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Last active August 26, 2020 23:25
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Making sections for a 2D array to be used in a CollectionView or TableView. [Fellow] => [[Fellow]]
// Making sections for a 2D array to be used in a CollectionView or TableView. [Fellow] => [[Fellow]]
import Foundation
struct Fellow {
let name: String
let cohort: String
static func allFellows() -> [Fellow] {
return [
Fellow(name: "Kim", cohort: "data science"),
Fellow(name: "Herb", cohort: "data science"),
Fellow(name: "Sandy", cohort: "web"),
Fellow(name: "James", cohort: "web"),
Fellow(name: "Bob", cohort: "web"),
Fellow(name: "Al", cohort: "iOS"),
Fellow(name: "Cindy", cohort: "android"),
Fellow(name: "Yi", cohort: "android"),
Fellow(name: "Malik", cohort: "iOS"),
Fellow(name: "Nancy", cohort: "web"),
Fellow(name: "Xavier", cohort: "iOS"),
Fellow(name: "William", cohort: "android"),
extension Fellow {
static func makeSections(from fellows: [Fellow]) -> [[Fellow]] {
// 1
// first make sure the collection is sorted using the section property you're interested in using e.g by season if working with a TV show model
let sortedFellows = fellows.sorted { $0.cohort < $1.cohort } // O(n log n)
// 2
// get the first sorted cohort, this will be the section name
guard var currentCohort = sortedFellows.first?.cohort else { return [] }
// 3
// make over the section name and get a unique collection using Set
let cohorts = Set( { $0.cohort }) // O(n)
// 4
// create an empty 2-D Array [[Fellow]], this will be the sections to be used in a table view or collection view's sections
var sections = Array(repeating: [Fellow](), count: cohorts.count)
// 5
// declare a property currentIndex and assign it zero since we are starting to populate the array from index 0
var currentIndex = 0
// 6
// iterate through the given array
for fellow in sortedFellows { // O(n)
// 7
// if we are not looking athe the current section (cohort) then
if fellow.cohort != currentCohort {
// 8
// increment the currentIndex so we are starting to populate a new section with the array
currentIndex += 1
// 9
// update the current section name (cohort)
currentCohort = fellow.cohort
// 10
// append the current item (fellow) to the array withing the current section
// 11
// we now have an array or arrays and are ready to populate our table view or collection view
return sections
} // complexity: O(n log n) if we have to sort the collection, if the collection is already sorted it will be O(n)
let allFellows = Fellow.allFellows() // [Fellow] - one dimentional array
let sections = Fellow.makeSections(from: allFellows) // [[Fellow]] - two-dimensional array
▿ 4 elements
▿ 3 elements
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "Cindy"
- cohort: "android"
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "Yi"
- cohort: "android"
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "William"
- cohort: "android"
▿ 2 elements
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "Kim"
- cohort: "data science"
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "Herb"
- cohort: "data science"
▿ 3 elements
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "Al"
- cohort: "iOS"
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "Malik"
- cohort: "iOS"
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "Xavier"
- cohort: "iOS"
▿ 4 elements
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "Sandy"
- cohort: "web"
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "James"
- cohort: "web"
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "Bob"
- cohort: "web"
▿ __lldb_expr_27.Fellow
- name: "Nancy"
- cohort: "web"
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