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Create a new repository on the command line

Setting up a new Git Repo

##Create a new repository on the command line

git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin<reponame>.git
git push -u origin master

##Push an existing repository from the command line

git remote add origin<reponame>.git
git push -u origin master
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how to create new repo in CLI?

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M4xxR5 commented Apr 21, 2021

how to create new repo in CLI?

just write gh repo create [name] [--flags] (brackets means optional values)

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I think instead of SSH , This Might also Works Fine!!

curl -d '{"name":"REPO ANME"}'

If you Don't have an Access Token You could Just go to Git Hub Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens and Get your Token Replace that in the Curl Command.

git remote set-url origin name/Repo name.git

git remote add origin name/repo name.git

git push -u origin main

And yeah!! you are all Set!!

Go ahead and Have Fun!!

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This command worked for me.

curl -u USERNAME:ACCESS_TOKEN -d '{"name":"myDirName"}' #this will create the repo in github.

I doesn't work if I just enter my username and wait for the password prompt, or enter my password after my username. I'm not sure why, but the access token worked first time, no stress.

Does anyone know why it fails with username & password? just out of interest, I suspect it's a security issue.

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ygautomo commented Jul 3, 2021

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JotGoyal commented Aug 2, 2021

ERROR: Repository not found.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

SOLUTION --------
use command

  1. git remote -v
  2. git remote remove origin (remote name)

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git config
git init
git clone
git add
git commit
git diff
git reset
git status
git rm
git log
git show
git tag
git branch
git checkout
git merge
git remote
git push
git pull
git stash

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108806 commented Nov 13, 2021

Never works for me. I think git was created as a joke.

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ghost commented Dec 17, 2021

If you still need to do the whole create repo on github website.
Just create repo, git clone and then push. So commands are just useless.

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The above example talks creating repo at user level, how to create remote repo at organizational level. Thanks

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auwsom commented May 9, 2022

" curl -u USERNAME:PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN -d '{"name":"myDirName"}' #this will create the repo in github.
This last command will save your Personal Access Token or password in your Bash history. If I find a way to prevent this I will update this comment."

The way to keep the PAC key from bash history is to use one space in front of any command.

If you want to delete the last history line manually use:
history -d $(($HISTCMD - 2)); history -w;
Or find the line number and use:
history -d <line number>; history -w;

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Amondale commented Aug 1, 2022

since August 2021, using bare HTTPS with a username/password no longer works to create a repo on git. Instead, use a PAT (Personal Access token) created in the web API.

The samples above return:
{ "message": "Requires authentication", "documentation_url": "" }

Here's the way that will create a repository using cmdline:

curl -H "Authorization: token {your_personal_access_token}" -d '{"name":"{new_repo_name}"}'

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devxnsh commented Oct 19, 2022

@Amondale Thanks for the reply, however I am still getting a Bad Credentials error. I also noticed that this command does not issue there a previous command which you used? Thanks.

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auwsom commented Oct 19, 2022

I still have some issues when using this command on Linux so I just switched to using the GitHub CLI package (apt install gh) and gh repo create <newrepo> --public. gh auth login has a quick little login utility.

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hey @devxnsh if you set up your PAT in the web browser correctly, it won't be requiring the username/password, see this article for more info. Now that gh is out of beta, it should be the best approach rather than doing curling, as the Canadians say, eh?/

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if i create new repository in git i want see automatically this step , how to create new repository in command line


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I create a remote repo regarding flutter, and when i push the code to main, it displays that you don't have permission for this repo, access denied,
I think the problem was someone already has created the repo with same name which i tried to put.

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If you go to the repo on your profile it now tells you these instructions.

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Habib0x0 commented Apr 25, 2024

First of all use github cli


Authenticate github to use command line

gh auth login

Once you successfully authenticated , now you can create your repo from command line

gh repo create repo-name --flag

Here the repo-name could be the repo name you want to use and --flag is if you want to make the repo private or public if you want to make it public use --public for private --private
for example this will create myrepo as public repository
gh repo create myrepo --public
once you created the repo, now you can initiate git in your current directory project using

git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin<reponame>.git
git push -u origin master 

to add the rest of your files use

git add .
git commit -m "Upload rest of files"
git push

if you face any error , you might need to check which branch is in use , you can change the branch using the following command

git branch -M main 

now you can push the file to your repo

git push -u origin main 

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curl -u USERNAME:ACCESS_TOKEN -d '{"name":"myDirName"}'

This command worked for me. Thanks a lot @nettcaster87. I was facing issue in authentication and could not be able to create repository using windows command line.

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First of all use github cli


Authenticate github to use command line

gh auth login

Once you successfully authenticated , now you can create your repo from command line

gh repo create repo-name --flag

Here the repo-name could be the repo name you want to use and --flag is if you want to make the repo private or public if you want to make it public use --public for private --private for example this will create myrepo as public repository gh repo create myrepo --public once you created the repo, now you can initiate git in your current directory project using

git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin<reponame>.git
git push -u origin master 

to add the rest of your files use

git add .
git commit -m "Upload rest of files"
git push

if you face any error , you might need to check which branch is in use , you can change the branch using the following command

git branch -M main 

now you can push the file to your repo

git push -u origin main 

This is actually so insane I wrote a cli util just to make repos>

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You don't even need to login / authorise every single time, just set up SSH key on computer, then do gh repo create nameofrepo then go to the url it generates and it automatically tells you all the command lines to do, but as you mentioned git add . is the only thing to change really.

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