Had a great conversation with @docbose today about Veteran care, improving the G.I. Bill, and much more! He’s working on a great project - we’ll provide updates here.

Timestamp: 4:36:44 PM


Great analysis from @bpolitics: “To pay for those programs, the candidates have focused on taxing the rich. But many of the plans they’ve put on the table would require across-the-board tax increases that would hit middle-earners as well as the wealthy”

Timestamp: 2:16:12 PM

News like this continues to pour in from the border and yet so many Democrats refuse to acknowledge the crisis. We have so much work to do, but first we all have to recognize the problem.

Timestamp: 11:42:16 AM

This is a prime example of progressive politics missing the mark. If we cap rates at 15% it cuts off access to credit for low-income card holders.

We need more growth, better wages and financial literacy - not phony quick-fix proposals like this.

Timestamp: 3:23:06 PM

The same Democrats yelling and screaming for the unredacted report can walk down the hall and read it right now if they wanted to. None of them have read it.

Timestamp: 3:42:00 PM

The tax cuts worked QT @wesbury After final revisions. Federal tax receipts rose in 2018. In spite of tax cut!


2017 - $3.316 Trillion

2018 - $3.329 Trillion

0.4% increase


2017- $3.314 Trillion

2018- $3.328 Trillion

0.4% increase

Timestamp: 9:27:02 AM

Yom Ha'atzmaut - Israeli Independence Day - is today, marking the 71st year of our alliance with Israel. I look forward to celebrating 100 years in 2048 @IsraeliPM @netanyahu

Timestamp: 4:08:00 PM

I wrote to the Texas House because of concerns over privacy issues and national security and I am grateful my former colleagues did the right thing to protect the liberty of Texans.

Timestamp: 6:10:21 PM


RT @GovAbbott Texas is big on small business. Start yours here today: 7 Steps to Start a Business in Texas >>> #txlege

Timestamp: 2:29:16 PM

If we can't all agree that @CBP needs more resources to handle this crisis, we're not going to like the results. Time to fully fund border security.

Timestamp: 4:15:00 PM

Had breakfast with @SecretaryCarson today and we discussed his upcoming hearing before our committee in a few weeks. Proud of the great work he’s doing.

Timestamp: 9:56:02 AM

RT @HouseGOP House Republicans join White House Counselor @KellyannePolls, and Gold Star Mom Debbie Lee ahead of Mother’s Day to talk about why key security issues matter to them as individuals and leaders.

Timestamp: 9:57:03 AM


I will be discussing tariffs with Neil Cavuto on Fox News today at 3:30 pm Central Time.

Timestamp: 1:23:59 PM

WATCH my interview on @FoxNews with @TeamCavuto - @realDonaldTrump has China right where he wants them.

Timestamp: 8:37:30 PM

China has been ripping off the USA for years and @realDonaldTrump took the fight to them.

Timestamp: 1:12:54 PM


Prescription drug costs are totally out of control - I look forward to this legislation making it to the House floor. Obamacare has been a disaster in our rural communities and needs a total overhaul!

Timestamp: 1:14:03 PM

Go by the numbers. They say the same as our Border Security experts:

We have growing crisis at our border.

Timestamp: 3:39:09 PM

Great piece from @DiegoZuluagaL at the @CatoInstitute. This plan would severely limit access to credit for low-income Americans.

Timestamp: 5:49:23 PM


China is feeling the pressure from @realDonaldTrump - it is only a matter of time before it becomes too much for them. QT @cvpayne Breaking China Economic News

Reatil Sales decline

Industrial Production decline

Exports decline

Clothing sales negative first time in 16 years.

China looks to more stimulus to spark economic challenge but dozen of similar schemes have failed to provide spark or stop slide

Timestamp: 10:55:50 AM

I strongly support anti-BDS legislation to support our ally Israel. House Democrats have so far shown an unwillingness to stand against anti-semitism. @AIPAC @RJC

Timestamp: 2:46:08 PM

RT @HouseGOP 📺 Must-watch video from @JudiciaryGOP explaining the how loopholes in our current immigration policy put children in danger and overwhelm the system. House Dems need to quit playing politics and put an end the humanitarian and national security crisis on our southern border.

Timestamp: 3:19:48 PM


Excited to hear the full immigration plan and move it forward in the House. I’ll be at the @WhiteHouse to hear it this afternoon.

Timestamp: 1:09:18 PM

WOW! Great to hear from @realDonaldTrump on his plan for a total overhaul of our broken immigration system.

It’s past time we prioritize immigrants who can contribute to our already booming economy. #MAGA

Timestamp: 4:13:06 PM

Great example of @realDonaldTrump confronting China on multiple different fronts. A whole-of-government response to their adversarial behavior.

Timestamp: 11:53:40 AM

In 22 months the Mueller investigation:

-issued 2,800 subpoenas

-hired 19 lawyers & 40 special agents

-spent $25 MILLION

-conducted 500 interviews

...and after all this found NO COLLUSION. Democrats need to accept the facts and move on!

Timestamp: 10:40:48 AM


Shameful that House Democrats refuse to send @CBP the resources they need - this is what happens when you ignore a crisis.

Timestamp: 1:44:45 PM

It is an honor to get accepted to one of the military academies so congratulations to @mesquiteisdtx John Horn High School seniors Naomi Edegbe and Marc Griffin on being accepted to @WestPoint_USMA. Thank you for choosing to serve our country. #GoArmy

Timestamp: 10:28:37 AM

I’m voting NO on this bill to protect religious freedom and to preserve Title IX protections for women.

Timestamp: 11:57:48 AM

Even some Democrats didn't like the way their party jammed doomed health care legislation down our throats last night. That vote was about trying to win the next election, not about taking care of the American people.

Timestamp: 4:22:57 PM


Please join me at my Town Hall meeting in Jacksonville on Wednesday May 29.

Timestamp: 5:30:00 PM

Please join me for coffee at the McDonald’s in Mineola on Wednesday May 29.

Timestamp: 11:00:00 AM


Please join me at my Town Hall meeting in Palestine on Wednesday May 29.

Timestamp: 4:05:00 AM

Please join me at my Town Hall meeting in Athens on Wednesday May 29.

Timestamp: 11:35:00 AM


House Dems have held the House for 4+ months with absolutely nothing to show for it. It’s time for them to move past their dreams of impeachment and get to work for the American people.

Timestamp: 11:51:58 AM

Totally unacceptable. If regulators don’t follow through on the penalties they issue, they won’t ever be taken seriously.

Timestamp: 1:56:26 PM


Great read from my colleagues @RepDLesko @RepHartzler @virginiafoxx and @RepAnnWagner to celebrate 100 years of women’s suffrage! Their work to support the views of conservative women is so important to our future.

Timestamp: 1:40:12 PM

This tragedy could have been prevented, but radical sanctuary cities refuse to cooperate with @ICEgov. QT @WhiteHouse BREAKING: 2 unlawfully present El Salvadoran teens have been arrested and charged with first-degree murder of a Maryland girl.

Both had previously been arrested for attempted murder. In spite of detainers placed on them, both were released without notification to @ICEgov.

Timestamp: 4:43:38 PM

Having accomplished no major objectives in 4+ months of their majority, House Democrats want to continue misleading the public about the Mueller investigation. The President has been cleared of wrongdoing - it is time to get some real work done.

Timestamp: 10:43:59 AM


#SinglePayer will cost taxpayers $32 trillion and strip over 150 million Americans off their private health insurance. People want to keep the insurance they have - not a blanket gov’t health plan. QT @housebudgetGOP In advance of this week's hearing to discuss @USCBO's report on one-size-fits-all health care systems, take a look back at the details of Democrats' #MedicareForAll plan:

Timestamp: 1:09:24 PM

After the Mueller report cleared @realDonaldTrump of any wrongdoing - what would there be to cover up?

Democrats have been ineffective with their House majority because of their obsession with impeaching the President.

Timestamp: 5:15:30 PM

America’s farmers and small-business owners can’t afford any more delays on this trade agreement. #USMCA

Timestamp: 11:40:30 AM

We’re almost 5 months into the Democrat majority. Even @NBCNews and @chucktodd can see they’ve got nothing to show for it.

Timestamp: 3:30:59 PM

Two things are extremely clear regarding Medicare-for-All:

1) No one knows how to pay for it

2) Dems DON’T have the votes to pass it

Timestamp: 5:11:13 PM


The IRS and personal tax returns shouldn’t be used for political purposes. How many Democratic Congressmen would like their personal tax returns subpoenaed?

Timestamp: 6:50:32 PM

The Democrat's "Medicare-for-All" plan would carry a $32 trillion price tag and allow taxpayer-funded abortions. We have to do better than that when it comes to healthcare in America.

Timestamp: 5:57:34 PM

Last week, @realDonaldTrump put forth a plan to fix our broken immigration system.

I’ve introduced a bill to finally defund sanctuary cities and make it known: if you want federal funding you must cooperate with federal law-enforcement.

Timestamp: 5:09:18 PM

Today I introduced the Protecting American Lives Act. My legislation will eliminate funding for Sanctuary Cities. Read more on the bill here:

Timestamp: 1:23:50 PM


RT @GOPLeader Democrats are in a tailspin, and their “leadership” is out to lunch. They have achieved practically NOTHING since taking over the House, and their obsession with impeaching this president is paralyzing any progress we could be making as the UNITED States.

Timestamp: 1:43:14 PM
Timestamp: 10:16:35 PM
Timestamp: 5:08:00 PM

China and Huawei collaborate to undermine American national security.

@realDonaldTrump is right to stand up to their ambitions.

Timestamp: 7:32:32 PM

About to join @Varneyco to discuss my legislation to defund sanctuary cities. Tune in on @FoxBusiness!

Timestamp: 9:40:35 AM

Thankful for the support of senior republican leaders @SteveScalise @RepMikeJohnson @RepMarkWalker & many others. It’s time for sanctuary cities to comply and cooperate with federal law enforcement. QT @AdamShawNY NEW: A freshman Republican is pushing a more targeted effort to defund sanctuary cities — and one that protects law enforcement who enforce federal immigration law.

Timestamp: 1:43:25 PM
Timestamp: 11:56:33 AM


Honored to be a part of the Van Zandt County Memorial Day celebration. Never forget the sacrifices made by all those who serve.

Timestamp: 2:08:47 PM


As the reach and influence of social media platforms expand, we should expect more - not less - cooperation from them to understand how the ideas they spread influence our political systems.

Timestamp: 7:55:07 PM

The message @realDonaldTrump has sent Iran is clear: end support of international terror or continue to face the consequences for financing death and destruction. QT @NileGardiner U.S. maximum pressure against Iran is working.

The terrorist dictatorship in Tehran is being brought its knees by U.S. sanctions.

Iran is playing with fire if it acts aggressively against the U.S. and its allies and moves towards building a nuclear weapons program.

Timestamp: 10:22:19 PM

With the passage of my legislation, the days of sending federal funds to sanctuary cities will finally come to an end - my conversation with @ktrhnews on the Protecting American Lives Act:

Timestamp: 12:04:54 PM

RT @GOPLeader → 50 times ← That's how many times Republicans have tried to vote to provide mandatory medical care to babies who survive botched abortions. And every time, Democrats have shut down debate.

Timestamp: 12:43:52 PM


Had a great conversation in Mineola this morning about my first few months in Congress. Look forward to hearing directly from my constituents at more town hall meetings today.

Timestamp: 11:32:22 AM

Bob Mueller’s statement today made clear he has nothing to say beyond what was in his report. There is no more investigating to be done. QT @ABC Special counsel Robert Mueller makes a public statement amid demands by congressional Democrats that he testify in public. Read his full statement:

Timestamp: 8:59:16 PM

(2/2) We will continue to follow updates from local and state authorities for more information about the impact of the storms.

Timestamp: 10:37:15 PM

(1/2) I am closely monitoring the situation in Mabank, Canton and surrounding areas to learn the extent of the damage. At this time, there still very little we can say for certain. It appears two separate tornadoes have touched down in those areas.

Timestamp: 10:37:00 PM

We had a great crowd in Jacksonville today to discuss everything that’s going on Washington.

Timestamp: 4:57:53 PM


Great argument from my colleague @RepRWilliams - Texas will benefit massively from the passage of USMCA

Timestamp: 3:35:35 PM

Our immigration system needs a complete overhaul. I’ve introduced a bill to defund sanctuary cities. Read more:

Timestamp: 7:01:46 PM

From Joseph Epstein: “So­cial­ism caused the deaths of more than 100 mil­lion peo­ple un­der Lenin, Stalin and Mao, but young pro­gres­sives want to give it an­other go.”

Timestamp: 2:09:37 PM

An immigration plan from someone who proposes we remove all barriers from the border is no plan at all.

Timestamp: 1:39:41 PM


We’ve seen enough of this investigation - it’s time for us to get to work on the issues that matter.

Timestamp: 12:28:01 PM

Last day before the weekend. Let's make it count!

Timestamp: 8:01:45 AM

RT @GOP “[Democrats] spent two years and over $30 million in taxpayer money lying, saying there was proof of obstruction, that there was proof of collusion— there was none of it.” -@SteveScalise

Timestamp: 4:49:35 PM

RT @RepDougCollins Our Border Patrol agents are superheroes dealing with the border crisis every day. They are doing their job, and it's time for Democrats to allow Congress to do ours.

Timestamp: 12:49:10 PM

The Protecting American Lives Act was designed specifically to protect patriots like @SheriffOzzie. If passed, my bill would provide legal protection to law enforcement officers who cooperate with ICE and federal immigration authorities. @foxandfriends

Timestamp: 3:37:26 PM


RT @GOPLeader Congress should be passing legislation this week that allows us to mine and refine more of our own rare earth minerals right here in the United States so we’re not beholden to China.

Timestamp: 1:30:19 PM


Democrats hope to pass amnesty programs without ever taking the time to stop the flow of illegal immigration.

HR 6 will only send the message to more people that you don’t have to obey our immigration laws - if you get into the country we’ll give you a pass later down the road.

Timestamp: 11:16:34 AM

Pressure from the US economy can be an insurmountable force, even for our largest rivals. Our booming economy and negotiating strategy, emanating from a position of strength, will allow us to reach our goals.

Timestamp: 6:24:30 PM

This kind of climate-alarmism makes it impossible to find a solution. The people making apocalyptic predictions would tell you we need to shutdown our entire economy. That’s not a starting point to solve a complex problem.

Timestamp: 8:13:28 PM

RT @RepSeanDuffy We give our intelligence agencies the tools necessary to hunt terrorists, not our political foes.

Timestamp: 1:58:05 PM

While House Dems obsess over impeachment and frenzied investigations, the Administration is hard at work to deliver on its promises of peace and prosperity.

Timestamp: 4:37:48 PM


By focusing on amnesty over border security, Democrats ensure this problem will resurface. They’re sending a negative message to millions of people that might otherwise make use of the legal immigration system. #HR6

Timestamp: 10:09:36 AM

More than 200 Democrats just voted to prevent the deportation of illegal immigrants with known gang affiliations. #HR6

Timestamp: 7:18:33 PM

Multiple members of Democrat leadership say they’ve already begun the impeachment process. Americans want their Congress to get to work on the issues - not waste time on partisan politics.

Timestamp: 4:44:17 PM


Timestamp: 2:26:32 PM

Acting Director of @ICEgov says 1 million people will cross the U.S.-Mexico border this year. Democrats continue working against our efforts to stop this crisis.

Timestamp: 11:15:01 AM

House Democrats have blocked the @HouseGOP effort to end infanticide more than 50 times. #letusvote

Timestamp: 1:25:38 PM

By pursuing impeachment, Democrat leaders are willfully dividing the country even further apart.

Timestamp: 2:54:23 PM

RT @RepKevinBrady .@speakerpelosi : "Should be nothing partisan or political about this legislation."


This is extreme & partisan. DOA in Senate.

Twice I've voted 4 Dreamer legal status w/strong border security.

#Democrats want campaign issue NOT solution.

Timestamp: 4:01:57 PM


On June 6, 1944, thousands of soldiers risked their lives on a mission to liberate Europe and the World from the grasp of tyranny. Many heroes of D-Day had just stepped into manhood - 18 and 20 year-olds. Today, we honor their sacrifice and courage. #DDay75thAnniversary

Timestamp: 1:04:39 PM

From @WashTimes: “Americans cross-subsidize health care for unauthorized immigrants to the tune of $18.5 billion a year.”

Timestamp: 2:30:51 PM

Ridiculous Democrats call @realDonaldTrump “non-presidential” and then ask him not to do what any president should do on the 4th by addressing the nation. Unreal.

Timestamp: 5:20:18 PM

Strongly support @realDonaldTrump in his effort to secure our borders. The detractors from the left that call him a lawbreaker are the first to criticize him when he takes a hardline stance against lawbreaking illegal immigration. #MexicoTariffs

Timestamp: 12:03:33 PM


We are finally pressuring Mexico to do their part in stopping illegal immigration and they are responding.

Timestamp: 12:15:06 PM

Wrong and criminal in so many ways - we need to take immediate actions to end this practice. QT @JudiciaryGOP Migrants are admitting to @CBP that they've either “borrowed,” “rented,” or “bought” a child because they know, if they arrive at the border with a kid, they’re all but guaranteed to be released. Dems have taken no action to protect the children at the southern border.

Timestamp: 3:20:21 PM

Experts says border surge is “above our worst case scenario” - @CBP needs more resources NOW!

Timestamp: 12:45:26 PM

The 144,000 border apprehensions in May were more than any calendar month in almost 15 years. @HouseDemocrats STILL refuse to acknowledge the #bordercrisis.

Timestamp: 10:51:48 AM


With this agreement, @realDonaldTrump has again proven his doubters wrong. This deal moves us closer to USMCA, which will be a massive boost for the Texas economy.

Timestamp: 9:22:27 AM

Just another reason we can’t wait any longer to fully secure the border.

Timestamp: 4:14:20 PM

CA cities are flooding with homeless and they’re more concerned with free healthcare for illegal immigrants. QT @mollyfprince NEW: California Set To Become The First State To Fully Subsidize Health Care For Low Income Illegal Immigrants

Timestamp: 2:25:57 PM

Graph from @CBP shows 676,315 border apprehensions so far in 2019 - up 99% over the same time last year!

Timestamp: 5:20:03 PM

.@dcexaminer on the circus around Democrat impeachment effort: “It’s obvious this has become an unserious performance for the benefit of news media and the Democratic base.”

Timestamp: 11:35:59 AM


The far-left is pulling the strings of Democratic leaders. Their reckless policies are a threat to the future of our nation. @GuyBensonShow @FoxNews

Timestamp: 7:43:17 PM

RT @HouseGOP Today @HouseBudgetDems are putting their socialist energy agenda on full display by holding a hearing on their costly #GreenNewDeal. Their $93 Trillion plan would:

- Upend the entire U.S. economy

- Eliminate countless jobs

- Cost $600,000 per family across the country

Timestamp: 1:54:55 PM

Thanks to pro-growth Republican leadership, the economy has never been stronger!

Timestamp: 9:03:23 AM

Chief Aaron Hull (El Paso Border Patrol) explains how much work @CBP has to go through for each and every immigrant that comes across our border.

We NEED new asylum laws to help them process immigrants more efficiently. QT @AmericaNewsroom WATCH: @BillHemmer spoke with Chief Aaron Hull after Mexico announces they will deploy military to the Guatemala border #nine2noon

Timestamp: 5:29:10 PM

Democrats voting for a resolution that would allow them to further harass President Trump today.

We should be focusing on infrastructure, prescription drug costs, and the crisis at the border. Voters in 2020 will make Dems pay for wasting 2 years of their majority in Congress.

Timestamp: 1:03:44 PM

I’m joining the @GuyBensonShow at 4:35pmET to discuss Republican efforts to address the immigration crisis. Listen live at the link below:

Timestamp: 3:04:49 PM


RT @RepKevinBrady What’s scary is that all of this is true

✔️ Private, quality health care plans banned

✔️ One size fits all

✔️ Washington control

✔️ Tens of trillions of dollars in taxpayer costs that will hurt you and bankrupt America

Timestamp: 4:29:33 PM

RT @GOPChairwoman Things House Dems have NOT done this week:

*held a vote on #USMCA

*fixed broken asylum laws

*passed merit-based immigration

Things they have:

*held a hearing on Russia

*argued about impeachment

*held a vote on Russia

*held another hearing on Russia

They've totally lost it.

Timestamp: 6:23:30 PM

Despite warnings from @DHSMcAleenan, Democrats STILL refuse to secure our border. They need more resources and that has to come from Congress.

Timestamp: 6:11:18 PM

The agricultural industry has offered widespread support for the #USMCA. House Democrats should give up the political stunts and bring this bipartisan deal to the House for a vote immediately.

Timestamp: 11:43:50 AM


American workers are paying the price for House Democrats’ choice to delay passage of #USMCA. It’s time for Dems to stop using our economy for political purposes and approve this deal.

Timestamp: 3:57:32 PM

The truth around #MedicareForAll is simple: people will pay more, wait longer, and receive worse care. Americans don’t want Washington in charge of their life-or-death decisions.

Timestamp: 12:16:48 PM

Estimates from @HUDgov tell us >30K illegal immigrants live in gov’t subsidized housing. @SecretaryCarson has tried to get Democrats to solve this issue but they want to do NOTHING!

Those housing subsidies should go to American taxpaying citizens ONLY. #PublicHousing

Timestamp: 10:36:03 AM


We are going to run out of funds for humanitarian relief on the border next week. In 5 days. Democrats have refused to take up funding for humanitarian relief. QT @GOPLeader Democrats like to grandstand and express artificial concern on social media for children at the border, but let me ask: What solution have they offered?

They have now denied the funds needed to address the crisis for the 15TH TIME.

Timestamp: 3:22:42 PM

RT @cvpayne 'Kawhi was a great player, but he wasn’t a leader or anything,” Gregg Popovich

Congratulations Kawhi Leonard and Toronto Raptors. Sadly in this world even when we excel there are powerful doubters that can still opine on what we ARE and many stop our opportunities and growth.

Timestamp: 7:22:22 AM

More healthcare options means better & more affordable care. Great news from the Trump Administration! QT @USDOL .@USDOL, @USTreasury, and @HHSGov announced a final rule that will help expand access to quality, affordable health coverage. 800,000 workers at small and mid-size businesses and their families are expected to gain health coverage under the rule: #HRAs

Timestamp: 1:18:03 PM

During my first months in office, @SteveScalise has been an invaluable resource. I’m grateful for him, the courage he showed on this day, and the heroic first responders. QT @SteveScalise Two years ago, my colleagues and I were attacked while practicing for a charity baseball game, simply because we’re Republicans. Thanks to countless heroes, miracles, and prayers, I’m still here today getting to do the job I love in Congress—and play a little baseball.

Timestamp: 11:04:55 AM


If Iranian leaders continue to opt for terror and extortion, @realDonaldTrump will only increase his tough stance on them. I fully support the president in his effort to stop their extremism.

Timestamp: 4:19:12 PM

Democrats have been ignoring the #BorderCrisis for years. They continue to do so now by refusing to provide @CBP with the emergency resources that @DHSMcAleenan has asked for.

Timestamp: 3:02:48 PM

RT @DailyCaller “I think it’s safe to say the president is getting more cooperation out of Mexico than he is out of congressional Democrats.” - @senatemajldr

Timestamp: 1:14:34 PM

RT @TomColeOK04 There IS a real humanitarian crisis at the southern border, but Democrats have so far blocked 15 separate efforts to fulfill @POTUS' funding request to cover the immediate and urgent needs.

Timestamp: 12:45:38 PM

How are Democrats going to argue that paying more in taxes will be better for middle-income Americans? Especially when that tax-increase won’t pay for their radical, costly plans. QT @DailySignal Democrats won't admit the 2017 tax cuts have greatly benefitted the economy—but how can they explain the harm it would cause the middle class if tax cuts are repealed?

Timestamp: 12:07:36 PM


Apprehensions at the border are steadily rising EACH MONTH:

↗ March: 103,729

↗ April: 109,474

↗ May: 144,278

Immigration officials now estimate >1million illegal immigrants will cross in 2019. There’s no denying the crisis at our border.

Timestamp: 11:40:23 AM

Unlike the Obama administration, @realDonaldTrump recognizes the threats posed by Iran & Russia - he is taking decisive action to stop them.

Timestamp: 1:49:41 PM

Proper funding for the U.S. Armed Forces is essential to our national security. House Democrats should stop playing political games with our military and move forward with #NDAA

Timestamp: 12:38:42 PM

Fully agree with my colleague @RepLaHood: USMCA will bring massive benefits for agriculture across America. Especially in Texas!

Timestamp: 5:10:54 PM


Humanitarian aid for 2019 is going to run out THIS WEEK and there will be no money for providing basic needs like food & water. This crisis is 100% real.

Timestamp: 11:13:56 AM

Facebook’s impact on social interactions went far beyond what its creators anticipated. If their crypto project were to impact our financial lives similarly, the damage would be irreparable.

Timestamp: 2:37:42 PM

Texas families don’t want another big-government scam to ruin their healthcare.

Democrats’ attempt to force #MedicareForAll on hardworking Americans would strip >150 million of their employer-provided insurance. #KeepYourInsurance

Timestamp: 9:56:39 AM

If Democrats actually cared about people suffering under the humanitarian crisis at the border, they wouldn’t have blocked aid funding 15 times in the last month alone. They're simply playing politics.

Timestamp: 6:03:40 PM


On 17 separate occasions over the past month, @HouseDemocrats have blocked efforts to address the humanitarian crisis on the border. It is past time for Speaker Pelosi to quit playing politics and take action.

Timestamp: 11:05:38 AM

Tomorrow’s Appropriations bill by Democrats legalizes prostitution in DC. Is this what they consider progress for the American people?

Timestamp: 12:34:01 PM

Excited to announce that I’ll co-chair the Congressional Futures Caucus along with @RepAGonzalez @RepKatieHill & @RepJoeNeguse!

Look forward to working with @MActionProject to highlight a host of issues and the solutions a new generation has for them.

Timestamp: 10:15:13 AM

RT @GOPLeader —> The Mexican government just ratified #USMCA.

—> @JustinTrudeau is here today to discuss the deal.

—> 28 U.S. governors just called for its passage.

If the House voted today, I know President Trump’s trade deal would receive bipartisan support.

Timestamp: 3:51:56 PM


Nearly 1/3 of House Dems have openly called for an impeachment inquiry into the president. While they pursue these baseless attacks, the @HouseGOP will continue to work on behalf of ALL Americans.

Timestamp: 4:51:51 PM

Joining @Varneyco LIVE to discuss Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency project. Tune in on @FoxBusiness

Timestamp: 9:44:43 AM

The new crypto project from @facebook is of serious concern given their bumpy history of mishandling user data. We need to hear directly from their executives to ensure the proper protections are in place. #Libra #FacebookCoin

Timestamp: 11:13:18 AM

RT @SecPompeo We’ve imposed the toughest sanctions ever on the Iranian regime. Our pressure is working. We'll continue this line of effort to convince Iran not to move forward with their nuclear program, development of missiles, & the other malign activities they've been engaged in globally.

Timestamp: 2:34:04 PM

RT @SCClemons Off2Miami! @BernieSanders in Seat 15A Thought Bubble: "Is she going to kick my chair? I know she's going to kick my chair! Elizabeth, don't even think of kicking my chair!" @ewarren in 16A Thought Bubble: "I'm going to kick it the exact moment he thinks I won't." @thehill

Timestamp: 6:17:02 PM

When we allow so many to skirt the process of our immigration system we lose the ability to screen those who enter our country. @realDonaldTrump is taking back that power and fixing our broken immigration system.

Timestamp: 6:31:17 PM


We’ve let people skirt our immigration laws for too long. I stand with President Trump in his effort to finally enforce the law.

Timestamp: 10:37:33 AM


The @HouseGOP plan for unaccompanied children at the border includes:

✅ $3.3 billion in humanitarian aid

✅ $1.1 billion in operational support funding

✅ $178 million for technological upgrades and pay increases for law enforcement

Dems have REFUSED to help them 17 times now!

Timestamp: 12:09:19 PM

My staff will be holding office hours at Kaufman City Hall (209 S. Washington St, Kaufman, TX 75142) this Wednesday, June 26 to address any federal issues we can assist with. We’ll have other mobile office hours across the district in the coming weeks.

Timestamp: 10:10:22 AM

The president and his administration are taking the right approach to subduing a confrontational Iran. The Islamic Republican cannot be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons.

Timestamp: 1:41:30 PM


RT @MQSullivan Nothing – NOTHING – is more important for Texans than for us to do the hard work of making sure @RepLanceGooden’s prediction comes true:

Timestamp: 9:53:39 AM

Sanctions have worked before and this new round from @realDonaldTrump will increase pressure on Iranian leaders. We must take the right measures to protect our citizens and our vital allies in the Middle East.

Timestamp: 2:41:01 PM

Speaker Pelosi thinks Democrats score political points by allowing this crisis to continue. As a results, thousands of children are suffering. QT @GOPLeader I'm calling on Speaker Pelosi to stop playing politics and let the House vote on the bipartisan Senate bill that will provide the funds needed for the humanitarian crisis at the border.

Timestamp: 1:46:38 PM

When President Trump suggested Mexico should do more, members of the Mainstream Media insisted he could do NOTHING to make them act. Just like in 2016 - and on so many other occasions - they were totally wrong.

Timestamp: 10:53:30 AM

The average wait for immigration and asylum cases is over 2 years and there is currently a backlog of 900,000 cases.

We desperately judges to hear these cases, but @HouseDemocrats just voted against funding to hire more.

Timestamp: 3:01:48 PM


.@HouseDemocrats are still claiming the #HumanitarianCrisis at the border is “manufactured,” despite overwhelming evidence that our immigration system has been stretched beyond its breaking point.

Timestamp: 4:14:24 PM

See the ball, hit the ball @SteveScalise! #Geaux🐯 QT @SteveScalise I feel great heading into tonight's game! The #CongressionalBaseballGame has always been one of my favorite events of the year, but it means even more to me now following the shooting. I'm lucky to be alive, and I'm thankful for the prayers and support that got me to this point.

Timestamp: 1:57:47 PM

It has gotten to the point that Mexico is doing more to police the flow of illegal immigration than @HouseDemocrats.

When you’re so caught up in the #resistance it can be hard to see things clearly.

Timestamp: 11:38:34 AM

192 @HouseDemocrats just voted AGAINST enforcing sanctions on Iran. They’re so blindly opposed to the Trump Administration that they’ll side with the Islamic Republic against him.

Refreshing to witness 37 Democrats put their country first and vote for this measure.

Timestamp: 3:43:43 PM


The Islamic Republic of Iran can never be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. President Trump is right to stand by our allies in the Middle East and maintain pressure on the Iranian regime.

Timestamp: 5:45:38 PM

Recently, the far left has taken their crusade to corporate boardrooms. “Corporate social responsibility” is being used to crush social resistance to progressivism.

It’s a dangerous trend and major companies are understandably caving to the social pressure. QT @CNN Bank of America will end its association with companies that provide prisoner and immigrant detention services at both the state and federal levels.

The move comes amid growing public concern about the nation's border policies.

Timestamp: 3:14:15 PM

.@SpeakerPelosi refuses to take a vote on a bipartisan bill to provide much-needed humanitarian aid to our border facilities.

The Senate passed this bill with the support of nearly every Democrat. Why won’t House Democrats do the same?

Timestamp: 1:13:36 PM

Then why did Democrats wait 60 days to do something? Or why’d they reject Republican efforts 20+ times before FINALLY holding a vote on a simple, bipartisan humanitarian aid package?

This empathy seems “manufactured”. QT @SpeakerPelosi When anyone asks me what the three most important issues facing the Congress, I always give the same answer:

-The children

-The children

-The children

We have a duty to do right by the children on the border & make necessary changes to the Senate’s border supplemental.

Timestamp: 4:50:14 PM

The point of the census is to tally up the number of citizens in each state. It’s absurd that we aren’t allowed to ask this question. QT @CBSNews BREAKING: The Supreme Court has ruled that the proposed citizenship question for the 2020 U.S. Census will not be added -- for now -- saying that the administration's explanation for adding it is insufficient

Timestamp: 3:54:25 PM

Democrats want you to think they’re fighting for election integrity, but 220 of them just voted to allow foreign nationals (Russians, Chinese, Iranians) unmonitored access over our election infrastructure.

Timestamp: 7:40:32 PM


Where was the outrage of House Democrats at the conditions of Obama-era detention centers?

Timestamp: 6:56:18 PM

Where was the outrage of @HouseDemocrats 6 months ago when Republicans were calling this a crisis? They should have moved forward with this humanitarian aid package weeks ago.

Timestamp: 10:28:40 AM

Great explainer from @WSJ on @facebook Libra. There are plenty of reasons to be concerned about this project. That said, there are a lot of interesting possibilities.

With the right regulatory framework, it could have an extremely positive impact.

Timestamp: 11:38:56 AM


I’m joining @TeamCavuto at 10:30AM (ET). Tune in to hear my reaction to this week’s DNC debates and the Republican win on humanitarian funding for the border! @FoxNews

Timestamp: 9:28:40 AM

On @FoxNews w/@TeamCavuto: @realDonaldTrump has worked tirelessly to secure the border and promote legal immigration while House Dems and 2020 hopefuls seek to let lawlessness reign by decriminalizing illegal entries and effectively opening our borders. Law & order vs. anarchy!

Timestamp: 2:19:25 PM


The Islamic Republic CANNOT be allowed access to nuclear weapons. We must implement whatever means necessary to ensure stability in the Middle East and the security of our allies.

Timestamp: 3:34:00 PM

Report from @Axios: “The never-ending boom” economy sets new record for the longest expansion in American history. Republican pro-growth policies paying major dividends.

Timestamp: 6:07:00 PM

An historic step by @realDonaldTrump to restart talks with North Korea to move toward denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. Yet again, his leadership has defied the conventional wisdom of Washington talking heads.

Timestamp: 10:17:43 AM


Remember: the @HouseGOP has been calling for more humanitarian funding FOR MONTHS.

Democrats have spent this entire Congress passing sham legislation to divide the country further apart. This crisis is their doing.

Timestamp: 2:16:53 PM

Despite what the Obama administration insisted, this was always going to be the case. Iran has never been an honest partner. They cannot be allowed access to nuclear weapons. QT @thehill JUST IN: Iran's president: We will increase uranium enrichment by "whatever amount we feel like" despite nuclear pact

Timestamp: 8:02:33 PM

Calls for decriminalization of illegal immigration only encourage more to cross our southern border, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis there. We need to stop the flow of migrants and provide all gov’t agencies with the resources they need. #BorderCrisis

Timestamp: 5:18:00 PM


Republican pro-growth policies are working! Under the leadership of @realDonaldTrump, our economy is finally reaching its potential.

Timestamp: 2:50:19 PM

Emergency funding for law enforcement at the border was only the first step.

Congress must now permanently FIX THE LOOPHOLES that are causing migrants to overwhelm our asylum system to end the crisis once and for all.

Timestamp: 5:29:29 PM

NDAA passed the Senate 86-8. Those in favor rightly recognized the need to swiftly provide funding for our Armed Forces.

Instead of politicizing this process @HouseDemocrats should move forward with the Senate version immediately.

Timestamp: 8:51:06 PM

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates the Democrat #FightFor15 minimum wage plan will ELIMINATE 1.3 MILLION JOBS.

We simply cannot afford to turn our backs on record job creation and economic growth by embracing reckless ideas.

Timestamp: 6:41:58 PM


Enjoyed chatting with my Financial Services colleague, @RepJoshG, about the budget and debt ceiling on @SquawkCNBC this morning. I would recommend our friends in New Jersey look at Texas to solve that pesky SALT deduction problem and eliminate their state income tax.

Timestamp: 8:42:10 AM

Great op-ed by fellow Texan, @RepMcCaul, in @TheHillOpinion: passing #USMCA would add 176,00 jobs, drive $68+ billion in economic growth, and add $34 billion in auto manufacturing.

@SpeakerPelosi, it is time to bring this trade deal to the floor now!

Timestamp: 3:07:28 PM

Pelosi gets rolled by Schumer. Far left goes crazy. She has to then call @realDonaldTrump and Republicans racists - who want to “make America white again” - all to cozy up with the far left. Shameful.

Timestamp: 1:29:17 PM

House Democrats have made it clear they want @ICEgov abolished in favor of an open-borders immigration system. We can no longer be called a sovereign state if we don't control our borders.

The @HouseGOP stands with ICE and our law enforcement community.

Timestamp: 4:45:41 PM


Fed Chairman Jerome Powell expressed concern over trade tensions and slowed global growth as threats to the U.S. economy.

Do you think the Fed should cut interest rates?

Timestamp: 10:28:51 AM

Talked to @TeamCavuto on @FoxNews about @federalreserve Chairman Powell’s testimony before @FinancialCmte and I believe our economy is doing the best it has in 50 years. @realDonaldTrump’s pro-growth policies like tax reform and deregulation have truly unleashed the US economy.

Timestamp: 5:12:46 PM

I’m joining @TeamCavuto to share my reaction to @federalreserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s testimony.

Tune in on @FoxNews at 4PM (ET) today!

Timestamp: 3:49:54 PM

House Democrats are using our annual defense bill to stop @realDonaldTrump from using our military to address the crisis on our border.

Why wouldn't we use our military to stop an invasion?

I joined @RepAndyBiggsAZ in support of the president's efforts.

Timestamp: 1:15:00 PM

RT @RepKevinBrady .#HouseDemocrats forcing damaging $15/hr minimum wage mandate on #LocalBiz.

- LOST: Up to 3.7 million jobs

- LOST: $53 billion real income for workers & small businesses

- LOWER: 4 of 10 min/wage workers would see family income cut.

Timestamp: 11:12:49 AM
Timestamp: 4:22:54 PM

Today I reiterated @realDonaldTrump's concerns over the potential for slowed economic growth to @federalreserve Chairman Jerome Powell in the @FinancialCmte.

Timestamp: 2:08:49 PM


Two massive market firsts this week – the Trump economy is booming!

Wednesday: S&P 500 surpasses 3,000 (first time ever)

Thursday: Dow Jones surpasses 27,000 (first time ever)

Timestamp: 6:22:00 PM

RT @IvankaTrump USMCA means more jobs and higher wages for American workers!

It will make America stronger and more prosperous. 🇺🇸 #USMCANow

Timestamp: 2:05:32 PM

TWO out of THREE voters support asking a citizenship question on the census. In fact, 55% of Hispanic voters polled approve as well.

Why can't we ask simple questions to gauge the number of citizens in our country?

Timestamp: 12:14:21 PM

In a failed attempt to shame President Trump, House Democrats used an Obama-era photo of a border holding facility.

What a perfect example of their hypocrisy on the border crisis. Where was their outrage when President Obama expanded these facilities?

Timestamp: 2:06:13 PM


Spoke to @Varneyco on @FoxBusiness: Nancy & the gang are going down a difficult path this week. She started by calling @realDonaldTrump a racist, then members of her own party called her a racist, and now she's advising illegals on how to avoid ICE raids. Americans are fed up!

Timestamp: 10:41:24 AM

The National Defense Authorization Act #NDAA has been a bipartisan effort for more than 50 years.

Leave it to the radical, far-left House Democrats of 2019 to break that tradition and put politics above our troops.

Timestamp: 1:56:01 PM

RT @mollyfprince .@RepLanceGooden: "This is racist week in Washington, apparently."

Timestamp: 6:47:50 PM


Thanks, @RudyGiuliani. Iran is the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror, human rights abuser, and regional bully. The culture of appeasement must end and its Mullahs put on notice that a new sheriff is in town: @realDonaldTrump! QT @RudyGiuliani First term Congressman Lance Gooden stands up for regime change in Iran. #RegimeOfTerror after 40 years of crimes against humanity must be removed. A brave 36 year old gives us hope for the future.

Timestamp: 3:07:20 PM


Such an honor to spend the weekend with @RudyGiuliani and so many other supporters of a free and democratic Iran. The time has come for the regime to step aside, abandon its reckless nuclear ambitions, and allow the Iranian people to determine their own future.

Timestamp: 2:18:23 PM


Look forward to hearing from @calibra CEO, @DavidMarcus, this week in @FinancialCmte.

Given inherent privacy concerns with @facebook, I’m eager to ask him how this new platform would take steps to protect consumers.

Timestamp: 9:22:48 PM

Did @realDonaldTrump suggest America isn’t the home of my colleagues who have so far made a career out of playing the race card? I don’t think so. Does he mean to condemn their disparaging comments about America and anti-Semitic quips? Yes, and so do I.

Timestamp: 2:35:55 PM

After months of public vilification and calls to abolish @ICEgov, we're now seeing senseless acts of terrorism inspired by these false narratives.

ICE officials go to work every day to protect vulnerable migrants from exploitation and enforce our laws.

Timestamp: 6:35:52 PM


Great news for farmers & ranchers: @EPAwater has sent @POTUS its decision to repeal #WOTUS, an Obama-era rule to regulate ditches and bogs as navigable waterways. #WOTUS would have made life in the agri-business very hard - glad to see it go!

Timestamp: 10:50:24 AM

Every single member of this institution, especially its Speaker, should recognize the rules of the House.

@SpeakerPelosi knows better than to make such disparaging remarks about the President on the House floor. QT @cspan .@SpeakerPelosi: "Every single member of this institution...should join us in condemning the president's racist tweets. To do anything less would be a shocking rejection of our values and a shameful abdication of our oath of office to protect the American people."

Timestamp: 4:48:00 PM

While @HouseDemocrats bicker over how many millions of jobs to sacrifice for a min wage hike, the @HouseGOP is hard at work with @POTUS. Our conservative economic policies are PROVEN to accelerate economic growth and increase prosperity for all.

Timestamp: 12:51:44 PM


RT @GOPLeader Mr. Wonderful, @kevinolearytv on @SquawkCNBC this morning: "I've never seen a stronger economy in my life. This is fantastic what's going on."

Timestamp: 1:59:19 PM

REALITY CHECK: 121 House Dems voted AGAINST impeaching @realDonaldTrump. After more than two years as their rallying cry and COUNTLESS claims to have the votes, it wasn’t even close. Pitiful.

Timestamp: 6:57:52 PM


There is no home for Blue Dogs or southern, gun-toting liberals in the modern Democratic Party. Moderates are silenced by extreme left-wing quasi-communists under threat of primary challenge by the likes of Bernie & AOC. @GOPLeader speaks the truth. QT @KellyO .@GOPLeader McCarthy tells reporters “There is no longer a Democratic Party in the House of Reps...this is a Socialist Democratic Party and this is what the fight is about ...”

Timestamp: 2:13:28 PM

No matter what the media and pro-amnesty Democrats say, the crisis at our border is still raging.

We need more resources, more border agents and a WALL.

Timestamp: 5:31:46 PM


This is yet another reckless provocation by Iran against a foreign vessel operating peacefully in international waters.


Timestamp: 8:41:09 PM

#Fightfor15 QT @WaPoSean “Given our campaign’s commitment to fighting for a living wage of at least $15.00 an hour, we believe it is only fair that the campaign would carry through this commitment to its own field team.”

Timestamp: 5:51:07 PM

The loopholes that allow “child recycling”, a disgusting form of human trafficking, are unacceptable.

This unthinkable practice demands the full attention of the U.S. Congress.

Timestamp: 4:17:05 PM


Texas unemployment dropped to 3.4% in June, breaking the record low set in May. Jobs jobs jobs! @dallasnews

Timestamp: 9:59:54 AM


We’re sending a clear message to traffickers that children are not going to be used as pawns to gain entry into our country. @bradj_TX @TheTexanNews

Timestamp: 3:47:14 PM

RT @RealSaavedra NEW: Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX) has introduced the End Child Trafficking Now Act, a bill that would implement DNA testing at the border and punish those caught trying to cheat the system with up to 10 years in prison

Timestamp: 3:45:50 PM

RT @AdamShawNY NEW: As officials highlight the problem of child trafficking at the border, ⁦@RepLanceGooden⁩ is introducing a bill that would administer DNA tests to migrants who arrive in the U.S. claiming to be with family members.

Timestamp: 10:49:22 AM

WATCH: @DHSMcAleenan testimony before @GOPoversight on child recycling. Children are being bought and sold like cattle at auction to take advantage of our broken immigration system.

I've introduced the End Child Trafficking Now Act to end this for good.

Timestamp: 10:37:40 AM


I’ve introduced the End Child Trafficking Now Act to implement DNA testing of families who seek asylum with no proof of kinship. Children are being bought and sold to fabricate sham families in order to take advantage of our broken immigration laws. This must stop.

Timestamp: 9:54:01 AM

Appreciate @LouDobbs highlighting the need for DNA testing at the border to protect children from exploitation. My bill, the End Child Trafficking Now Act, would do just that! QT @LouDobbs #AmericaFirst - Tom Homan: DNA testing is an absolute must. Children are at risk. If the Radical Dimms want to talk about the dangers of children, here’s something we can all agree on. Let’s do DNA testing across the border and make sure we protect these children. #MAGA #Dobbs

Timestamp: 10:57:26 AM

I’ll be joining @Varneyco on @FoxBusiness at 9:40am CT/10:40am ET to discuss my bill to end child trafficking at our southern border. Children are not for sale!

Timestamp: 10:29:45 AM

Joined @Varneyco this morning to talk about my bill, the End Child Trafficking Now Act. I look forward to my Democratic colleagues joining me to make this a bipartisan effort at stopping the unthinkable act of exploiting children.

Timestamp: 1:30:55 PM

.@TexasTribune: I introduced a bill yesterday, the End Child Trafficking Now Act, to expand DNA testing and bring an end to the exploitation of children on our southern border. QT @TexasTribune ICE has begun using DNA testing at seven locations along the southern border to identify individuals who pose as families. via @CNN

Timestamp: 4:38:48 PM

If you plan on exploiting children as a means to come to America, you’re likely to end up in a jail cell.

Tune in to @LouDobbs on @FoxBusiness tonight at 6:30pm CT/7:30pm ET to hear how my bill could put an end to child trafficking at the border. QT @LouDobbs Join Lou tonight - @realDonaldTrump’s approval rating rising & the Radical Dimms in disarray, now claiming Mueller doesn’t have to follow DOJ rules. Brandon Judd @EdRollins @Jim_Jordan @RepLanceGooden @EmilyCompagno @VinceCoglianese. Join Lou 7PM/ET. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs

Timestamp: 7:13:48 PM

Democrats preach at us each day about alleviating the suffering of migrants. If they're serious, they should come to the table and pass this bill.

Our broken immigration system is incentivizing the exploitation of helpless children and it must be fixed. @LouDobbs @FoxBusiness

Timestamp: 9:00:21 PM

RT @LouDobbs #AmericaFirst- @RepLanceGooden: Why make children suffer? My bill will address this. I challenge Dimms to come across the aisle & put aside their partisan politics and their leftist agenda- if we’re serious about stopping child trafficking, let’s solve it. #MAGA #Dobbs

Timestamp: 8:33:53 PM


I appreciate my Texas colleague @RepCuellar's comments on #USMCA earlier this week when he suggested Congress could pass it in the next few months. I share his belief that this trade deal will be great for Texas and the American people. Economic growth deserves bipartisan support

Timestamp: 11:38:24 AM

Thanks to @FrantzRadio & @SharaFryer for having me on @ktrhnews this morning to talk about my bill to stop criminal aliens from exploiting children to gain entry into America.

Timestamp: 11:32:18 AM

This is not #FakeNews. These yahoos super-glued themselves to the walls and each other, and almost made me miss a vote last night. QT @washingtonpost Environmental activists superglue themselves to the U.S. Capitol walls in call for action on climate change

Timestamp: 12:53:49 PM

RT @mollyfprince .@RepLanceGooden: "In the future, I would have just let them remain self-glued to the walls when everyone goes home for the night -- see who has the stamina to stick with it."

Timestamp: 3:26:59 PM


...Either way, we know two things: the Russians attempted to influence our elections and @realDonaldTrump didn’t help them. If this matter wasn’t already closed, it is now.

Timestamp: 10:14:58 AM

Bob Mueller looked confused and uninformed. It makes me wonder who was actually running the Special Counsel’s office, him or the cabal of never-Trumpers who supposedly reported to him...

Timestamp: 10:14:57 AM

I voted against the budget deal because it grows the federal government instead of cutting spending. We’ve known for months we were approaching the debt ceiling. Instead of suspending it and allowing continued borrowing, we should cut spending and balance the budget.

Timestamp: 6:24:21 PM


.@AustinKellerman: I wasn’t shocked at all. I was appalled to hear of a Guatemalan baby purchased for $80 to take advantage of our asylum laws. To stop this exploitation of children, I introduced a bill to implement DNA testing widely: QT @AustinKellerman New from @borderreportcom | Lawmakers shocked to learn border officials conducting DNA testing at Donna facility #NexstarNation

Timestamp: 4:02:28 PM


Anyone with a legitimate fear of persecution should seek asylum in the first country they come to, rather than “forum shopping” along the way, @KenCuccinelli explains to @FoxNews:

Timestamp: 12:23:19 PM

Texas farmers and ranchers shouldn’t have to wait for @HouseDems to pass #USMCA. @GOPLeader said it clearly: if it were on the floor it would pass - as is. This agreement will further grow our economy by encouraging trade with our neighbors.

Timestamp: 6:05:10 PM


I've been a vocal supporter of the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act since its introduction. Democrats have refused @HouseGOP requests for a vote 80 TIMES NOW.

Protecting children from infanticide should be a bipartisan issue.

Timestamp: 2:43:49 PM

Thanks to everyone who attended my town hall in Rusk, the first of three this week. I’ll have another today in Mabank at 6:00pm and a third on Wednesday at 5:00pm in Mesquite. I hope to see you there!

Timestamp: 6:11:59 PM

We had a great turnout at my town hall in Mabank this evening. Many thanks to everyone who attended!

Timestamp: 8:34:37 PM


The Green New Deal would cost American households an additional $70,000 in just the first year as it upends our energy and transportation infrastructure.

Why intentionally sabotage a booming economy?  

Timestamp: 12:12:28 PM

.@SenSanders: what about the thousands of children who are forced to make the long and dangerous trip by criminals impersonating families? Will you join me to protect these children and end their exploitation?

Timestamp: 1:46:37 PM

Another great town hall in the books, and my eighth so far this year. Thanks to everyone who attended in Mesquite, Rusk, and Mabank this week. We will certainly have more opportunities to engage. Great questions and good conversation, as always!

Timestamp: 8:25:52 PM

Yet another heart-wrenching story of criminals targeting young children to take advantage of our immigration laws. Congress cannot stand by while cartels buy and sell children like cattle at auction. @USCISCuccinelli

My bill H.R. 3864 would stop it: QT @USCISCuccinelli Cartels and traffickers kidnap and sell children to criminals who then use them to enter our country by exploiting loopholes in our immigration system. Thx to El Paso police, this 9 year old boy was rescued before he could be sold by traffickers

Timestamp: 8:43:18 PM

Thanks to @ChuckGrassley for talking about child trafficking in his op-ed in the @dcexaminer this week. My bill seeks to end this atrocity taking place on our border as a result of our broken asylum laws:—-

Timestamp: 9:11:55 PM


The Dem chairman of @HouseJudiciary ran for that post by saying "he would be the best during impeachment". It's been their unwavering goal the whole time..

NOT healthcare, NOT wages, and NOT infrastructure. Impeachment has their undivided attention.

Timestamp: 12:47:02 PM

This is exactly the kind of criminal behavior my bill, the End Child Trafficking Now Act, would curtail. It would levy a criminal penalty of up to 10 years in prison for those caught exploiting children. QT @Anna_Giaritelli Instagram post from @CBP:

A toddler who arrived with an unrelated adult man at the Texas border is now being cared for by Border Patrol agents as he waits to be transferred to Health and Human Services.

@ICEgov’s HSI team did DNA testing to determine boy & man were unrelated

Timestamp: 2:59:06 PM

Conservative policies like tax cuts and deregulation have brought about an economic resurgence that is improving lives across the country.

"Compensation increased 42% more during the first two years of the Trump Presidency than in 2015 and 2016."

Timestamp: 4:20:46 PM


The Monitor Newspaper ran a story about my town hall in Mabank this week. Check it out, below. @CCLMonitor

Timestamp: 12:15:12 PM
Timestamp: 1:22:31 PM

Music to my ears: the U.S. is now exporting crude oil to a record 31 countries! More energy independence means less reliance on volatile foreign markets.

Timestamp: 4:15:00 PM


Great piece by @AdamShawNY of @FoxNews about my bill to DNA test asylum seekers and punish those exploiting children to fabricate families. @CBP and @ICEgov have been clear on the need for Congress to fix the loopholes and stop child trafficking.

Timestamp: 3:04:25 PM


The #BornAliveAct is about protecting babies who survive abortions because they are entitled to all the same protections as you and me. I'm proud to support this legislation, which has been blocked 80 times now by Speaker Pelosi. #EndInfanticide QT @MFLAction Thank you @RepLanceGooden for being the 22nd Representative to call for a vote on the #BornAliveAct.

Timestamp: 3:12:30 PM

China has been manipulating its currency for years and @realDonaldTrump is the first U.S. President to stand up to them. He deserves our support.

Timestamp: 6:18:26 PM


An excellent read on the changes happening to the American labor force from @bopinion: "labor market dynamics still support above-trend growth".

Timestamp: 2:42:26 PM

Great to see @SecPompeo working hard to maintain America’s global leadership. Economic and security partnerships around the world are critical to our national security. QT @SecPompeo Wrapping up a great week in Thailand, Australia, and the Federated States of Micronesia. Reaffirming our commitment to #ASEAN and strengthening our economic and security partnerships in this region are critical to achieving a free and open #IndoPacific, which will benefit us all.

Timestamp: 2:10:32 PM

RT @WaysandMeansGOP The U.S. economy is booming, but to keep this progress growing a trade deal must be put in place that reflects the rapidly changing American marketplace. It’s time to pass #USMCANow.

Timestamp: 3:24:38 PM

Agree with my colleague @RepKenBuck: "America needs the strong Congress that the founders envisioned, one that holds spending in check while ensuring we work together to solve our nation’s problems."

Timestamp: 6:03:43 PM


Democrats are shamelessly using a tragedy to score political points when they try to make this about the President. Their behavior is disgusting and it doesn't contribute in any way to solving the problem.

Timestamp: 12:51:58 PM

When I took office, I swore to preserve and defend the U.S. Constitution. That includes the Second Amendment. We must find a way to address the mental health crisis in our country without disarming law-abiding citizens. @FoxNews @MelissaAFrancis

Timestamp: 2:58:18 PM


Anytime the Democrats celebrate a “deal” and Republicans fret about selling it to the American people, I'm immediately skeptical. That's exactly what happened with the latest disastrous budget deal. Listen to my interview with @texasscorecard:

Timestamp: 12:57:30 PM

From manufacturing smart devices and military drones to installing telecommunications infrastructure, China’s Huawei is able to conduct widespread surveillance on Americans.

Timestamp: 4:47:27 PM


Our Border Patrol agents were just fired upon from Mexico. Mexican officials must step up and take responsibility for securing their side of the border. This is absolutely unacceptable.

Timestamp: 1:15:03 PM


The corrupt Iranian regime will stop at nothing to stoke tensions in an already volatile region, including cyber-attacks, acts of terrorism, and blocking international trade.

Timestamp: 12:43:51 PM


Our immigration laws and enforcement mechanisms must show that those who come here illegally won't be allowed to stay.

Timestamp: 2:20:46 PM

I’ve spent the last few days in Israel as part of the largest bipartisan delegation ever to visit our most important ally in the Middle East.

Thanks to Israeli PM @netanyahu for his hospitality and to @GOPLeader for bringing us together to #StandWithIsrael

Timestamp: 4:03:27 PM


RT @GOPLeader To the thousands of young people in Hong Kong who are speaking UP for human rights and speaking OUT against the Communist Party of China: we see you waving the American flag, and we hear you singing our national anthem.

America stands for freedom. America stands with Hong Kong.

Timestamp: 5:17:20 AM

Another despicable attack on our law enforcement officers, this time with shots fired into an @ICEgov facility in San Antonio. This is caused almost entirely by the toxic rhetoric of the left, not by raids which uphold the rule of law.

Timestamp: 7:30:00 AM

I appreciate @GregAbbott_TX for his efforts to prevent future atrocities. QT @GregAbbott_TX Today I announced a Domestic Terrorism Task Force in the wake of the El Paso shooting that killed 22 people.

I also directed the Dept. of Public Safety to combat domestic terrorism & investigate gangs affiliated with racist & extremist hate groups.

Timestamp: 1:16:56 PM


RT @WaysandMeansGOP #USMCA will boost agriculture exports by $2.2 billion. This is GREAT NEWS for farmers and ranchers across the country.

Timestamp: 12:42:22 PM

We must empower American businesses and entrepreneurs who innovate and fuel job creation, not the politicians who raise taxes and spend money foolishly.

Timestamp: 2:50:29 PM


I wish all my fellow freshmen members of Congress had taken this opportunity to learn from all sides, but some chose to follow the inflammatory and unproductive rhetoric of those who deny Israel's right to exist and thereby undermine American interests in the region.

Timestamp: 5:06:20 AM

I had a wonderful week in Israel alongside 70+ colleagues from both sides of the aisle. It was an honor to learn about our most important ally in the Middle East from prominent leaders like PM Netanyahu as well as opposition leaders and members of the Palestinian Authority.

Timestamp: 5:06:19 AM

“The concept of a ‘red flag’ law...violates both the presumption of innocence and the due process requirement of proof of criminal behavior before liberty can be infringed.” -@Judgenap

Timestamp: 1:00:00 PM


I’m one of the 80+ representatives who have called for the protection of babies who survive abortions. Our generation will forever be remembered for the way we have turned our backs on the defenseless among us.

Timestamp: 4:56:03 PM

RT @GregAbbott_TX You’re welcome in Texas as long as you never forget why you fled a liberal state.

Texans expect less government, lower taxes & more freedom.

Newcomers must keep it that way.

Also you’ll need to switch to ⁦@ShinerBeer⁩ or ⁦@LoneStarBeer⁩ or other Texas brands

Timestamp: 4:48:12 PM

What a joke! Our law enforcement officials at ICE and CBP have NOTHING to apologize for when it comes to enforcing our laws.

Timestamp: 7:07:31 PM


Great work by @CBP seizing $2 million in drugs this weekend headed to our communities.

Timestamp: 5:08:03 PM

Reducing capital gains and cutting payroll taxes would be two great ways to bolster the economy. Great ideas from @realDonaldTrump!

Timestamp: 7:15:00 PM

3,000 new jobs and $400 million in salaries coming to Dallas!

Timestamp: 9:11:40 PM


Catch and release is a terrible policy and @realDonaldTrump is right to end it. Mexico should focus on creating jobs for its citizens instead of threatening legal action against us.

Timestamp: 9:44:07 PM


Timestamp: 7:00:01 AM

Taiwan has every right to arm and defend itself. These aircraft will force mainland China to think twice before threatening its sovereignty.

Timestamp: 8:06:03 AM

This is a long-overdue first step toward reversing a huge government overreach during the financial crisis by rolling back conservatorship.

Timestamp: 10:00:01 AM


Good read by @sbmcconnell of @TheTexanNews on my town hall in Terrell this week.

Timestamp: 6:30:36 AM


On this day in 1920, the 19th Amendment to the U.S Constitution was ratified, giving women the right to vote. #WomensEqualityDay2019

Timestamp: 5:17:30 PM

RT @TheTexanNews Texas is the largest energy-producing state, and exports more than California and New York combined. According to the Texas Railroad Commission, natural gas production in Texas climbed to almost 30% of the US's total production in 2018.

Timestamp: 5:16:28 PM

I appreciated the opportunity to visit our men and women in uniform at @US_EUCOM as part of a Financial Services Committee delegation on combatting terrorism finance and money laundering.

Timestamp: 6:45:00 PM

With nearly $1.5 trillion in outstanding student loan debt, fraudsters are lining up to take advantage of our nation’s young people. Don’t let your loved ones fall victim to these scams.

Timestamp: 8:15:00 PM


This trade dispute is about so much more than a political victory. China is on a decades-long mission to undermine democratic principles and disadvantage American producers. We should all support @realdonaldtrump’s efforts to confront China.

Timestamp: 2:46:45 PM

I'm glad to see the big, beautiful wall going up and look forward to more safety for Texans! QT @CBP @USACEHQ Numerous wall construction projects are underway across the Southwest border, including projects in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.

Timestamp: 2:38:35 PM


Our policies should not incentivize human trafficking and I’ve introduced a bill to end it.

Timestamp: 12:02:32 PM


DHS officials have made it clear: Americans impacted by natural disasters will have the support they need, when they need it. QT @AmericaNewsroom THE HEADLINER: @SandraSmithFox spoke with @hogangidley45 after the Trump administration diverts $271 million for border operations #nine2noon

Timestamp: 9:22:24 AM

This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone who's followed Comey and his many failures as FBI Director. Comey was operating in direct violation of FBI guidelines PRIOR to his being fired by @realDonaldTrump. Comey DESERVED to be fired.

Timestamp: 2:06:27 PM

Pleased to hear from His Excellency Sheikh Abdulla Bin Saoud Al-Thani, Governor of the Qatar Central Bank, about the steps his gov’t is taking to root out financiers behind terror orgs like al-Qaeda and ISIS. This grave problem has plagued America and its allies for decades.

Timestamp: 3:24:11 PM

The left-wing talking heads have gone totally off the rails and shown they're willing to report ANYTHING that makes the president look bad.

Timestamp: 4:21:26 PM

The UN has no business in Texas. We need to provide law enforcement the resources they need and close our legal loopholes instead of foolishly calling for ICE to be defunded.

Timestamp: 7:57:56 PM


Illegal aliens shouldn’t be allowed to exploit taxpayer funded projects they haven’t contributed to in the first place. I would welcome @ICEgov intervention.

Timestamp: 8:49:27 AM


The growing unrest in Hong Kong should have the attention of leaders around the world. A populist movement, driven by youth, is rejecting the authoritarian control of the Chinese state.

Timestamp: 3:48:44 PM

The right of every hard-working nurse to practice their beliefs is enshrined in our Constitution. I’m glad to see @realDonaldTrump defending their freedom.

Timestamp: 5:21:49 PM


American cash registers are ringing! Consumer confidence is surging as our economy continues to grow thanks to Republican policies.

Timestamp: 9:39:18 AM

Decades of solid-blue Democratic control in cities like New York and Chicago have gotten them nowhere!

Finally, people are realizing the grass is greener in Texas where businesses thrive and people are free.

Timestamp: 12:04:38 PM

Recently approved by @TxDOT:

~$389,466 in federal funding for the Mesquite Municipal Airport

~$600,000 in state funding for Van Zandt County Airport

Thank you to @realDonaldTrump and @GovAbbott for supporting infrastructure improvements in our district!

Timestamp: 7:39:44 PM


Spoiler alert: you’re not “buying” something if the other party is required by law to give it up. That’s confiscation.

I will not support mass-confiscation of firearms in America.

Timestamp: 1:28:24 PM

Just cosponsored H.R. 3934, the Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act, to end the unfair treatment of our teachers, firefighters, and police officers in retirement. Thanks to @RepKevinBrady for his efforts to fix the Windfall Elimination Provision.

Timestamp: 2:01:37 PM

Comey’s handling of this investigation was riddled with errors in judgement. It has become clear that his team’s intent was to undermine @realdonaldtrump. QT @AmericaNewsroom WATCH: @JulieBanderas spoke with @AriFleischer after the IG report shows Comey shared info from President Trump's transition briefing with the FBI's Russia probe team #nine2noon

Timestamp: 5:50:09 PM


Next week, @HouseDemocrats will return to Washington with their sights set on trampling the unalienable rights of law-abiding Americans.

Timestamp: 1:58:52 PM

Pleased to see @EsperDoD taking the necessary steps to continue construction of the border wall. No matter what obstructionist Democrats do to fight it - we will do what it takes to secure the border.

Timestamp: 4:33:01 PM

The laughable display from Dem Presidential hopefuls on @CNN last night made one thing very clear: the leaders of their party are completely out of touch with reality.

Timestamp: 5:32:29 PM


Our strong economy positions us well to get the most out of a deal with China. Under @realDonaldTrump’s leadership, we’re poised to come out of these negotiations stronger than ever.

Timestamp: 9:50:39 AM

I appreciate the Trump Administration’s efforts to scale back the government’s role in the mortgage business and look forward to supporting them through my role on @FinancialCmte.

Timestamp: 12:36:01 PM


Farmers & Ranchers in Texas would feel the benefit of #USMCA immediately. Enough playing politics with the livelihoods of everyday Americans. @SpeakerPelosi let’s give this trade deal a vote. QT @HouseGOP 📺 @GOPLeader: The #1 thing we should do coming back right now is pass the USMCA... Only one person has this power, the Speaker of the House. If she delays it, it’s all about politics instead of putting America first.

Timestamp: 11:44:16 AM

The wall is being built and it is working! Thankful to see this progress made by @realDonaldTrump in addressing our top priority: REDUCING & ELIMINATING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.

Timestamp: 12:45:47 PM

We’re looking at the strongest economy America has had in 50 years. Wages are steadily rising, exports increasing, and prosperity is reaching more of us than ever before!

Timestamp: 2:12:20 PM


Glad to see my legislation intro’d in the Senate. Senator @MarshaBlackburn & @SenJoniErnst are respected leaders in the fight against human trafficking. Their knowledge and insight will help us achieve our common goal of ending the exploitation of children on our southern border. QT @MarshaBlackburn .@SenJoniErnst and I have introduced legislation to combat asylum fraud and protect children arriving at the border from falling victim to human trafficking.

Timestamp: 11:07:38 AM

A great read from my colleague @RepHartzler on why Congress should act now to pass the #USMCA - we can improve on this already booming economy.

Timestamp: 1:06:27 PM

RT @RepDustyJohnson The buck stops with Congress. It’s been 284 days since @realDonaldTrump signed the #USMCA agreement. Madam Speaker, it’s time to pass the #USMCAnow.

Timestamp: 2:43:45 PM

The @HouseGOP has spent months calling for action to stop infanticide, but our efforts have fallen on deaf ears.

@SteveScalise led a hearing to learn more about what Congress can do to stop this crisis. Follow the link below to watch the live stream:

Timestamp: 2:13:51 PM


18 years ago today, violent extremists changed the course of American history. We’ve learned a great deal about the resolve of our people and our duty to confront evil around the world. May we never forget those we lost on that day.

Timestamp: 12:25:36 PM

The student debt crisis won’t go away until the federal government becomes a responsible lender. We do that by working to ensure costs match the ROI of receiving a college education.

Our @FinancialCmte leader @PatrickMcHenry is spot on. QT @thehill Rep. @PatrickMcHenry: "It is a consequence of Democrat policies that have nationalized the student debt lending in this country, & as a consequence of these actions, we've saddled a generation w/ unaffordable debt & an education that does not outmatch the cost of that education."

Timestamp: 4:50:42 PM

RT @GOPLeader Our hearts are with the people of Hong Kong. America must solemnly promise to stand with them in their struggle for freedom.

Timestamp: 6:25:26 PM


Excellent point from @CondoleezzaRice to those who suggest Russia helped President Trump.

We've learned the claim has no basis in fact. It also undermines the genuine hope for change held by so many of @realDonaldTrump's supporters - myself included.

Timestamp: 8:52:05 AM


Dems always have an idea of what we need to spend on next. With that mentality, they're always going to need to increase taxes.

I'd rather focus on how government can enable Americans to make something of themselves. That's what the American Dream is all about. @CNBC @SquawkCNBC

Timestamp: 9:39:19 AM

The growth of the Texas energy industry under @realDonaldTrump's administration has changed lives. We've added jobs, increased wages and prosperity: there's no stopping us now!

Great read (@SteveScalise, @RepJeffDuncan, @RepMullin)

Timestamp: 10:34:02 AM


Timestamp: 10:23:03 AM

Our @GOPLeader is right. The boost of 180K added jobs from passing #USMCA will make us stronger in negotiations with China. QT @GOPLeader It seems like Speaker Pelosi is more interested in tearing the president down than she is in building America up.

Timestamp: 3:59:56 PM

An off-duty @CBP officer in El paso went above and beyond, saving lives this weekend.

Timestamp: 4:20:05 PM

Nominating young men and women to attend one of the U.S. Service Academies is part of my job as your Representative in Congress.

The October 15th deadline is approaching - so make sure to visit my office's website to fill out an application!

Timestamp: 7:43:45 PM

Glad to see my @GOP colleagues in the Senate standing by their commitments to protecting the Second Amendment.

Timestamp: 9:39:18 PM


The @nytimes hit piece from this weekend should serve as a reminder the #FakeNews media will stop at NOTHING to tear down @realDonaldTrump and anyone associated with him.

Timestamp: 3:20:36 PM
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