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Last active February 12, 2019 16:53
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/// <summary>
/// Mostly Taken from and wikipedia
/// </summary>
public static class HttpRequestHeaderNames
/// <summary>
/// The Accept header, which specifies the MIME types that are acceptable for the response.
/// </summary>
public static string Accept => "Accept";
/// <summary>
/// The Accept-Charset header, which specifies the character sets that are acceptable for the response.
/// </summary>
public static string AcceptCharset => "Accept-Charset";
/// <summary>
/// The Accept-Encoding header, which specifies the content encodings that are acceptable for the response.
/// </summary>
public static string AcceptEncoding => "Accept-Encoding";
/// <summary>
/// The Accept-Langauge header, which specifies that natural languages that are preferred for the response.
/// </summary>
public static string AcceptLanguage => "Accept-Langauge";
/// <summary>
/// The Allow header, which specifies the set of HTTP methods supported.
/// </summary>
public static string Allow => "Allow";
/// <summary>
/// The Authorization header, which specifies the credentials that the client presents in order to authenticate itself to the server.
/// </summary>
public static string Authorization => "Authorization";
/// <summary>
/// The Cache-Control header, which specifies directives that must be obeyed by all cache control mechanisms along the request/response chain.
/// </summary>
public static string CacheControl => "Cache-Control";
/// <summary>
/// The Connection header, which specifies options that are desired for a particular connection.
/// </summary>
public static string Connection => "Connection";
/// <summary>
/// The Content-Encoding header, which specifies the encodings that have been applied to the accompanying body data.
/// </summary>
public static string ContentEncoding => "Content-Encoding";
/// <summary>
/// The Content-Langauge header, which specifies the natural language(s) of the accompanying body data.
/// </summary>
public static string ContentLanguage => "Content-Langauge";
/// <summary>
/// The Content-Length header, which specifies the length, in bytes, of the accompanying body data.
/// </summary>
public static string ContentLength => "Content-Length";
/// <summary>
/// The Content-Location header, which specifies a URI from which the accompanying body may be obtained.
/// </summary>
public static string ContentLocation => "Content-Location";
/// <summary>
/// The Content-MD5 header, which specifies the MD5 digest of the accompanying body data, for the purpose of providing an end-to-end message integrity check.
/// </summary>
public static string ContentMd5 => "Content-MD5";
/// <summary>
/// The Content-Range header, which specifies where in the full body the accompanying partial body data should be applied.
/// </summary>
public static string ContentRange => "Content-Range";
/// <summary>
/// The Content-Type header, which specifies the MIME type of the accompanying body data.
/// </summary>
public static string ContentType => "Content-Type";
/// <summary>
/// The Cookie header, which specifies cookie data presented to the server.
/// </summary>
public static string Cookie => "Cookie";
/// <summary>
/// The Date header, which specifies the date and time at which the request originated.
/// </summary>
public static string Date => "Date";
/// <summary>
/// The Expect header, which specifies particular server behaviors that are required by the client.
/// </summary>
public static string Expect => "Expect";
/// <summary>
/// The Expires header, which specifies the date and time after which the accompanying body data should be considered stale.
/// </summary>
public static string Expires => "Expires";
/// <summary>
/// The From header, which specifies an Internet Email address for the human user who controls the requesting user agent.
/// </summary>
public static string From => "From";
/// <summary>
/// The Host header, which specifies the host name and port number of the resource being requested.
/// </summary>
public static string Host => "Host";
/// <summary>
/// The If-Match header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if the client's cached copy of the indicated resource is current.
/// </summary>
public static string IfMatch => "If-Match";
/// <summary>
/// The If-Modified-Since header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if the requested resource has been modified since the indicated data and time.
/// </summary>
public static string IfModifiedSince => "If-Modified-Since";
/// <summary>
/// The If-None-Match header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if none of client's cached copies of the indicated resources are current.
/// </summary>
public static string IfNoneMatch => "If-None-Match";
/// <summary>
/// The If-Range header, which specifies that only the specified range of the requested resource should be sent, if the client's cached copy is current.
/// </summary>
public static string IfRange => "If-Range";
/// <summary>
/// The If-Unmodified-Since header, which specifies that the requested operation should be performed only if the requested resource has not been modified since the indicated date and time.
/// </summary>
public static string IfUnmodifiedSince => "If-Unmodified-Since";
/// <summary>
/// The Keep-Alive header, which specifies a parameter used into order to maintain a persistent connection.
/// </summary>
public static string KeepAlive => "Keep-Alive";
/// <summary>
/// The Last-Modified header, which specifies the date and time at which the accompanying body data was last modified.
/// </summary>
public static string LastModified => "Last-Modified";
/// <summary>
/// The Max-Forwards header, which specifies an integer indicating the remaining number of times that this request may be forwarded.
/// </summary>
public static string MaxForwards => "Max-Forwards";
/// <summary>
/// The Pragma header, which specifies implementation-specific directives that might apply to any agent along the request/response chain.
/// </summary>
public static string Pragma => "Pragma";
/// <summary>
/// The Proxy-Authorization header, which specifies the credentials that the client presents in order to authenticate itself to a proxy.
/// </summary>
public static string ProxyAuthorization => "Proxy-Authorization";
/// <summary>
/// The Range header, which specifies the sub-range(s) of the response that the client requests be returned in lieu of the entire response.
/// </summary>
public static string Range => "Range";
/// <summary>
/// The Referer header, which specifies the URI of the resource from which the request URI was obtained.
/// </summary>
public static string Referer => "Referer";
/// <summary>
/// The TE header, which specifies the transfer encodings that are acceptable for the response.
/// </summary>
public static string Te => "TE";
/// <summary>
/// The Trailer header, which specifies the header fields present in the trailer of a message encoded with chunked transfer-coding.
/// </summary>
public static string Trailer => "Trailer";
/// <summary>
/// The Transfer-Encoding header, which specifies what (if any) type of transformation that has been applied to the message body.
/// </summary>
public static string TransferEncoding => "Transfer-Encoding";
/// <summary>
/// The Translate header, a Microsoft extension to the HTTP specification used in conjunction with WebDAV functionality.
/// </summary>
public static string Translate => "Translate";
/// <summary>
/// The Upgrade header, which specifies additional communications protocols that the client supports.
/// </summary>
public static string Upgrade => "Upgrade";
/// <summary>
/// The User-Agent header, which specifies information about the client agent.
/// </summary>
public static string UserAgent => "User-Agent";
/// <summary>
/// The X-Forwarded-For (XFF) HTTP header field is a common method for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or load balancer. The XFF HTTP request header was introduced by the Squid caching proxy server's developers.
/// </summary>
public static string XForwardedFor => "X-Forwarded-For";
/// <summary>
/// The X-Real-IP used by Nginx
/// </summary>
public static string XRealIP => "X-Real-IP";
/// <summary>
/// The X-Original-For
/// </summary>
public static string XOriginalFor => "X-Original-For";
/// <summary>
/// The X-Forwarded-Proto (XFP) header is a de-facto standard header for identifying the protocol (HTTP or HTTPS) that a client used to connect to your proxy or load balancer.
/// </summary>
public static string XOriginalProto => "X-Original-Proto";
/// <summary>
/// The Via header, which specifies intermediate protocols to be used by gateway and proxy agents.
/// </summary>
public static string Via => "Via";
/// <summary>
/// The Warning header, which specifies additional information about that status or transformation of a message that might not be reflected in the message.
/// </summary>
public static string Warning => "Warning";
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Http request header name constants

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