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Last active June 14, 2016 06:52
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Mergesort animation

This is an interpretation of mbostock's block: Mergesort I.

I kept all the passes through the sort visible to be able to compare the steps of the sorting algorithm.

<meta charset="utf-8">
rect {
stroke-linecap: round;
stroke-width: .25px;
stroke: black;
fill: #004d00;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="viz" style="width: 100%;height:100%"></div>
var n = 64,
duration = 1000;
var iteration;
var margin = 40,
vizDims = document.getElementById('viz').getBoundingClientRect(),
width = vizDims.width - margin - margin,
height = vizDims.height - margin - margin;
var x = d3.scale.ordinal()
.rangePoints([0, width]);
var svg ="#viz").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin + margin)
.attr("height", height + margin + margin)
.attr("class", "rows")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin + "," + margin + ")");
function loadRow() {
iteration = 0;
var array = d3.shuffle(d3.range(n)),
actions = mergesort(array.slice()).reverse();
var rowCount = Math.ceil(actions.length/n),
rectHeight = (height/rowCount) * .3,
rectWidth = (width/n) * .9;"svg").select("g").selectAll("*").html('').remove()
var rect = svg.append("g")
.attr("class", "rect row")
.data(, i) {
return {
value: v,
index: i,
id: i,
array: 0
"class": "row" + iteration,
"id": function(d) {return "rect" + iteration + "_" +},
"x": 0,
"y": x(0),
"height": rectHeight,
"width": rectWidth
.style("fill-opacity", function(d) { return d.value/n })
.attr("x", function(d) {return x(d.index)})
var row0 = rect[0];
setTimeout(function() {mergeRows()}, duration * 2);
function mergeRows() {
var row1 = new Array(n);
var transition = d3.transition()
.each("start", function start() {
var action = actions.pop();
if (action[1] === 0) { iteration++; };
switch (action.type) {
case "copy": {
var i = action[0],
j = action[1],
e = row1[j] = row0[i],
d = e.__data__;
d.index = j;
transition.each(function() {
var source ="#rect" + (iteration - 1) + "_" +"svg").select(".row").append("rect")
"class": "row" + iteration,
"id": "rect" + iteration + "_" +,
"style": source.attr("style"),
"x": source.attr("x"),
"y": source.attr("y"),
"height": rectHeight,
"width": rectWidth
.attr("x", x(d.index))
.attr("y", iteration * rectHeight * 2 )
case "swap": {
var t = row0;
row0 = row1;
row1 = t;
if (actions.length) {
transition = transition.transition().each("start", start);
} else {
setTimeout(function() { returnRects()}, duration * 2)
function returnRects() {
for (z=1; z<=iteration; z++) {
var thisRow = d3.selectAll(".row" + z)[0];
for (i=0; i<thisRow.length; i++) {
var thisId =[i]).attr("id").split("_")[1];[i])
.transition().duration(duration * 2)
.attr("x", x(thisId))
.attr("y", 0)
setTimeout(function() {
.transition().duration(duration * 2)
.attr("x", function() {return x(0)})
setTimeout(function() { loadRow(); }, duration * 2)
}, duration * 2)
function mergesort(array) {
actions = [];
n = array.length;
var array0 = array,
array1 = new Array(n);
for (var m = 1; m < n; m <<= 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < n; i += (m << 1)) {
merge(i, Math.min(i + m, n), Math.min(i + (m << 1), n));
actions.push({type: "swap"});
array = array0, array0 = array1, array1 = array;
function merge(left, right, end) {
for (var i0 = left, i1 = right, j = left; j < end; ++j) {
if (i0 < right && (i1 >= end || array0[i0] <= array0[i1])) {
array1[j] = array0[i0];
actions.push({type: "copy", "0": i0++, "1": j});
} else {
array1[j] = array0[i1];
actions.push({type: "copy", "0": i1++, "1": j});
return actions;
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