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Last active October 18, 2019 16:46
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Example for using the new waivers support in InSpec v4.18.5

Example for using the new waivers support in InSpec


control 'pro1-con1' do
  impact 0.8
  title 'Profile 1 - Control 1'
  describe file('/etc/hosts11111') do
    its('mode') { should eq 0644 }

control 'pro1-con2' do
  impact 0.9
  title 'Profile 1 - Control 2'
  tag 'password'
  describe file('/etc/222222') do
    it { should exist }
  only_if { 1 == 2 }

control 'pro1-con3' do
  impact 1
  title 'Profile 1 - Control 3'
  describe file('/tmp/33333') do
    it { should exist }
  describe file('/etc/44444') do
    it { should exist }

control 'pro1-con4' do
  impact 0.9
  title 'Profile 1 - Control 4'
  describe file('/etc/4-1') do
    it { should exist }
  describe file('/etc/4-2') do
    it { should exist }

control 'pro1-con5' do
  impact 0.9
  title 'Profile 1 - Control 5'
  describe file('/etc/55555555') do
    it { should exist }


  justification: Sound reasoning
  run: true

  justification: Sheer cleverness
  run: true

  expiration_date: 1977-06-01
  justification: Necessity
  run: false

  expiration_date: 2025-06-01
  justification: Whimsy
  run: false

json output for inspec exec

inspec exec ~/git/myprofile1 --waiver-file ~/git/waivers.yaml --reporter json-automate  | jq .
  "platform": {
    "name": "mac_os_x",
    "release": "17.7.0"
  "profiles": [
      "name": "myprofile1",
      "version": "1.0.1",
      "sha256": "447542ecfb8a8800ed0146039da3af8fed047f575f6037cfba75f3b664a97ea4",
      "title": "My Profile 1 title",
      "maintainer": "Demo, Inc.",
      "summary": "My Profile 1 summary",
      "license": "Apache-2.0",
      "copyright": "Demo, Inc.",
      "copyright_email": "",
      "supports": [],
      "attributes": [],
      "groups": [
          "id": "controls/profile1.rb",
          "controls": [
      "controls": [
          "id": "pro1-con1",
          "title": "Profile 1 - Control 1",
          "desc": null,
          "descriptions": [],
          "impact": 0.8,
          "refs": [],
          "tags": {},
          "code": "control 'pro1-con1' do\n  impact 0.8\n  title 'Profile 1 - Control 1'\n  describe file('/etc/hosts11111') do\n    its('mode') { should eq 0644 }\n  end\nend\n",
          "source_location": {
            "line": 1,
            "ref": "/Users/apop/git/mycompliance-profile/myprofile1/controls/profile1.rb"
          "waiver_data": {
            "justification": "Sound reasoning",
            "run": true,
            "skipped_due_to_waiver": false,
            "message": ""
          "results": [
              "status": "failed",
              "code_desc": "File /etc/hosts11111 mode should eq 420",
              "run_time": 0.064682,
              "start_time": "2019-10-18T17:44:39+01:00",
              "message": "\nexpected: 420\n     got: nil\n\n(compared using ==)\n"
          "id": "pro1-con2",
          "title": "Profile 1 - Control 2",
          "desc": null,
          "descriptions": [],
          "impact": 0.9,
          "refs": [],
          "tags": {
            "password": null
          "code": "control 'pro1-con2' do\n  impact 0.9\n  title 'Profile 1 - Control 2'\n  tag 'password'\n  describe file('/etc/222222') do\n    it { should exist }\n  end\n  only_if { 1 == 2 }\nend\n",
          "source_location": {
            "line": 9,
            "ref": "/Users/apop/git/mycompliance-profile/myprofile1/controls/profile1.rb"
          "waiver_data": {
            "justification": "Sheer cleverness",
            "run": true,
            "skipped_due_to_waiver": false,
            "message": ""
          "results": [
              "status": "skipped",
              "code_desc": "No-op",
              "run_time": 8e-06,
              "start_time": "2019-10-18T17:44:40+01:00",
              "resource": "No-op",
              "skip_message": "Skipped control due to only_if condition."
          "id": "pro1-con3",
          "title": "Profile 1 - Control 3",
          "desc": null,
          "descriptions": [],
          "impact": 1,
          "refs": [],
          "tags": {},
          "code": "control 'pro1-con3' do\n  impact 1\n  title 'Profile 1 - Control 3'\n  describe file('/tmp/33333') do\n    it { should exist }\n  end\n  describe file('/etc/44444') do\n    it { should exist }\n  end\nend\n",
          "source_location": {
            "line": 19,
            "ref": "/Users/apop/git/mycompliance-profile/myprofile1/controls/profile1.rb"
          "waiver_data": {
            "expiration_date": "1977-06-01",
            "justification": "Necessity",
            "run": false,
            "skipped_due_to_waiver": false,
            "message": "Waiver expired on 1977-06-01, evaluating control normally"
          "results": [
              "status": "failed",
              "code_desc": "File /tmp/33333 should exist",
              "run_time": 0.00302,
              "start_time": "2019-10-18T17:44:40+01:00",
              "message": "expected File /tmp/33333 to exist"
              "status": "failed",
              "code_desc": "File /etc/44444 should exist",
              "run_time": 0.00022,
              "start_time": "2019-10-18T17:44:40+01:00",
              "message": "expected File /etc/44444 to exist"
          "id": "pro1-con4",
          "title": "Profile 1 - Control 4",
          "desc": null,
          "descriptions": [],
          "impact": 0.9,
          "refs": [],
          "tags": {},
          "code": "control 'pro1-con4' do\n  impact 0.9\n  title 'Profile 1 - Control 4'\n  describe file('/etc/4-1') do\n    it { should exist }\n  end\n  describe file('/etc/4-2') do\n    it { should exist }\n  end\nend\n",
          "source_location": {
            "line": 30,
            "ref": "/Users/apop/git/mycompliance-profile/myprofile1/controls/profile1.rb"
          "waiver_data": {
            "expiration_date": "2025-06-01",
            "justification": "Whimsy",
            "run": false,
            "skipped_due_to_waiver": true,
            "message": ""
          "results": [
              "status": "skipped",
              "code_desc": "No-op",
              "run_time": 6e-06,
              "start_time": "2019-10-18T17:44:40+01:00",
              "resource": "No-op",
              "skip_message": "Skipped control due to waiver condition: Whimsy"
          "id": "pro1-con5",
          "title": "Profile 1 - Control 5",
          "desc": null,
          "descriptions": [],
          "impact": 0.9,
          "refs": [],
          "tags": {},
          "code": "control 'pro1-con5' do\n  impact 0.9\n  title 'Profile 1 - Control 5'\n  describe file('/etc/55555555') do\n    it { should exist }\n  end\nend\n",
          "source_location": {
            "line": 41,
            "ref": "/Users/apop/git/mycompliance-profile/myprofile1/controls/profile1.rb"
          "waiver_data": {},
          "results": [
              "status": "failed",
              "code_desc": "File /etc/55555555 should exist",
              "run_time": 0.00014,
              "start_time": "2019-10-18T17:44:40+01:00",
              "message": "expected File /etc/55555555 to exist"
      "status": "loaded"
  "statistics": {
    "duration": 0.074509
  "version": "4.18.5"
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