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Last active February 26, 2021 08:30
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Configure Git client to use corporate proxy and authenticate as current user
# This takes a guess at what Git config should be for proxy. Effectivly we're doing netstat.exe | find "8080"
# Lookup current user via Active Directory
[reflection.assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement") | out-null
#region Test if behind a proxy. This also generates some traffic that we'll use to determine proxy URL
try {
Write-output "Testing internet access"
$status = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).StatusDescription
Write-Output "`tProxy test: $status"
catch {
# web request failed
$ex = $_.exception[0]
# $fullError = $ex | Format-List -Force
Write-Output "`tProxy test: $($ex.message)"
Write-output "Enabling proxy authentication and session options"
# Make PowerShell use proxy with current credentials
$browser = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$browser.Proxy.Credentials =[System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
# try again
$status = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).StatusDescription
Write-Output "`tProxy test: $status"
catch {
$ex = $_.exception[0]
$fullError = $ex | Format-List -Force
write-output "internet access failed $($ex.message)"
throw $ex.InnerException
# Have a guess at current session's autodiscovered internet proxy
$arrayOfConnectionsToProxyPort=@(Get-NetTCPConnection | where-object {($_.RemotePort -eq $proxyPort)})
$probablyProxyIP=($arrayOfConnectionsToProxyPort | Group-Object -Property RemoteAddress | sort-object -descending -property count)[0].name # most frequent
#Perform a DNS Reverse Lookup (IP to hostname .Net):
& git.exe config --global http.proxy "http://$($currentUser.SamAccountName)@$($proxyFullyQualifiedDomainName):$($proxyPort)"
Write-Output "Didn't find any connections to $proxyPort that look like proxy"
# open git config to review whats been configured
# & git.exe config --global --edit
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