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Created September 2, 2014 22:00
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This script uses the menemonic_wordlist from the mnemonic encoding project to generate a set of word pairs
#!/usr/bin/env zsh
# This script uses the menemonic_wordlist from the mnemonic encoding project to generate a set of word pairs
# I use them for software release naming conventions and I like choices
# You can get it for yourself with curl
# curl -Lo menmonic_wordlist.txt
function random_word {
WORDLINE=$(( $(($RANDOM % $(wc -l $MNEMONIC_FILE|awk '{print $1}'))) + 1))
WORDCOL=$(( $(($RANDOM % 6)) + 1 ))
WORD=$(head -$WORDLINE $MNEMONIC_FILE | tail -1 | awk -v word=$WORDCOL '{print $word }')
echo -n $WORD
echo -n " "
echo " "
echo -n " "
echo " "
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