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Last active April 16, 2018 05:53
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Simple org file demonstrating how to track work hours per project




(defun compare-lists (a b)
  (if (every 'seq-empty-p (list a b))
    (let* ((a- (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (null x) 0 x)) a))
           (b- (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (null x) 0 x)) b))
           (x (first a-))
           (y (first b-)))
      (cond ((null x) nil)
            ((null y) t)
            ((= x y) (compare-lists (rest a) (rest b)))
            (t (< x y))))))

(defun compare-dates (a b)
  (apply 'compare-lists
         (mapcar 'reverse (mapcar 'parse-time-string (list a b)))))

(defun get-property (property element &optional default)
  (let ((value (org-element-property property element)))
    (if (null value) default value)))

(defun compare-timesheet-lists (a b)
  (apply 'compare-dates (mapcar 'first (list a b))))

 '(("date" "project" "hours" "tasks" "name"))
 (sort (let ((ast (org-element-parse-buffer 'element)))
         (org-element-map ast 'clock
           (lambda (x)
             (let* ((val (org-element-property :value x))
                    (task (org-element-property :parent (org-element-property :parent x))))
               `(,(let ((year (org-element-property :year-start val))
                        (month (calendar-month-name
                                (org-element-property :month-start val)))
                        (day (org-element-property :day-start val)))
                    (format "%s %s, %s" month day year))
                 ,(get-property :PROJECT task "")
                 ,(org-element-property :duration x)
                 ,(org-element-property :title task)
                 ,(get-property :NAME task "Alex"))
 '(("" "total:" ":=vsum(@2..@-1)" "" "")))
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