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Created November 18, 2024 05:34
Get per-gene longest isoform from GFF3 input
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import pandas as pd
i_fn = sys.argv[1]
if not i_fn:
raise Exception("Error: Missing input file")
df = pd.read_csv(i_fn, delimiter='\t', header=None, comment='#')
df.columns = ['seqid',
transcript_ids = []
longest_isoform = {}
transcript_id_to_gene_id = {}
for index, row in df.iterrows():
attrs = {a_kv[0]:a_kv[1] for a_kv in [a_kvs.split('=') for a_kvs in row['attributes'].split(';')]}
transcript_id = attrs['transcript_id'] if 'transcript_id' in attrs else None
ensg_id = attrs['gene_id'] if 'gene_id' in attrs else None
if not transcript_id or not ensg_id: continue
if row['type'] == 'transcript':
txLength = int(row['end']) - int(row['start'])
if ensg_id not in longest_isoform:
longest_isoform[ensg_id] = {'row': row, 'txLength': txLength, 'transcript_id': transcript_id}
transcript_id_to_gene_id[transcript_id] = ensg_id
elif longest_isoform[ensg_id]['txLength'] < txLength:
transcript_id_to_filter = longest_isoform[ensg_id]['transcript_id']
idx_to_replace = transcript_ids.index(longest_isoform[ensg_id]['transcript_id'])
transcript_ids[idx_to_replace] = transcript_id
longest_isoform[ensg_id] = {'row': row, 'txLength': txLength, 'transcript_id': transcript_id}
transcript_id_to_gene_id[transcript_id] = ensg_id
for transcript_id in transcript_ids:
gene_id = transcript_id_to_gene_id[transcript_id]
for column in df.columns:
print(longest_isoform[gene_id]['row'][column], end="\t")
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alexpreynolds commented Nov 18, 2024

$ wget -qO- "" | gunzip -c > gencode.v19.annotation.gff3
$ ./ gencode.v19.annotation.gff3 | sort -k1,1 -k4,4n -k5,5n > gencode.v19.annotation.longestIsoform.gff3

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