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Last active May 8, 2017 01:12
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  • Save alexpatel/16e827a7a1e4d81c1ddabdc77ed65719 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save alexpatel/16e827a7a1e4d81c1ddabdc77ed65719 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Pre-commit hooks for OS/161 VM testing
# This pre-commit hook builds A3 and then runs a bunch of tests against it.
# To use this script copy it to .git/hooks/pre-commit and make it executable.
set -e
pushd "$HOME/cs161/os161/kern/compile/ASST3"
bmake -j4 && bmake install -s
run_test() {
bash -c "pushd ~/cs161/root && testscripts/ \"$@\" && popd"
run_test "km1"
run_test "km2"
run_test "km3"
run_test "km4"
run_test "s;/bin/true"
run_test "s;/testbin/palin"
run_test "s;/testbin/factorial"
run_test "s;/testbin/zero"
run_test "s;/testbin/zero"
run_test "s;/testbin/forktest"
run_test "s;/testbin/sort"
run_test "s;/testbin/matmult"
run_test "s;/testbin/huge"
run_test "s;/testbin/triplesort"
run_test "s;/testbin/ctest"
run_test "s;/testbin/parallelvm"
run_test "s;/testbin/sbrktest"
run_test "s;/testbin/bloat"
run_test "s;/testbin/bigfork"
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