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Last active June 2, 2023 08:39
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Windows bootstrap Chocolatey installation script
choco install --timeout=0 --yes `
7zip `
audacity `
calibre `
cpu-z `
crystaldiskinfo `
delta `
directoryopus `
discord `
docker-desktop `
etcher `
ffmpeg `
firefox `
gh `
ghostscript `
gimp `
git `
gnuplot `
golang `
graphviz `
gzip `
hwinfo `
imagemagick `
inkscape `
javaruntime `
joplin `
just `
less `
make `
microsoft-windows-terminal `
mingw `
musicbee `
nextcloud-client `
nodejs `
nomacs `
notepadplusplus `
oh-my-posh `
openhardwaremonitor `
pandoc `
picard `
powershell-core `
powertoys `
python `
ripgrep `
ripgrep-all `
rust `
sharex `
sqlitebrowser `
strawberryperl `
sumatrapdf `
teamspeak `
thunderbird `
visualstudio2022community `
vlc `
vscode `
windirstat `
winpcap `
wireguard `
wireshark `
winget install --id Starship.Starship
winget install zoxide
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