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Last active November 29, 2023 18:32
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Simple YouTube to Podcast RSS (Node.js)
* YouTube to Podcast using Node.js and not much else
* I got annoyed by all of the clunky and/or paid solutions to this problem, so I
* thought I'd just roll my own. My guess was that it'd be about 200 lines of code,
* and I wasn't too far off. It's not perfect but it works and it's relatively easy
* to follow.
* No half-hour Docker installs or 20gb Go libraries to download. Just throw it on a
* free EC2 micro server and serve the files using nginx like the good ol days. It
* could probably work as a Lambda, too, without too much effort.
* Files are cached in the filesystem, so it's cheap to run as a cron job in order to
* continously check for updates. If something goes wrong, just delete the /public
* folder and run the script again.
* You'll need to `npm install -g youtube-dl-exec xml2js node-fetch` before running.
* Or set everything up with its own directory and package.json file, idc
const https = require("https");
const ytdl = require("youtube-dl-exec");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const xml2js = require("xml2js");
const fetch = require("node-fetch");
const playlistId = "YOUR_YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST_ID";
const apiKey = "YOUR_YOUTUBE_DATA_API_V3_KEY";
const baseUrl = "";
async function main() {
// First, get all playlist entries from the YouTube Data API V3
const entries = await fetchPlaylistItems(playlistId, apiKey);
// Next, go through each entry, map all necessary fields, and ensure we have a valid audio file to link to.
// If we don't, use youtube-dl to grab the audio only, figure out the duration, and save it to a directory.
const processedEntries = await processEntries(entries);
// Finally, wrap the full list in a valid RSS feed, convert it to XML, and save to a file.
const rssFeedXML = convertToRssFeed(processedEntries);
fs.writeFileSync("./public/rss.xml", rssFeedXML);
async function fetchPlaylistItems(playlistId, apiKey, nextPageToken = "") {
const url = new URL("");
const params = {
part: "snippet",
maxResults: 50,
playlistId: playlistId,
key: apiKey,
pageToken: nextPageToken,
}; = new URLSearchParams(params).toString();
try {
const response = await fetch(url);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`HTTP error! Status: ${response.status}`);
const data = await response.json();
const entries = data.items;
if (data.nextPageToken) {
const nextEntries = await fetchPlaylistItems(playlistId, apiKey, data.nextPageToken);
return entries.concat(nextEntries);
return entries;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error fetching playlist entries:", error);
async function processEntries(entries) {
let arr = [];
for (let pos = 0; pos < entries.length; pos++) {
const entry = entries[pos];
const processedEntry = await processSingleEntry(entry);
if (processedEntry) arr.push(processedEntry);
return arr;
async function processSingleEntry(unprocessedEntry) {
if (!unprocessedEntry) return null;
const entry = mapEntry(unprocessedEntry);
const id = entry.guid;
const audioDir = "./public/audio";
const audioPath = path.join(audioDir, `${id}.mp3`);
const infoDir = "./public/info";
const infoPath = path.join(infoDir, `${id}.json`);
// See if cached info exists
const info = await fetchInfo(id, infoPath);
if (info === null) {
// If we can't get info, just bail out since it's probably a deleted video
entry["itunes:duration"] = formatDuration(info.duration);
if (!fs.existsSync(audioPath)) {
console.log(`No audio for ${entry.title} (${audioPath}). Downloading ${info.duration} seconds now...`);
try {
// Download audio
await ytdl(`${id}`, {
extractAudio: true,
audioFormat: "mp3",
output: audioPath,
} catch (e) {
console.error(`Failed to download audio for ${entry.title}:`, e);
} else {
console.log(`Found audio for ${entry.title} (${audioPath}).`);
// Check audio size
const stats = fs.statSync(audioPath);
entry.enclosure.$.url = `${baseUrl}/${id}.mp3`;
entry.enclosure.$.length = stats.size;
// All done
return entry;
async function fetchInfo(id, infoPath) {
if (fs.existsSync(infoPath)) {
info = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(infoPath));
} else {
try {
info = await ytdl(`${id}`, {dumpSingleJson: true});
fs.writeFileSync(infoPath, JSON.stringify(info, null, 2));
} catch (e) {
// Handle deleted video
info = null;
fs.writeFileSync(infoPath, "null");
return info;
function mapEntry(entry) {
const snippet = entry.snippet;
// Extract the highest quality thumbnail available
const thumbnails = snippet.thumbnails;
const thumbnailUrl =
thumbnails.standard?.url || thumbnails.high?.url || thumbnails.medium?.url || thumbnails.default?.url;
return {
title: snippet.title,
"itunes:subtitle": snippet.title.substring(0, 100), // Short summary, adjust as needed
description: snippet.description,
"itunes:summary": snippet.description,
pubDate: new Date(snippet.publishedAt).toUTCString(),
link: `${snippet.resourceId.videoId}`,
guid: snippet.resourceId.videoId,
"itunes:author": snippet.channelTitle,
enclosure: {
$: {
type: "audio/mpeg",
url: null, // Will be added later
length: "0", // Will be added later
"itunes:image": {
$: {
href: thumbnailUrl,
"itunes:explicit": "no",
"itunes:category": {
$: {
text: "Science",
"itunes:keywords": "Carbon Capture, Climate, Environment",
"itunes:duration": "00:00:00", // Will be added later
function convertToRssFeed(entries) {
const rssObj = {
rss: {
$: {version: "2.0", "xmlns:itunes": ""},
channel: {
title: "YOUR TITLE",
description: "DESCRIPTION",
language: "en-us",
"itunes:author": "AUTHOR",
"itunes:image": {
$: {
href: "IMAGE URL",
"itunes:owner": {
"itunes:name": "OWNER NAME",
"itunes:email": "OWNER EMAIL",
"itunes:explicit": "no",
"itunes:category": {
$: {
text: "Science",
item: entries,
return new xml2js.Builder().buildObject(rssObj);
// Helper functions
function formatDuration(seconds) {
const pad = num => num.toString().padStart(2, "0");
const hours = pad(Math.floor(seconds / 3600));
const minutes = pad(Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60));
const secondsLeft = pad(seconds % 60);
return `${hours}:${minutes}:${secondsLeft}`;
function createDirIfMissing(dir) {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(dir, {recursive: true});
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