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Created August 14, 2020 12:59
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Use quantile g-computation with quantiles that are derived from weighted data, rather than the analytic sample
#!/usr/local/env R
# a way to base the quantiles off of weighted data
library(DescTools) # need this to calculate weighted quantiles
# new function to calculate weighted quantiles
quantize.wtd <- function (data, expnms, q = 4, breaks = NULL, weights=NULL)
e <- new.env()
e$retbr <- list()
qt <- function(i) {
datmat <- as.numeric(unlist(data[, expnms[i]]))
if (!is.null(breaks)) {
br <- breaks[[i]]
e$retbr[[i]] <- breaks[[i]]
else {
br <- unique(quantile(datmat, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 1/q),
na.rm = TRUE))
br <- unique(Quantile(datmat, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 1/q),
weights = weights,
na.rm = TRUE))
br[1] <- -1e+64
br[length(br)] <- 1e+64
e$retbr[[i]] <- br
cut(datmat, breaks = br, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE) -
if (length(expnms) == 1) {
data[, expnms] <- qt(1)
else {
data[, expnms] <- sapply(1:length(expnms), qt)
return(list(data = data, breaks = e$retbr))
submetals = metals[,c("disease_time", "disease_state","arsenic", "barium")]
expnms = c("arsenic", "barium")
#find quantiles of weighted dataset (I'm just using randomly assigned weights)
submetals$wt = runif(nrow(submetals))*2
# use the new function to calculate the cutpoints/breaks
wtd.breaks = quantize.wtd(submetals, expnms, q=4, weights = submetals$wt)$breaks
# compare with standard breaks from qgcomp
unwtd.breaks = quantize(submetals, expnms, q=4)$breaks
# use the new cutpoints in either qgcomp function
qgcomp.cox.noboot(Surv(disease_time, disease_state) ~ arsenic + barium, data = submetals, breaks=wtd.breaks)
qgcomp.cox.boot(Surv(disease_time, disease_state) ~ arsenic + barium, data = submetals, breaks=unwtd.breaks, B=2)
qgcomp.cox.noboot(Surv(disease_time, disease_state) ~ arsenic + barium, data = submetals, q=4)
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