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Last active June 14, 2018 12:44
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Draft of documentation about Java driver's Built statements

Built statements

Built statements are generated via QueryBuilder's Fluent API. Use of Fluent API allows easier build of the complex queries, comparing with hardcoding the CQL statements into the source code.

Note: The provider builders perform very little validation of the built query. There is thus no guarantee that a built query is valid, and it is definitively possible to create invalid queries.

Queries built with QueryBuilder are execute the same way as other queries - via execute or executeAsync. When query is built with putting all data into it, then it doesn't differ much from statement specified as string. But it's also possible to build the query with bind markers inside it, and then convert it into prepared statement.


Generation of BuiltStatement is easy - just start with calling of one of the QueryBuilder's methods of that represent the CQL "verb": select, update, delete, insertInto, or truncate, providing required parameters, and then call "verb"-specific functions to form a complete CQL statement (like, where, from, etc.). The command's target could be specified as table name (if you set default keyspace when creating a Session object), keyspace & table name, or as TableMetadata.

Note: The QueryBuilder doesn't provide support for full set of CQL. For example, DDL operations (CREATE TABLE, etc.), and many others aren't supported. To perform them you still need to use simple statements.

Selecting data

Selection of data is quite simple - at minimum you need to provide a list of columns to select, and the specify from which table to select these columns (and conditions as described in the next section):

BuiltStatement selectAll1 ="id", "t").from("test", "test");
ResultSet rs = session.execute(selectAll1);
for (Row row: rs) {

Note: The call .select("column1", "column2") is really a shortcut for a chain of calls select().column("column1").column("column2").

Please note that you can't pass the * as column name to select all columns - if you do this, you'll get an exception about unknown column. To select all columns you either need to use select in combination with all function, or simply don't specify a list of columns:

BuiltStatement selectAll2 ="test", "test");
BuiltStatement selectAll3 ="test", "test");

Besides selection of the specific columns there is also a possibility of calling of arbitrary function by using the fcall (this is just example, don't do this on real data):

BuiltStatement sum ="sum", column("id")).as("sum_id")
        .from("test", "test");

Note: When using functions, Cassandra will generate column names for you, but you can provide explicit name by using as right after given expression.

For often used functions, there are shortcuts, such as, countAll, ttl, writeTime, uuid, now, toJson, etc.:

BuiltStatement count =
        .from("test", "test");

BuiltStatement ttlAndWriteTime ="id").column("t")
                .from("test", "test");

You can also cast the value of the given column to another type by using the cast function, specifying the column for which it should be performed & to what type it should be casted.

Specifying conditions

Selection of data rarely happen on the whole table - in most cases, people are interested for particular rows, located in one or several partitions. Conditions are specified by using the where call, like this:

BuiltStatement selectOne ="test", "test")
        .where(QueryBuilder.eq("id", 1));

The where function accept the Clause object that is generated by calling QueryBuilder's functions, such as, eq, ne, lt, in, contains, notNull, etc. In most cases, these functions receive 2 arguments - the name of the column, and value to compare, but there are also variants that receive 2 iterables for columns & values separately.

Note: as query are becoming more complex, repeating QueryBuilder at all places will make code less readable. In this case you can import all (or only required) static functions for code simplification (this is rewritten example from above):

import static com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder.*;


BuiltStatement selectOne ="test", "test")
        .where(eq("id", 1));

In case if you need to specify complex condition you can put additional clauses into chain of the and calls that accepts the same clauses as where:

BuiltStatement select ="test", "test")
        .where(eq("id", "1")).and(eq("txt", "test"));

Other selection options

For SELECT statements you can also specify a lot of different options:

  • allowFiltering generates corresponding ALLOW FILTERING part of query (only use if you know what you're doing!);
  • limit & perPartitionLimit allows to specify amount of data to fetch;
  • groupBy performs group of data;
  • orderBy allows to specify sorting direction for specified clustering columns;

This very "artificial" example shows the use for some of them:

BuiltStatement selectOne ="test")
        .where(QueryBuilder.eq("id", 1)).limit(1).allowFiltering()

Inserting data

Insertion of data is straightforward - you're specifying the target table in call to insertInto, and then provide values to insert either by chaining the several calls to value function, or by using the values function passing the lists or arrays of column names & corresponding values. Following 2 examples are equivalent:

QueryBuilder.insertInto("test").value("id", 4).value("t", "test 4");
QueryBuilder.insertInto("test").values(Arrays.asList("id", "t"), Arrays.asList(4, "test 4"));

You can also insert JSON-formatted data by calling the json function & passing the data:

QueryBuilder.insertInto("test").json("{\"id\":4, \"t\":\"test 4\"}");

QueryBuilder also allows to generate the statement that will use lightweight transactions (LWT) to check that inserted data doesn't exist yet. You just need to add the call to ifNotExists to the statement:

QueryBuilder.insertInto("test").value("id", 4).ifNotExists();

It also possible to specify additional metadata for inserted data, such as, TTL or timestamp. This is achieved by using the using function and providing the Using object generated either by ttl, or timestamp functions of the QueryBuilder class. In case if you want to specify both of them, you need to wrap other into the call to and function:

QueryBuilder.insertInto("test").value("id", 4).using(ttl(10)).and(timestamp(1000));

Besides this, for newer versions of Cassandra it's possible to specify additional parameters, such as DEFAULT UNSET & DEFAULT NULL in the INSERT INTO ... JSON statements, by using defaultUnset & defaultNull correspondingly.

Update statements

Updating the data also relatively straightforward - you specify the data to update, condition, and additional options if necessary:

BuiltStatement updateStatement = QueryBuilder.update("test").with(set("test", 1))
        .where(eq("id", 1));

Update operation is passed as an argument to the with function, and additional operations could be chained via and calls:

BuiltStatement updateStatement = QueryBuilder.update("test").with(set("t", "test 1"))
        .and(set("x", 10)).where(eq("id", 1));

Besides the most often used set operation, there is a plenty of operations for work with all types of collections (lists, maps & sets): add, discard, prepend, put, remove, setIdx, etc. For full list see the QueryBuilder's documentation.

To update counters you can use the incr & decr functions that takes the column name, and value by which column will be increased or decreased:

BuiltStatement query = QueryBuilder.update("counters")
        .with(incr("counter", 1)).where(eq("id", 1));

Similarly to insert statements, it's also possible to perform conditional update by calling either ifExists to perform only if entry exists, or calling onlyIf with Clause object - in this case row will be updated only if clause returns true:

Statement updateStatement = QueryBuilder.update("test").with(set("t", "test 1"))
        .where(eq("id", 1)).ifExists();

Setting the TTL & write timestamp is done the same way as described in previous section.

Deleting data

You can delete either the whole row matching your condition:

BuiltStatement deleteStmt = QueryBuilder.delete().from("test")
                              .where(eq("id", "1")).and(eq("txt", "test"));

or specify a list of columns to delete:

BuiltStatement deleteStmt = QueryBuilder.delete().from("test")
                              .where(eq("id", "1")).and(eq("txt", "test"));

Specification of conditions is similar to the other operations described above, including conditional delete with ifExists & onlyIf.

Prepared statements

If you're repeating the same operation very often, the more effective way will be to create the prepared statement from the BuiltStatement. To do it, instead of the real values, use the bind marker that is created either by calling of bindMarker that generates unnamed placeholder, or by calling bindMarker("name") to create a named placeholder. After the statement is generated, just prepare it as usual, then bind & execute:

BuiltStatement selectOne2 ="test", "test")
        .where(eq("id", bindMarker()));
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = session.prepare(selectOne2);
ResultSet rs = session.execute(preparedStatement.bind(1));

Setting additional options

As in the case of the usual statements, you can also set additional options for given statement, such as, consistency level (with setConsistencyLevel), enable/disable tracing (with enableTracing/disableTracing), retry policy (with setRetryPolicy), etc.

Note: the call to these functions changes the object type from BuiltStatement to the Statement or RegularStatement.

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