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Created January 25, 2023 14:31
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Effect of recent, time-varying exposures on a survival outcome using quantile-based g-computation
# simple application of qgcomp with time-varying exposures
# the simulated model is for the discrete hazard, given recent exposure and recent values of confounders
# this method can be used for alternative scenarios (e.g. cumulative exposure), which corresponds to
# different parametric assumptions
# create simple data set with time-varying exposures
makedata <- function(N=100){
ntimes = 2 # hard-coded number of time points
id = rep(1:N, each=ntimes)
time = rep(1:ntimes, N)
v = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
w1 = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
x1a = rnorm(N, 0 + w1 + v, 1)
x1b = rnorm(N, 0 + w1 + v, 1)
x1q = qgcomp::quantize(data.frame(x1a=x1a, x1b), expnms=c("x1a", "x1b"), breaks = list(c(-Inf, -1, 0, 1, Inf),c(-Inf,-1, 0, 1,Inf)))$data
y1 = rbinom(N, 1, exp(-5 + .75*x1q$x1a + 0.25*x1q$x1b + 0.5*w1 + 0.5*v))
w2 = rbinom(N, 1, 0.5)
x2a = rnorm(N, 0 + w2 + v, 1)
x2b = rnorm(N, 0 + w2 + v, 1)
x2q = qgcomp::quantize(data.frame(x2a=x2a, x2b=x2b), expnms=c("x2a", "x2b"), breaks = list(c(-Inf, -1, 0, 1, Inf),c(-Inf,-1, 0, 1,Inf)))$data
y2 = rbinom(N, 1, exp(-5 + .75*x2q$x2a + 0.25*x2q$x2b + 0.5*w2 + 0.5*v))
cxa = x1a + x2a
cxb = x1b + x2b
cu = w1 + w2
d = apply(cbind(y1,y2), 1, max)
# "flat" data
dat = data.frame(v, w1, w2, x1a, x1b, y1, x2a, x2b, y2, cxa, cxb, cu, d)
# person period data (this is an ugly trick for 2 time points)
ppdat = data.frame(id, time, v=c(rbind(v, v)), xa=c(rbind(x1a, x2a)), xb=c(rbind(x1b, x2b)), xlag=c(rbind(x1*NA, x1)), w=c(rbind(w1, w2)), y=c(rbind(y1, y2)))
DROP = c(rbind(ifelse(y1,FALSE,FALSE), ifelse(y1,TRUE,FALSE)))
list(widedat = dat, longdat = ppdat[!DROP,,drop=FALSE])
# note this example is just to show that qgcomp can recover the true weights and joint effect in a simple setting
# simulating under a more complex hazard scenario (e.g. more time points) is trickier, so is not done here
# the breslow estimator of the ties happens to correspond to how the data are generated here, and is not an endorsement of its use generally
tvdat = makedata(N=100000)$longdat
tvdat$intime = tvdat$time-1
qgcomp.cox.noboot(Surv(intime, time, y)~xa+xb + v + w, expnms = c("xa", "xb"), data = tvdat, ties="breslow", breaks = list(c(-Inf, -1, 0, 1, Inf),c(-Inf,-1, 0, 1,Inf)))
# note, typically, we would run the following (which does not correspond to the data generating mechanism here, but is a generally better accepted approach)
qgcomp.cox.noboot(Surv(intime, time, y)~xa+xb + v + w, expnms = c("xa", "xb"), data = tvdat, q=4)
# this quantizes exposures using the quantiles pooled over all time points (you may alternatively wish to specify breaks explicitly, as above)
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