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Last active November 12, 2024 19:49
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from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs4
import requests
import feedparser
import urllib.parse
def findfeed(site):
raw = requests.get(site).text
result = []
possible_feeds = []
html = bs4(raw)
feed_urls = html.findAll("link", rel="alternate")
if len(feed_urls) > 1:
for f in feed_urls:
t = f.get("type",None)
if t:
if "rss" in t or "xml" in t:
href = f.get("href",None)
if href:
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(site)
base = parsed_url.scheme+"://"+parsed_url.hostname
atags = html.findAll("a")
for a in atags:
href = a.get("href",None)
if href:
if "xml" in href or "rss" in href or "feed" in href:
for url in list(set(possible_feeds)):
f = feedparser.parse(url)
if len(f.entries) > 0:
if url not in result:
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Line 22, parsed variable - where is the definition of this parameter?

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fx86 commented Feb 6, 2020

@melihcolpan That's a typo. Change that variable to parsed_url and the snippet works as intended.

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alexmill commented Feb 6, 2020

@melihcolpan @fx86 Thanks for pointing this out. I've edited the gist.

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@alexmill you might want to edit the article as well, it still has reference to parsed and not parsed_url.

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alexmill commented Sep 3, 2020

@dvershinin Thanks! Fixed the article so it just shows this embedded gist.

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ranok commented Feb 28, 2022

@alexmill Why is the comparison in l.13 strictly > 1, what is there is only one RSS feed linked? Should it not be >= 1

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@ranok I think no reason in particular

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