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Created June 14, 2017 20:16
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looking for a better way to manipulate data in a gather mutate spread pattern
I have categorical data spread across multiple columns that I would like to aggregate.
data <- data_frame(var1 = sample(LETTERS[1:2], 50, replace = TRUE), # categorical A/B
var2 = sample(LETTERS[1:2], 50, replace = TRUE),
var3 = sample(LETTERS[1:2], 50, replace = TRUE),
var4 = sample(LETTERS[3:4], 50, replace = TRUE), # categorical C/D
var5 = sample(LETTERS[3:4], 50, replace = TRUE),
var6 = sample(LETTERS[3:4], 50, replace = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(id = row_number())
This solves my problem:
data %>%
group_by(id) %>%
gather(key, val, paste0("var", 1:3)) %>%
mutate(numA = sum(val == "A")) %>%
spread(key, val) %>%
gather(key2, val2, paste0("var", 4:6)) %>%
mutate(numC = sum(val2 == "C")) %>%
spread(key2, val2)
Is there a way to do this with less boilerplate? After mutation, the var1:var6 columns are no longer necessary.
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data %>% 
  group_by(id) %>% 
  gather(j, v,  -id) %>% 
  count(v) %>% 
  spread(v, n) %>% 
  mutate_all(coalesce, 0L) %>% 

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