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Last active November 2, 2024 19:19
iTerm2. Powerline fonts. Oh my zsh. Agnoster theme.

Installing iTerm2, Powerline fonts and the agnoster zsh theme


  1. Install homebrew
  2. After homebrew has been installed run the following terminal command to install iTerm2 brew cask install iterm2
  3. Install powerline fonts by running the enter Terminal command below:
# clone
git clone --depth=1
# install
cd fonts
# clean-up a bit
cd ..
rm -rf fonts
  1. If you haven't already installed the oh my zsh framework go ahead and install using the command $ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  2. Open iTerm2 and navigate to Preferences -> Profiles -> Text and verify you have the ProFont for Powerline font installed.
  3. Also run the following command echo "\ue0b0 \u00b1 \ue0a0 \u27a6 \u2718 \u26a1 \u2699" to verify font is installed. You should see the following: powerline font result
  4. Finally open the zsh configuration file and update to the agnoster theme.
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