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Created June 8, 2013 08:18
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Py: wordpress xml test
import markdown
from wordpress_xmlrpc import Client, WordPressPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods.posts import GetPosts, NewPost
from wordpress_xmlrpc.methods import taxonomies
import gntp.notifier
import os
import sys
#Connection details for the WordPress xmlrpc connection
wpUrl = 'http://'
wpUser = 'admin'
wpPass = '12'
# Hold the server instance. Needed to make the post and add properties
wpServer = Client(wpUrl, wpUser, wpPass)
# The default category
postCategoryList = ['uncategorized']
title = ''
postLink = ''
uploadCategoryList = []
## For Hazel
filePath = sys.argv[1]
growlMSG = ""
## This is the business end. It makes the post to the site.
def postToWordPress(title, html, postCategoryList, postLink):
post = WordPressPost()
post.title = title
post.content = html
#If there is a post cagtegory, then append it as a term
if postCategoryList != '':
post.terms_names = {
'category' : postCategoryList
#Prepare custom field for Link List type post
if postLink != '':
# Just seems safer to start with an empty cutom_field list
post.custom_fields = []
'key' : 'linked_list_url',
'value' : postLink
# The new API requires the post_status and comment_status to be set.
# Otherwise the post is added as a draft with comments disabled.
post.post_status = 'publish'
post.comment_status = 'open'
post_id =
return post_id
# Instantiate my own Growl notification. This is totally unnecessary but nice to have
def growlInitialize():
growl = gntp.notifier.GrowlNotifier(
applicationName = "Simple DropBlog",
notifications = ["New Messages"],
defaultNotifications = ["New Messages"])
return growl
# The body of the script starts here. Hazel passes in the file path.
# Read the file and and get the filename to use as a title.
# Then get the file contentents.
myFile = open(filePath, "r")
rawText =
fileName = os.path.basename(filePath)
# Start off using the file name as the post title
title = os.path.splitext(fileName)[0]
# Handle the odd characters. Just kill them.
rawText = rawText.decode('utf-8')
# Process with MD Extras and meta data support
md = markdown.Markdown(extensions = ['extra', 'meta'])
# Get the html text
html = md.convert(rawText)
## If post_id exists then already posted. We're done.
if 'post_id' not in md.Meta:
# extract the title from the meta data if it exists.
# If there is no title attribute, keep the file name as the post title
if 'title' in md.Meta:
title = md.Meta['title']
# title is actualy a list
title = title[0]
## extract the categories but keep them as a list
# If no categories exist then the default is uncategorized.
if 'category' in md.Meta:
postCategoryList = md.Meta['category']
# Extracts the url to use as the linked-list url
if 'url' in md.Meta:
postLink = md.Meta['url']
postLink = postLink[0]
# Modify the title to indicate that it is a linked article.
title = title + " [Link]"
## Only post if there is a title. If there's no title, then what are you even doing?
if title != '':
newPost_id = postToWordPress(title, html, postCategoryList, postLink)
## Append the post_id to the beginning of the file
#Get the file contents
myFile = open(filePath, "r")
myFileContent =
# Write the post id and append the rest of the text
myFile = open(filePath, "w")
myFile.write('post_id: ' + newPost_id + '\n' + myFileContent)
postGrowl = growlInitialize()
postMSG = newPost_id + ": " + title + " Posted to Macdrifter"
growlMSG = growlMSG + "\n"+ postMSG
noteType = "New Messages",
title = growlMSG,
description = "The Blog Post was successful",
icon = None,
sticky = False,
priority = 1)
except Exception, e:
postGrowl = growlInitialize()
postMSG = "Post Failed!"
noteType = "New Messages",
title = postMSG,
description = e,
icon = None,
sticky = False,
priority = 2)
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