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Created October 23, 2017 20:10
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Bowling Scoring with Elixir
# Stolen from TJ Stankus, ElixirConf 2017
defmodule Bowling do
defstruct rolls: [], score: 0
def new_game, do: %Bowling{}
def roll(game = %Bowling{}, pinfall) do
rolls = append_pinfall(game.rolls, pinfall)
%{ game | rolls: rolls, score: score(rolls) }
def score([10, bonus1, bonus2 | _ = []]) do
10 + bonus1 + bonus2
def score([10, bonus1, bonus2 | tail]) do
10 + bonus1 + bonus2 + score([bonus1, bonus2 | tail])
def score([roll1, roll2, bonus | tail]) when roll1 + roll2 == 10 do
10 + bonus + score([bonus | tail])
def score([roll1, roll2 | tail]) when roll1 + roll2 < 10 do
roll1 + roll2 + score(tail)
def score([_|_]), do: 0
def score([]), do: 0
defp append_pinfall(rolls, pinfall) do
[ pinfall | Enum.reverse(rolls) ]
|> Enum.reverse
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