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Created November 6, 2012 19:54
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WordPress Form Classes
class THTK_Form_Input {
// Sets default form element properties
public $defaults = array(
'id' => '', // Unique element ID.
'class' => '', // Optional. CSS class names.
'title' => '', // Text to display as the input title/label.
'value' => '', // Optional. The value of the input field.
'desc' => '', // Optional. Description of form element.
'size' => 'default', // The size of the input (small, default, large; default: default).
'align' => 'left', // The alignment of the input (left, right; default: left).
'before' => '', // Custom content to place before the input.
'after' => '' // Custom content to place after the input.
// Sets the variable that will hold the specific form element properties
public $particulars = '';
* Sets the public $particulars variable by merging the arguments array with the defaults array.
* @since 1.0
* @param array $args The array of arguments to use when creating the form element.
public function __construct( $args ) {
$this->particulars = wp_parse_args( $args, $this->defaults );
* Displays the label for a form element
* @since 1.0
* @param string $label The text to display in the label.
* @param string $id ID of the form element to which this label belongs.
* @return string The HTML label element.
public function get_label( $label, $id = '' ) {
if ( $label ) {
return '<label for="' . $id . '">' . $label . '</label>';
} // End get_label()
* Generates a form element description
* @since 1.0
* @param string $desc Text to display in the description.
* @return string The description string formatted as a paragraph.
function get_description( $desc ) {
if ( $desc ) {
return ' <p class="description">' . $desc . '</p>';
} // End get_description()
* Generates a text input
* @since 1.0
* @return string The HTML text input element.
public function get_text_input() {
// Extracts the element details array into individual variables.
extract( $this->particulars );
// Returns the output string.
return '<input type="text" value="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '" name="' . $id . '" id="' . $id . '" class="' . esc_attr( 'option-field-' . esc_attr( $size ) . ' ' . $class ) . '" />';
} // End get_text_input()
* Generates a checkbox input
* @since 1.0
* @return string The HTML checkbox input element.
public function get_checkbox_input() {
// Extracts the element details array into individual variables.
extract( $this->particulars );
// Creates a variable to hold the output string.
$output = '';
// Generates the output string.
$output .= '<label for="' . $id . '">';
$output .= '<input type="checkbox" id="' . $id . '" name="' . $id . '" value="true"';
if ( $value ) {
$output .= ' checked';
$output .= ' /> ';
if( isset( $label ) ) {
$output .= $label;
$output .= '</label><br />';
// Returns the output string.
return $output;
} // End get_checkbox_input()
* Generates a set of radio buttons
* @since 1.0
* @return string The HTML radio button input element.
public function get_radio_buttons() {
// Extracts the element details array into individual variables.
extract( $this->particulars );
// Sets the $line_break variable if not already set.
if( !isset( $line_break ) ) {
$line_break = true;
// Creates a variable to hold the output string.
$output = '';
// Generates the output string.
foreach ( $choices as $choice => $label ) {
$output .= '<label for="' . $choice . '">';
$output .= '<input type="radio" id="' . $choice . '" name="' . $id . '" value="' . $choice . '"';
if ( $value == $choice ) {
$output .= ' checked';
$output .= ' /> ' . $label . '</label>';
if ( $line_break ) {
$output .= '<br />';
// Returns the output string.
return $output;
} // End get_radio_buttons()
* Generates a select list
* @since 1.0
* @return string The HTML select list input element.
public function get_select_list() {
// Extracts the element details array into individual variables.
extract( $this->particulars );
// Creates a variable to hold the output string.
$output = '';
// Generates the output string.
$output = '<select id="' . $id . '" name="' . $id . '">';
foreach ( $choices as $choice => $label ) {
$selected = ( $choice == $value ) ? ' selected' : '';
$output .= '<option value="' . $choice . '"' . $selected . '>' . $label . ' &nbsp;</option>';
} // End foreach $choices
$output .= '</select>';
// Returns the output string.
return $output;
} // End get_select_list()
* Generates a textarea
* @since 1.0
* @return string The HTML textarea input element.
public function get_textarea() {
// Extracts the element details array into individual variables.
extract( $this->particulars );
// Creates a variable to hold the output string.
$output = '';
// Generates the output string.
$output = '<textarea';
$output .= ' id="' . $id . '"';
$output .=' name="' . $id . '">';
if ( $value ) {
$output .= $value;
} // End if
$output .= '</textarea>';
// Returns the output string.
return $output;
} // End get_textarea()
} // End class THTK_Form_Input
class THTK_Form_Metabox extends THTK_Form_Input{
* Displays a form element with metabox formatting
* @since 1.0
* @return string The fully formatted metabox option.
function get_metabox() {
// Extracts the element details array into individual variables.
extract( $this->particulars );
// Creates a variable to hold the output string.
$output = '';
// Generates the output string
$output .= '<tr class="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"><th>';
$output .= $this->get_label( $title, $id );
$output .= '</th><td>';
$output .= '<span class="' .esc_attr( $align ) . '">';
$output .= $before;
// Calls form element display functions based on the type of input field.
switch ( $type ) {
case 'text':
$output .= $this->get_text_input();
case 'checkbox':
$output .= $this->get_checkbox_input();
case 'radio':
$output .= $this->get_radio_buttons();
case 'select':
$output .= $this->get_select_list();
case 'textarea':
$output .= $this->get_textarea();
$output .= $after;
$output .= '</span>';
$output .= $this->get_description( $desc );
$output .= '</td></tr>'."\n";
// Returns the output string.
return $output;
} // End get_metabox()
} // End class THTK_Form_Metabox
class THTK_Form_Formatted extends THTK_Form_Input{
* Displays a form input with label and description fully formatted
* @since 1.0
* @return string The HTML text input element with full formatting.
public function get_formatted() {
// Extracts the element details array into individual variables.
extract( $this->particulars );
// Creates a variable to hold the output string.
$output = '';
// Generates the output string.
$output .= '<p class="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '">';
$output .= $this->get_label( $title, $id );
$output .= '<span class="' .esc_attr( $align ) . '">';
$output .= $before;
// Calls form element display functions based on the type of input field.
switch ( $type ) {
case 'text':
$output .= $this->get_text_input();
case 'checkbox':
$output .= $this->get_checkbox_input();
case 'radio':
$output .= $this->get_radio_buttons();
case 'select':
$output .= $this->get_select_list();
case 'textarea':
$output .= $this->get_textarea();
$output .= $after;
$output .= '</span>';
$output .= $this->get_description( $desc );
$output .= '</p>'."\n";
// Returns the output string.
return $output;
} // End get_formatted()
} // End class THTK_Form_Formatted
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