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Created July 15, 2021 10:53
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__int64 __fastcall ExpWnfGenerateStateName(unsigned __int64 *StateName, int NameLifetime, int DataScope, char PersistData)
char v5; // si
__int64 v8; // rbx
__int64 v9; // rax
signed __int64 v10; // rdx
bool v11; // zf
unsigned __int64 Sequence; // rdx
__int64 result; // rax
unsigned __int64 v14[3]; // [rsp+20h] [rbp-18h] BYREF
v14[0] = 0i64;
v5 = DataScope;
if ( (unsigned int)(DataScope - 4) > 1 )
v8 = PsGetCurrentServerSilo();
v9 = PsGetCurrentServerSiloGlobals();
v8 = HalSystemVectorDispatchEntry();
v9 = PsGetServerSiloGlobals(v8);
if ( (unsigned int)(NameLifetime - 2) > 1 )
result = ExpWnfAllocateNextPersistentNameSequence(v8, v14);
if ( (int)result < 0 )
return result;
Sequence = v14[0];
v10 = _InterlockedExchangeAdd64((volatile signed __int64 *)(v9 + 960), 1ui64);
v11 = v10 == -1;
Sequence = v10 + 1;
v14[0] = Sequence;
while ( v11 );
if ( (Sequence & 0xFFE0000000000000ui64) != 0 )
return 0xC0000001i64;
*StateName = (16 * ((Sequence << 7) | NameLifetime & 3)) | ((PersistData != 0 ? 0x400 : 0) | ((v5 & 0xF) << 6)) & 0x7FE | 1;
return 0i64;
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