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Created March 15, 2015 19:41
Sublime 3 Keyboard Shortcuts
Keypress Action
cmd + s save changes in current file - DO IT OFTEN!!!
cmd + q close Sublime
cmd + w close one file at a time
cmd + alt + arrow switch between files
cmd + numbers also switch between specific files
cmd + f search in you current file
cmd + shift + f search the entire project
cmd + d go to next searched word in file
ctrl + cmd + g selects all searched words in your file.
cmd + w close each window at a time
cmd + shift + p take us to a command palette where we will be given menu options without leaving our keyboard.
cmd + p open the file finder
cmd + 1..0 highlight the corresponding tab
cmd + p :NUMBER put the cursor at line number NUMBER
cmd + , open the preferences
cmd + backspace remove the line before your cursor
cmd + right/left moves your cursor to the end/beginning of the line
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