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Created February 28, 2023 10:03
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function tssh --description="SSH to a machine using its Tailscale IP." --argument-names=target_host
# Find the `tailscale` executable
set cmd '/Applications/'
if not test -x $cmd
set cmd (which tailscale)
if test $status != 0
set_color red
printf "ERROR "
set_color normal
echo "Could not find Tailscale binary" >&2
return 1
# Resolve the hostname to a Tailscale IP
set host_ip ($cmd ip -4 $target_host 2>/dev/null)
if test $status != 0
set_color red
printf "ERROR "
set_color normal
echo "Failed to resolve Tailscale IP for host '$target_host'" >&2
return 1
# TODO should all the arguments `ssh` does, including username overriding.
ssh ubuntu@$host_ip
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