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Last active February 13, 2024 03:05
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const builtin = @import("builtin");
const TypeId = builtin.TypeId;
const TypeInfo = builtin.TypeInfo;
const std = @import("std");
const mem = std.mem;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
// @TODO Add const SelfType variant, perhaps SelfType(bool)? (to actually distinguish between const and non const methods)
pub const SelfType = *@OpaqueType();
fn is_vtable(comptime T: type) bool {
comptime {
const info = @typeInfo(T);
if (TypeId(info) != TypeId.Struct)
return false;
for (info.Struct.fields) |*field| {
var field_type = field.field_type;
var field_type_info = @typeInfo(field_type);
if (!mem.eql(u8, "Fn",[ - 2..]))
return false;
if (TypeId(field_type_info) == TypeId.Optional) {
field_type = field_type_info.Optional.child;
field_type_info = @typeInfo(field_type);
if (TypeId(field_type_info) != TypeId.Fn)
return false;
if (field_type_info.Fn.is_generic or field_type_info.Fn.is_var_args)
return false;
if (field_type_info.Fn.args.len == 0)
return false;
if (field_type_info.Fn.args[0].arg_type != SelfType)
return false;
return true;
fn vtable_has_method(comptime VTableType: type, comptime name: []const u8, is_optional: ?*bool) bool {
comptime {
const info = @typeInfo(VTableType);
for (info.Struct.fields) |*field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, name,[ - 2])) {
if (is_optional) |io| {
const fn_info = @typeInfo(field.field_type);
io.* = TypeId(fn_info) == TypeId.Optional;
return true;
return false;
fn type_has_self_method(comptime T: type, comptime name: []const u8, is_const: ?*bool) bool {
comptime {
const defs = switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
TypeId.Struct => |*s| s.defs,
TypeId.Enum => |*e| e.defs,
TypeId.Union => |*u| u.defs,
else => return false,
for (defs) |*def| {
if (mem.eql(u8, name, {
switch ( {
TypeInfo.Definition.Data.Fn => |*fn_def| {
const fn_info = @typeInfo(fn_def.fn_type);
if (fn_info.Fn.args.len == 0)
return false;
if (fn_info.Fn.args[0].arg_type == *T) {
if (is_const) |ic| {
ic.* = false;
return true;
} else if (fn_info.Fn.args[0].arg_type == *const T) {
if (is_const) |ic| {
ic.* = true;
return true;
} else {
return false;
else => return false,
return false;
fn pull_fn(comptime fn_name: []const u8, comptime FnType: type, comptime ImplType: type,
comptime fn_info: *const TypeInfo.Fn, comptime is_const: bool) FnType {
comptime {
const zero_bit_self = @sizeOf(ImplType) == 0;
const self_ptr_type = if (zero_bit_self) b: {
break :b if (is_const) *const ImplType else *ImplType;
} else b: {
break :b if (is_const) *align(1) const ImplType else *align(1) ImplType;
return switch (fn_info.args.len - 1) {
0 => struct {
fn func(self_erased: SelfType) fn_info.return_type {
var self = if (!zero_bit_self) @alignCast(@alignOf(ImplType), @ptrCast(self_ptr_type, self_erased)) else (self_ptr_type)(undefined);
return @inlineCall(@field(self, fn_name));
1 => struct {
fn func(self_erased: SelfType, arg0: fn_info.args[1].arg_type) fn_info.return_type {
var self = if (!zero_bit_self) @alignCast(@alignOf(ImplType), @ptrCast(self_ptr_type, self_erased)) else (self_ptr_type)(undefined);
return @inlineCall(@field(self, fn_name), arg0);
2 => struct {
fn func(self_erased: SelfType, arg0: fn_info.args[1].arg_type,
arg1: fn_info.args[2].arg_type) fn_info.return_type {
var self = if (!zero_bit_self) @alignCast(@alignOf(ImplType), @ptrCast(self_ptr_type, self_erased)) else (self_ptr_type)(undefined);
return @inlineCall(@field(self, fn_name), arg0, arg1);
else => @compileError("Unsupported number of arguments."),
fn make_vtable(comptime VTableType: type, comptime ImplType: type) VTableType {
var vtable: VTableType = undefined;
comptime {
const vtable_info = @typeInfo(VTableType);
for (vtable_info.Struct.fields) |*field| {
const fn_name =[ - 2];
var fn_type = field.field_type;
var fn_info = @typeInfo(field.field_type);
const is_nullable = TypeId(fn_info) == TypeId.Optional;
if (is_nullable) {
fn_type = fn_info.Optional.child;
fn_info = @typeInfo(fn_type);
var is_const = false;
const has_method = type_has_self_method(ImplType, fn_name, &is_const);
if (!has_method and !is_nullable) {
@compileError("Could not make vtable (field missing).");
// If we have no method, initialize the func ptr to null.
if (!has_method) {
@field(vtable, = null;
@field(vtable, = pull_fn(fn_name, fn_type, ImplType, &fn_info.Fn, is_const);
return vtable;
fn unwrap(comptime T: type) type {
const info = @typeInfo(T);
if (TypeId(info) == TypeId.Pointer) {
return info.Pointer.child;
return T;
pub fn sbo_storage(comptime BuffSize: usize) type {
return struct {
const Self = this;
data: extern union {
small_buffer: packed struct {
mem: [BuffSize - 1]u8,
flag_byte: u8,
heap_ptr: packed struct {
ptr: *u8,
alloc: *mem.Allocator,
unused_mem: [BuffSize - @sizeOf(*u8) - @sizeOf(*mem.Allocator) - 1]u8,
flag_byte: u8,
fn is_stored_inline(self: *const Self) bool {
return != 0;
fn init(obj: var, args: ...) Self {
const ImplType = unwrap(@typeOf(obj));
const ImplSize = @sizeOf(ImplType);
var self: Self = undefined;
comptime assert(@sizeOf(@typeOf( == BuffSize * @sizeOf(u8));
if (ImplSize >= BuffSize) {
if (args.len != 1) {
@compileError("sbo_storage requires exactly one argument (&mem.Allocator) to be passed");
} = args[0]; = @ptrCast(*u8, try args[0].create(ImplType));
mem.copy(u8,[0..ImplSize], @ptrCast(*const u8, obj)[0..ImplSize]); = 0;
return self;
} = 1;
if (ImplSize > 0) {
mem.copy(u8,[0..], @ptrCast([*]const u8, obj)[0..ImplSize]);
return self;
fn erased_ptr(self: *Self) SelfType {
if (!self.is_stored_inline()) {
return @ptrCast(SelfType,;
return @ptrCast(SelfType, &[0]);
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
if (!self.is_stored_inline()) {;
pub const non_owning_storage = struct {
const Self = this;
data: SelfType,
fn init(obj: var, args: ...) Self {
if (args.len > 0) {
@compileError("Non owning storage expects no extra initialization arguments.");
if (@sizeOf(@typeOf(obj)) == 0) {
return undefined;
return Self { .data=@ptrCast(SelfType, obj), };
fn erased_ptr(self: *Self) SelfType {
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {}
fn vtable_return_type(comptime VTableType: type, name: []const u8) type {
comptime {
var is_optional = true;
if (!vtable_has_method(VTableType, name, &is_optional)) {
@compileError("Invalid interface method call.");
const info = @typeInfo(VTableType);
for (info.Struct.fields) |*field| {
if (mem.eql(u8, name,[ - 2])) {
const ret_type = if (is_optional) @typeInfo(@typeInfo(field.field_type).Optional.child).Fn.return_type
else @typeInfo(field.field_type).Fn.return_type;
if (is_optional) {
return ?ret_type;
} else {
return ret_type;
pub fn Interface(comptime VTableType: type, comptime StoragePolicy: type) type {
if (!is_vtable(VTableType)) {
@compileError("Invalid vtable type.");
return struct {
const Self = this;
vtable: *const VTableType,
storage: StoragePolicy,
pub fn init(obj: var, args: ...) Self {
const ImplType = unwrap(@typeOf(obj));
return Self {
.vtable = &comptime make_vtable(VTableType, ImplType),
.storage = StoragePolicy.init(obj, args),
pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
comptime var is_optional = true;
// Call our virtual destructor, if we have one.
if (vtable_has_method(VTableType, "deinit", &is_optional)) {
if (is_optional) {
if (self.vtable.deinitFn) |f| {
} else {
// Release memory held by the storage.;
pub fn call(self: *Self, comptime name: []const u8, args: ...) vtable_return_type(VTableType, name) {
comptime var is_optional = true;
comptime assert(vtable_has_method(VTableType, name, &is_optional));
const fn_ptr = if (is_optional) blk: {
const val = @field(self.vtable, name ++ "Fn");
if (val) |v| break :blk v;
return null;
} else blk: {
break :blk @field(self.vtable, name ++ "Fn");
const erased_obj_ptr =;
switch (args.len) {
0 => return fn_ptr(erased_obj_ptr),
1 => return fn_ptr(erased_obj_ptr, args[0]),
2 => return fn_ptr(erased_obj_ptr, args[0], args[1]),
else => @compileError("Unsupported number of arguments."),
test "is_vtable" {
const VTableType = struct {
printFn: fn(SelfType)void,
pushFn: fn(SelfType, u8)bool,
const AlmostVTable = struct {
print: fn(SelfType)void,
test "simple interface" {
const MyVtable = struct {
readFn: fn(SelfType, []u8)void,
// In a world with @reify, this whole struct could be generated.
const MyInterface = struct {
const Self = this;
const IFace = Interface(MyVtable, sbo_storage(24));
iface: IFace,
fn init(obj: var, args: ...) Self {
return Self {
.iface = IFace.init(obj, args),
fn read(self: *Self, arg: []u8) void {
return"read", arg);
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
const FooReader = struct {
const Self = this;
dummy: u8,
fn read(self: *const Self, data: []u8) void {
for (data) |*c| {
c.* = 42;
var instance = MyInterface.init(FooReader {.dummy = 0});
var data: [1024]u8 = undefined;[0..]);
var ok = true;
for (data) |d| {
if (d != 42)
ok = false;
test "non owning zero bit implementation type" {
const VTable = struct {
fooFn: fn(SelfType, u64) u64,
const Fooer = struct {
const Self = this;
const IFace = Interface(VTable, non_owning_storage);
iface: IFace,
fn init(obj: var, args: ...) Self {
return Self {
.iface = IFace.init(obj, args),
fn foo(self: *Self, arg: u64) u64 {
return"foo", arg);
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
const Doubler = struct {
const Self = this;
fn foo(self: *const Self, x: u64) u64 {
return x * 2;
var instance = Fooer.init(Doubler {});
assert( == 42);
test "sbo storage zero bit implementation type" {
const VTable = struct {
fooFn: fn(SelfType, u64) u64,
const Fooer = struct {
const Self = this;
const IFace = Interface(VTable, sbo_storage(24));
iface: IFace,
fn init(obj: var, args: ...) Self {
return Self {
.iface = IFace.init(obj, args),
fn foo(self: *Self, arg: u64) u64 {
return"foo", arg);
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
const Doubler = struct {
const Self = this;
fn foo(self: *const Self, x: u64) u64 {
return x * 2;
var instance = Fooer.init(Doubler {});
assert( == 42);
test "multiple virtual methods" {
const VTable = struct {
// @TODO Nullable functions lead to LLVM IR error atm.
fooFn: fn(SelfType) u8,
barFn: fn(SelfType, usize) u64,
const Tester = struct {
const Self = this;
const IFace = Interface(VTable, non_owning_storage);
iface: IFace,
fn init(obj: var, args: ...) Self {
return Self {
.iface = IFace.init(obj, args),
fn foo(self: *Self) u8 {
fn bar(self: *Self, arg: usize) u64 {
return"bar", arg);
fn deinit(self: *Self) void {
const TheBarOnlyTester = struct {
const Self = this;
data: []const u64,
fn bar(self: *const Self, index: usize) u64 {
const TheFooBarTester = struct {
const Self = this;
fn foo(self: *const Self) u8 {
return 2;
fn bar(self: *const Self, arg: usize) u64 {
return 21;
// const some_data = []u64 { 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, };
// // Passing this without the ref makes it const.
// var bar_only_instance = Tester.init(&(TheBarOnlyTester { .data=some_data[0..], }));
// assert( == null);
// assert( == 0 and == 3);
var complete_instance = Tester.init(&(TheFooBarTester {}));
assert( * == 42);
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Updated the code, atm nullable methods are broken (invalid LLVM IR is generated) though.

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