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Last active October 18, 2023 12:53
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Ansible Runner lib
>>> import ansible
>>> ansible.run_module("ping", "*").host_results
{'': {'ping': 'pong', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'data': 'pong'}}, 'ansible_facts': {'discovered_interpreter_python': '/usr/bin/python3'}, '_ansible_no_log': None, 'changed': False}, '': {'ping': 'pong', 'invocation': {'module_args': {'data': 'pong'}}, 'ansible_facts': {'discovered_interpreter_python': '/usr/bin/python3'}, '_ansible_no_log': None, 'changed': False}}
>>> ansible.command("*", "uptime")
{'': CommandResult(host='', stdout=' 14:44:29 up 10 days,  2:59,  1 user,  load average: 0.75, 0.90, 0.72', stderr='', rc=0), '': CommandResult(host='', stdout=' 14:44:29 up 209 days, 23:39,  1 user,  load average: 0.09, 0.11, 0.12', stderr='', rc=0)}
>>> ansible.command("*", "false")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/acorcole/tmp/20231018-ansiblepy/", line 29, in command
    raise CommandError(result)
ansible.CommandError: ('error running command', {'': CommandResult(host='', stdout='', stderr='', rc=1), '': CommandResult(host='', stdout='', stderr='', rc=1)})
import ansible_runner
import dataclasses
import json
def run_module(module, pattern, **module_args):
events = []
args = ["-m", module, pattern]
if module_args:
args += ["-a", json.dumps(module_args)]
return AnsibleResult(events)
def command(pattern, command, check=True):
r = run_module("command", pattern, cmd=command)
result = {}
for host, ansible_result in r.host_results.items():
result[host] = CommandResult(host=host, stdout=ansible_result["stdout"], stderr=ansible_result["stderr"], rc=ansible_result["rc"])
if check:
failed = any([r.rc != 0 for r in result.values()])
if failed:
raise CommandError(result)
return result
class CommandResult:
host: str
stdout: str
stderr: str
rc: int
class CommandError(Exception):
def __init__(self, result: CommandResult):
super().__init__("error running command", result)
class AnsibleResult:
def __init__(self, events): = events
def host_results(self):
runner_on_events = [e for e in if e["event"] in ("runner_on_ok", "runner_on_failed")]
return dict([(e["event_data"]["host"], e["event_data"]["res"]) for e in runner_on_events])
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