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Created May 7, 2023 04:10
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  • Save alexlovelltroy/bc4e6ca4ca7fc7a9a5934aed67e4e29e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Mirror a set of packages from public repositories to a new private ECR
# Define the containers you want to mirror from Docker Hub to ECR
"minio/mc:RELEASE.2023-04-12T02-21-51Z" \
"hashicorp/vault:1.13" \
"postgres:11-alpine" \
"alpine:3.16" \
"alpine:3.17" \
"redis:7-alpine" \
"postgres:11-alpine" \
"postgres:15-alpine" \
"golang:1.20-alpine" \
"golang:1.16-alpine" \
# Set your AWS region and ECR repository
for container in "${containers[@]}"
# Pull the container from Docker Hub
docker pull "$container"
# Parse the image name and tag
image_name=$(echo "$container" | cut -d':' -f1)
domain=$(echo "$image_name" | cut -d'/' -f1)
# Strip the domain from the image name if present
if [[ "$domain" == *"."* ]]; then
image_name=$(echo "$image_name" | sed -E 's/^[^\/]*\/([^:]+):?.*$/\1/' )
tag=$(echo "$container" | cut -d':' -f2)
# Create the ECR repository if it doesn't exist
aws ecr describe-repositories --region "$region" --repository-names "$image_name" >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
aws ecr create-repository --region "$region" --repository-name "$image_name"
# Tag and push the image to ECR
docker tag "$container" "$full_repo_name:$tag"
docker push "$full_repo_name:${tag/\//\\/}"
# Remove the local copy of the image
docker rmi "$container" "$full_repo_name:$tag"
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