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Created March 23, 2024 11:15
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PowerShell self-signed cert for LDAPs
# In a lab, or a AD domain with non-routable top level domain (.corp, .local etc...)
# Creating one self-signed cert usable across multiple domain controllers for encrypted LDAP
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$expirydate = (Get-Date).AddYears(1)
# Get all (currently existing) domain controllers to be subject alternative names (avoid cloud kerberos trust object)
$ArraySubjectAlternativeNames=(Get-ADComputer -SearchBase $addomain.DomainControllersContainer -filter * | where {$ -ne 'AzureADKerberos'}).dnshostname
$ArraySubjectAlternativeNames+="ldap.$($addomain.DNSRoot)" # useful as movable DNS alias or for network load balancer
# Create cert with domain name as subject and DCs and ldap.fqdn as subject alternative names.
$mycert=New-SelfSignedCertificate -Subject $addomain.DNSRoot -DnsName $ArraySubjectAlternativeNames -CertStoreLocation cert:/LocalMachine/My -NotAfter $expirydate
$mycert | Format-list
# Export cert WITHOUT private key for import into LDAP clients
Export-Certificate -Cert $mycert -FilePath "$env:temp\$($addomain.DNSRoot)-PUBLIC.cer" # this is a text file
# Export cert WITH private key for import into other domain controllers. Protect with shared password or lock to specific IDs
Export-PfxCertificate -cert $mycert -filepath "$env:temp\$($addomain.DNSRoot)-PRIVATE.pfx" -ProtectTo $env:username
# To import certs on other domain controllers, double click to import.
# NOTE: LDAP will use cert in personal store with longest expiry. Server restart to take effect.
# Test with ldp.exe, connect with fully qualified domain name (not short NetBIOS name, not IP address) on port 636 and SSL
# Or programatically Import private key to other DCs
# import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\my -FilePath fqdn-PRIVATE.pfx
# Import public key into Trusted CAs store to any server/client that needs to validate the cert as trusted
# import-Certificate -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root -FilePath fqdn-PUBLIC.cer
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