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Last active May 26, 2024 20:55
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Google Slides Presenter Mode Script
-- Automatically set up Google Slides Presenter Mode w/ no window dragging between monitors
-- this will move your presentation window to your secondary monitor, your speaker notes to your primary, and activate full screen on the presentation
-- The monitor sizing values are hardcoded for a Macbook/Pro with your second monitor arranged to the right
-- other configurations may require tweaking the settings
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
use scripting additions
-- Function to get screen bounds
on getScreenBounds(screenIndex)
set screenArray to current application's NSScreen's screens()
set theScreen to item screenIndex of screenArray
set theFrame to theScreen's frame() as list
set x to item 1 of (item 1 of theFrame) as number
set y to item 2 of (item 1 of theFrame) as number
set width to item 1 of (item 2 of theFrame) as number
set height to item 2 of (item 2 of theFrame) as number
return {x as integer, y as integer, width as integer, height as integer}
end getScreenBounds
-- Get bounds of primary and secondary monitors
set primaryMonitorBounds to getScreenBounds(1)
set secondaryMonitorBounds to getScreenBounds(2)
tell application "Google Chrome"
-- Get the list of windows and their titles
set windowList to every window
set windowTitles to {}
repeat with chromeWindow in windowList
set end of windowTitles to title of chromeWindow
end repeat
end tell
-- Prompt user to select a window
set selectedWindow to (choose from list windowTitles with prompt "Select the Google Chrome window to move:" without multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed)
-- If user cancels the selection, stop the script
if selectedWindow is false then return
-- Find the index of the selected window
set selectedWindowTitle to item 1 of selectedWindow
set selectedIndex to -1
repeat with i from 1 to count of windowTitles
if item i of windowTitles is selectedWindowTitle then
set selectedIndex to i
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if selectedIndex is -1 then return -- If the window is not found, stop the script
tell application "Google Chrome"
-- Get a reference to the selected window
set originalWindow to item selectedIndex of windowList
-- Bring the selected window to the front
set index of originalWindow to 1
end tell
-- Use System Events to move and resize the window
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Google Chrome"
set frontmost to true
-- Move the window to the secondary monitor and set to 1024x768
tell (window 1) to set {position, size} to {{item 1 of secondaryMonitorBounds, item 2 of secondaryMonitorBounds}, {1024, 768}}
end tell
end tell
-- Delay to ensure the window is moved
delay 0.5
-- Send the cmd + enter keystroke
tell application "System Events"
key code 36 using {command down} -- Send Enter key with Command modifier
end tell
-- Delay before sending the 's' keystroke
delay 0.75
-- Send the 's' keystroke
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "s"
end tell
-- Delay after sending the 's' keystroke
delay 0.25
-- Get the latest list of windows after the 's' keystroke
tell application "Google Chrome"
set windowList to every window
set presenterWindow to missing value
repeat with chromeWindow in windowList
if (title of chromeWindow) starts with "Presenter view" then
set presenterWindow to chromeWindow
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if presenterWindow is not missing value then
set bounds of presenterWindow to {item 1 of primaryMonitorBounds, item 2 of primaryMonitorBounds, item 3 of primaryMonitorBounds, item 4 of primaryMonitorBounds}
end if
end tell
-- Delay to ensure the window is in place
delay 0.5
-- Bring the original window back to the front
tell application "Google Chrome"
-- Ensure the original window is at the front
set index of originalWindow to 1
end tell
-- Set the original window to full screen using Command + Control + f
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Google Chrome"
set frontmost to true
delay 0.5
-- Fullscreen the original window
keystroke "f" using {command down, control down}
end tell
end tell
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